See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 15 November 2012
Thanks Glenn.
Philippe, Can you stay on IRC?
<plh> yes
good thanks
<Frans> Frnas
TTML Agenda Nov 15, 2012
mdolan: Add to agenda: IANA response.
Dec 15 deadline
Action Sean Draft response to bring back to the group.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-129 - Draft response to bring back to the group. [on Sean Hayes - due 2012-11-22].
<trackbot> ISSUE-182 -- Allow more than one profile to be used in the SDP-US. Add use of ttp:profile element. -- open
SDP-US draft:
mmartin3: R0007 need
... answered Glenn:
glenn: Agree with the proposal.
Resolved to include preamble text.
<trackbot> ISSUE-189 -- do regions scroll their flowed content? -- open
Second Edition
mmartin: Need to add example in Second Edition. Then put reference text in SDP-US.
dolan: Open question existed on my example.
sean: Only 2 lines visible in my
previous example. Describes region, flow, and text
... Two ways to construct - have 2 lines and overflow and
display line after. Or display the lines appropriately with
dolan: Mine was different.
sean: If have lines overflow.
Ones at the bottom are seen. Ones at the top are moved
... Use example as is except to remove displayAlign.
glenn: May still need it.
sean: May be able to handle without displayAlign.
dolan: TTML + representation of display that occurs.
sean: Send out example as complete TTML file as Mike provided and send screen shots.
Resolved to include example in TTML 1.0 SE,.
Action Sean Provide example with screen shot to the list for Issue-182 for TTML 1.0 SE portion.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-130 - Provide example with screen shot to the list for Issue-182 for TTML 1.0 SE portion. [on Sean Hayes - due 2012-11-22].
mmartin3: Need text to reference
TTML 1.0 SE for scrolling in SDP-US.
...Text: See example on scrolling described in TTML 1.0 Second
sean: Reference this at point of R0047.
No objections.
<trackbot> ISSUE-188 -- Bounding SDP-US rendering complexity -- open
mmartin3: Explanatory text in Future Needs.
mmartin3: Glenn asked about rendering model.
sean: Authoring constraint model that impacts rendering.
<Frans> Have to leave, sorry :(
sean: Answer your questions Glenn.
glenn: Value of note?
... What is intended given what exists today in TTML 1.0?
sean: DECE has such a model with
heuristics. Sean describes the discussion.
... Compute model for the rendering
glenn: Have some constraints more than SDP-US now?
sean: Example is the delta area if you move a region.
glenn: Constraints on authoring
for graphics performance.
... Capture intent without being ambiguous.
dolan: Is this text helpful.
glenn: Documenting that we are thinking about it may be helpful.
sean: If word sufficiently, this would make use of TTML in SDP easier.
glenn: Working Group Note?
sean: Yes.
... Roll-up to TTML 1.1 potentially.
glenn: If we do intend to revise
this, do we want a Note?
... Go through membership.
sean: Done with technical area.
glenn: Won't have membership endorsement or revise the draft.
sean: Make statement to chairs
... similar to our FPWD.
... go through review in TTML 1.1.
mmartin3: Shown in updated charter.
Ressolved to Glenn do text for Issue-188.
<trackbot> ISSUE-190 -- Background vs Window Color -- closed
mmartin3: To be included.
... Example only.
... Will make sure preamble is provided.
<trackbot> ISSUE-194 -- root container needs better definition -- open
mmartin3: "The root container
origin shall be the upper left corner of the related video
coding; and the extent shall be the lower right corner."
... Need to add definition.
... Normative text.
dolan: Need to have a specific definition.
glenn: R0021 and R0022.
R0021 - A presentation processor must fix the root container origin so that it corresponds with the top, left corner of the related media object [TTML10SE], Section 2.2. R0022 - A presentation processor must fix the root container extent so that it corresponds with the extent of the related media object [TTML10SE], Section 2.2.
mmartin3: Text in SDP-US draft.
Second Edition text: Related Media Object A (possibly null) media object associated with or otherwise related to a TTML document instance. For example, an aggregate audio/video media object for which a TTML document instance provides caption or subtitle information, and with which that TTML document instance is associated.
dolan: What about registering with the video?
glenn: Why we have definition in
... Make suggested change.
sean: Preamble that says the object is the video.
glenn: Add note after 2 requirements.
dolan: Only with video.
glenn: Rules out to non-video related media.
Resolved to add note on R0021 and R0022.
sean: In this case, the related
media object is the original video.
... Use this text.
mmartin3: Issues all resolved.
<scribe> ...New issue from Pierre, Issue-196.
<trackbot> ISSUE-196 -- Constraining encoding to UTF-8 -- raised
pal: Add constraint on encoding to UTF-8.
glenn: Need to say it is XML first.
sean: Syntax issues.
... Part of TTML 1.1.
glenn: 2 new requirements - mandate XML and character encoding of UTF-8.
mmartin3: XML 1.0.
Action Glenn Add 2 new requirements - mandate XML and character encoding of UTF-8.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-131 - Add 2 new requirements - mandate XML and character encoding of UTF-8. [on Glenn Adams - due 2012-11-22].
Resolved to add 2 new requirements for XML 1.0 and UTF-8.
Action-131 will resolve Issue-196.
<glenn> ISSUE-196?
<trackbot> ISSUE-196 -- Constraining encoding to UTF-8 -- raised
mmartin3: Sense of the
... to proceed.
<glenn> ACTION-131: see ISSUE-196
<trackbot> ACTION-131 Add 2 new requirements - mandate XML and character encoding of UTF-8. notes added
plh are you herer?
glenn: Raised 2 questions on
Section 2 and 12 for some rewrites.
... Need to inversion of some requirements to make sure we have
consistency across the document.
sean: Clean up document and issue Last Call with 2 weeks to publish as a Note Nov 29.
glenn: LCWD text
,...Go through pubs to do so.
sean: No meeting Nov 22.
... Final publication Nov 29.
trackbot, list attendees
<trackbot> Sorry, mmartin3, I don't understand 'trackbot, list attendees'. Please refer to for help.
<glenn> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: mmartin3 Inferring Scribes: mmartin3 Default Present: glenn, mmartin3, +1.408.771.aaaa, +1.858.847.aabb, +1.425.658.aacc, +1.650.525.aadd, mike_dolan, Sean, mijordan, +41.22.717.aaee, aadd, Frans Present: glenn mmartin3 +1.408.771.aaaa +1.858.847.aabb +1.425.658.aacc +1.650.525.aadd mike_dolan Sean mijordan +41.22.717.aaee aadd Frans WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 15 Nov 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]