Linked Data Platform Working Group

Minutes of 13 March 2013

Alexandre Bertails, Arnaud Le Hors, Ashok Malhotra, Cody Burleson, David Wood, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Gavin Carothers, Henry Story, John Arwe, Kevin Page, Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Raúl García Castro, Richard Cyganiak, Roger Menday, Sandro Hawke, Steve Battle, Steve Speicher, Ted Thibodeau
Arnaud Le Hors
Alexandre Bertails, Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Kevin Page
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Close Issue-28. A server MUST NOT delete a container unless all members have been successfully deleted. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded. link
  2. Use slug as is link
  3. Close ISSUE-43 link
  4. Delete 1st sentence of section 5.4.5, and reword the second one as informative link
  5. If the resource was created successfully, the server MUST respond with 201. link
  6. Close ISSUE-39 link
  7. Close ISSUE-21 by adopting with the property name ldp:membershipPredicateInverse link
  8. Close ISSUE-27, as PATCH is the appropriate HTTP verb, and we don't have sufficient evidence for the easier implementability of POST link
  9. Close ISSUE-45 without change to the spec. Rationale: (1) We'd rather have people use PATCH; (2) there is danger that we overload POST; (3) we don't want to provide multiple ways of doing the same thing link
13:21:29 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

13:22:10 <sandro> sandro has changed the topic to: Linked Data Platform WG -- -- current agenda:

Sandro Hawke: sandro has changed the topic to: Linked Data Platform WG -- -- current agenda:

13:26:39 <ericP> Zakim, space for 8 for 9 hours?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, space for 8 for 9 hours?

13:26:39 <Zakim> I don't understand your question, ericP.

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand your question, ericP.

13:26:59 <sandro> zakim, room for 8 for 9 hours?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, room for 8 for 9 hours?

13:26:59 <Zakim> I don't understand your question, sandro.

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand your question, sandro.

13:27:03 <betehess> scribenick: betehess

(Scribe set to Alexandre Bertails)

<betehess>chair: Arnaud
<betehess>Topic: Introduction

1. Introduction

13:27:36 <betehess> Arnaud: let's go around the table

Arnaud Le Hors: let's go around the table

13:27:43 <sandro> Sandro Hawke

Sandro Hawke: Sandro Hawke

13:27:52 <ericP> i'm ericP

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i'm ericP

13:27:53 <betehess> RRSAgent, please dreaft the minutes

RRSAgent, please dreaft the minutes

13:27:53 <RRSAgent> I'm logging. I don't understand 'please dreaft the minutes', betehess.  Try /msg RRSAgent help

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I'm logging. I don't understand 'please dreaft the minutes', betehess. Try /msg RRSAgent help

13:27:53 <sandro> Eric Prud'hommeaux

Sandro Hawke: Eric Prud'hommeaux

13:28:00 <betehess> RRSAgent, please draft the minutes

RRSAgent, please draft the minutes

13:28:00 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate betehess

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate betehess

13:28:05 <SteveS> Steve Speicher

Steve Speicher: Steve Speicher

13:28:06 <cygri> Richard Cyganiak

Richard Cyganiak: Richard Cyganiak

13:28:09 <JohnArwe> John Arwe

John Arwe: John Arwe

13:28:20 <nmihindu> Nandana Mihindukulasooriya

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Nandana Mihindukulasooriya

13:28:29 <rgarcia> Raúl García Castro

Raúl García Castro: Raúl García Castro

13:28:38 <krp> Kevin Page

Kevin Page: Kevin Page

13:28:39 <ericP> Zakim, space for 8 for 600 minutes?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, space for 8 for 600 minutes?

13:28:40 <Zakim> ok, ericP; conference Team_(ldp)13:28Z scheduled with code 26632 (CONF2) for 600 minutes until 2328Z

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ericP; conference Team_(ldp)13:28Z scheduled with code 26632 (CONF2) for 600 minutes until 2328Z

13:28:40 <cody> Cody Burleson, Base22

Cody Burleson: Cody Burleson, Base22

13:28:44 <TallTed> Ted Thibodeau

Ted Thibodeau: Ted Thibodeau

13:28:51 <betehess> Arnaud: weclome everybody

Arnaud Le Hors: weclome everybody

13:29:00 <Zakim> Team_(ldp)13:28Z has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: Team_(ldp)13:28Z has now started

13:29:02 <betehess> ... I hope we can be as productive as the first f2f

... I hope we can be as productive as the first f2f

13:29:07 <Zakim> + +1.617.715.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.617.715.aaaa

13:29:14 <SteveBattle> Hello all - this is Steve Battle from Sysemia, Bristol, UK

Steve Battle: Hello all - this is Steve Battle from Sysemia, Bristol, UK

13:30:08 <betehess> ... lots of work to do

... lots of work to do

13:30:21 <ericP> Linked Data Platform WG -- -- current agenda: -- code: 26632

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Linked Data Platform WG -- -- current agenda: -- code: 26632

13:30:26 <betehess> ... I'll try to keep us on track, so that we can deliver a spec on schedule

... I'll try to keep us on track, so that we can deliver a spec on schedule

13:30:57 <betehess> ... sometimes we need to take time to understand why the spec is the way it is

... sometimes we need to take time to understand why the spec is the way it is

13:31:14 <betehess> ... let's have a look at the agenda

... let's have a look at the agenda

13:31:33 <betehess> ... the spec is the main item for us

... the spec is the main item for us

13:31:58 <betehess> ... the list follows the deliverables from the charter

... the list follows the deliverables from the charter

13:32:04 <betehess> ... plus some items we agreed to do

... plus some items we agreed to do

13:32:15 <betehess> ... we need to check where we are on these items

... we need to check where we are on these items

13:32:42 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

13:32:50 <betehess> ... some are just nice-to-have

... some are just nice-to-have

13:33:00 <betehess> davidwood: but it would be better for adoption

David Wood: but it would be better for adoption

13:33:23 <betehess> Arnaud: but we need to prioritize

Arnaud Le Hors: but we need to prioritize

13:33:38 <betehess> davidwood: can we go a bit meta some time during the next 3 days?

David Wood: can we go a bit meta some time during the next 3 days?

13:33:48 <betehess> ... to anticipate what can bite us during LC

... to anticipate what can bite us during LC

13:34:12 <betehess> Arnaud: my goal is not to go directly down into the issues, but also to ask where we are with the spec

Arnaud Le Hors: my goal is not to go directly down into the issues, but also to ask where we are with the spec

13:34:25 <betehess> ... I ask people to come up with proposals, much easier

... I ask people to come up with proposals, much easier

13:34:33 <betehess> ... some issues may not be critical

... some issues may not be critical

13:34:55 <betehess> ... so I want to prioritize the issues, and we can have the discussion at that time

... so I want to prioritize the issues, and we can have the discussion at that time

13:35:13 <betehess> ... we haven't talked about the UCR in a while

... we haven't talked about the UCR in a while

13:35:16 <betehess> ... may be fine

... may be fine

13:35:26 <betehess> ... want to make sure everybody knows where we are

... want to make sure everybody knows where we are

13:36:26 <betehess> ... I didn't assign specific issues to specific timeslots, but I don't want to get stuck in some discussions

... I didn't assign specific issues to specific timeslots, but I don't want to get stuck in some discussions

13:36:45 <betehess> ... eric wilde proposed we have breakout sessions: why not

... eric wilde proposed we have breakout sessions: why not

13:37:02 <cygri> +1 to keeping the option of breakout sessions open. we have enough time for that

Richard Cyganiak: +1 to keeping the option of breakout sessions open. we have enough time for that

13:37:12 <betehess> ... we could then stop the meeting, people break up in groups, and come back with proposals

... we could then stop the meeting, people break up in groups, and come back with proposals

13:37:42 <bblfish> if there are breakout sessions I hope it will be possible to connect with specific groups over skype or some remote way

Henry Story: if there are breakout sessions I hope it will be possible to connect with specific groups over skype or some remote way

13:37:43 <betehess> ... also use normal breaks (eg. lunch) to discuss

... also use normal breaks (eg. lunch) to discuss

<betehess> Topic: Use Cases & Requirements

2. Use Cases & Requirements

13:38:13 <betehess> ... let's get started with UCR

... let's get started with UCR

13:38:19 <betehess> ... we had a FPWD

... we had a FPWD

13:38:31 <betehess> ... then we went back to the spec

... then we went back to the spec

13:38:44 <betehess> ... SteveBattle, what's your opinion?

... SteveBattle, what's your opinion?

13:38:56 <betehess> SteveBattle: we invited people to comment, then we had silence

Steve Battle: we invited people to comment, then we had silence

13:39:00 <betehess> ... not really surprised

... not really surprised

13:39:07 <betehess> ... please look at the document

... please look at the document

13:39:15 <cygri> q+ to ask about ED vs WD

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to ask about ED vs WD

13:39:19 <betehess> ... there will be a deadline for the second release

... there will be a deadline for the second release

13:39:58 <betehess> ... only missing UC: can we use LDP to invoke services through RDF exchange?

... only missing UC: can we use LDP to invoke services through RDF exchange?

13:41:04 <betehess> ... then we have the test cases

... then we have the test cases

13:41:14 <betehess> ... so that we can point the UC to TC

... so that we can point the UC to TC

13:41:14 <SteveS> SteveBattle referred to

Steve Speicher: SteveBattle referred to

13:41:18 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

13:41:20 <betehess> ... and achieve completeness

... and achieve completeness

13:41:23 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

13:41:23 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to ask about ED vs WD

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to ask about ED vs WD

13:41:24 <SteveS> …that doesn't have use case for

Steve Speicher: …that doesn't have use case for

13:41:38 <betehess> cygri: I have to produce a UC on paging

Richard Cyganiak: I have to produce a UC on paging

13:41:50 <betehess> ... so there will be one more thing there

... so there will be one more thing there

13:42:07 <rgarcia> q+ to ask whether we should create actions for these new use cases

Raúl García Castro: q+ to ask whether we should create actions for these new use cases

13:42:17 <betehess> SteveBattle: ED and WD are the same at the moment

Steve Battle: ED and WD are the same at the moment

13:42:39 <betehess> Arnaud: not all WDs follow the same schedule

Arnaud Le Hors: not all WDs follow the same schedule

13:43:04 <betehess> ... we should have published things at the same time, just didn't happen

... we should have published things at the same time, just didn't happen

13:43:16 <betehess> SteveBattle: not sure if we should rush it out

Steve Battle: not sure if we should rush it out

13:43:32 <betehess> Arnaud: so , we have new UC to be added

Arnaud Le Hors: so , we have new UC to be added

13:43:37 <betehess> ... and we didn't get comments

... and we didn't get comments

13:43:58 <betehess> ... so I don't know if people are satisfied, or if people didn't get the attention

... so I don't know if people are satisfied, or if people didn't get the attention

13:44:24 <betehess> ... for the people here: what's the status of this document according to you?

... for the people here: what's the status of this document according to you?

13:44:47 <betehess> SteveS: I think it's just in maintenance mode

Steve Speicher: I think it's just in maintenance mode

13:44:56 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

13:45:05 <betehess> davidwood: we should ask for review

David Wood: we should ask for review

13:45:20 <betehess> ... I'll have to do that anyway

... I'll have to make a review anyway

13:45:38 <betehess> s/do that/make a review/
13:45:38 <SteveBattle> Thank you David

Steve Battle: Thank you David

13:45:45 <Arnaud> ack rgarcia

Arnaud Le Hors: ack rgarcia

13:45:45 <Zakim> rgarcia, you wanted to ask whether we should create actions for these new use cases

Zakim IRC Bot: rgarcia, you wanted to ask whether we should create actions for these new use cases

13:46:09 <betehess> rgarcia: we can open issues for that, so that we can follow the status of reviews

Raúl García Castro: we can open issues for that, so that we can follow the status of reviews

13:46:22 <betehess> ... we can identify these actions

... we can identify these actions

13:46:28 <betehess> ... it's a good way to progress

... it's a good way to progress

13:46:40 <davidwood> q+ to ask about the satisfaction of each UC

David Wood: q+ to ask about the satisfaction of each UC

13:46:58 <betehess> Arnaud: usually, the UCR motivates what goes in the spec

Arnaud Le Hors: usually, the UCR motivates what goes in the spec

13:47:43 <betehess> ... sometime people are not even sure about the UC is when we discuss a feature

... sometime people are not even sure about the UC is when we discuss a feature

13:47:46 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

13:48:12 <betehess> cygri: there's different views of the purpose for UCR

Richard Cyganiak: there's different views of the purpose for UCR

13:48:39 <betehess> ... it should always be able to ask "what's the use case?"

... it should always be able to ask "what's the use case?"

13:49:04 <betehess> ... so in my view, the purpose is to be able to ask people a scenario that is not address

... so in my view, the purpose is to be able to ask people a scenario that is not address

13:49:12 <betehess> ... examples that we can follow

... examples that we can follow

13:50:00 <betehess> ... I have some issues to add UC with the current organization of the document

... I have some issues to add UC with the current organization of the document

13:50:10 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

13:50:23 <betehess> ... I hope SteveBattle will be able to help people there

... I hope SteveBattle will be able to help people there

13:50:40 <betehess> SteveBattle: every UC should be given a URI

Steve Battle: every UC should be given a URI

13:50:42 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

13:50:53 <Arnaud> ack davidwood

Arnaud Le Hors: ack davidwood

13:50:53 <Zakim> davidwood, you wanted to ask about the satisfaction of each UC

Zakim IRC Bot: davidwood, you wanted to ask about the satisfaction of each UC

13:50:59 <betehess> Arnaud: yes, it's the role of the editor to put things in the document, following requests

Arnaud Le Hors: yes, it's the role of the editor to put things in the document, following requests

13:51:28 <betehess> davidwood: at some point, the status of the document shifts from what people want to what @@

David Wood: at some point, the status of the document shifts from what people want to what the spec will support

13:51:47 <betehess> ... we may decide as a group that we cannot support some of them

... we may decide as a group that we cannot support some of them

13:52:09 <betehess> ... how do we make this transition? we could open issues

... how do we make this transition? we could open issues

13:52:35 <betehess> ... in the rdfwg, we decided that we had too many UCs, and split the document

... in the rdfwg, we decided that we had too many UCs, and split the document

13:53:13 <betehess> Arnaud: when we started the work on this document, we started by accepting everything, then we wanted to decide as a group

Arnaud Le Hors: when we started the work on this document, we started by accepting everything, then we wanted to decide as a group

13:53:21 <betehess> ... we never did that

... we never did that

13:54:00 <betehess> cygri: a UC that we decide to address will also depend on the time available

Richard Cyganiak: a UC that we decide to address will also depend on the time available

13:54:04 <davidwood> +1 to cygri

David Wood: +1 to cygri

13:54:07 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

13:54:26 <betehess> ... if we say yes or no, we loose the possibility to drop UC on this basis

... if we say yes or no, we loose the possibility to drop UC on this basis

13:54:34 <davidwood> s/@@/the spec will support/
13:54:52 <betehess> ... can be out of scope, and there are things that we cannot address in time

... can be out of scope, and there are things that we cannot address in time

13:54:57 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

13:55:13 <betehess> sandro: would be fine to start with high/low priority

Sandro Hawke: would be fine to start with high/low priority

13:55:42 <betehess> ... people could explain to the editor and we decide together

... people could explain to the editor and we decide together

13:55:51 <betehess> Arnaud: how much time would it require?

Arnaud Le Hors: how much time would it require?

13:56:07 <betehess> sandro: we could save time instead of cycling if we don't do that

Sandro Hawke: we could save time instead of cycling if we don't do that

13:56:32 <betehess> Arnaud: another aspect: do we have a sense of if the spec *today* addresses the UCR

Arnaud Le Hors: another aspect: do we have a sense of if the spec *today* addresses the UCR

13:56:41 <betehess> ... what is addressed?

... what is addressed?

13:56:42 <betehess> q+


13:57:25 <betehess> cygri: if people think that we put things in the spec that are not addressing a UC, people should shout out

Richard Cyganiak: if people think that we put things in the spec that are not addressing a UC, people should shout out

13:57:27 <Arnaud> ack betehess

Arnaud Le Hors: ack betehess

13:58:21 <betehess> betehess: do we want to have links in the document to the UCR documents?

Alexandre Bertails: do we want to have links in the spec to the UCR documents?

13:58:35 <betehess> s/in the document/in the spec/
13:58:41 <SteveBattle> As we create test-cases (that explicitly refer to supporting use-cases) we will be able to check if any use-cases are unused - these may be de-scoped.

Steve Battle: As we create test-cases (that explicitly refer to supporting use-cases) we will be able to check if any use-cases are unused - these may be de-scoped.

13:59:45 <betehess> Arnaud: I want to make sure that we are good where we are with UCR, or not

Arnaud Le Hors: I want to make sure that we are good where we are with UCR, or not

13:59:59 <betehess> SteveBattle: I think it's in good shape at the moment, not concerned

Steve Battle: I think it's in good shape at the moment, not concerned

14:00:09 <betehess> Arnaud: also davidwood is ok to have a closer look

Arnaud Le Hors: also davidwood is ok to have a closer look

14:00:17 <betehess> ... ok with others, just bring issues

... ok with others, just bring issues

14:00:27 <betehess> davidwood: we need formal actions

David Wood: we need formal actions

14:01:14 <davidwood> ACTION: davidwood to review the UCR document

ACTION: davidwood to review the UCR document

14:01:15 <trackbot> Created ACTION-41 - Review the UCR document [on David Wood - due 2013-03-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-41 - Review the UCR document [on David Wood - due 2013-03-20].

14:01:34 <mesteban> So I'll do the other review of the UCR.

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: So I'll do the other review of the UCR.

14:01:53 <davidwood> ACTION: mesteban to review the UCR document

ACTION: mesteban to review the UCR document

14:01:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-42 - Review the UCR document [on Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez - due 2013-03-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-42 - Review the UCR document [on Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez - due 2013-03-20].

14:02:20 <betehess> cygri: if we capture more advanced UC, it would be good to decide as gorup to postpone

Richard Cyganiak: if we capture more advanced UC, it would be good to decide as gorup to postpone

14:02:36 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

14:02:45 <betehess> ... maybe this will happen in the case of paging for example

... maybe this will happen in the case of paging for example

14:02:58 <betehess> ... but it's good to have captured that as a UC

... but it's good to have captured that as a UC

14:03:35 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

14:03:37 <betehess> Arnaud: in terms of the schedule, we skip the 2nd WD

Arnaud Le Hors: in terms of the schedule, we skip the 2nd WD

14:03:46 <betehess> ... I guess everybody is ok with that

... I guess everybody is ok with that

14:04:09 <betehess> ... the end goal for UCR is a NOTE

... the end goal for UCR is a NOTE

14:04:33 <betehess> cygri: if nobody comes up with new TC, then we might be done with the document

Richard Cyganiak: if nobody comes up with new TC, then we might be done with the document

14:04:40 <betehess> ... we can publish an updated WD

... we can publish an updated WD

14:05:17 <betehess> sandro: there is just no normative content

Sandro Hawke: there is just no normative content

14:05:41 <betehess> davidwood: REC needs approval

David Wood: REC needs approval

14:05:51 <betehess> Arnaud: LC target is May

Arnaud Le Hors: LC target is May

14:06:46 <betehess> ... so UCR should be a NOTE by then

... so UCR should be a NOTE by then

14:07:13 <betehess> ... I think that we have a plan for UCR at this point

... I think that we have a plan for UCR at this point

14:07:17 <betehess> ... do we need more?

... do we need more?

14:07:25 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

14:07:53 <betehess> cygri: there is a couple of features in the spec, would like to know if there are corresponding UC

Richard Cyganiak: there is a couple of features in the spec, would like to know if there are corresponding UC

14:08:09 <betehess> ... eg. metadata managed by the server rather that the client

... eg. metadata managed by the server rather that the client

14:08:27 <betehess> SteveBattle: metadata about the collection would be that, so it should be covered

Steve Battle: metadata about the collection would be that, so it should be covered

14:08:38 <betehess> ... ordering in a container is not covered

... ordering in a container is not covered

14:08:55 <betehess> ... technically speaking I could ask these things to be removed

... technically speaking I could ask these things to be removed

14:09:24 <betehess> SteveS: we covered a story, there may be no UC

Steve Speicher: we covered a story, there may be no UC

14:09:51 <betehess> cygri: speaking about ordering in a container

Richard Cyganiak: speaking about ordering in a container

14:10:20 <betehess> ... we need the UC, even we need to have this thing in the spec

... we need the UC, even we need to have this thing in the spec

14:10:21 <davidwood> We also don't have anything in the UCR about paging, which has caused a lot of discussion.

David Wood: We also don't have anything in the UCR about paging, which has caused a lot of discussion.

14:10:34 <betehess> sandro: also for people outside the group, for them to understand

Sandro Hawke: also for people outside the group, for them to understand

14:10:47 <betehess> cygri: there may be other points in the spec

Richard Cyganiak: there may be other points in the spec

14:11:10 <rgarcia> q+

Raúl García Castro: q+

14:11:46 <Arnaud> ack rgarcia

Arnaud Le Hors: ack rgarcia

14:11:48 <betehess> ... if we are asked "are there a UC", it's always better to give the pointer

... if we are asked "are there a UC", it's always better to give the pointer

14:13:22 <Arnaud> action: steves to draft a use case for container ordering

ACTION: steves to draft a use case for container ordering

14:13:22 <trackbot> Created ACTION-43 - Draft a use case for container ordering [on Steve Speicher - due 2013-03-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-43 - Draft a use case for container ordering [on Steve Speicher - due 2013-03-20].

14:14:28 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

14:15:20 <SteveBattle> I think that <> covers the use of server-managed properties (about a collection).

Steve Battle: I think that <> covers the use of server-managed properties (about a collection).

14:16:33 <betehess> Arnaud: now, I want to speak about the spec, and have a sense of where we are

Arnaud Le Hors: now, I want to speak about the spec, and have a sense of where we are

14:17:08 <betehess> topic: LDP Specification

3. LDP Specification

<betehess> subtopic: Steps towards LCWD

3.1. Steps towards LCWD

14:17:17 <betehess> Arnaud: looking at the isssues

Arnaud Le Hors: looking at the isssues

14:17:26 <rgarcia> q+

Raúl García Castro: q+

14:17:26 <betehess> ... some are similar, related to others

... some are similar, related to others

14:17:30 <cygri> SteveBattle, I'm thinking of point 4.4.1 in the spec: "BPR servers may ignore server managed properties such as dcterms:modified and dcterms:creator if they are not under client control."

Richard Cyganiak: SteveBattle, I'm thinking of point 4.4.1 in the spec: "BPR servers may ignore server managed properties such as dcterms:modified and dcterms:creator if they are not under client control."

14:17:43 <betehess> ... some dissidents want to re-open issues that we decided to close

... some dissidents want to re-open issues that we decided to close

14:18:20 <cygri> SteveBattle, I'm not sure that this is really addressed in the UC you pointed out

Richard Cyganiak: SteveBattle, I'm not sure that this is really addressed in the UC you pointed out

14:18:27 <betehess> ... LC, in W3C process, is the stage when the WG says "I think we're done"

... LC, in W3C process, is the stage when the WG says "I think we're done"

14:18:45 <betehess> ... and then we invite the rest of the world to look at it

... and then we invite the rest of the world to look at it

14:18:51 <betehess> ... supposed to feature complte

... supposed to feature complte

14:19:02 <rgarcia> q-

Raúl García Castro: q-

14:19:08 <betehess> ... then there is a process to respond to comments

... then there is a process to respond to comments

14:19:18 <betehess> ... everything has to be documented

... everything has to be documented

14:19:48 <betehess> ... we'll have to explain to the director the status of the spec, and that we did our homeworks, and say why things could not be resolved

... we'll have to explain to the director the status of the spec, and that we did our homeworks, and say why things could not be resolved

14:19:59 <betehess> ... after LC, we need to show implementations

... after LC, we need to show implementations

14:20:24 <betehess> sandro: my sense is that implementing this is easy

Sandro Hawke: my sense is that implementing this is easy

14:20:39 <betehess> ... it's better to implemented earlier, then we can skip CR

... it's better to implemented earlier, then we can skip CR

14:20:55 <SteveS>

Steve Speicher:

14:20:55 <betehess> Arnaud: happy to say that we're in good shape in that regard

Arnaud Le Hors: happy to say that we're in good shape in that regard

14:22:10 <betehess> sandro: implementations should include test results

Sandro Hawke: implementations should include test results

14:22:17 <betehess> ... cannot say that until we have the test suite

... cannot say that until we have the test suite

14:22:35 <betehess> ... we should really try to have the issues closes during this meeting

... we should really try to have the issues closed during this meeting

14:22:40 <betehess> s/closes/closed/
14:22:59 <betehess> Arnaud: I agree, but there are different ways to close issues

Arnaud Le Hors: I agree, but there are different ways to close issues

14:23:13 <betehess> ... we can decide that we don't do anything re: specific issue

... we can decide that we don't do anything re: specific issue

14:23:18 <betehess> Ashok: you need agreement

Ashok Malhotra: you need agreement

14:23:38 <betehess> Arnaud: there is a process, we decide as a group

Arnaud Le Hors: there is a process, we decide as a group

14:23:38 <betehess> ... then people can raise objections

... then people can raise objections

14:24:14 <betehess> sandro: there is the deadline mode, where we realize that perfection can't be achieved

Sandro Hawke: there is the deadline mode, where we realize that perfection can't be achieved

<betehess> subtopic: Identifying top priority issues, "must-haves"

3.2. Identifying top priority issues, "must-haves"

14:24:38 <betehess> Arnaud: would like to take a pass on the list of iossues we have

Arnaud Le Hors: would like to take a pass on the list of issues we have

14:24:42 <betehess> ... to get a sense of the priorities

... to get a sense of the priorities

14:24:50 <betehess> s/iossues/issues/
14:24:56 <betehess> ... is that reasonable?

... is that reasonable?

14:25:23 <betehess> ... what are the MUST HAVE?

... what are the MUST HAVE?

14:25:46 <roger> issue 37 : Model

Roger Menday: ISSUE-37 : Model

14:25:50 <betehess> ... put in IRC what issue NEEDs to be addressed?

... put in IRC what issue NEEDs to be addressed?

14:26:08 <JohnArwe> must have: pagination

John Arwe: must have: pagination

14:26:57 <bblfish> Issue-37?

Henry Story: ISSUE-37?

14:26:57 <trackbot> ISSUE-37 -- What is the LDP data model and the LDP interaction model? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-37 -- What is the LDP data model and the LDP interaction model? -- open

14:26:57 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:27:25 <bblfish> I don't think ISSUE-37 is a must have. That is just done by the ontology anyway.

Henry Story: I don't think ISSUE-37 is a must have. That is just done by the ontology anyway.

14:28:39 <bblfish> Me trying to work out what people are saying?

Henry Story: Me trying to work out what people are saying?

14:28:53 <SteveBattle> I deeply care about issue-21

Steve Battle: I deeply care about ISSUE-21

14:28:59 <bblfish> Issue-21?

Henry Story: ISSUE-21?

14:28:59 <trackbot> ISSUE-21 -- container affordances -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-21 -- container affordances -- open

14:28:59 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:29:05 <SteveS> ISSUE-15 for me

Steve Speicher: ISSUE-15 for me

14:29:22 <bblfish> Issue-15?

Henry Story: ISSUE-15?

14:29:22 <trackbot> ISSUE-15 -- sharing binary resources and metadata -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-15 -- sharing binary resources and metadata -- open

14:29:22 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:29:44 <sandro> issue-33?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-33?

14:29:44 <trackbot> ISSUE-33 -- Pagination for non-container resources -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-33 -- Pagination for non-container resources -- open

14:29:44 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:30:13 <nmihindu> +1 ISSUE-15

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1 ISSUE-15

14:30:38 <betehess> I care about issue-15 issue-33 and PATCH-related issues

I care about ISSUE-15 ISSUE-33 and PATCH-related issues

14:30:44 <sandro> Patch, Pagination, IntuitiveContainers, BinaryResources

Sandro Hawke: Patch, Pagination, IntuitiveContainers, BinaryResources

14:31:04 <bblfish> +1 for me for Patch related issues.

Henry Story: +1 for me for Patch related issues.

14:31:44 <cygri> My top issues from the second page: 32, 33, 37, 38 and 39

Richard Cyganiak: My top issues from the second page: 32, 33, 37, 38 and 39

14:31:54 <bblfish> Issue-39?

Henry Story: ISSUE-39?

14:31:54 <trackbot> ISSUE-39 -- HTTP status codes used for creation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-39 -- HTTP status codes used for creation -- open

14:31:54 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:32:01 <bblfish> Issue-38?

Henry Story: ISSUE-38?

14:32:01 <trackbot> ISSUE-38 -- filtered representations and inlining -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-38 -- filtered representations and inlining -- open

14:32:01 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:32:16 <bblfish> Issue-37?

Henry Story: ISSUE-37?

14:32:16 <trackbot> ISSUE-37 -- What is the LDP data model and the LDP interaction model? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-37 -- What is the LDP data model and the LDP interaction model? -- open

14:32:16 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:32:23 <bblfish> Issue-33?

Henry Story: ISSUE-33?

14:32:23 <trackbot> ISSUE-33 -- Pagination for non-container resources -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-33 -- Pagination for non-container resources -- open

14:32:23 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:32:29 <bblfish> Issue-32?

Henry Story: ISSUE-32?

14:32:29 <trackbot> ISSUE-32 -- How can clients discover that a resource is an LDPR or LDPC, and what features are supported? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-32 -- How can clients discover that a resource is an LDPR or LDPC, and what features are supported? -- open

14:32:29 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:33:02 <bblfish> Hi

Henry Story:

14:33:05 <cygri> zakim, who is on the phone?

Richard Cyganiak: zakim, who is on the phone?

14:33:05 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

14:33:06 <betehess> s/Hi//
14:33:13 <bblfish> yes, bad connection though from here.

Henry Story:

14:33:37 <betehess> s/yes, bad connection though from here.//
14:33:49 <sandro> Zakim, who is on the call?

Sandro Hawke: Zakim, who is on the call?

14:33:49 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

14:34:06 <SteveS> I'm for ISSUE-27 if it is generalized for just patch

Steve Speicher: I'm for ISSUE-27 if it is generalized for just patch

14:34:12 <bblfish> I can't say that I have a bad connection to the group, and that it's a bit choppy?

Henry Story:

14:34:36 <bblfish> Issue-43?

Henry Story: ISSUE-43?

14:34:36 <trackbot> ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- open

14:34:36 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:34:43 <bblfish> +1 for +43

Henry Story: +1 for +43

14:35:06 <betehess> s/I can't say that I have a bad connection to the group, and that it's a bit choppy?//
14:35:08 <SteveS> +1 for 43

Steve Speicher: +1 for 43

14:35:09 <bblfish> I want it to be archived that I have a choppy connection.

Henry Story: I want it to be archived that I have a choppy connection.

14:35:49 <bblfish> what issues are you speaking of?

Henry Story: what issues are you speaking of?

14:35:58 <betehess> I'd be ok to close ISSUE-28 but I'd like the group to motivate the reason :-)

I'd be ok to close ISSUE-28 but I'd like the group to motivate the reason :-)

14:36:59 <betehess> and the spec could even state that transactions are not handled

and the spec could even state that transactions are not handled

14:38:25 <betehess> Arnaud: some of the issues are not very controversial

Arnaud Le Hors: some of the issues are not very controversial

14:38:35 <betehess> ... maybe we can identify and close them?

... maybe we can identify and close them?

14:39:36 <betehess> ... already identified issue-18 and issue-28

... already identified ISSUE-18 and ISSUE-28

14:40:26 <betehess> SteveS: issue-44 may be difficult to solve

Steve Speicher: ISSUE-44 may be difficult to solve

14:40:38 <bblfish> Issue-44?

Henry Story: ISSUE-44?

14:40:38 <trackbot> ISSUE-44 -- 4.1.9. is obscure or too restrictive -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-44 -- 4.1.9. is obscure or too restrictive -- open

14:40:38 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:41:00 <SteveS> …maybe not difficult, just a little discussion may be needed

Steve Speicher: …maybe not difficult, just a little discussion may be needed

14:41:08 <cygri> ISSUE-28?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-28?

14:41:08 <trackbot> ISSUE-28 -- transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-28 -- transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC -- open

14:41:08 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

<betehess> subtopic: Issue-28: transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC

3.3. ISSUE-28: transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC

14:41:18 <betehess> Arnaud: ok, let's talk about the rollback one (issue-28)

Arnaud Le Hors: ok, let's talk about the rollback one (ISSUE-28)

14:41:40 <bblfish> yes, Issue-28 seems that it should be easy to solve

Henry Story: yes, ISSUE-28 seems that it should be easy to solve

14:41:45 <betehess> Ashok: are etags enough?

Ashok Malhotra: are etags enough?

14:41:48 <betehess> q+


14:41:57 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

14:42:17 <davidwood> q+

David Wood: q+

14:42:33 <Arnaud> ack davidwood

Arnaud Le Hors: ack davidwood

14:42:45 <betehess> betehess: it would be ok for updates, no longer when you delete

Alexandre Bertails: it would be ok for updates, no longer when you delete

14:42:52 <betehess> davidwood: got this issue recently

David Wood: got this issue recently

14:43:03 <betehess> ... etags gives all information for rollback

... etags do not give all information necessary for rollback, especially for containers or complex resources

14:43:13 <betehess> q+


14:43:27 <betehess> ... we don't put that in the API

... we don't put that in the API

14:43:54 <betehess> ... providing that level of information can be challenging

... providing that level of information can be challenging

14:44:19 <betehess> ... that's a lot of burden

... that's a lot of burden

14:44:40 <betehess> ... to figure out how to do the roll-back

... to figure out how to do the roll-back

14:44:42 <Arnaud> ack betehess

Arnaud Le Hors: ack betehess

14:44:52 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

14:45:36 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

14:46:16 <betehess> cygri: if I think about transaction, this is different from DELETEing

Richard Cyganiak: if I think about transaction, this is different from DELETEing

14:46:21 <davidwood> s/etags gives all information for rollback/etags do not give all information necessary for rollback, especially for containers or complex resources/
14:47:00 <betehess> Arnaud: the issue is specifically about DELETEing

Arnaud Le Hors: the issue is specifically about DELETEing

14:47:07 <betehess> ... not about transaction in general

... not about transaction in general

14:47:09 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

14:47:36 <betehess> SteveS: the way we do it, we never delete anything

Steve Speicher: the way we do it, we never delete anything

14:47:56 <betehess> q+


14:48:44 <betehess> q-


14:48:53 <Arnaud> ack stevebattle

Arnaud Le Hors: ack stevebattle

14:48:53 <betehess> Arnaud: in the spec today, we have a DELETE

Arnaud Le Hors: in the spec today, we have a DELETE

14:49:35 <betehess> SteveBattle: nosql technologies achieve performance keeping ACID

Steve Battle: nosql technologies do not achieve performance jettisoning ACID

14:49:52 <betehess> s/achieve/do not achieve/
14:49:57 <bblfish> ? I think SteveBattle used the word "jettisoning" ... ok

Henry Story: ? I think SteveBattle used the word "jettisoning" ... ok

14:50:08 <SteveBattle> yes I did

Steve Battle: yes I did

14:50:51 <SteveBattle> s/keeping/jettisoning/
14:50:52 <davidwood> Steve's point is well taken; we don't want to standardize LDP in a way that makes it difficult for new databases to comply.  I suggest rejecting ISSUE-28.

David Wood: Steve's point is well taken; we don't want to standardize LDP in a way that makes it difficult for new databases to comply. I suggest rejecting ISSUE-28.

14:51:00 <sandro> +1 saying DELETE isn't atomic

Sandro Hawke: +1 saying DELETE isn't atomic

14:51:07 <sandro> +1 saying DELETE isn't NECESARILY atomic

Sandro Hawke: +1 saying DELETE isn't NECESARILY atomic

14:51:25 <davidwood> yes, DELETE isn't NECESSARILY atomic

David Wood: yes, DELETE isn't NECESSARILY atomic

14:51:27 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

14:51:41 <betehess> PROPOSAL: close issue-28 by adding in the spec: no guarantee that DELETE is atomic

PROPOSED: close ISSUE-28 by adding in the spec: no guarantee that DELETE is atomic

14:51:50 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

14:51:52 <bblfish> makes sense to me

Henry Story: makes sense to me

14:52:20 <mesteban> q+ Error handling

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: q+ Error handling

14:52:35 <betehess> cygri: are we saying that by deleting a container, we also delete the resource?

Richard Cyganiak: are we saying that by deleting a container, we also delete the resource?

14:52:50 <betehess> sandro: would still report an error

Sandro Hawke: would still report an error

14:53:01 <bblfish> you can't have an error with http status code if the DELETE of an LDPC fails

Henry Story: you can't have an error with http status code if the DELETE of an LDPC fails

14:53:10 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

14:53:49 <SteveBattle> The HTTP spec says, of DELETE "This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. "

Steve Battle: The HTTP spec says, of DELETE "This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. "

14:53:55 <betehess> davidwood: we can send 202 to say that process was not completed

David Wood: we can send 202 to say that process was not completed

14:54:03 <bblfish> makes sense

Henry Story: makes sense

14:54:38 <betehess> sandro: should it be propafated to deleted resources?

Sandro Hawke: should it be propagated to deleted resources?

14:54:42 <betehess> s/propafated/propagated/
14:54:52 <betehess> q+


14:55:06 <betehess> q- Error

q- Error

14:55:11 <betehess> q- handling

q- handling

14:55:27 <sandro> sandro: there could be deletions that take hours, for a massive recursive delete.

Sandro Hawke: there could be deletions that take hours, for a massive recursive delete. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

14:55:32 <betehess> mesteban: wanted to comment on error handler

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: wanted to comment on error handler

14:55:51 <betehess> ... if there is something that fails, we don't know what happens

... if there is something that fails, we don't know what happens

14:55:57 <sandro> sandro: what happens to people who try to GET some of those resources, during the recursive deletion

Sandro Hawke: what happens to people who try to GET some of those resources, during the recursive deletion [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

14:56:11 <SteveS> This was decided at first F2F in ISSUE-25 with composition, where delete of the container delete's its members

Steve Speicher: This was decided at first F2F in ISSUE-25 with composition, where delete of the container delete's its members

14:56:45 <betehess> davidwood: if the error code goes in the spec, there is risk of duplication, if we don't we have other issues

David Wood: if the error code goes in the spec, there is risk of duplication, if we don't we risk LDP compliant servers returning different HTTP status codes for the same situation

14:56:55 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

14:57:37 <betehess> Arnaud: just remembered we have an issue about error codes ISSUE-19

Arnaud Le Hors: just remembered we have an issue about error codes ISSUE-19

14:57:37 <davidwood> s/we have other issues/we risk LDP compliant servers returning different HTTP status codes for the same situation/
14:58:17 <betehess> cygri: there are concerns about the proposal

Richard Cyganiak: there are concerns about the proposal

14:58:37 <betehess> ... if some people are gone, other not, but the container is gone, that's bad

... if some people are gone, other not, but the container is gone, that's bad

14:58:43 <bblfish> Issue-19?

Henry Story: ISSUE-19?

14:58:43 <trackbot> ISSUE-19 -- Adressing more error cases -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-19 -- Adressing more error cases -- open

14:58:43 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:58:48 <betehess> ... so the container has to be there

... so the container has to be there

14:59:01 <betehess> Arnaud: cygri wants to amend the proposal

Arnaud Le Hors: cygri wants to amend the proposal

14:59:12 <betehess> ... by saying that the container is not gone

... by saying that the container is not gone

14:59:17 <davidwood> Can cygri write an amended proposal?

David Wood: Can cygri write an amended proposal?

14:59:52 <betehess> cygri: can the server check if it can delete everything before doing so?

Richard Cyganiak: can the server check if it can delete everything before doing so?

14:59:55 <betehess> ... not always possible

... not always possible

15:00:01 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Server MUST NOT report with 200 to DELETEing a container unless deleting all members succeeded.

PROPOSED: Server MUST NOT report with 200 to DELETEing a container unless deleting all members succeeded.

15:00:06 <JohnArwe>  strawman: if the container is unable to delete all contained members, then the response to the delete requestion MUST NOT be a 2xx

John Arwe: strawman: if the container is unable to delete all contained members, then the response to the delete requestion MUST NOT be a 2xx

15:00:09 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

15:00:14 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

15:00:38 <betehess> Arnaud: it's a refinement

Arnaud Le Hors: it's a refinement

15:00:41 <mesteban> 1+

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: 1+

15:01:02 <betehess> cygri: what do clients see? that's the question

Richard Cyganiak: what do clients see? that's the question

15:01:20 <SteveBattle> +0 (this seems to imply that the deletion occurs synchronously with the DELETE)

Steve Battle: +0 (this seems to imply that the deletion occurs synchronously with the DELETE)

15:01:35 <nmihindu> +q

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +q

15:01:39 <Arnaud> ack ericp

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ericp

15:01:42 <sandro> cygri: I hadn't meant to talk about atomicity really, in just the above.   This isn't about one client seeing something in mid-delete from another client.

Richard Cyganiak: I hadn't meant to talk about atomicity really, in just the above. This isn't about one client seeing something in mid-delete from another client. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

15:01:42 <betehess> ericP: not sure how to test this

Eric Prud'hommeaux: not sure how to test this

15:01:53 <betehess> ... would go for SHOULD

... would go for SHOULD

15:02:12 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:02:14 <davidwood> q+

David Wood: q+

15:02:15 <Arnaud> ack nmihindu

Arnaud Le Hors: ack nmihindu

15:02:36 <betehess> nmihindu: agrees with cygri's idea

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: agrees with cygri's idea

15:02:43 <betehess> ... container should be there

... container should be there

15:02:56 <davidwood> q-

David Wood: q-

15:02:57 <SteveBattle> I agree with nmhindu

Steve Battle: I agree with nmhindu

15:03:10 <betehess> ... there are issues with 202

... there are issues with 202

15:03:12 <JohnArwe> @stevebattle, was thinking similarly ... might need arnaud's original qualification as a note

John Arwe: @stevebattle, was thinking similarly ... might need arnaud's original qualification as a note

15:03:15 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

15:03:16 <betehess> ... should be 2xx

... should be 2xx

15:03:34 <sandro> The key thing is that a container must exist if any of its elements exists.

Sandro Hawke: The key thing is that a container must exist if any of its elements exists.

15:04:04 <betehess> @@: with 202, you provide a URI to monitor the operation

@@: with 202, you provide a URI to monitor the operation

15:04:28 <betehess> Arnaud: we all agree, we just need the proper wording

Arnaud Le Hors: we all agree, we just need the proper wording

15:04:30 <davidwood> The problem with 2XX is that a server may not know whether resources can be deleted at the time it responds to a client.  It could fail later!

David Wood: The problem with 2XX is that a server may not know whether resources can be deleted at the time it responds to a client. It could fail later!

15:05:43 <cygri> PROPOSAL: A server MUST NOT delete a container unless it could delete all members. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded

PROPOSED: A server MUST NOT delete a container unless it could delete all members. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded

15:05:58 <sandro> PROPOSED: A server MUST NOT consider a contain deleted unless all its elements have been deleted.    A server MUST NOT report that the container has been deleted until it has been.  For example, it could use a 202.

PROPOSED: A server MUST NOT consider a contain deleted unless all its elements have been deleted. A server MUST NOT report that the container has been deleted until it has been. For example, it could use a 202.

15:06:38 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

15:06:48 <sandro> no real conflict between these.

Sandro Hawke: no real conflict between these.

15:07:08 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

15:07:33 <sandro> SteveBattle: Note we're being stronger than HTTP, which allows server to report deletion and not delete it.

Steve Battle: Note we're being stronger than HTTP, which allows server to report deletion and not delete it. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

15:07:43 <sandro> (agreed)

Sandro Hawke: (agreed)

15:07:51 <cygri> PROPOSAL: A server MUST NOT delete a container unless all members have been successfully deleted. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded.

PROPOSED: A server MUST NOT delete a container unless all members have been successfully deleted. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded.

15:07:58 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

15:08:01 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

15:08:03 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

15:08:06 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

15:08:07 <krp> 1

Kevin Page: 1

15:08:07 <betehess> +1


15:08:08 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:08:08 <krp> 1+1

Kevin Page: 1+1

15:08:10 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

15:08:11 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:08:12 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:08:12 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:08:14 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:08:14 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

15:08:16 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

15:08:21 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

15:08:25 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

15:08:40 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer?

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, pointer?

15:08:40 <RRSAgent> See

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See

15:08:48 <betehess> RESOLVED: Close Issue-28. A server MUST NOT delete a container unless all members have been successfully deleted. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded.

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-28. A server MUST NOT delete a container unless all members have been successfully deleted. A server MUST NOT respond 200 unless deleting the container and all members succeeded.

15:08:58 <Arnaud> that was RESOLVED: Issue-28

Arnaud Le Hors: that was RESOLVED: ISSUE-28

15:09:00 <sandro> close issue-28

Sandro Hawke: close ISSUE-28

15:09:00 <trackbot> Closed ISSUE-28 transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ISSUE-28 transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC.

15:09:08 <sandro> issue-28?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-28?

15:09:08 <trackbot> ISSUE-28 -- transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC -- closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-28 -- transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC -- closed

15:09:08 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:09:21 <bblfish> Issue-12?

Henry Story: ISSUE-12?

15:09:21 <trackbot> ISSUE-12 -- Can HTTP PATCH be used for resource creation? -- closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-12 -- Can HTTP PATCH be used for resource creation? -- closed

15:09:21 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:09:24 <ericP> Zakim, who is here?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, who is here?

15:09:24 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

15:09:25 <Zakim> On IRC I see TallTed, roger, AndyS, gavinc, mesteban, davidwood, Ashok, SteveBattle, krp, JohnArwe, cody, SteveS, nmihindu, Zakim, RRSAgent, cygri, rgarcia, betehess,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see TallTed, roger, AndyS, gavinc, mesteban, davidwood, Ashok, SteveBattle, krp, JohnArwe, cody, SteveS, nmihindu, Zakim, RRSAgent, cygri, rgarcia, betehess,

15:09:26 <Zakim> ... Arnaud, bblfish, sandro, ericP, Yves, thschee, betehess, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: ... Arnaud, bblfish, sandro, ericP, Yves, thschee, betehess, trackbot

15:09:30 <roger> issue-39?

Roger Menday: ISSUE-39?

15:09:30 <trackbot> ISSUE-39 -- HTTP status codes used for creation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-39 -- HTTP status codes used for creation -- open

15:09:30 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:09:44 <bblfish> ok

Henry Story: ok

15:09:51 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

15:12:00 <Zakim> - +1.617.715.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.617.715.aaaa

15:12:01 <Zakim> Team_(ldp)13:28Z has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: Team_(ldp)13:28Z has ended

15:12:01 <Zakim> Attendees were +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were +1.617.715.aaaa, bblfish

15:12:58 <ericP> Zakim, move 53794 to here

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, move 53794 to here

15:12:59 <Zakim> ok, ericP; that matches SW_LDP(F2F)10:45AM

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ericP; that matches SW_LDP(F2F)10:45AM

15:13:06 <ericP> Zakim, who is here?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, who is here?

15:13:06 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.617.715.aaaa

15:13:07 <Zakim> On IRC I see TallTed, roger, AndyS, gavinc, mesteban, davidwood, Ashok, SteveBattle, krp, JohnArwe, cody, SteveS, nmihindu, Zakim, RRSAgent, cygri, betehess, Arnaud,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see TallTed, roger, AndyS, gavinc, mesteban, davidwood, Ashok, SteveBattle, krp, JohnArwe, cody, SteveS, nmihindu, Zakim, RRSAgent, cygri, betehess, Arnaud,

15:13:07 <Zakim> ... bblfish, sandro, ericP, Yves, thschee, betehess, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: ... bblfish, sandro, ericP, Yves, thschee, betehess, trackbot

15:22:53 <ericP> Zakim, aaaa is WG-meeting

(No events recorded for 9 minutes)

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, aaaa is WG-meeting

15:22:53 <Zakim> +WG-meeting; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +WG-meeting; got it

<mesteban> scribe: mesteban

(Scribe set to Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez)

15:24:11 <mesteban> subtopic: Issue-43: hint at naming a resource on creation

3.4. ISSUE-43: hint at naming a resource on creation

15:24:39 <SteveS> ISSUE-43

Steve Speicher: ISSUE-43

15:24:39 <trackbot> ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- open

15:24:39 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:25:13 <SteveS> PROPOSAL: Support Slug header hint per Atom

PROPOSED: Support Slug header hint per Atom

15:25:50 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

15:26:04 <mesteban> arnaud: steve's proposal consistent with the other proposal

Arnaud Le Hors: steve's proposal consistent with the other proposal

15:26:24 <mesteban> arnaud: the proposal is to use the slug header

Arnaud Le Hors: the proposal is to use the slug header

15:26:30 <sandro> +0 (seems fine, even if annoyingly named)

Sandro Hawke: +0 (seems fine, even if annoyingly named)

15:26:43 <SteveBattle> +1 (I like the name)

Steve Battle: +1 (I like the name)

15:26:58 <mesteban> arnaud: does it need to be clarified?

Arnaud Le Hors: does it need to be clarified?

15:27:21 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

15:27:36 <ericP>

Eric Prud'hommeaux:

15:27:45 <nmihindu> s/arnaud/Arnaud
15:29:15 <mesteban> cygri: the proposal is about part of the URI (final part) or full URI?

Richard Cyganiak: the proposal is about part of the URI (final part) or full URI?

15:30:21 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

15:30:38 <mesteban> ericP: we can constrain the way it works

Eric Prud'hommeaux: we can constrain the way it works

15:30:39 <roger> +q

Roger Menday: +q

15:30:47 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

15:31:12 <mesteban> cygri: much better if what the user provides is a ui

Richard Cyganiak: much better if what the user provides is a ui

15:31:30 <mesteban> rgarcia: the spec just says that the values are for the fragment

Raúl García Castro: the spec just says that the values are for the last URI segment

15:31:32 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

15:32:03 <cygri> ack me

Richard Cyganiak: ack me

15:32:10 <rgarcia> s/for the fragment/for the last URI segment/
15:32:24 <mesteban> SteveBattle: WE ARE NOT LImited to use slug headers. Could use the other as well.

Steve Battle: We are not limited to use slug headers. Could use the other as well.

15:32:36 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

15:32:47 <TallTed> s/WE ARE NOT LImited/We are not limited/
15:33:26 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

15:33:27 <Arnaud> ack roger

Arnaud Le Hors: ack roger

15:34:24 <mesteban> roger: the slug could be generilized and the have a general way for parsing names in the server

Roger Menday: the slug could be generilized and the have a general way for parsing names in the server

15:35:05 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

15:35:22 <mesteban> krp: but slug is specific for resource names

Kevin Page: but slug is specific for resource names

15:36:13 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

15:36:37 <mesteban> betehess: slug is enoguh in terms that can be used for complex scenarios.

Alexandre Bertails: slug is enoguh in terms that can be used for complex scenarios.

15:36:55 <sandro> "slug" could be a retronym for suggested-location-uri-guess    :-)

Sandro Hawke: "slug" could be a retronym for suggested-location-uri-guess :-)

15:37:09 <mesteban> cygri: there is no harm in having this in the spec

Richard Cyganiak: there is no harm in having this in the spec

15:38:11 <mesteban> cygri: no difference it is normative of informative as it is optional.

Richard Cyganiak: no difference it is normative of informative as it is optional.

15:38:13 <SteveBattle> Is this expressed as MAY or SHOULD?

Steve Battle: Is this expressed as MAY or SHOULD?

15:38:18 <sandro> or Suggested Location URI Guide

Sandro Hawke: or Suggested Location URI Guide

15:38:44 <mesteban> rgarcia: could go to the deployment

Raúl García Castro: could go to the deployment

15:39:26 <mesteban> krp: the spec says that the server may ignore slug headers

Kevin Page: the spec says that the server may ignore slug headers

15:40:05 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

15:40:16 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

15:40:48 <mesteban> betehess: do I have as a developer a way to know if I can use slug or not?

Alexandre Bertails: do I have as a developer a way to know if I can use slug or not?

15:41:12 <SteveS> PROPOSAL: LDP server MAY use Slug header hint per Atom for naming resources on creation

PROPOSED: LDP server MAY use Slug header hint per Atom for naming resources on creation

15:41:25 <mesteban> arnaud: think there is value in having it in the spec

Arnaud Le Hors: think there is value in having it in the spec

15:41:39 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

15:41:51 <mesteban> sandro: suggest to use slug instead of having to do something custom to solve the issue

Sandro Hawke: suggest to use slug instead of having to do something custom to solve the issue

15:42:14 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

15:42:15 <rgarcia> q+

Raúl García Castro: q+

15:42:53 <bblfish> +1 for Slug

Henry Story: +1 for Slug

15:42:59 <mesteban> cygri: people can use the mechanism regardless what we say in the spec, so there is no problem on having a note pointing to it in the spec

Richard Cyganiak: people can use the mechanism regardless what we say in the spec, so there is no problem on having a note pointing to it in the spec

15:43:32 <Arnaud> ack rgarcia

Arnaud Le Hors: ack rgarcia

15:43:45 <ericP> q+ to suggest "RFC5023 defines a Slug: header with which the client can request a name for the created resource. The requested name may be an absolute URL to a resource or directory, or a relative URL which is relative to the container creating the resource."

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to suggest "RFC5023 defines a Slug: header with which the client can request a name for the created resource. The requested name may be an absolute URL to a resource or directory, or a relative URL which is relative to the container creating the resource."

15:43:46 <mesteban> rgarcia: slug description is enough, but as all of the spec is about MAYs, there is not point to include it as part of the spec.

Raúl García Castro: slug description is enough, but as all of the spec is about MAYs, there is not point to include it as part of the spec.

15:43:58 <mesteban> rgarcia: better move it to the deployment guide.

Raúl García Castro: better move it to the deployment guide.

15:44:17 <TallTed> ericP - inaccurate representation of the definition in 5023...

Ted Thibodeau: ericP - inaccurate representation of the definition in 5023...

15:44:19 <mesteban> cygri: deployment guide is more about best practicas, spec about features.

Richard Cyganiak: deployment guide is more about best practicas, spec about features.

15:44:22 <Arnaud> ack eric

Arnaud Le Hors: ack eric

15:44:22 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to suggest "RFC5023 defines a Slug: header with which the client can request a name for the created resource. The requested name may be an absolute URL to a

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to suggest "RFC5023 defines a Slug: header with which the client can request a name for the created resource. The requested name may be an absolute URL to a

15:44:25 <Zakim> ... resource or directory, or a relative URL which is relative to the container creating the resource."

Zakim IRC Bot: ... resource or directory, or a relative URL which is relative to the container creating the resource."

15:45:20 <mesteban> cygri: slug is about values/words not URLs.

Richard Cyganiak: slug is about values/words not URLs.

15:45:35 <mesteban> ericP: but we could constraint a little bit more

Eric Prud'hommeaux: but we could constraint a little bit more

15:45:38 <bblfish> I am not sure about full URLs as slug headers

Henry Story: I am not sure about full URLs as slug headers

15:45:54 <bblfish> it seems that slug headers are just a way to give a name to the final part of a resource

Henry Story: it seems that slug headers are just a way to give a name to the final part of a resource

15:46:11 <nmihindu> +q

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +q

15:46:33 <nmihindu> -q

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: -q

15:46:36 <bblfish> me can hear voiced on phone from here ( goes up and down ) but I just moved to a café.

Henry Story: me can hear voiced on phone from here ( goes up and down ) but I just moved to a café.

15:47:01 <mesteban> cygri: restricting is a bad idea because it poses extra problems onto the server

Richard Cyganiak: restricting is a bad idea because it poses extra problems onto the server

15:47:45 <bblfish> yes, agree the slug header is not a relative URL

Henry Story: yes, agree the slug header is not a relative URL

15:47:52 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-43 by adding to our spec along these lines: "Note: Atom defines a Slug header that clients can use to provide a hint for naming the POSTed resource."

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-43 by adding to our spec along these lines: "Note: Atom defines a Slug header that clients can use to provide a hint for naming the POSTed resource."

15:48:09 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

15:48:23 <betehess> q+ to suggest to be lax, so that we can support patterns later, eg. /MM/yy/dd-minutes.html

Alexandre Bertails: q+ to suggest to be lax, so that we can support patterns later, eg. /MM/yy/dd-minutes.html

15:48:23 <JohnArwe> Henry - "is not" ?= cannot (ever) be, or is ordinarily not

John Arwe: Henry - "is not" ?= cannot (ever) be, or is ordinarily not

15:48:34 <mesteban> krp: could have different means to deal with the URL scenario and dealing just with a bunch of words.

Kevin Page: could have different means to deal with the URL scenario and dealing just with a bunch of words.

15:48:46 <bblfish> In Atom it is not. That's not the type of tool it is. It's a very light weight tool

Henry Story: In Atom it is not. That's not the type of tool it is. It's a very light weight tool

15:48:50 <rgarcia> +1 (changing "can use" for "MAY use")

Raúl García Castro: +1 (changing "can use" for "MAY use")

15:48:56 <bblfish> to just hint at the name

Henry Story: to just hint at the name

15:49:19 <bblfish> doing more than Atom should be a different issue.

Henry Story: doing more than Atom should be a different issue.

15:49:38 <rgarcia> +q

Raúl García Castro: +q

15:50:11 <bblfish> initial slugs: initial .. and / are not relative urls in the slug. They would get encoded I think.

Henry Story: initial slugs: initial .. and / are not relative urls in the slug. They would get encoded I think.

15:50:11 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

15:50:20 <mesteban> ericP: the idea is enable users to have clear expectations about the naming of new resources.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: the idea is enable users to have clear expectations about the naming of new resources.

15:50:30 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

15:50:30 <Zakim> betehess, you wanted to suggest to be lax, so that we can support patterns later, eg. /MM/yy/dd-minutes.html

Zakim IRC Bot: betehess, you wanted to suggest to be lax, so that we can support patterns later, eg. /MM/yy/dd-minutes.html

15:50:32 <betehess> q-

Alexandre Bertails: q-

15:50:41 <Arnaud> ack rgarcia

Arnaud Le Hors: ack rgarcia

15:51:27 <mesteban> rgarcia: Richard proposal might need rewording to clarify whether the user has to stick to it or not.

Raúl García Castro: Richard proposal might need rewording to clarify whether the user has to stick to it or not.

15:51:54 <Ashok> q+

Ashok Malhotra: q+

15:52:17 <Arnaud> ack ashok

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ashok

15:52:17 <mesteban> cygri: making a normative statement raises the bar regarding requirements

Richard Cyganiak: making a normative statement raises the bar regarding requirements

15:52:20 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

15:52:36 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:52:43 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

15:53:23 <mesteban> Ashok: better to point them to the slug spec and let them refer to it.

Ashok Malhotra: better to point them to the slug spec and let them refer to it.

15:53:28 <TallTed> PROPOSAL: Servers MAY support the Slug header defined within the Atom spec in minting the new resource URI, MAY mint the new resource URI based on RDF content, MAY mint the new resource URI based on internal mechanisms... or MAY do anything it likes.

PROPOSED: Servers MAY support the Slug header defined within the Atom spec in minting the new resource URI, MAY mint the new resource URI based on RDF content, MAY mint the new resource URI based on internal mechanisms... or MAY do anything it likes.

15:53:41 <JohnArwe> @ericp: 5023 9.7.1 does say that the slugtext (field value) is a percent-encoded value.  which (looking at 3986 2.1 and 2.2 pretty much says that any / would NOT be interpreted as a relative URI (since it would be encoded), which makes .. and . irrelevant too

John Arwe: @ericp: 5023 9.7.1 does say that the slugtext (field value) is a percent-encoded value. which (looking at 3986 2.1 and 2.2 pretty much says that any / would NOT be interpreted as a relative URI (since it would be encoded), which makes .. and . irrelevant too

15:54:19 <mesteban> betehess: regardless what we say now we can later go back and constraint its usage in LDP.

Alexandre Bertails: regardless what we say now we can later go back and constraint its usage in LDP.

15:54:58 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:55:21 <JohnArwe> we're not hearing you yet

John Arwe: we're not hearing you yet

15:55:29 <mesteban> TallTed: there are many options regarding how the server may implement the naming scheme

Ted Thibodeau: there are many options regarding how the server may implement the naming scheme

15:56:19 <davidwood> It seems to me that LDP servers should just decode the percent-encoding when received.

David Wood: It seems to me that LDP servers should just decode the percent-encoding when received.

15:56:35 <ericP> @JohnArwe, I agree with that interpretation. Do we need text so that no one makes the mistake I made?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: @JohnArwe, I agree with that interpretation. Do we need text so that no one makes the mistake I made?

15:56:37 <betehess> -1 against anything will not give enough expectations to the client

Alexandre Bertails: -1 against anything which will not give enough expectations to the client

15:56:44 <davidwood> perhaps

David Wood: perhaps

15:56:46 <mesteban> arnaud: there as agreement on what we want to do the points is in the way we write it down

Arnaud Le Hors: there as agreement on what we want to do the points is in the way we write it down

15:57:03 <betehess> s/anything/anything which/
15:57:34 <nmihindu> s/arnaud/Arnaud
15:57:56 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

15:57:58 <ericP> betehess, i think that if we want stronger semantics, we can't use Slug: anyways

Eric Prud'hommeaux: betehess, i think that if we want stronger semantics, we can't use Slug: anyways

15:58:01 <TallTed> more seriously --

Ted Thibodeau: more seriously --

15:58:01 <TallTed> PROPOSAL: LDP Server SHOULD advertise whether it will arbitrarily mint new resource URIs or will accept hints from clients; if the latter, Server should advertise whether it supports the Slug header defined within the Atom spec, or will try to use resource content (whether RDF or otherwise), or otherwise.

PROPOSED: LDP Server SHOULD advertise whether it will arbitrarily mint new resource URIs or will accept hints from clients; if the latter, Server should advertise whether it supports the Slug header defined within the Atom spec, or will try to use resource content (whether RDF or otherwise), or otherwise.

15:58:19 <mesteban> cygri: argument against writing as a MAY is the possibility of misunderstanding.

Richard Cyganiak: argument against writing as a MAY is the possibility of misunderstanding.

15:58:29 <SteveS> For context the spec current says: "5.4.9 LDPC servers should assign the subject URI for the resource to be created using server application specific rules.", my proposal would be adding a new section here

Steve Speicher: For context the spec current says: "5.4.9 LDPC servers should assign the subject URI for the resource to be created using server application specific rules.", my proposal would be adding a new section here

15:58:31 <sandro> Ted, does LDP have a service description system?

Sandro Hawke: Ted, does LDP have a service description system?

15:58:36 <davidwood> q+ to suggest that servers MUST create a resource URI but SHOULD respect the slug header if present

David Wood: q+ to suggest that servers MUST create a resource URI but SHOULD respect the slug header if present

15:59:16 <TallTed> sandro - good question.  if not, the more MAY or even SHOULD we have, the more troublesome for interop.

Ted Thibodeau: sandro - good question. if not, the more MAY or even SHOULD we have, the more troublesome for interop.

15:59:21 <sandro> davidwood, I think it's 100% for a server to just number its resources.

Sandro Hawke: davidwood, I think it's 100% for a server to just number its resources.

15:59:23 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

15:59:27 <bblfish> the atom Slug spec was debated for weeks if not more on the Atom mailing list, so one should be wary of going beyond it

Henry Story: the atom Slug spec was debated for weeks if not more on the Atom mailing list, so one should be wary of going beyond it

15:59:38 <mesteban> SteveS: in the end it is just a recommendation but the server is the one that makes up the decission and may ignore the request from the user.

Steve Speicher: in the end it is just a recommendation but the server is the one that makes up the decission and may ignore the request from the user.

15:59:49 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

16:00:07 <ericP> davidwood, attempted friendly ammendment: s/SHOULD/MAY/ as a server shouldn't be held in minor contempt if it follows its own naming scheme

Eric Prud'hommeaux: davidwood, attempted friendly ammendment: s/SHOULD/MAY/ as a server shouldn't be held in minor contempt if it follows its own naming scheme

16:00:19 <sandro> q+ to say this is just for human readability, so there is no interop question.

Sandro Hawke: q+ to say this is just for human readability, so there is no interop question.

16:00:26 <mesteban> betehess: better to stick with one and make it clear in the spec, regardles we need to extend it semantics/usage later to better fit our requirments.

Alexandre Bertails: better to stick with one and make it clear in the spec, regardles we need to extend it semantics/usage later to better fit our requirments.

16:00:29 <bblfish> kind of ok, to move from MAY to SHOULD.

Henry Story: kind of ok, to move from MAY to SHOULD.

16:01:16 <Arnaud> ack david

Arnaud Le Hors: ack david

16:01:16 <Zakim> davidwood, you wanted to suggest that servers MUST create a resource URI but SHOULD respect the slug header if present

Zakim IRC Bot: davidwood, you wanted to suggest that servers MUST create a resource URI but SHOULD respect the slug header if present

16:01:37 <SteveBattle> I agree with the 'strengthening' of MAY to SHOULD of SteveS proposal. This gives the right signal to developers.

Steve Battle: I agree with the 'strengthening' of MAY to SHOULD of SteveS proposal. This gives the right signal to developers.

16:02:27 <mesteban> davidwood: if the client provides the slug header the server should respect the header.

David Wood: if the client provides the slug header the server should respect the header.

16:02:42 <mesteban> arnaud: but the spec says the opposite

Arnaud Le Hors: but the spec says the opposite

16:02:49 <ericP> q+ to say that we really shouldn't add semantics to the Slug header on our implementation 'cause the existing text says that e.g. {date}-foo would be %-encoded instead of intpreted as a URL template

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to say that we really shouldn't add semantics to the Slug header on our implementation 'cause the existing text says that e.g. {date}-foo would be %-encoded instead of intpreted as a URL template

16:02:57 <mesteban> davidwood: it is just looking it from the positive side

David Wood: it is just looking it from the positive side

16:03:28 <mesteban> cygri: that is ambiguous, the LDP spec should be clear with this respect

Richard Cyganiak: that is ambiguous, the LDP spec should be clear with this respect

16:03:54 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

16:03:54 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to say this is just for human readability, so there is no interop question.

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to say this is just for human readability, so there is no interop question.

16:04:02 <betehess> q+ to say that for me, it should be a MUST, with a section on what hints must be supported, with the semantics

Alexandre Bertails: q+ to say that for me, it should be a MUST, with a section on what hints must be supported, with the semantics

16:04:41 <Arnaud> ack eric

Arnaud Le Hors: ack eric

16:04:41 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to say that we really shouldn't add semantics to the Slug header on our implementation 'cause the existing text says that e.g. {date}-foo would be %-encoded

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to say that we really shouldn't add semantics to the Slug header on our implementation 'cause the existing text says that e.g. {date}-foo would be %-encoded

16:04:45 <Zakim> ... instead of intpreted as a URL template

Zakim IRC Bot: ... instead of intpreted as a URL template

16:04:50 <bblfish> yes. there could also be servers that don't want semantics in the names for security reasons

Henry Story: yes. there could also be servers that don't want semantics in the names for security reasons

16:05:17 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

16:05:20 <bblfish> ( so I think I am agreeing with Sandro there )

Henry Story: ( so I think I am agreeing with Sandro there )

16:05:26 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: An LDP server SHOULD use the decoded value of a Slug header to construct a URI for a resource, if present.

PROPOSED: An LDP server SHOULD use the decoded value of a Slug header to construct a URI for a resource, if present.

16:05:41 <mesteban> sandro: we should not mix interoperability specific features with human readability issues.

Sandro Hawke: we should not mix interoperability specific features with human readability issues.

16:05:43 <davidwood> or maybe:

David Wood: or maybe:

16:05:55 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

16:05:55 <Zakim> betehess, you wanted to say that for me, it should be a MUST, with a section on what hints must be supported, with the semantics

Zakim IRC Bot: betehess, you wanted to say that for me, it should be a MUST, with a section on what hints must be supported, with the semantics

16:06:12 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: An LDP server SHOULD append the decoded value of a Slug header to the container URI to construct a URI for a resource, if present.

PROPOSED: An LDP server SHOULD append the decoded value of a Slug header to the container URI to construct a URI for a resource, if present.

16:06:30 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

16:07:36 <JohnArwe> q+

John Arwe: q+

16:07:39 <mesteban> betehess: we can be clear in the spec about using slug LDP because the server has the option to ignore it

Alexandre Bertails: we can be clear in the spec about using slug LDP because the server has the option to ignore it

16:07:40 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

16:08:00 <SteveBattle> Should we say that the server makes a 'best attempt to append the decoded value'. ie. what if the resource already exists, does the decoded value include additional disambiguation characters?

Steve Battle: Should we say that the server makes a 'best attempt to append the decoded value'. ie. what if the resource already exists, does the decoded value include additional disambiguation characters?

16:08:10 <sandro> +1 cygri: if you want something stronger than MAY, then propose a new header.

Sandro Hawke: +1 cygri: if you want something stronger than MAY, then propose a new header.

16:08:17 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

16:08:20 <rgarcia> +1 cygri

Raúl García Castro: +1 cygri

16:08:27 <davidwood> A new header is OK by me

David Wood: A new header is OK by me

16:08:30 <mesteban> cygri: if anybody requires some more restricted semantics they should come up with an specific mechanism a not rely on slug headers.

Richard Cyganiak: if anybody requires some more restricted semantics they should come up with an specific mechanism a not rely on slug headers.

16:08:49 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

16:09:15 <ericP> but there remains the question of whether we adopt davidwood's text which tells you that MAY be interpted by decoding and appening to the container URI

Eric Prud'hommeaux: but there remains the question of whether we adopt davidwood's text which tells you that MAY be interpted by decoding and appening to the container URI

16:09:16 <sandro> q+ to ask about use case - PUT into a container?

Sandro Hawke: q+ to ask about use case - PUT into a container?

16:09:24 <mesteban> cygri: the norm is that the server decides, not the client, but that a client may provide a hint.

Richard Cyganiak: the norm is that the server decides, not the client, but that a client may provide a hint.

16:10:08 <Arnaud>  ack john

Arnaud Le Hors: ack john

16:10:34 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

16:11:03 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

16:11:03 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask about use case - PUT into a container?

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to ask about use case - PUT into a container?

16:11:19 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: LDP will define a new HTTP header called LDP-Slug.  An LDP server SHOULD append the decoded value of a LDP-Slug header to the container URI to construct a URI for a resource, if present.

PROPOSED: LDP will define a new HTTP header called LDP-Slug. An LDP server SHOULD append the decoded value of a LDP-Slug header to the container URI to construct a URI for a resource, if present.

16:11:54 <ericP> i'm not sure we need anything other than Slug: for that header

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i'm not sure we need anything other than Slug: for that header

16:12:09 <davidwood> I agree, but others seem to be

David Wood: I agree, but others seem to be

16:12:11 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

16:12:11 <ericP> i think betehess wants LDP-Tmplate:

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i think betehess wants LDP-Tmplate:

16:12:16 <mesteban> sandro: if there is an special need that does not align with slug then a new proposal is to be maked backed by use cases, etc.

Sandro Hawke: if there is an special need that does not align with slug then a new proposal is to be maked backed by use cases, etc.

16:12:30 <sandro> davidwood, what's the use case?

Sandro Hawke: davidwood, what's the use case?

16:12:47 <bblfish> thats it

Henry Story: thats it

16:12:54 <davidwood> Clients wish to have input into what resources become named.

David Wood: Clients wish to have input into what resources become named.

16:13:19 <ericP> q+

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+

16:13:27 <rgarcia> -1

Raúl García Castro: -1

16:13:35 <Arnaud> ack eric

Arnaud Le Hors: ack eric

16:14:13 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

16:14:31 <cody> +1 percent encode and append to container URI

Cody Burleson: +1 percent encode and append to container URI

16:14:44 <sandro> q+ to suggest a process

Sandro Hawke: q+ to suggest a process

16:15:00 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

16:15:02 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

16:15:12 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

16:15:12 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to suggest a process

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to suggest a process

16:15:17 <mesteban> ericP: cygri's point is just to let users know about the slug header, davidwood's point to let them know how this is interpreted within LDP and betehess's proposals is an extension that requires a new header

Eric Prud'hommeaux: cygri's point is just to let users know about the slug header, davidwood's point to let them know how this is interpreted within LDP and betehess's proposals is an extension that requires a new header

16:16:05 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

16:16:23 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

16:16:46 <betehess> I disagree with the statement that what I'm saying is in contradiction with the Slug spec, because the server might still interpret the hint. we can always build on top of that

Alexandre Bertails: I disagree with the statement that what I'm saying is in contradiction with the Slug spec, because the server might still interpret the hint. we can always build on top of that

16:16:51 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

16:16:54 <mesteban> cygri: davidwood proposal needs some additional details to be provided that might be tricky

Richard Cyganiak: davidwood proposal needs some additional details to be provided that might be tricky

16:17:15 <SteveBattle> I'm not sure David's proposal works straightforwardly with weak aggregation (if we allow that - I'm happy to outlaw weak aggregation).

Steve Battle: I'm not sure David's proposal works straightforwardly with weak aggregation (if we allow that - I'm happy to outlaw weak aggregation).

16:17:51 <sandro> arnaud:   (1) use slug as is, (2) use slug and add to it, (3) create some new header

Arnaud Le Hors: (1) use slug as is, (2) use slug and add to it, (3) create some new header [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

16:18:23 <mesteban> SteveS: we can have a mix of cygri and davidwood proposals in which we say that slug is an option and that the LDP spec still has to decide how it is to be interpreted.

Steve Speicher: we can have a mix of cygri and davidwood proposals in which we say that slug is an option and that the LDP spec still has to decide how it is to be interpreted.

16:18:56 <ericP> 0, +1, -1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: 0, +1, -1

16:19:05 <bblfish> +1, +1, -1

Henry Story: +1, +1, -1

16:19:08 <davidwood> 0, +1, 0

David Wood: 0, +1, 0

16:19:13 <Ashok> +1,-1,-1

Ashok Malhotra: +1,-1,-1

16:19:22 <SteveS> 0, +1, 0

Steve Speicher: 0, +1, 0

16:19:24 <rgarcia> +1, -1, -1

Raúl García Castro: +1, -1, -1

16:19:24 <SteveBattle> +1,0,-1

Steve Battle: +1,0,-1

16:19:26 <mesteban> +1, 0, +1

+1, 0, +1

16:19:27 <sandro> +1, 0, 0

Sandro Hawke: +1, 0, 0

16:19:32 <betehess> 0, +1, 0

Alexandre Bertails: 0, +1, 0

16:19:38 <krp> +1, 0, -1

Kevin Page: +1, 0, -1

16:19:42 <cygri> +1, -0.25, -1

Richard Cyganiak: +1, -0.25, -1

16:19:42 <nmihindu> +1, -0, -1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1, -0, -1

16:19:42 <TallTed> 0, -1, 0

Ted Thibodeau: 0, -1, 0

16:19:47 <JohnArwe> +0, -1, -1

John Arwe: +0, -1, -1

16:20:06 <roger> +1, -1, -1

Roger Menday: +1, -1, -1

16:21:17 <Arnaud> resolved: Use slug as is

RESOLVED: Use slug as is

16:21:41 <mesteban> Arnaud: there is consensus in using slug as is, there is still the issue whether this closes issue 43.

Arnaud Le Hors: there is consensus in using slug as is, there is still the issue whether this closes ISSUE-43.

16:21:59 <sandro> issue-43?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-43?

16:21:59 <trackbot> ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- open

16:21:59 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

16:22:10 <bblfish> when are you back?

Henry Story: when are you back?

16:22:34 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

16:24:23 <JohnArwe> lunch for 35 mins henry

John Arwe: lunch for 35 mins henry

17:10:53 <cygri> q+

(No events recorded for 46 minutes)

Richard Cyganiak: q+

17:11:45 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

<ericP> scribe: ericP

(Scribe set to Eric Prud'hommeaux)

17:11:47 <ericP> SteveBattle: callimachus and others use e.g. rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel

Steve Battle: callimachus and others use e.g. rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel

17:11:52 <ericP> ... content to just use Slug:

... content to just use Slug:

17:12:06 <ericP> cygri: as written, the spec says the server is in charge of inventing the URIs

Richard Cyganiak: as written, the spec says the server is in charge of inventing the URIs

17:12:27 <ericP> ... we've said that the client can provide a hint (via Slug:)

... we've said that the client can provide a hint (via Slug:)

17:12:47 <ericP> ... server still at liberty to use the e.g. rdfs:label

... server still at liberty to use the e.g. rdfs:label

17:13:05 <ericP> SteveBattle: do we want to tell folks "if you use anything, use Slug:"?

Steve Battle: do we want to tell folks "if you use anything, use Slug:"?

17:13:19 <mesteban> 1+

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: 1+

17:13:24 <ericP> Arnaud: i propose we don't further specifiy

Arnaud Le Hors: i propose we don't further specifiy

17:13:36 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

17:13:37 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

17:13:38 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-43


17:13:44 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

17:13:44 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

17:13:48 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

17:13:51 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

17:13:56 <TallTed> ... with no further comment.

Ted Thibodeau: ... with no further comment.

17:14:05 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

17:14:10 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

17:14:11 <SteveS> +1.0

Steve Speicher: +1.0

17:14:15 <ericP> APPROVED


17:14:17 <JohnArwe> +1 to close with pre-lunch resolution only

John Arwe: +1 to close with pre-lunch resolution only

17:14:26 <ericP> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-43


17:14:28 <sandro> (with no action except as resolved before lunch, to use slug)

Sandro Hawke: (with no action except as resolved before lunch, to use slug)

17:14:31 <betehess> +1 even if I still don't know the form it will take

Alexandre Bertails: +1 even if I still don't know the form it will take

17:14:34 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

17:14:41 <sandro> close issue-43

Sandro Hawke: close ISSUE-43

17:14:41 <trackbot> Closed ISSUE-43 hint at naming a resource on creation.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ISSUE-43 hint at naming a resource on creation.

17:14:44 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer?

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, pointer?

17:14:44 <RRSAgent> See

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See

17:14:49 <ericP> topic: Primer

4. Primer

17:14:59 <trackbot> ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- closed

17:14:59 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

17:15:20 <ericP> Arnaud: the Primer isn't required by the charter, but at F2F1, we decided to do a deployment guide

Arnaud Le Hors: the Primer isn't required by the charter, but at F2F1, we decided to do a deployment guide

17:15:37 <ericP> ... we've since moved best practice text out of the spec.

... we've since moved best practice text out of the spec.

17:15:56 <ericP> ... since then, we've decided that the audience of the deployment guide is implementors of the spec

... since then, we've decided that the audience of the deployment guide is implementors of the spec

17:16:04 <ericP> ... the Primer would be for users of the spec

... the Primer would be for users of the spec

17:16:05 <sandro> RRSAgent, make records public

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, make records public

17:16:44 <ericP> ... so more educational material goes into the Primer

... so more educational material goes into the Primer

17:17:32 <ericP> ... who writes this Primer?

... who writes this Primer?

17:18:11 <ericP> JohnArwe: i think there's an 85% chance that i'll have to write one anyways

John Arwe: i think there's an 85% chance that i'll have to write one anyways

17:18:40 <ericP> SteveS: Primer is 4th on my priority list. once they're done...

Steve Speicher: Primer is 4th on my priority list. once they're done...

17:21:14 <ericP> Arnaud: work on the spec will take cycles from the WG

Arnaud Le Hors: work on the spec will take cycles from the WG

17:21:22 <ericP> ... my priority is the spec

... my priority is the spec

17:22:17 <ericP> davidwood: i'll volunteer to work on the Primer after May

David Wood: i'll volunteer to work on the Primer after May

17:23:14 <ericP> topic: LDP Specification - Closing issues

5. LDP Specification - Closing issues

17:24:41 <nmihindu> Arnaud, the issues that were mentioned important in the morning - 15, 21, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Arnaud, the issues that were mentioned important in the morning - 15, 21, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39

17:25:49 <Arnaud> thanks Nandana

Arnaud Le Hors: thanks Nandana

17:26:10 <ericP> roger: in issue-39, sometimes you don't can't instantly create resources

Roger Menday: in ISSUE-39, sometimes you don't can't instantly create resources

17:26:36 <Arnaud> subtopic: issue-39: HTTP status codes used for creation 201/202

5.1. ISSUE-39: HTTP status codes used for creation 201/202

17:26:56 <ericP> JohnArwe: if you return 202, you have to return a monitor to the client

John Arwe: if you return 202, you have to return a monitor to the client

17:27:55 <ericP> ... 2616 says that the server can return the monitor in the response body

... 2616 says that the server can return the monitor in the response body

17:28:50 <ericP> roger: if you POST to create a resource, you don't need a monitor 'cause the client can GET the location header

Roger Menday: if you POST to create a resource, you don't need a monitor 'cause the client can GET the location header

17:29:16 <ericP> JohnArwe: 202 doesn't specifically mention a Location: header

John Arwe: 202 doesn't specifically mention a Location: header

17:30:00 <ericP> tallted: can I GET the resource being created and see 202s until it's ready?

Ted Thibodeau: can I GET the resource being created and see 202s until it's ready?

17:30:40 <ericP> JohnArwe: i don't believe it's prohibited, but also not suggested

John Arwe: i don't believe it's prohibited, but also not suggested

17:30:51 <ericP> ... who uses 202s?

... who uses 202s?

17:31:05 <ericP> davidwood: i've seen it in the wild and we use it

David Wood: i've seen it in the wild and we use it

17:32:03 <ericP> tallted: when 202 is used, does the server provide a polling address?

Ted Thibodeau: when 202 is used, does the server provide a polling address?

17:32:20 <ericP> davidwood: we give the same address as the polling address

David Wood: we give the same address as the polling address

17:32:28 <ericP> ericP: but you could de-couple that in the future

Eric Prud'hommeaux: but you could de-couple that in the future

17:32:29 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

17:33:14 <ericP> SteveS: currently, it must return a 201 when it's created a resource

Steve Speicher: currently, it must return a 201 when it's created a resource

17:33:33 <ericP> ... we don't need to weaken it, but we can provide more guidance when you can't create the resource

... we don't need to weaken it, but we can provide more guidance when you can't create the resource

17:33:42 <SteveS> q-

Steve Speicher: q-

17:34:17 <ericP> cygri: one pattern is that a POST returns a redirect (303) to the created resource

Richard Cyganiak: one pattern is that a POST returns a redirect (303) to the created resource

17:34:40 <ericP> ... normal web browsers don't know not to render the body of a 201

... normal web browsers don't know not to render the body of a 201

17:35:20 <ericP> ... current text prohibits this pattern

... current text prohibits this pattern

17:36:34 <JohnArwe> 2616 section 9.5 (POST) says, wrt to 303s:    Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response

John Arwe: 2616 section 9.5 (POST) says, wrt to 303s: Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response

17:36:34 <JohnArwe>    includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. However,

John Arwe: includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. However,

17:36:34 <JohnArwe>    the 303 (See Other) response can be used to direct the user agent to

John Arwe: the 303 (See Other) response can be used to direct the user agent to

17:36:34 <JohnArwe>    retrieve a cacheable resource.

John Arwe: retrieve a cacheable resource.

17:36:40 <ericP> ... we want to make it easy for clients to find the created resource

... we want to make it easy for clients to find the created resource

17:37:00 <ericP> ... saying 201, Location:, no body makes that easy

... saying 201, Location:, no body makes that easy

17:37:21 <ericP> ... but it forbids deferred creation and redirect to cachable resource patterns

... but it forbids deferred creation and redirect to cachable resource patterns

17:38:56 <ericP> ... maybe we can generalize to "the Location: header must have the location of the created resource. the response code may be any successful value"

... maybe we can generalize to "the Location: header must have the location of the created resource. the response code may be any successful value"

17:39:28 <ericP> Arnaud: we could just not mention the response code, just lean on HTTP

Arnaud Le Hors: we could just not mention the response code, just lean on HTTP

17:39:41 <ericP> JohnArwe: Location: is defined only for 303 and 201

John Arwe: Location: is defined only for 303 and 201

17:43:14 <betehess> why not make 2 scenarios: synchronous and asynchronous? the server would decide, but we would have to spec both methods

Alexandre Bertails: why not make 2 scenarios: synchronous and asynchronous? the server would decide, but we would have to spec both methods

17:43:40 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

17:44:37 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

17:44:55 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

17:45:27 <ericP> betehess: since we have only two scenarios, should we just specify both the asynch and synch scenarios?

Alexandre Bertails: since we have only two scenarios, should we just specify both the asynch and synch scenarios?

17:45:53 <ericP> ... 303 and 201 are pretty similar

... 303 and 201 are pretty similar

17:46:25 <ericP> cygri: 303 explicity tells the client to dereference the Location: header and 201 does not

Richard Cyganiak: 303 explicity tells the client to dereference the Location: header and 201 does not

17:46:34 <ericP> ... normal web browsers observe 303

... normal web browsers observe 303

17:46:53 <ericP> ... HTTP says that 201 SHOULD include an entity body

... HTTP says that 201 SHOULD include an entity body

17:47:20 <ericP> ... and we're saying that one MUST NOT include a body with a 201

... and we're saying that one MUST NOT include a body with a 201

17:47:30 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

17:48:43 <betehess>  201: the resource is synchronously created - 202: the resource is asynchronously created - 303: the resource is synchronously created and the server tells the client to go there

Alexandre Bertails: 201: the resource is synchronously created - 202: the resource is asynchronously created - 303: the resource is synchronously created and the server tells the client to go there

17:49:55 <ericP> scribenick: ericP
17:51:44 <ericP> cody: why would i expect a moved in response to a POST?

Cody Burleson: why would i expect a moved in response to a POST?

17:52:04 <ericP> cygri: it's more that the POST creates soemthing and then says "see this other thing"

Richard Cyganiak: it's more that the POST creates soemthing and then says "see this other thing"

17:52:23 <ericP> betehess: does 303 mean i was successful

Alexandre Bertails: does 303 mean i was successful

17:52:45 <ericP> betehess: does 303 mean i was successful?

Alexandre Bertails: does 303 mean i was successful?

17:53:06 <ericP> cygri: it's a pattern you see in normal web apps

Richard Cyganiak: it's a pattern you see in normal web apps

17:53:24 <ericP> sandro: that's all 303 was used for before the SemWeb [httprange14] hack

Sandro Hawke: that's all 303 was used for before the SemWeb [httprange14] hack

17:54:03 <ericP> betehess: are we conflating "creation" and "see other"?

Alexandre Bertails: are we conflating "creation" and "see other"?

17:54:24 <ericP> cygri: there's nothing in the 303 that tells you that the creation succeeded

Richard Cyganiak: there's nothing in the 303 that tells you that the creation succeeded

17:54:25 <gavinc> No, the TAG did that :P

Gavin Carothers: No, the TAG did that :P

17:56:04 <ericP> ... with conventional browsers, our mandated 201 with no body means that a human user sees an empty page

... with conventional browsers, our mandated 201 with no body means that a human user sees an empty page

17:56:16 <mesteban> q+

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: q+

17:56:33 <ericP> ... use case: i'm building a browser tool for testing LDP services.

... use case: i'm building a browser tool for testing LDP services.

17:56:50 <ericP> ... .. i can build the POST request with a conventional HTML form

... .. i can build the POST request with a conventional HTML form

17:57:06 <betehess> so to be clear: 303 is a hack for browsers not handling 201 properly

Alexandre Bertails: so to be clear: 303 is a hack for browsers not handling 201 properly

17:57:33 <ericP> ... .. it'd be nice if the server were allowed to provide a body for the user to see

... .. it'd be nice if the server were allowed to provide a body for the user to see

17:58:05 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

17:58:07 <Arnaud> ack mesteban

Arnaud Le Hors: ack mesteban

17:58:31 <ericP> mesteban: does the 201 with a no body mean the same thing as a 204?

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: does the 201 with a no body mean the same thing as a 204?

17:58:55 <ericP> JohnArwe: that's probably the common interpretation but i don't think you'd see that in the HTTP spec

John Arwe: that's probably the common interpretation but i don't think you'd see that in the HTTP spec

17:59:21 <ericP> cygri: 201 mentions the Location: header explicitly. 204 does not

Richard Cyganiak: 201 mentions the Location: header explicitly. 204 does not

17:59:50 <ericP> JohnArwe: if the request was successful and there was no body, return a 204

John Arwe: if the request was successful and there was no body, return a 204

18:00:19 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

18:00:30 <ericP> ... it's not clear in HTTP whether 303 is a valid response to a creation

... it's not clear in HTTP whether 303 is a valid response to a creation

18:01:23 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

18:01:54 <bblfish> Issue-39?

Henry Story: ISSUE-39?

18:01:54 <trackbot> ISSUE-39 -- HTTP status codes used for creation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-39 -- HTTP status codes used for creation -- open

18:01:54 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

18:02:28 <ericP> betehess: 303 seems to be a hack to work around clients failing to handle 201

Alexandre Bertails: 303 seems to be a hack to work around clients failing to handle 201

18:02:42 <ericP> ... if we just want to say it was created, we should use the 201

... if we just want to say it was created, we should use the 201

18:03:15 <betehess> modern browsers can do the redirect with javascript anyway

Alexandre Bertails: modern browsers can do the redirect with javascript anyway

18:03:41 <ericP> Arnaud: in order to improve interop, we should restrict the number of response codes

Arnaud Le Hors: in order to improve interop, we should restrict the number of response codes

18:04:15 <ericP> ... roger's point was about 202

... roger's point was about 202

18:04:29 <ericP> ... then cygri said "what about 303?"

... then cygri said "what about 303?"

18:04:44 <ericP> ... what if we go back to just 201 and 202?

... what if we go back to just 201 and 202?

18:04:54 <ericP> ... do we want to add 303?

... do we want to add 303?

18:05:06 <JohnArwe> httpbis on 303 says:    If the result of processing a POST would be equivalent to a

John Arwe: httpbis on 303 says: If the result of processing a POST would be equivalent to a

18:05:06 <JohnArwe>    representation of an existing resource, an origin server MAY redirect

John Arwe: representation of an existing resource, an origin server MAY redirect

18:05:06 <JohnArwe>    the user agent to that resource by sending a 303 (See Other) response

John Arwe: the user agent to that resource by sending a 303 (See Other) response

18:05:06 <JohnArwe>    with the existing resource's identifier in the Location field.  This

John Arwe: with the existing resource's identifier in the Location field. This

18:05:06 <JohnArwe>    has the benefits of providing the user agent a resource identifier

John Arwe: has the benefits of providing the user agent a resource identifier

18:05:06 <JohnArwe>    and transferring the representation via a method more amenable to

John Arwe: and transferring the representation via a method more amenable to

18:05:07 <JohnArwe>    shared caching, though at the cost of an extra request if the user

John Arwe: shared caching, though at the cost of an extra request if the user

18:05:07 <JohnArwe>    agent does not already have the representation cached.

John Arwe: agent does not already have the representation cached.

18:05:23 <ericP> cygri: i'd like either 303 or 201+body

Richard Cyganiak: i'd like either 303 or 201+body

18:05:30 <JohnArwe> ...which is different than 2616's POST-303 text

John Arwe: ...which is different than 2616's POST-303 text

18:05:39 <JohnArwe> ...and it explicitly mentions Location

John Arwe: ...and it explicitly mentions Location

18:05:44 <JohnArwe> q+

John Arwe: q+

18:07:02 <ericP> ... i'd like to say "this spec doesn't restrict the body of the 201. the safe way to see the created entity is to GET the Location: header"

... i'd like to say "this spec doesn't restrict the body of the 201. the safe way to see the created entity is to GET the Location: header"

18:08:31 <Arnaud> ack john

Arnaud Le Hors: ack john

18:08:57 <ericP> JohnArwe: i pasted about the 303 case. it explicitly mentions the Location: headers

John Arwe: i pasted about the 303 case. it explicitly mentions the Location: headers

18:09:04 <betehess> if we remove 5.4.5, we're just back to the HTTP spec, so I'm not against it

Alexandre Bertails: if we remove 5.4.5, we're just back to the HTTP spec, so I'm not against it

18:09:15 <Arnaud> proposal: delete section 5.4.5, allow servers to have an entity body in the response

PROPOSED: delete section 5.4.5, allow servers to have an entity body in the response

18:09:30 <davidwood> +1 to removing 5.4.5

David Wood: +1 to removing 5.4.5

18:10:36 <betehess> 0+

Alexandre Bertails: 0+

18:10:37 <sandro> ericP, yes --- there's the semantic-web-303 hack.   that might apply here.

Sandro Hawke: ericP, yes --- there's the semantic-web-303 hack. that might apply here.

18:10:40 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

18:10:53 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

18:11:08 <cygri> +1 to removing 5.4.5

Richard Cyganiak: +1 to removing 5.4.5

18:11:11 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

18:11:13 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

18:11:14 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

18:11:17 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

18:11:20 <cody> +1 to removing 5.4.5

Cody Burleson: +1 to removing 5.4.5

18:11:41 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

18:12:36 <ericP> SteveS: the 5.4.5 "no body" text came from our need to clarify our client expections.

Steve Speicher: the 5.4.5 "no body" text came from our need to clarify our client expections.

18:12:59 <ericP> ... some servers were responding with the clients and the clients were depending on it.

... some servers were responding with the clients and the clients were depending on it.

18:13:04 <sandro> SteveS: we found it easier/better to say just use the location header.      the 201 body wasn't always good.

Steve Speicher: we found it easier/better to say just use the location header. the 201 body wasn't always good. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:13:10 <cody>  It sounds useful (helpful) to include somewhere that the client should not expect response. But we don't need to say that the server SHOULD NOT include it.

Cody Burleson: It sounds useful (helpful) to include somewhere that the client should not expect response. But we don't need to say that the server SHOULD NOT include it.

18:13:24 <ericP> cygri: "a client must not expect that the body of a 201 is the contents of a created resources"

Richard Cyganiak: "a client must not expect that the body of a 201 is the contents of a created resources"

18:13:32 <ericP> ... HTTP says that

... HTTP says that

18:14:12 <SteveS> +.99 plug give guidance to clients to not expect it

Steve Speicher: +.99 plug give guidance to clients to not expect it

18:15:59 <Arnaud> PROPOSAL: Delete 1st sentence of section 4.5.5, and reword the second one as informative

PROPOSED: Delete 1st sentence of section 5.4.5, and reword the second one as informative

18:16:04 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

18:16:04 <ericP> +1


18:16:06 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

18:16:07 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

18:16:07 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

18:16:09 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

18:16:15 <cody> 5.4.5

Cody Burleson: 5.4.5

18:16:15 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

18:16:20 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

18:16:25 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

18:16:26 <Arnaud> s/4.5.5/5.4.5/
18:16:33 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

18:16:56 <ericP> RESOLVED: Delete 1st sentence of section 5.4.5, and reword the second one as informative

RESOLVED: Delete 1st sentence of section 5.4.5, and reword the second one as informative

18:17:20 <ericP> cygri: the 303 doesn't explicitly say that creation was successful

Richard Cyganiak: the 303 doesn't explicitly say that creation was successful

18:17:39 <ericP> ... if we say that 303 DOES imply successful creation, we're extending HTTP

... if we say that 303 DOES imply successful creation, we're extending HTTP

18:18:58 <betehess> q+ to ask if we have to specify the monitor

Alexandre Bertails: q+ to ask if we have to specify the monitor

18:19:07 <ericP> ... client says "please create X for me".

... client says "please create X for me".

18:19:40 <ericP> ... server says "i've accepted your request (but i may not be successful)"

... server says "i've accepted your request (but i may not be successful)"

18:19:44 <bblfish>  202:

Henry Story: 202:

18:19:54 <ericP> ... so 202 doesn't as such say where the new resource might be

... so 202 doesn't as such say where the new resource might be

18:20:07 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

18:20:11 <ericP> ... we said we could use Location:

... we said we could use Location:

18:20:21 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

18:20:21 <Zakim> betehess, you wanted to ask if we have to specify the monitor

Zakim IRC Bot: betehess, you wanted to ask if we have to specify the monitor

18:20:27 <ericP> roger: yeah, Location: usually used with 201

Roger Menday: yeah, Location: usually used with 201

18:20:52 <ericP> betehess: we can use the Location: header and have the client poll

Alexandre Bertails: we can use the Location: header and have the client poll

18:21:08 <ericP> ... or we can use the monitor, which we need to document

... or we can use the monitor, which we need to document

18:21:38 <bblfish> Is there a use case for 202?

Henry Story: Is there a use case for 202?

18:23:12 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

18:23:24 <Arnaud> bblfish, yes, roger has one

Arnaud Le Hors: bblfish, yes, roger has one

18:23:36 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

18:23:42 <ericP> cygri: i've never seen use of 202 on a (created) resource

Richard Cyganiak: i've never seen use of 202 on a (created) resource

18:23:51 <nmihindu> q+

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: q+

18:24:08 <ericP> ericP: we may have to define the behavior of a GET on a not-yet-created resource anyways

Eric Prud'hommeaux: we may have to define the behavior of a GET on a not-yet-created resource anyways

18:24:19 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

18:24:35 <ericP> SteveBattle: i'm not comfortable with conflating the monitor with the created resource

Steve Battle: i'm not comfortable with conflating the monitor with the created resource

18:24:38 <ericP> SteveS


18:25:20 <ericP> SteveS: in the typical case of creation, it's maybe seconds to create a resource

Steve Speicher: in the typical case of creation, it's maybe seconds to create a resource

18:25:26 <Arnaud> ack nmihindu

Arnaud Le Hors: ack nmihindu

18:26:02 <ericP> nmihindu: the server could return a 404 on a deferred creation.

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: the server could return a 404 on a deferred creation.

18:26:32 <cygri> q+ to make a proposal

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to make a proposal

18:27:00 <ericP> ... the client can know that it's asking for a resource that's being created

... the client can know that it's asking for a resource that's being created

18:27:03 <betehess> PROPOSAL: LDPC servers MUST respond with status code 201 (Created) if the resource was successfully created synchronously

PROPOSED: LDPC servers MUST respond with status code 201 (Created) if the resource was successfully created synchronously

18:27:18 <ericP> ... i know it's not ideal, but the client could timeout after 5 mins and decide it's not being created

... i know it's not ideal, but the client could timeout after 5 mins and decide it's not being created

18:27:35 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

18:27:54 <betehess> q-

Alexandre Bertails: q-

18:27:58 <cygri> PROPOSAL: If the resource was created successfully, the server MUST respond with 201.

PROPOSED: If the resource was created successfully, the server MUST respond with 201.

18:28:18 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

18:28:18 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to make a proposal

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to make a proposal

18:28:20 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

18:28:48 <SteveS> +1, +1

Steve Speicher: +1, +1

18:29:02 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

18:29:38 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

18:29:40 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

18:29:40 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

18:29:41 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

18:29:42 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

18:29:42 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

18:29:43 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

18:29:52 <ericP> +1


18:30:01 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

18:30:06 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

18:30:06 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

18:30:10 <ericP> RESOLVED: If the resource was created successfully, the server MUST respond with 201.

RESOLVED: If the resource was created successfully, the server MUST respond with 201.

18:31:08 <ericP> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-39


18:31:30 <SteveBattle> My suggestion for the status monitor is to use the container itself as the monitor, specifically a hash uri within the container that has metadata for a specific request.

Steve Battle: My suggestion for the status monitor is to use the container itself as the monitor, specifically a hash uri within the container that has metadata for a specific request.

18:32:08 <Arnaud> "must-haves": 15, 21, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38

Arnaud Le Hors: "must-haves": 15, 21, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38

18:33:07 <ericP> subtopic: ISSUE-21: Reverse membership predicates

5.2. ISSUE-21: Reverse membership predicates

18:33:29 <ericP> Arnaud: today we have a member predicate which specifies how you indicate membership

Arnaud Le Hors: today we have a member predicate which specifies how you indicate membership

18:33:42 <ericP> ... sometimes i want to turn that relationship around

... sometimes i want to turn that relationship around

18:34:42 <ericP> SteveBattle: exactly, if i wanted to say that the container is linked by skos:conceptScheme, the container is used as the subject

Steve Battle: exactly, if i wanted to say that the container is linked by skos:conceptScheme, the container is used as the object

18:34:46 <bblfish> Issue-21

Henry Story: ISSUE-21

18:34:46 <trackbot> ISSUE-21 -- container affordances -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-21 -- container affordances -- open

18:34:46 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

18:34:56 <ericP> s/used as the subject/used as the object/
18:35:24 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

18:35:35 <nmihindu> example -

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: example -

18:35:49 <ericP> davidwood: seems reasonable, but why do you *prefer* this?

David Wood: seems reasonable, but why do you *prefer* this?

18:35:58 <ericP> SteveBattle: to use the skos vocab

Steve Battle: to use the skos vocab

18:36:10 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

18:37:32 <ericP> Arnaud: following up that email, you've made a proposal

Arnaud Le Hors: following up that email, you've made a proposal

18:37:38 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

18:38:06 <ericP> betehess: Q: do we have to choose either membershipPredicate or reverseMembershipPredicate?

Alexandre Bertails: Q: do we have to choose either membershipPredicate or reverseMembershipPredicate?

18:38:27 <JohnArwe> ...said choice being _on a single LDPC_

John Arwe: ...said choice being _on a single LDPC_

18:38:39 <sandro> q+ to suggest the name be MembershipPredicateInverse   (since OWL calls it "inverse" not "reverse", and "InverseMembershipPredicate" doesn't sound right.)

Sandro Hawke: q+ to suggest the name be MembershipPredicateInverse (since OWL calls it "inverse" not "reverse", and "InverseMembershipPredicate" doesn't sound right.)

18:38:47 <ericP> ... i've implemented a client that just follows links and it can't follow this reversal

... i've implemented a client that just follows links and it can't follow this reversal

18:38:49 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

18:39:04 <ericP> SteveBattle: that's confusing navigability with arc direction

Steve Battle: that's confusing navigability with arc direction

18:39:26 <ericP> cygri: you shouldn't be restricted to only following links from subject to object

Richard Cyganiak: you shouldn't be restricted to only following links from subject to object

18:41:03 <ericP> ericP: i think this assumes that arc direction prescribes authority

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i think this assumes that arc direction prescribes authority

18:41:43 <Ashok> q+

Ashok Malhotra: q+

18:43:18 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

18:43:18 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to suggest the name be MembershipPredicateInverse   (since OWL calls it "inverse" not "reverse", and "InverseMembershipPredicate" doesn't sound right.)

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to suggest the name be MembershipPredicateInverse (since OWL calls it "inverse" not "reverse", and "InverseMembershipPredicate" doesn't sound right.)

18:43:33 <ericP> sounds like access-limited logic to me

sounds like access-limited logic to me

18:43:37 <ericP> -> Access-Limited Logic

-> Access-Limited Logic

18:43:51 <cygri> sandro, how about: <> ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf skos:inScheme ]

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, how about: <> ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf skos:inScheme ]

18:44:19 <Arnaud> ack ashok

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ashok

18:44:33 <ericP> sandro: for RDF properties, OWL follows the mathmatical convention to call this "inverse"

Sandro Hawke: for RDF properties, OWL follows the mathmatical convention to call this "inverse"

18:44:43 <sandro> cute cygri ...    yeah.....

Sandro Hawke: cute cygri ... yeah.....

18:45:00 <cygri> sandro, we use that pattern in data cube

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, we use that pattern in data cube

18:45:11 <cody> In OWL, for example, inverse is the terms (owl:inverseOf)

Cody Burleson: In OWL, for example, inverse is the terms (owl:inverseOf)

18:46:06 <sandro> cygri, do you think that's a viable alternative?     I'm not sure.

Sandro Hawke: cygri, do you think that's a viable alternative? I'm not sure.

18:46:28 <ericP> SteveBattle: this is mostly motivated by using skos:inScheme

Steve Battle: this is mostly motivated by using skos:inScheme

18:47:08 <ericP> Arnaud: dret already expressed concearns about the membershipPredicate

Arnaud Le Hors: dret already expressed concearns about the membershipPredicate

18:47:09 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

18:47:21 <ericP> ... this adds another layer to that

... this adds another layer to that

18:47:51 <bblfish> inventing inverse properties is not a good idea

Henry Story: inventing inverse properties is not a good idea

18:48:16 <ericP> sandro: cygri said that you can do get around ldp:reverseMembershipPredicate with ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf skos:inScheme ]

Sandro Hawke: cygri said that you can do get around ldp:reverseMembershipPredicate with ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf skos:inScheme ]

18:49:46 <ericP> cygri: instead of inventing a new property, we documenting an existing possible practice

Richard Cyganiak: instead of inventing a new property, we documenting an existing possible practice

18:49:46 <bblfish> that looks good. But it needs to be documented if we want clients to be able to rely on this.

Henry Story: that looks good. But it needs to be documented if we want clients to be able to rely on this.

18:50:09 <sandro> +1 cygri: This isn't pulling in magic OWL reasoning, it's just a bit of syntax to say the same thing.

Sandro Hawke: +1 cygri: This isn't pulling in magic OWL reasoning, it's just a bit of syntax to say the same thing.

18:50:52 <ericP> tallted: if you embed ontology in your data, i can't replace the ontolgy and still consume your data

Ted Thibodeau: if you embed ontology in your data, i can't replace the ontolgy and still consume your data

18:51:38 <SteveBattle> There is no inverse of skis:inScheme defined in skos

Steve Battle: There is no inverse of skos:inScheme defined in skos

18:51:44 <SteveBattle> s/skis/skos/
18:52:11 <sandro> +1 eric: this is the same code you'd need for SteveBattle's proposal

Sandro Hawke: +1 eric: this is the same code you'd need for SteveBattle's proposal

18:52:15 <bblfish> "you have to write exactly the same code" well not exactly the same code, rather the same complexity of code

Henry Story: "you have to write exactly the same code" well not exactly the same code, rather the same complexity of code

18:53:31 <sandro> bblfish, the first part, where you find out what the inverse membership predicate is, would be different.  It's a different graph pattern your matching.  THEN it's exactly the same code.

Sandro Hawke: bblfish, the first part, where you find out what the inverse membership predicate is, would be different. It's a different graph pattern your matching. THEN it's exactly the same code.

18:53:41 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

18:54:01 <ericP> cygri, in SteveBattle's proposal, you must look for ldp:membershipPredicate or ldp:reverseMembershipPredicate

cygri, in SteveBattle's proposal, you must look for ldp:membershipPredicate or ldp:reverseMembershipPredicate

18:54:06 <ericP> cygri: in SteveBattle's proposal, you must look for ldp:membershipPredicate or ldp:reverseMembershipPredicate

Richard Cyganiak: in SteveBattle's proposal, you must look for ldp:membershipPredicate or ldp:reverseMembershipPredicate

18:54:39 <ericP> ... in my proposal you must look for ldp:membershipPredicate x or ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf x ] .

... in my proposal you must look for ldp:membershipPredicate x or ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf x ] .

18:55:06 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

18:55:30 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

18:56:00 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

18:56:09 <ericP> PROPOSED: a container can have exactly one ldp:membershipPredicate. if the object is a URI, it's treated as a conventional ldp:membershipPredicate. if it's a bnode with a bnode with an owl:inverseOf property, it's the object of that.

PROPOSED: a container can have exactly one ldp:membershipPredicate. if the object is a URI, it's treated as a conventional ldp:membershipPredicate. if it's a bnode with an owl:inverseOf property, it's the object of that.

18:56:23 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

18:56:46 <TallTed> s/if it's a bnode with a bnode with an/if it's a bnode with an/
18:57:16 <TallTed> the bnode serves as inverseMembershipPredicate

Ted Thibodeau: the bnode serves as inverseMembershipPredicate

18:57:38 <betehess> that looks important, but I'm still lost with the use-case and the implications of proposals...

Alexandre Bertails: that looks important, but I'm still lost with the use-case and the implications of proposals...

18:57:48 <bblfish> I like the owl:inverseFunctionalProperty solution

Henry Story: I like the owl:inverseFunctionalProperty solution

18:57:49 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

18:58:24 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

18:58:36 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

18:58:55 <sandro> bblfish, too much background noise;

Sandro Hawke: bblfish, too much background noise;

18:58:58 <JohnArwe> your bckgrnd noise is bad

John Arwe: your bckgrnd noise is bad

18:58:58 <bblfish> ok

Henry Story: ok

18:59:09 <JohnArwe> IRC maybe?

John Arwe: IRC maybe?

18:59:09 <ericP> bblfish: i'll have fries and a pint of pilsner

Henry Story: i'll have fries and a pint of pilsner

18:59:12 <bblfish> I am just saying that the bnode cannot be put in relation position,

Henry Story: I am just saying that the bnode cannot be put in relation position,

18:59:29 <bblfish> so therefore the owl:inverseFunctionalProperty works correctly

Henry Story: so therefore the owl:inverseFunctionalProperty works correctly

18:59:41 <bblfish> since you cannot do a bnode c

Henry Story: since you cannot do a bnode c

19:00:09 <bblfish> using a bnode as the object of the ldp:membershipPredicate means you have to use the owl:inverseFunctionalProperty

Henry Story: using a bnode as the object of the ldp:membershipPredicate means you have to use the owl:inverseFunctionalProperty

19:00:13 <rgarcia> q+

Raúl García Castro: q+

19:00:13 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

19:00:19 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

19:00:25 <bblfish> I wrote my argument above

Henry Story: I wrote my argument above

19:00:53 <ericP> rgarcia: this is the first time that OWL is mentioned in this spec

Raúl García Castro: this is the first time that OWL is mentioned in this spec

19:01:00 <Arnaud> ack rgarcia

Arnaud Le Hors: ack rgarcia

19:01:08 <bblfish> I wrote my question above

Henry Story: I wrote my point above

19:01:15 <bblfish> s/question/point/
19:01:44 <bblfish> owl is not such a big deal

Henry Story: owl is not such a big deal

19:01:47 <ericP> bblfish, i think that's in the proposal at 2013-03-13T18:56:09Z

bblfish, i think that's in the proposal at 2013-03-13T18:56:09Z

19:02:03 <SteveBattle> Can we squeeze owl:sameAs in somewhere?

Steve Battle: Can we squeeze owl:sameAs in somewhere?

19:02:19 <bblfish>  owl:sameAs is useful all the time

Henry Story: owl:sameAs is useful all the time

19:02:35 <bblfish> Ok. So I am arguing that the parsing is not a problem!!!!

Henry Story: Ok. So I am arguing that the parsing is not a problem!!!!

19:02:51 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

19:02:58 <cygri> ack me

Richard Cyganiak: ack me

19:03:50 <bblfish> yes, the point is that you cannot put the bnode in relation position

Henry Story: yes, the point is that you cannot put the bnode in relation position

19:03:59 <bblfish> I am not complaining

Henry Story: I am not complaining

19:04:34 <bblfish>  dp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf x ]

Henry Story: dp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf x ]

19:04:48 <bblfish>  dp:membershipPredicate bnode. bnode  owl:inverseOf x .

Henry Story: dp:membershipPredicate bnode. bnode owl:inverseOf x .

19:05:09 <bblfish> so the question was how do we know that we should use x for the property

Henry Story: so the question was how do we know that we should use x for the property

19:05:17 <bblfish> my answer is that you cannot use the bnode as the property

Henry Story: my answer is that you cannot use the bnode as the property

19:05:21 <bblfish> therefore you must use x

Henry Story: therefore you must use x

19:05:29 <sandro> :-)  cygri: It sounds like you don't want to use an existing URI that happens to have the right semantics because it's in the OWL namespace

Sandro Hawke: :-) cygri: It sounds like you don't want to use an existing URI that happens to have the right semantics because it's in the OWL namespace

19:06:13 <ericP> bblfish, i read this as you saying that you support (or at least don't shudder at) the proposal at 2013-03-13T18:56:09Z

bblfish, i read this as you saying that you support (or at least don't shudder at) the proposal at 2013-03-13T18:56:09Z

19:06:20 <bblfish> you guys were arguing that owl semantics means that you don't know if x should be used in a relation rather than the bnode.

Henry Story: you guys were arguing that owl semantics means that you don't know if x should be used in a relation rather than the bnode.

19:06:32 <bblfish> yes, I am supporting the approach of cygri :-)

Henry Story: yes, I am supporting the approach of cygri :-)

19:06:37 <bblfish> thanks

Henry Story: thanks

19:06:44 <SteveBattle> We've got it

Steve Battle: We've got it

19:06:53 <bblfish> Am in a restaurant here. Got stuck in Amsterdam because of snow in Paris

Henry Story: Am in a restaurant here. Got stuck in Amsterdam because of snow in Paris

19:08:45 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

19:32:03 <cygri> q+

(No events recorded for 23 minutes)

Richard Cyganiak: q+

19:33:41 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

19:33:55 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

19:34:00 <cygri> cygri: how about steve's proposal with the property called ldp:membershipPredicateInverse?

Richard Cyganiak: how about steve's proposal with the property called ldp:membershipPredicateInverse? [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

19:34:21 <Arnaud> scribe: kevin

(Scribe set to Kevin Page)

19:35:19 <krp> cygri: surprised by controversy in my proposal. is this just about owl use

Richard Cyganiak: surprised by controversy in my proposal. is this just about owl use

19:35:26 <krp> ... or are there objections to both proposals?

... or are there objections to both proposals?

19:35:31 <TallTed> so something like...

Ted Thibodeau: so something like...

19:35:31 <TallTed> <>

Ted Thibodeau: <>

19:35:31 <TallTed>     dp:membershipPredicate

Ted Thibodeau: dp:membershipPredicate

19:35:31 <TallTed>         rdfs:member

Ted Thibodeau: rdfs:member

19:35:31 <TallTed>             .

Ted Thibodeau: .

19:35:32 <TallTed> <>

Ted Thibodeau: <>

19:35:34 <TallTed>     dp:membershipPredicateInverse

Ted Thibodeau: dp:membershipPredicateInverse

19:35:36 <TallTed>         rdfs:memberOf

Ted Thibodeau: rdfs:memberOf

19:35:38 <TallTed>             .

Ted Thibodeau: .

19:36:10 <SteveBattle> Yes

Steve Battle: Yes

19:36:30 <cygri> (1) <> ldp:membershipPredicateInverse skos:inScheme .

Richard Cyganiak: (1) <> ldp:membershipPredicateInverse skos:inScheme .

19:36:47 <cygri> (2) <> ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf skos:inScheme ].

Richard Cyganiak: (2) <> ldp:membershipPredicate [ owl:inverseOf skos:inScheme ].

19:37:18 <cygri> (3) do nothing

Richard Cyganiak: (3) do nothing

19:37:22 <krp> cygri: other than the options (syntax) above the two proposals are identical

Richard Cyganiak: other than the options (syntax) above the two proposals are identical

19:37:59 <bblfish> the two proposals cygri refers to are (1) and (2)

Henry Story: the two proposals cygri refers to are (1) and (2)

19:38:27 <krp> steves: to clarify, you can only have one property, so a predicate and an inverse predicate

Steve Speicher: to clarify, you can only have one property, so a predicate and an inverse predicate

19:39:06 <krp> tallted: (1) allows both a membershipPredicate and an inverse. (2) allows one or the other

Ted Thibodeau: (1) allows both a membershipPredicate and an inverse. (2) allows one or the other

19:39:36 <krp> cygri: I would expect that even for (1) we would spec that you can only have a single membership predicate

Richard Cyganiak: I would expect that even for (1) we would spec that you can only have a single membership predicate

19:40:15 <SteveBattle> They're logically equivalent, but not necessarily functionally equivalent.

Steve Battle: They're logically equivalent, but not necessarily functionally equivalent.

19:40:16 <krp> cygri: why would we allow having a forward and a reverse, but not two forwards

Richard Cyganiak: why would we allow having a forward and a reverse, but not two forwards

19:40:44 <cygri> +0 +1 -1

Richard Cyganiak: +0 +1 -1

19:40:46 <SteveBattle> +1,0,0

Steve Battle: +1,0,0

19:40:53 <TallTed> +1, -1, -1

Ted Thibodeau: +1, -1, -1

19:40:56 <SteveS> +1, +0, -0

Steve Speicher: +1, +0, -0

19:41:03 <mesteban> +1,-1,0

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1,-1,0

19:41:06 <betehess> 0, 0, 1

Alexandre Bertails: 0, 0, 1

19:41:07 <roger> 0,1,1

Roger Menday: 0,1,1

19:41:10 <rgarcia> +1, -1, -1

Raúl García Castro: +1, -1, -1

19:41:11 <sandro> 0, 0, +1

Sandro Hawke: 0, 0, +1

19:41:12 <JohnArwe> +0, +0, +0

John Arwe: +0, +0, +0

19:41:16 <nmihindu> +1 -0 0

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1 -0 0

19:41:25 <Ashok> 0,0,1

Ashok Malhotra: 0,0,1

19:41:30 <bblfish> I have not implemented anything with membership predicates yet, but given that people find this useful and looking at the proposal on the table I'd say +0,+1,+0

Henry Story: I have not implemented anything with membership predicates yet, but given that people find this useful and looking at the proposal on the table I'd say +0,+1,+0

19:41:30 <krp> 0,0,0


19:41:45 <ericP> 0,1,0

Eric Prud'hommeaux: 0,1,0

19:41:47 <davidwood> -0.5, -0, +1

David Wood: -0.5, -0, +1

19:42:24 <cody> 0,0,0

Cody Burleson: 0,0,0

19:42:46 <bblfish> Ok I'll say -0.5,_1,+0

Henry Story: Ok I'll say -0.5,_1,+0

19:42:54 <bblfish> Ok I'll say -0.5,_1,+0

Henry Story: Ok I'll say -0.5,_1,+0

19:43:16 <bblfish> Ok I'll say -0.5,+1,+0

Henry Story: Ok I'll say -0.5,+1,+0

19:43:21 <sandro> issue-21?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-21?

19:43:21 <trackbot> ISSUE-21 -- container affordances -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-21 -- container affordances -- open

19:43:21 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

19:43:42 <betehess> what was the use-case?

Alexandre Bertails: what was the use-case?

19:44:00 <TallTed> part 2: do we allow declaration of both membershipPredicate and membershipPredicateInverse (but each only once), or mandate that only one may be declared (with the other available from externally defined inverseOf relations!)

Ted Thibodeau: part 2: do we allow declaration of both membershipPredicate and membershipPredicateInverse (but each only once), or mandate that only one may be declared (with the other available from externally defined inverseOf relations!)

19:44:34 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-21 by adopting with the property name ldp:membershipPredicateInverse

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-21 by adopting with the property name ldp:membershipPredicateInverse

19:44:43 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

19:44:46 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

19:44:47 <sandro> +1 just to be done with this

Sandro Hawke: +1 just to be done with this

19:44:49 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

19:44:51 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

19:44:52 <betehess> 0

Alexandre Bertails: 0

19:44:55 <cygri> 0

Richard Cyganiak: 0

19:44:55 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

19:45:01 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

19:45:01 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

19:45:05 <davidwood> 0

David Wood: 0

19:45:09 <sandro> 0 really

Sandro Hawke: 0 really

19:45:10 <JohnArwe> +0

John Arwe: +0

19:45:17 <bblfish> 0 I thought cygri's arguments were good, but anyway

Henry Story: 0 I thought cygri's arguments were good, but anyway

19:45:20 <TallTed> +0

Ted Thibodeau: +0

19:45:26 <Ashok> 0

Ashok Malhotra: 0

19:45:32 <cygri> (voting 0 because it unnecessarily introduces a new property where an existing term from OWL could have been use)

Richard Cyganiak: (voting 0 because it unnecessarily introduces a new property where an existing term from OWL could have been use)

19:45:42 <sandro> (I also liked cygri's argument, but whatever.)

Sandro Hawke: (I also liked cygri's argument, but whatever.)

19:45:44 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-21 by adopting with the property name ldp:membershipPredicateInverse

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-21 by adopting with the property name ldp:membershipPredicateInverse

19:46:12 <nmihindu> +q

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +q

19:46:24 <Arnaud> ack nmihindu

Arnaud Le Hors: ack nmihindu

19:47:50 <bblfish> Arnaud is saying for the record that the spec can be updated but that later issues can be reconsidered

Henry Story: Arnaud is saying for the record that the spec can be updated but that later issues can be reconsidered

19:47:53 <Arnaud> "must-haves": 15, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38

Arnaud Le Hors: "must-haves": 15, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38

<krp> subtopic: Issue-27: Should the PATCH method be used, as opposed to POST with a given mime type?

5.3. ISSUE-27: Should the PATCH method be used, as opposed to POST with a given mime type?

19:48:33 <sandro> issue-27?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-27?

19:48:33 <trackbot> ISSUE-27 -- Should the PATCH method be used, as opposed to POST with a given mime type? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-27 -- Should the PATCH method be used, as opposed to POST with a given mime type? -- open

19:48:33 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

19:48:40 <sandro> Yes

Sandro Hawke: Yes

19:49:07 <cody> I worry about the OWL form possibly creating confusion. Some people may make inaccurate assumptions about LDP support for OWL just because one part of it exists there - less we explicitly spell it out. This is different than using vocabularies like dc because OWL is a vocab for expressing ontologies, not just simple properties.

Cody Burleson: I worry about the OWL form possibly creating confusion. Some people may make inaccurate assumptions about LDP support for OWL just because one part of it exists there - less we explicitly spell it out. This is different than using vocabularies like dc because OWL is a vocab for expressing ontologies, not just simple properties.

19:50:47 <krp> SteveS: problems with servers and clients using PATCH, so timbl suggested (at last f2f) using POST as a substitute

Steve Speicher: problems with servers and clients using PATCH, so timbl suggested (at last f2f) using POST as a substitute

19:50:59 <krp> ... for modification

... for modification

19:51:14 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

19:51:22 <Ashok> q+

Ashok Malhotra: q+

19:51:36 <krp> Arnaud: for sending changes rather then resending the all the triples

Arnaud Le Hors: for sending changes rather then resending the all the triples

19:52:15 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

19:52:17 <krp> davidwood: how can you legitimately use POST for this?

David Wood: how can you legitimately use POST for this?

19:52:46 <krp> betehess: from the conversations on the mailing list, not so much problems with the clients with PATCH

Alexandre Bertails: from the conversations on the mailing list, not so much problems with the clients with PATCH

19:53:14 <krp> ... if we want to consider LDP as a SPARQL endpoint we would want to use POST with a sparql-update

... if we want to consider LDP as a SPARQL endpoint we would want to use POST with a sparql-update

19:54:00 <krp> sandro: sparql things will be doing something extra anyway, so isn't compelling for all cases ldp

Sandro Hawke: sparql things will be doing something extra anyway, so isn't compelling for all cases ldp

19:54:32 <ericP> q+

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+

19:54:33 <krp> betehess: one thing we have been implementing is an ldpr as its own sparql endpoint

Alexandre Bertails: one thing we have been implementing is an ldpr as its own sparql endpoint

19:54:49 <krp> sandro: but that isn't part of the ldp spec

Sandro Hawke: but that isn't part of the ldp spec

19:55:16 <krp> sandro: the issue is which http verb(s) we should use for patch

Sandro Hawke: the issue is which http verb(s) we should use for patch

19:55:56 <krp> johnarwe: implicit proposal is either we remove patch and put post in its place; or add post and accept either

John Arwe: implicit proposal is either we remove patch and put post in its place; or add post and accept either

19:56:12 <krp> betehess: this doesn't make sense without knowing what is in the body

Alexandre Bertails: this doesn't make sense without knowing what is in the body

19:56:37 <Arnaud> ack ashok

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ashok

19:56:38 <krp> cygri: limited options. sparql update is one

Richard Cyganiak: limited options. sparql update is one

19:57:14 <krp> ashok: when you speak about patch not being implemented, is this just for RDF? Other wg have indicated they will use patch

Ashok Malhotra: when you speak about patch not being implemented, is this just for RDF? Other wg have indicated they will use patch

19:57:17 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

19:57:21 <cygri> cygri: options for patch formats: some subset of sparql update; talis changesets; TriG with two magic graphs

Richard Cyganiak: options for patch formats: some subset of sparql update; talis changesets; TriG with two magic graphs [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

19:57:22 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

19:57:42 <krp> steves: recollection was this this was essentially tunnelling through post

Steve Speicher: recollection was this this was essentially tunnelling through post

19:58:30 <krp> davidwood: is there any mainstream software having problems with patch?

David Wood: is there any mainstream software having problems with patch?

19:58:32 <cygri> q?

Richard Cyganiak: q?

19:58:33 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

19:58:38 <krp> betehess: apache?

Alexandre Bertails: apache?

19:59:22 <Arnaud> ack eric

Arnaud Le Hors: ack eric

19:59:32 <bblfish> Is there a problem with doing POST doing two different things depending on the mime type?

Henry Story: Is there a problem with doing POST doing two different things depending on the mime type?

19:59:48 <cygri> betehess: HTML forms can do POST but not PATCH

Alexandre Bertails: HTML forms can do POST but not PATCH [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

19:59:49 <krp> davidwood: we shouldn't resolve a wg issue because of a systems support issue

David Wood: we shouldn't resolve a wg issue because of a systems support issue

20:00:19 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

20:00:23 <cygri> q-

Richard Cyganiak: q-

20:00:26 <krp> ericP: we have to decide on our patch format.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: we have to decide on our patch format.

20:00:31 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

20:00:44 <bblfish> eric was arguing that PATCH would allow intermediate caching servers to do the right thing

Henry Story: eric was arguing that PATCH would allow intermediate caching servers to do the right thing

20:01:00 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

20:01:11 <krp> ericP: patch is the right stanard to send the format through

Eric Prud'hommeaux: patch is the right stanard to send the format through

20:01:31 <krp> sandro: we definitely have to do patch. servers may implement other mechanisms such as post and we can allow that.

Sandro Hawke: we definitely have to do patch. servers may implement other mechanisms such as post and we can allow that.

20:01:58 <bblfish> +1 on cygri's point

Henry Story: +1 on cygri's point

20:02:23 <krp> cygri: it would be odd to say posting a sparql update has one behaviour but post in another situation behaves differently

Richard Cyganiak: it would be odd to say posting a sparql update has one behaviour but post in another situation behaves differently

20:02:35 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

20:02:46 <krp> betehess: for post you always have to state the mimetype

Alexandre Bertails: for post you always have to state the mimetype

20:02:51 <JohnArwe> I'm skeptical that servers will drop support for POST-as-PATCH once it's there originally... for product implns at least, clients expect their code to work unchanged with a newer server version. We drop capability very reluctantly.  True that brand new implns might skip P-a-P after a few years.

John Arwe: I'm skeptical that servers will drop support for POST-as-PATCH once it's there originally... for product implns at least, clients expect their code to work unchanged with a newer server version. We drop capability very reluctantly. True that brand new implns might skip P-a-P after a few years.

20:02:55 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

20:03:12 <krp> SteveBattle: don't see need to support post in the spec as implementations will (tend to) support sparql update anyway

Steve Battle: don't see need to support post in the spec as implementations will (tend to) support sparql update anyway

20:03:42 <krp> arnaud: noone is disputing doing patch, the question is whether we do post

Arnaud Le Hors: noone is disputing doing patch, the question is whether we do post

20:04:02 <krp> ericP: do we no the consequences of not doing post? how many clients do we break?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: do we know the consequences of not doing post? how many clients do we break?

20:04:21 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-27 leaving the PATCH verb as the only way patch operations are done on standard LDP servers.   (Don't use POST for patching.)

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-27 leaving the PATCH verb as the only way patch operations are done on standard LDP servers. (Don't use POST for patching.)

20:04:34 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

20:04:49 <nmihindu> s/do we no/do we know
20:05:12 <krp> cygri: there is this notion that there are these problems with PATCH. Without knowing the specifics it's hard to judge.

Richard Cyganiak: there is this notion that there are these problems with PATCH. Without knowing the specifics it's hard to judge.

20:05:52 <betehess> it's important, but it's not a big deal to move forward

Alexandre Bertails: it's important, but it's not a big deal to move forward

20:06:18 <krp> sandro: procedurally we should put it in the spec as at risk to get maximum visibility whether they is a problem with patch and we need to support post

Sandro Hawke: procedurally we should put it in the spec as at risk to get maximum visibility whether they is a problem with patch and we need to support post

20:06:53 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

20:06:54 <krp> ericP: put in at risk for post saying this will be removed without responses

Eric Prud'hommeaux: put in at risk for post saying this will be removed without responses

20:06:59 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

20:07:03 <sandro> sandro: and maximum flexibility.

Sandro Hawke: and maximum flexibility. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

20:07:40 <krp> steves: can we just say, closing as is, with an action to investigate incompatibilities with patch

Steve Speicher: can we just say, closing as is, with an action to investigate incompatibilities with patch

20:08:12 <cody> q+

Cody Burleson: q+

20:08:13 <krp> davidwood: close as considered, if we get further enquiries they need to provide evidence

David Wood: close as considered, if we get further enquiries they need to provide evidence

20:09:30 <krp> arnaud: perhaps put an at risk on "no additional requirements on http post"? flagging that this might be amended to include patch-through-post?

Arnaud Le Hors: perhaps put an at risk on "no additional requirements on http post"? flagging that this might be amended to include patch-through-post?

20:09:44 <Arnaud> ack cody

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cody

20:09:57 <krp> ... the at risk pre-empts having to go back to last call if objections are raised

... the at risk pre-empts having to go back to last call if objections are raised

20:10:32 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

20:10:36 <krp> cody: if we have an implementation and one single client doesn't support PATCH we'll have to implement POST... but we'd keep PATCH to be spec compliant

Cody Burleson: if we have an implementation and one single client doesn't support PATCH we'll have to implement POST... but we'd keep PATCH to be spec compliant

20:10:49 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

20:10:57 <krp> ... so the question is where do we get spec for implementing the POST method

... so the question is where do we get spec for implementing the POST method

20:11:29 <ericP> HTTP-over-POST ?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: HTTP-over-POST ?

20:11:54 <roger> +q

Roger Menday: +q

20:12:03 <betehess> what is this workaround?

Alexandre Bertails: what is this workaround?

20:12:04 <Arnaud> ack roger

Arnaud Le Hors: ack roger

20:12:07 <krp> bblfish: do we have problems with PUT, DELETE? There are factory(?) mechanisms in Atom to work around these situations that might be applicable

Henry Story: do we have problems with PUT, DELETE? There are factory(?) mechanisms in Atom to work around these situations that might be applicable

20:12:33 <bblfish> so the idea would be that if these issues come up one could develop a general process to do that

Henry Story: so the idea would be that if these issues come up one could develop a general process to do that

20:12:36 <krp> roger: doesn't this happen with some firewalls. use some x-http-method to work around?

Roger Menday: doesn't this happen with some firewalls. use some x-http-method to work around?

20:13:04 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-27, as PATCH is the appropriate HTTP verb, and we don't have sufficient evidence for the easier implementability of POST

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-27, as PATCH is the appropriate HTTP verb, and we don't have sufficient evidence for any easier implementability of POST

20:13:14 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

20:13:19 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

20:13:19 <krp> arnaud: we should just take the risk and stick with PATCH

Arnaud Le Hors: we should just take the risk and stick with PATCH

20:13:20 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

20:13:21 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

20:13:21 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

20:13:22 <krp> +1


20:13:22 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

20:13:23 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

20:13:25 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

20:13:26 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

20:13:28 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

20:13:29 <TallTed> s/the easier/any easier/
20:13:29 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

20:13:29 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

20:13:31 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

20:13:31 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

20:13:35 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

20:13:49 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-27, as PATCH is the appropriate HTTP verb, and we don't have sufficient evidence for the easier implementability of POST

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-27, as PATCH is the appropriate HTTP verb, and we don't have sufficient evidence for the easier implementability of POST

20:14:34 <krp> SteveS: editorial changes for issue-27: none

Steve Speicher: editorial changes for ISSUE-27: none

20:14:34 <cygri> X-HTTP-Method-Override header:

Richard Cyganiak: X-HTTP-Method-Override header:

20:14:34 <Arnaud> "must-haves": 15, 32, 33, 37, 38

Arnaud Le Hors: "must-haves": 15, 32, 33, 37, 38

20:15:14 <cygri> ISSUE-17?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-17?

20:15:14 <trackbot> ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

20:15:14 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

20:15:53 <krp> issue-45?


20:15:53 <trackbot> ISSUE-45 -- POSTing to an LDPR appends content to the resource -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-45 -- POSTing to an LDPR appends content to the resource -- open

20:15:53 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

20:16:12 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

20:16:18 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

20:16:22 <krp> subTOPIC: issue-45: POSTing to an LDPR appends content to the resource

5.4. ISSUE-45: POSTing to an LDPR appends content to the resource

20:16:31 <bblfish> Issue-45

Henry Story: ISSUE-45

20:16:31 <trackbot> ISSUE-45 -- POSTing to an LDPR appends content to the resource -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-45 -- POSTing to an LDPR appends content to the resource -- open

20:16:31 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

20:16:34 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

20:17:03 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

20:17:17 <davidwood> q+ to ask whether POST fails if the resource already exists.

David Wood: q+ to ask whether POST fails if the resource already exists.

20:17:20 <krp> stevebattle: distinguish between posting triples to an ldpc, or posting to a container to add a member

Steve Battle: distinguish between posting triples to an ldpc, or posting to a container to add a member

20:17:42 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

20:17:45 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

20:18:10 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

20:18:19 <krp> cygri: if I have this easy way to add triple, what about an easy mechanism for delete...

Richard Cyganiak: if I have this easy way to add triple, what about an easy mechanism for delete...

20:18:20 <Arnaud> ack david

Arnaud Le Hors: ack david

20:18:20 <Zakim> davidwood, you wanted to ask whether POST fails if the resource already exists.

Zakim IRC Bot: davidwood, you wanted to ask whether POST fails if the resource already exists.

20:18:46 <ericP> -> comparison of LDP and GSP

Eric Prud'hommeaux: -> comparison of LDP and GSP

20:18:47 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

20:18:50 <krp> steves: we already have a mechanism to append triples, so seems sensible to maintain consistency for containters

Steve Speicher: we already have a mechanism to append triples, so seems sensible to maintain consistency for containters

20:19:43 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-45 without change to the spec. Rationale: (1) We'd rather have people use PATCH; (2) there is danger that we overload POST; (3) we don't want to provide multiple ways of doing the same thing

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-45 without change to the spec. Rationale: (1) We'd rather have people use PATCH; (2) there is danger that we overload POST; (3) we don't want to provide multiple ways of doing the same thing

20:19:52 <krp> davidwood: do we want to fail on a post if a resource already exists and only accept a patch (strong), or only accept a put replacement (weaker). to accept a post seems odd.

David Wood: do we want to fail on a post if a resource already exists and only accept a patch (strong), or only accept a put replacement (weaker). to accept a post seems odd.

20:19:55 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

20:19:56 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

20:19:57 <mesteban> +1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1

20:19:58 <ericP> q+

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+

20:20:06 <krp> arnaud: consensus seems to be to close this issue

Arnaud Le Hors: consensus seems to be to close this issue

20:20:11 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

20:20:12 <TallTed> +1 reject POST on existing resource, advising PUT or PATCH as appropriate

Ted Thibodeau: +1 reject POST on existing resource, advising PUT or PATCH as appropriate

20:20:13 <SteveBattle> +1

Steve Battle: +1

20:20:13 <krp> ... and not do anything

... and not do anything

20:20:15 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

20:20:19 <TallTed> which is not the PROPOSAL...

Ted Thibodeau: which is not the PROPOSAL...

20:20:20 <krp> +1


20:20:21 <davidwood> arnaud: slow down :)

Arnaud Le Hors: slow down :) [ Scribe Assist by David Wood ]

20:20:23 <Arnaud> ack eric

Arnaud Le Hors: ack eric

20:20:27 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

20:20:32 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

20:21:30 <krp> ericP: on a post to a container I had to behave differently to any other resource, after that I could use graph store protocol for operations

Eric Prud'hommeaux: on a post to a container I had to behave differently to any other resource, after that I could use graph store protocol for operations

20:21:53 <krp> ... if we prohibit post this is incompatible. if we don't say anything then an LDPC can also be a GSP

... if we prohibit post this is incompatible. if we don't say anything then an LDPC can also be a GSP

20:22:19 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

20:22:37 <bblfish> GSP

Henry Story: GSP

20:22:48 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

20:22:53 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

20:22:55 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

20:23:06 <krp> stevebattle: if I post to a resource does it become a container?

Steve Battle: if I post to a resource does it become a container?

20:23:34 <krp> SteveS: unspecified

Steve Speicher: unspecified

20:23:42 <davidwood> I hope not :)

David Wood: I hope not :)

20:23:52 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-45 without change to the spec. Rationale: (1) We'd rather have people use PATCH; (2) there is danger that we overload POST; (3) we don't want to provide multiple ways of doing the same thing

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-45 without change to the spec. Rationale: (1) We'd rather have people use PATCH; (2) there is danger that we overload POST; (3) we don't want to provide multiple ways of doing the same thing

20:23:55 <cygri> ISSUE-17?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-17?

20:23:55 <trackbot> ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

20:23:55 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

20:24:19 <Arnaud> "must-haves": 15, 32, 33, 37, 38

Arnaud Le Hors: "must-haves": 15, 32, 33, 37, 38

20:25:00 <sandro> issue-17?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-17?

20:25:00 <trackbot> ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

20:25:00 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

20:25:19 <krp> Issue-17


20:25:19 <trackbot> ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-17 -- changesets as a recommended PATCH format -- open

20:25:19 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

20:25:19 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

20:25:36 <Arnaud> "must-haves": 15, 17, 32, 33, 37, 38

Arnaud Le Hors: "must-haves": 15, 17, 32, 33, 37, 38

20:25:48 <Arnaud> subtopic: Issue-17: changesets as a recommended PATCH format
20:26:03 <bblfish> Agree if one could do this just with RDF that would be cool.

Henry Story: Agree if one could do this just with RDF that would be cool.

20:26:07 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

20:26:08 <ericP> q?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q?

20:26:16 <krp> stevebattle: currently the spec doesn't specify a patch format. my view is that ldp should be a sparql free zone, at the time the issue was written tallis changeset seemed possible

Steve Battle: currently the spec doesn't specify a patch format. my view is that ldp should be a sparql free zone, at the time the issue was written tallis changeset seemed possible

20:26:18 <bblfish> there was this:

Henry Story: there was this:

20:26:22 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

20:26:48 <roger> +q

Roger Menday: +q

20:27:28 <krp> sandro: a subset of sparql update. standardise this? (turtle update). I now think TriG with special predicates.

Sandro Hawke: a subset of sparql update. standardise this? (turtle update). I now think TriG with special predicates.

20:27:52 <bblfish> So the pitty is that without something like a SPARQL update one cannot do pattern matches

Henry Story: So the pitty is that without something like a SPARQL update one cannot do pattern matches

20:27:53 <krp> ... I like the idea that you can use these things outside of PATCH

... I like the idea that you can use these things outside of PATCH

20:27:56 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

20:27:57 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

20:28:16 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

20:28:44 <davidwood> +1 to TriG.  The RDF WG is standardizing TriG as a dataset format.

David Wood: +1 to TriG. The RDF WG is standardizing TriG as a dataset format.

20:29:05 <krp> steves: defining the patch model for rdf, then the patch document format

Steve Speicher: defining the patch model for rdf, then the patch document format

20:29:15 <Arnaud> ack roger

Arnaud Le Hors: ack roger

20:29:24 <roger> q-

Roger Menday: q-

20:29:26 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

20:29:46 <krp> stevebattle: the problem with tallis changeset was bnodes in lists?

Steve Battle: the problem with tallis changeset was bnodes in lists?

20:30:30 <sandro> "These issues and ones like them should be discussed by the group and guidance provided in the delivered Recommendation when practical.....    Defining small new languages, such as Turtle Patch"

Sandro Hawke: "These issues and ones like them should be discussed by the group and guidance provided in the delivered Recommendation when practical..... Defining small new languages, such as Turtle Patch"

20:30:32 <cygri> andy's proposed TriG-based format:

Richard Cyganiak: andy's proposed TriG-based format:

20:30:39 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

20:30:46 <krp> ericP: lists are just painful. but we could do something like this is a list patch then typing it in the default graph. anything to do with lists will probably be unpleasant

Eric Prud'hommeaux: lists are just painful. but we could do something like this is a list patch then typing it in the default graph. anything to do with lists will probably be unpleasant

20:30:48 <betehess> does anybody have an example of a PATCH using TriG?

Alexandre Bertails: does anybody have an example of a PATCH using TriG?

20:31:11 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

20:31:12 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

20:31:21 <SteveBattle> Isn't that SPARQL update?

Steve Battle: Isn't that SPARQL update?

20:31:30 <krp> bblfish: like TriG as simple. advantage of minimal sparql update type thing is pattern matching

Henry Story: like TriG as simple. advantage of minimal sparql update type thing is pattern matching

20:31:46 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

20:31:48 <davidwood> …but that ties LDP to SPARQL

David Wood: …but that ties LDP to SPARQL

20:31:52 <Arnaud> ack sandro

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sandro

20:32:20 <roger> +q

Roger Menday: +q

20:32:48 <JohnArwe> is the syntax spec we're talking about?

John Arwe: is the syntax spec we're talking about?

20:32:51 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

20:33:00 <krp> sandro: what to do about bnodes, variables, etc. if you allow this you can do anything with rdf but you potentially have an np-complete patch format (scoped by patch size)

Sandro Hawke: what to do about bnodes, variables, etc. if you allow this you can do anything with rdf but you potentially have an np-complete patch format (scoped by patch size)

20:33:08 <ericP> sounds like caution: calculating large primes may be kinda of slow

Eric Prud'hommeaux: sounds like caution: calculating large primes may be kinda of slow

20:33:11 <sandro>

Sandro Hawke:

20:33:20 <krp> ... that might scare people off

... that might scare people off

20:33:49 <cygri> JohnArwe, that's outdated. W3C version:

Richard Cyganiak: JohnArwe, that's outdated. W3C version:

20:34:11 <Arnaud> ack bete

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bete

20:34:28 <ericP> q+ to answer bblfish's q about how to specify a subset of SPARQL

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to answer bblfish's q about how to specify a subset of SPARQL

20:34:50 <krp> betehess: bnodes are important to me, understand the problem because of lists. perhaps we have something specific for lists?

Alexandre Bertails: bnodes are important to me, understand the problem because of lists. perhaps we have something specific for lists?

20:35:13 <krp> sandro: yes, could potentially have extensions for lists etc.

Sandro Hawke: yes, could potentially have extensions for lists etc.

20:35:37 <krp> ericP: thats a wg worth of work

Eric Prud'hommeaux: thats a wg worth of work

20:36:09 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

20:36:12 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

20:36:24 <Arnaud> ack roger

Arnaud Le Hors: ack roger

20:36:44 <betehess>  rdf:list are really important for a lot of people

Alexandre Bertails: rdf:list are really important for a lot of people

20:37:01 <krp> roger: the things that make up a PATCH is the assembly of change operations at the http level... so more like a batch

Roger Menday: the things that make up a PATCH is the assembly of change operations at the http level... so more like a batch

20:37:05 <bblfish> q?

Henry Story: q?

20:37:26 <krp> ... of http api operations

... of http api operations

20:37:46 <krp> sandro: does this solve the problem of deleting the triple from the middle of a resource

Sandro Hawke: does this solve the problem of deleting the triple from the middle of a resource

20:38:02 <krp> roger: we should support such operations

Roger Menday: we should support such operations

20:38:07 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

20:39:00 <Arnaud> ack eric

Arnaud Le Hors: ack eric

20:39:00 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to answer bblfish's q about how to specify a subset of SPARQL

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to answer bblfish's q about how to specify a subset of SPARQL

20:39:08 <krp> steves: in the sample s I gave the example predicates match(??)

Steve Speicher: in the sample s I gave the example predicates match(??)

20:39:12 <SteveS> Here's my example that works with this approach

Steve Speicher: Here's my example that works with this approach

20:39:33 <sandro>

Sandro Hawke:

20:39:35 <krp> ericP: how would we use a subset of sparql? quite easily defined in terms of grammar.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: how would we use a subset of sparql? quite easily defined in terms of grammar.

20:39:46 <krp> davidwood: wouldn't that look a lot like turtle patch?

David Wood: wouldn't that look a lot like turtle patch?

20:40:03 <betehess> this still does not handle rdf:list or shapeless graphs

Alexandre Bertails: this still does not handle rdf:list or shapeless graphs

20:40:24 <sandro> shapeless graphs?

Sandro Hawke: shapeless graphs?

20:40:30 <krp> ericP: yes. grammatically define it as subgraph of sparql, and reuse the existing sparql semantics

Eric Prud'hommeaux: yes. grammatically define it as subgraph of sparql, and reuse the existing sparql semantics

20:40:42 <davidwood> I think we should be optimizing for developer/user time, not bytes on the wire.

David Wood: I think we should be optimizing for developer/user time, not bytes on the wire.

20:40:48 <betehess> sandro, something that does not have a pattern that you can use in sparql for example

Alexandre Bertails: sandro, something that does not have a pattern that you can use in sparql for example

20:41:01 <krp> ... if there were bnodes in the WHERE

... if there were bnodes in the WHERE

20:41:10 <betehess> rdf-list is an example

Alexandre Bertails: rdf-list is an example

20:41:14 <sandro> how is that possible?    isn't every subgraph a pattern that matches itself?

Sandro Hawke: how is that possible? isn't every subgraph a pattern that matches itself?

20:41:15 <krp> .. the question is whether we want to match a pattern and do things to it

.. the question is whether we want to match a pattern and do things to it

20:41:20 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

20:41:59 <krp> arnaud: what modification do we need to spec section 4.7?

Arnaud Le Hors: what modification do we need to spec section 4.7?

20:42:35 <krp> ... although it is optional, the may says if you're going to do it, do it this way

... although it is optional, the may says if you're going to do it, do it this way

20:42:55 <krp> cygri: if I want to add support for PATCH, I need to know the format I should go for

Richard Cyganiak: if I want to add support for PATCH, I need to know the format I should go for

20:43:04 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

20:43:28 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

20:43:29 <bblfish> yes, clearly the changeset in rdf/xml is not nice

Henry Story: yes, clearly the changeset in rdf/xml is not nice

20:43:40 <krp> stevebattle: I think TriG over changesets. we should choose one format so we can write tests

Steve Battle: I think TriG over changesets. we should choose one format so we can write tests

20:43:50 <krp> arnaud: useful to specify minimum set

Arnaud Le Hors: useful to specify minimum set

20:44:26 <krp> sandro: concern that the speed of resolving the patch format spec might run longer than the ldp spec

Sandro Hawke: concern that the speed of resolving the patch format spec might run longer than the ldp spec

20:44:46 <krp> cygri: make a recommendation for a particular format and mark at risk?

Richard Cyganiak: make a recommendation for a particular format and mark at risk?

20:45:11 <Arnaud> ack cygri

Arnaud Le Hors: ack cygri

20:45:49 <krp> ... whatever option we go for it would mean another rec track document for the wg?

... whatever option we go for it would mean another rec track document for the wg?

20:46:14 <krp> ... except changeset which already exists. but would need writing for sparql subset or trig

... except changeset which already exists. but would need writing for sparql subset or trig

20:46:19 <sandro> STRAWPOLL:  (1)  sparql subset (turtle patch) ;   (2) use of TriG;    (3)  some other patch format;     (4) no std patch format

STRAWPOLL: (1) sparql subset (turtle patch) ; (2) use of TriG; (3) some other patch format; (4) no std patch format

20:46:49 <cygri> sandro, can you add Talis Changesets

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, can you add Talis Changesets

20:46:53 <krp> davidwood: if you create a non-standard format for this, we will need to somehow bless it by ldp

David Wood: if you create a non-standard format for this, we will need to somehow bless it by ldp

20:47:11 <sandro> STRAWPOLL:  (1)  sparql subset (turtle patch) ;   (2) use of TriG;    (3) Talis changesets;   (4)  some other patch format;     (5) no std patch format

STRAWPOLL: (1) sparql subset (turtle patch) ; (2) use of TriG; (3) Talis changesets; (4) some other patch format; (5) no std patch format

20:47:22 <davidwood> 2

David Wood: 2

20:47:28 <krp> ... rec or note. or adopt an existing format and explain how we would adapt it to this use. so TriG would be easier.

... rec or note. or adopt an existing format and explain how we would adapt it to this use. so TriG would be easier.

20:47:50 <cygri> 0 +1 -1 0

Richard Cyganiak: 0 +1 -1 0

20:48:17 <roger> does 4). cover BATCH-AS-PATCH ?

Roger Menday: does 4). cover BATCH-AS-PATCH ?

20:48:28 <krp> sandro: we would have to define the two predicates for trig.

Sandro Hawke: we would have to define the two predicates for trig.

20:48:28 <bblfish> +1 +0.2 -1 -1 -1

Henry Story: +1 +0.2 -1 -1 -1

20:48:29 <davidwood> -0.5, +1, -1, -1, +0

David Wood: -0.5, +1, -1, -1, +0

20:48:47 <cygri> 0 +1 -1 0 0

Richard Cyganiak: 0 +1 -1 0 0

20:49:06 <TallTed> +1, +1, +0, +0, -1

Ted Thibodeau: +1, +1, +1, +0, -1

20:49:10 <betehess> +1 +1 0 -1 -1

Alexandre Bertails: +1 +1 0 -1 -1

20:49:11 <SteveBattle> (0, +1, 0.5, 0, -1)

Steve Battle: (0, +1, 0.5, 0, -1)

20:49:18 <sandro> +0  +1  -1  -0  -1

Sandro Hawke: +0 +1 -1 -0 -1

20:49:21 <mesteban> +1 +1 0 1 -1

Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez: +1 +1 0 +1 -1

20:49:29 <krp> 0 +1 -1 -1 -1

0 +1 -1 -1 -1

20:49:30 <rgarcia> 0, +1, 0, -1, 0

Raúl García Castro: 0, +1, 0, -1, 0

20:49:34 <ericP> +1, +0, +0, +0, +0

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1, +0, +0, +0, +0

20:49:36 <nmihindu> +1 +1 0 0 -1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1 +1 0 0 -1

20:49:36 <roger> -1, -1, -1, +1, +1

Roger Menday: -1, -1, -1, +1, +1

20:49:39 <SteveS> +0, +1, +0, -1, -1

Steve Speicher: +0, +1, +0, -1, -1

20:50:00 <JohnArwe> +0, +1, -0.5, +0, -1

John Arwe: +0, +1, -0.5, +0, -1

20:50:34 <TallTed> s/+1, +1, +0, +0, -1/+1, +1, +1, +0, -1/
20:51:30 <mesteban> s/+1 +1 0 1 -1/+1 +1 0 +1 -1/
20:51:38 <krp> sandro: roger should produce a concrete proposal for batch as patch. someone else produces a more concrete proposal for TriG

Sandro Hawke: roger should produce a concrete proposal for batch as patch. someone else produces a more concrete proposal for TriG

20:52:10 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

20:52:14 <bblfish>  Agree: two concrete proposals for (1) and (2) and we compare. Also we can see then how difficult it is to implement.

Henry Story: Agree: two concrete proposals for (1) and (2) and we compare. Also we can see then how difficult it is to implement.

20:52:17 <krp> arnaud: (5) is the status quo, so even though there are -1 it stands until there is an approved alternative

Arnaud Le Hors: (5) is the status quo, so even though there are -1 it stands until there is an approved alternative

20:52:31 <ericP> s/s\/\+1, \+1, \+0, \+0, -1\/\+1, \+1, \+1, \+0, \-1\//s/\\+1, \\+1, \\+0, \\+0, -1\\\/\\\+1, \\\+1, \\\+1, \\\+0, \\\-1\\//

Eric Prud'hommeaux: s/s\/\+1, \+1, \+0, \+0, -1\/\+1, \+1, \+1, \+0, \-1\//s/\\+1, \\+1, \\+0, \\+0, -1\\\/\\\+1, \\\+1, \\\+1, \\\+0, \\\-1\\// (warning: replacement failed)

20:52:50 <krp> roger: objection to (5) is that it's not batch for patch

Roger Menday: objection to (5) is that it's not batch for patch

20:53:17 <krp> steves: isn't that a separate issue? do you want to block trig patch?

Steve Speicher: isn't that a separate issue? do you want to block trig patch?

20:53:34 <TallTed> RRSAgent, pointer?

Ted Thibodeau: RRSAgent, pointer?

20:53:34 <RRSAgent> See

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See

20:53:41 <krp> sandro: I don't think there's a smaller granularity than trig?

Sandro Hawke: I don't think there's a smaller granularity than trig?

20:53:59 <bblfish> Trig is just Turtle with named graphs

Henry Story: Trig is just Turtle with named graphs

20:54:39 <bblfish> But it does not have a notion of variables. So it is N3 withouth the { ?a ?r ?b }

Henry Story: But it does not have a notion of variables. So it is N3 withouth the { ?a ?r ?b }

20:55:11 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

20:56:25 <betehess> q-

Alexandre Bertails: q-

20:56:32 <krp> sandro: I think it there's a blank node that occurs in both the insert and delete in Andy's example, I think they need to be identified and operated on as the same bnode

Sandro Hawke: I think it there's a blank node that occurs in both the insert and delete in Andy's example, I think they need to be identified and operated on as the same bnode

20:57:14 <TallTed> TallTed: order of operations needs to be clearly specified (e.g., delete before insert, etc.)

Ted Thibodeau: order of operations needs to be clearly specified (e.g., delete before insert, etc.) [ Scribe Assist by Ted Thibodeau ]

20:58:40 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

20:59:01 <krp> roger: if all operations have to be boiled down to trig patch formats, it's not as simple as I want it to be

Roger Menday: if all operations have to be boiled down to trig patch formats, it's not as simple as I want it to be

20:59:32 <SteveBattle> What would the mime type for the trig be?

Steve Battle: What would the mime type for the trig be?

20:59:58 <SteveBattle> application/x-trig

Steve Battle: application/x-trig

20:59:58 <sandro> sandro: let's define the semantics of trig-based-patch in terms of sparlql-update semantics which are nicely defined.

Sandro Hawke: let's define the semantics of trig-based-patch in terms of sparlql-update semantics which are nicely defined. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

21:00:20 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

21:00:27 <cygri> SteveBattle, application/trig as per

Richard Cyganiak: SteveBattle, application/trig as per

21:00:47 <krp> arnaud: I would propose we accept trig as the way forward, and roger sends proposal to the list of how we should proceed; we can then revisit the trig decision in light of it if needed

Arnaud Le Hors: I would propose we accept trig as the way forward, and roger sends proposal to the list of how we should proceed; we can then revisit the trig decision in light of it if needed

21:00:53 <sandro> SteveBattle, I *think* we need to have a different mime type from TriG, so you know it's a patch.

Sandro Hawke: SteveBattle, I *think* we need to have a different mime type from TriG, so you know it's a patch.

21:01:16 <sandro> so  text/rdf-patch or something

Sandro Hawke: so text/rdf-patch or something

21:01:31 <rgarcia> or something with ldp-patch

Raúl García Castro: or something with ldp-patch

21:01:36 <cygri> sandro, don't you know that by inspecting the default graph??

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, don't you know that by inspecting the default graph??

21:02:09 <sandro> cygri, maybe....      I haven't thought about this enough.

Sandro Hawke: cygri, maybe.... I haven't thought about this enough.

21:02:09 <JohnArwe> cygri, I suspect the counter-example is "my LDPC contains TriG documents"

John Arwe: cygri, I suspect the counter-example is "my LDPC contains TriG documents"

21:02:30 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

21:02:35 <sandro> JohnArwe, but this is being transmitted via PATCH.

Sandro Hawke: JohnArwe, but this is being transmitted via PATCH.

21:02:40 <cygri> JohnArwe, but we only talk about payload to the PATCH method

Richard Cyganiak: JohnArwe, but we only talk about payload to the PATCH method

21:03:34 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

21:03:36 <sandro> btw, I gather it's application/trig

Sandro Hawke: btw, I gather it's application/trig

21:03:36 <krp> steves: I think the aspect of batching a lot of http requests has scenarios where it would add a lot of complexity, a single patch/trig format seems to meet my needs more simply (but can see value in breaking it down, just heavyweight)

Steve Speicher: I think the aspect of batching a lot of http requests has scenarios where it would add a lot of complexity, a single patch/trig format seems to meet my needs more simply (but can see value in breaking it down, just heavyweight)

21:03:50 <JohnArwe> I'd like to say we need nothing new (simpler) ... thinking out loud here.

John Arwe: I'd like to say we need nothing new (simpler) ... thinking out loud here.

21:04:08 <krp> stevebattle: simple case where we just to assert a small number of triples. distinguish with different mimetypes?

Steve Battle: simple case where we just to assert a small number of triples. distinguish with different mimetypes?

21:04:25 <krp> ... to allow both atomic ops and patch trig

... to allow both atomic ops and patch trig

21:05:12 <krp> arnaud: does this bring in transactions, atomicity etc. as discussed earlier?

Arnaud Le Hors: does this bring in transactions, atomicity etc. as discussed earlier?

21:05:16 <krp> roger: no

Roger Menday: no

21:06:04 <krp> cygri: can we characterise the problem as our operations being too coarse? you want an http operation to manipulate ~a single triple

Richard Cyganiak: can we characterise the problem as our operations being too coarse? you want an http operation to manipulate ~a single triple

21:06:13 <krp> roger: yes

Roger Menday: yes

21:06:46 <krp> cygri: so the problem is that if you want to modify fine grained triples, not a whole ldpr, you want something more fine grained than the trig format

Richard Cyganiak: so the problem is that if you want to modify fine grained triples, not a whole ldpr, you want something more fine grained than the trig format

21:08:04 <krp> ... can we avoid blocking this patch issue if we can raise another issue to address this granularity problem?

... can we avoid blocking this patch issue if we can raise another issue to address this granularity problem?

21:08:08 <cygri> ISSUE-43?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-43?

21:08:08 <trackbot> ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-43 -- hint at naming a resource on creation -- closed

21:08:08 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

21:08:34 <cygri> ISSUE-34?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-34?

21:08:34 <trackbot> ISSUE-34 -- Adding and removing arcs in weak aggregation -- closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-34 -- Adding and removing arcs in weak aggregation -- closed

21:08:34 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

21:08:42 <krp> roger: always thought issue-34 addresses this, thought the resolution didn't

Roger Menday: always thought ISSUE-34 addresses this, thought the resolution didn't

21:08:52 <krp> ... drifted off into other areas

... drifted off into other areas

21:10:48 <cygri> ACTION: cygri to work with Roger to raise an issue on using standard HTTP verbs for fineer-grained graph manipulations

ACTION: cygri to work with Roger to raise an issue on using standard HTTP verbs for fineer-grained graph manipulations

21:10:48 <trackbot> Created ACTION-46 - Work with Roger to raise an issue on using standard HTTP verbs for fineer-grained graph manipulations [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2013-03-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-46 - Work with Roger to raise an issue on using standard HTTP verbs for finer-grained graph manipulations [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2013-03-20].

21:10:59 <cygri> s/fineer/finer
21:11:04 <cygri> s/fineer/finer/
21:11:05 <krp> topic: Agenda for tomorrow

6. Agenda for tomorrow

<krp> cygri: don't feel competent about Access control, would like to work on other issues on the side

Richard Cyganiak: don't feel competent about Access control, would like to work on other issues on the side

<krp> (discussion about agenda and possibility of having breakout sessions to work on proposals)

(discussion about agenda and possibility of having breakout sessions to work on proposals)

21:19:51 <krp> arnaud: the access control deliverable was a compromise to those who said we can't consider ldp protocol without it

(No events recorded for 8 minutes)

Arnaud Le Hors: the access control deliverable was a compromise to those who said we can't consider ldp protocol without it

21:20:08 <krp> davidwood: what are the charter requirements for this?

David Wood: what are the charter requirements for this?

21:20:20 <davidwood> It turns out there are some :)

David Wood: It turns out there are some :)

21:20:31 <cygri> did I hear davidwood volunteering to edit a Note on Access Control? :-)

Richard Cyganiak: did I hear davidwood volunteering to edit a Note on Access Control? :-)

21:20:34 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

21:21:06 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

21:21:15 <SteveBattle> q+

Steve Battle: q+

21:21:28 <Arnaud> ack steveb

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steveb

21:21:49 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

<krp> Arnaud: we will start with half an hour to identify breakout sessions people would be interested in

Arnaud Le Hors: we will start with half an hour to identify breakout sessions people would be interested in

21:21:56 <krp> stevebattle: do we need to address meta issues tomorrow?

Steve Battle: do we need to address meta issues tomorrow?

<krp> davidwood: no

David Wood: no

21:22:00 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

21:22:24 <krp> steves: what time will people need to leave on Friday?

Steve Speicher: what time will people need to leave on Friday?

21:22:28 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

21:22:45 <krp> ... anyone before 4pm?

... anyone before 4pm?

21:22:58 <krp> arnaud: we will meet until 4pm on Friday.

Arnaud Le Hors: we will meet until 4pm on Friday.

21:23:11 <krp> ... meeting adjourned for the day.

... meeting adjourned for the day.

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#2) generated 2013-03-14 04:07:43 UTC by 'alehors', comments: 'Added missing reference to issue-28 being closed.'