Research and Development Working Group Teleconference

26 Sep 2012

See also: IRC log


Christos, Justin, Kerstin (via IRC), Klaus, Luz, Markel, Markku, Shadi, Shawn, Sylvia, Vivienne, Yehya, Yeliz
Annika, Peter, Simon


Metrics W3C Note Status (5m)

Reminder to be sent out for commenting

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say need to communicate this is the only review period?

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/TR/accessibility-metrics-report/

<shawn> +1 to markel

<shawn> [ also people wait until deadline :-]

<yeliz> Are we expecting a lot of comments?

<shawn> saz: strong coorlation between how much work goes into soliciting review, and how many comments we get in

Shadi: People tend to wait to deadline; not communicated that this is the last opportunity, did we reach the groups? More efforts needed to get comments. Timing is also taff (vacation)
... 2 weeks extension for commenting, Reminding needed.

<yeliz> I also think there won't be many comments

Shadi: We should have more than two commenters

<yeliz> As it is research note

Shadi: it is also a question of the type of comment (quality)
... Also the group members should comment. The more discussion the better the quality

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to suggest: 1 or 2 weeks extension. communicate last chance! RDWG solicit feedback from specific people.

<yeliz> Good idea

<yeliz> +1

Markel: How does this extension overlap with other activities?

e2r deadling Oct. 12

<markel> I would delay 1 week at most

<yeliz> +1

<Yehya> +1

Shadi: one week extension?

<silvia_> I agree: 1 week

<vivienne> okay with 1 week


<christos> +1

<Justin_Brown> ok

Shadi: Are members willing to forward to experts in metrics and evaluation? Individual messages.

<vivienne> I'm willing to circulate to individuals

Markel: Some people in mind.

<silvia_> I've got a couple of people in mind, and I'm going to contact them

I will also contact some people (eAccess+)

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/Distribution_Lists

Markel: Is it usual to postpone?

Shadi: With so little review, this is quite usual. need to get well vetted. Depends if group is happy with the quality.
... But must not be endless!

Status Check on current Symposia

Shadi: TC closed submission

<markel> 12 submissions is still a good number!

Shawn: 12 submissions, not some that were expected, in process of assigning.
... Position papers were submitted - reviewers should take care what kind of paper it is.

<shadi> http://www.openconf.com/demo/openconf5/review/review.php?pid=1

<yeliz> as far as I know, yes

Shadi: Can questions be changed?

Yeliz: Not in the configuration - you have to contact open conf people

Shadi: This is not a full version - local copy

<markel> The review form is the traditional one

Shadi: Guidance is sent sepperatly to reviewers. There are criteria but not a lot - main guidance to come from symposium chairs.

Yeliz: Simon knows openconf very well.

Markel: There must be a higher profiling opportunity allowing to define questions, criteria, ....

<shadi> http://www.openconf.com/demo/openconf5/chair/index.php?

Shadi: We did use it for the last time with the same questions.
... for next two symposia we have it to run it this way.

Klaus: With this number of submissions it should be o.k.

<markel> they are very fast responding

Shawn: TC deadline for reviewing next week

<shawn> ACTION: Shadi/Simon - OpenConf - figure out how to customize the review questions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/26-rd-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Shadi/Simon

Shawn: Comments should go into the text fields.

<shawn> ACTION: Shadi & Simon - OpenConf - figure out how to customize the review questions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/26-rd-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-31 - & Simon - OpenConf - figure out how to customize the review questions [on Shadi Abou-Zahra - due 2012-10-03].

Shadi looks for the magic solution (-: "ask Simon")

<yeliz> :)

Shadi: Reviewers should sign up alread now for e2r

<shawn> [ impressed that most reviewers signup in 12 hours! :-)

Role Call

<yeliz> [Shawn: that shows that you have excellent reviewers, you are lucky:))]

<shadi> previous seminars: http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/#publications

<shawn> [ on IRC is: christos, Justin_Brown, Kerstin, klaus, Luz, markel, Mate, mhakkinen, nonge_, shadi, shawn, sylvia_, vivienne, Yehya, yeliz]

Markku Hakkinen: First chair for the effort, they ran 2 symposia, Currently at Princton, Focus at accessibilty and AT; focus on touch, haptic ...; ETS (educational testing service)

<vivienne> I couldn't hear you ask me for my input over the background noise

<shadi> [[countries on the call today: Greece, Australia, Austria, Spain, UK, US, Italy, Germany, Cyprus]]

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=47076&public=1

Next Topic Discussions (10m)

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/

<yeliz> Unfortunately, I have to go now, Talk to you next week....

Shadi: Next topic early next year - to be selected now. Please add to the wiki. Brush up existing topics. We need a structured discussion on deciding for the next: Up to Simon.
... Please volunteer and write to the email-list why
... The earlier the better

CfP Simplified Format http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/CfP_Email_Boilerplate (15m)

Shadi: Simplified format for Cfp - should help to automate and allow focus on content.

<shawn> yes, helpful

Klaus: this is really helpful!

<markel> yeliz is !

Shadi: We are behind on notes for mobile topic.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask about phone

Shawn: Alternate phone connection?

Shadi: yes

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Shadi & Simon - OpenConf - figure out how to customize the review questions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/26-rd-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Shadi/Simon - OpenConf - figure out how to customize the review questions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/26-rd-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.137 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/09/26 20:40:45 $