Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

07 Sep 2012


The group reviewed the substantial progress that has been made on updating and adding to the resources for mobile accessibility at WAI. Four articles have been written or revised and will be announced and ready for promotion once the Business Case updates are in place. Appreciation was expressed for this work and especially for Peter Theissen's contribution of the Mobile Case Study. Members took various Action Items in support of promotion and outreach of the new resources. After point-by=point-discussion and a few suggestions for minor revisions, the group passed a resolution to publish the mobile pages with no need for an additional review.

Next was consideration of the Accessibility Training Suite and the recent updates Andrew has made with input from the group. EO is happy with the current version and ready to publish and promote the materials, including the revised cautionary language. Ideas for promotion, once the Suite is published, include outreach to thousands of university Computer Science Departments that Wayne has access to. Members have compiled outreach strategies on the EO wiki and everyone is encouraged to add contacts and document any outreach that occurs.

Finally, Shawn reminded members to check their individual action items, to stay current with the actions for all EO, and to update their availability for upcoming EOWG Teleconferences.


  1. Mobile updates:
  2. Training pages:
  3. Reminders:


Wayne, Sharron, Suzette, Shawn, Sylvie, Andrew, Jennifer, Ian
Helle, Denis, Liam, Vicki


Mobile Updates

Shawn: Good news, four articles are done, but won't be announced until the Business Case updates are in place. Hoping for early next week.

<scribe> ...new mobile accessibility page and we updated others.Links are here

<shawn> updated: http://www.w3.org/WAI/mobile/overlap

Jennifer: Yay for good news!

<shawn> updated: http://www.w3.org/WAI/mobile/experiences

Shawn: Peter's case study is on WAI-Engage wiki

<shawn> fyi: Peter's case study (feel free to send him any additional suggestions) http://www.w3.org/community/wai-engage/wiki/Social_Networking_Application_Business_Case

Shawn: he is ready to take one more pass for edits and then announce to WAI-Engage and IG

Andrew: Looks good.

Jennifer: Yes, I thought so too.

Shawn: Would like to have a link back to the page it came from...like the ones on the Training Notes page.
... are you signed into WAI-Engage?

Andrew: Not sure.

Shawn: On the top of Peter's page, could you Sharron put a link back to WAI-Engage Main Page? and then to Promoting Web Accessibility Page as well?

<scribe> ACTION: Sharron to add navigation links to Peter's case study in the WAI-Engage wiki. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-206 - Add navigation links to Peter's case study in the WAI-Engage wiki. [on Sharron Rush - due 2012-09-14].

Shawn: In the announcement eamil next week, we will point to it as related information.

Jennifer: Good

All: Yes, agreed

Wayne: Nice if there were more like that.

Jennifer: Maybe it will stimulate more submissions.

Shawn: Is it appropriate to link to the Business Case?

All: Yes

Andrew: He uses the same structure.

Shawn: He mentions Business Case, maybe just make that text a link.

Sharron: OK

Wayne: he really uses the Business Case well in the article

Subtopic: Plans for Promoting Mobile Accessibility

<shawn> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Promoting_Mobile_Accessibility

Shawn: I did not do close comparison of the versions, but he said that he changed the timeline references and took input from Wayne and integrated it.
... for promotion, there is a link above that I plan to send to WAI-IG next week. If you have any comments, feel free. This is the level at which we will mention it in most outreach.
... that is all I had planned. We certainly could use this as an opportunity to promote WAI-Engage and sharing of case studies.

Sharron: I like this idea!

Jennifer: Staggered a couple of days perhaps so the announcment is not burdened by too much information.

Shawn: Yes, we could follow up with Reminder: We are looking for case studies.
... one concern is that WAI won't actively do this level of promotion for everything that comes up on the WAI-Engage wiki. So maybe we should do outreach as individuals.

Jennifer: Yes, don't overthink it. Let us be outreach plants.

<shawn> "Share Resources Supporting the Web Accessibility Business Case" http://www.w3.org/QA/2009/12/share_resources_supporting_the.html

<AndrewA> what about if Peter replies to the WAI-IG email saying he has written up his experience?

Shawn: Let's encourage WAI-Engage wiki and plan now for that.

Sharron: Good idea Andrew.

Jennifer: And if he does not have time, one of us will do it. I'll volunteer.

<scribe> ACTION: Jennifer to Contact Peter after the first announcement, encouraging him to reply "Share Resources Supporting the Web Accessibility Business Case" http://www.w3.org/QA/2009/12/share_resources_supporting_the.html [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-207 - Contact Peter after the first announcement, encouraging him to reply "Share Resources Supporting the Web Accessibility Business Case" http://www.w3.org/QA/2009/12/share_resources_supporting_the.html [on Jennifer Sutton - due 2012-09-14].

<scribe> ACTION: Jennifer to work with Henny to blog about this article and outcomes. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action04]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-208 - Work with Henny to blog about this article and outcomes. [on Jennifer Sutton - due 2012-09-14].

Shawn: And maybe Paul Adam as well
... we are thinking about mobile related projects and perhaps we can reach out to Paul at that time.
... I am happy with the work Peter did and the updates we have made as a result.
... On the wiki page, remember the contact notes section so that we don't over ping and bug people.

Jennifer: OK I will note those I contact.

Shawn: Grey areas include native apps

Wayne: Like browsers

Shawn: No, browsers are covered by UAAG

Wayne: But some are virtually unusable with magnification. I use my tablet for an alarm clock and that's about it.

<shawn> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Business_Case_Notes#Mobile_.26_Accessibility_Overlap

Business Case for Mobile Overlap

Shawn: For every point made, I put it right on the wiki page but also drafted it here on the page.

Andrew: So on the real page, the change has already been made?

Shawn: Yes
... basically we have had this linking on the ToDo list since we posted the Mobile resources.
... the first pass that I did and Vicki commented on, we had a longer paragraph that pointed to both resources. This proposal suggests to point to one OR the other in various places.
... all changes are in the wiki. Follow the link only to see the change in context.

Andrew: Did you want to specifically mention the mobile phone rather than mobile devices (with small screens)?

Shawn: Question is..Is mobile phone or mobile device more geeky or techy or more specific?

Jennifer: Great question Andrew. I vote for devices.

Sylvie: I vote for device as well.

Shawn: Let's see the references in context, may want to use phone in some cases.
... Where Accessibility is social issue, we have overlap with digital divide and overlap with older user needs. My suggestion is to add section with overlap with mobile device access.

Andrew: Reads suggested text.

Shawn: Comments on adding new section, adding it there, and wording?

Wayne: I am for all of the above.

Andrew: +1

Shawn: Looking at Change #3 in the wiki.
... When Andrew updated older user needs, there is a reference to how WCAG benefits. The suggestion is to add a new section to the list of WCAG Success Criteria for each that will point to shared experience document.

Andrew: Reads change suggestion text

Shawn: Any comments on section, placement, or text?

Andrew: Thought it might be better to have more examples, but perhaps OK since they are in the linked text.

Shawn: Above, we have just examples but since the Shared Experience is comprehensive. Should we say, instead of "for example," something more comprehensive.

Andrew: Don't think it matters.

Shawn: Someone had once treated the lists as comprehensive when they were not intended to be so.
... any objections?


<IanPouncey> wfm

<Wayne> I agree

<AndrewA> +1

Shawn: Looking at Change #4. To the end of that section, we propose to add a more detailed section.

Andrew: reads text of change

Shawn; There's a list of some and we want to link to "here's where to get more"

<Wayne> yep

Andrew: Should we then just say "for a detailed list" rather than "for a more detailed list"

Shawn: Yes, will do.

Sharron: Agree

Ian: Length of the link is very very long

Shawn: Other option is to link to just first three words before the total

Jennifer: No strong feelings one way or another

Suzette: As a readability issue as Ian said, makes it difficult to read
... should shorten it.

Shawn: Should we remove the text of the subtitle or only remove it as a link?

Suzette: How do you find it if you turn off underline?

Wayne: with personal style sheets that make it easier for me to read.

Shawn: Refresh wiki page, I added a new version with only leading text highlighted.

<shawn> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Business_Case_Notes#Mobile_.26_Accessibility_Overlap

Shawn: Ian, how does that part work with leading text highlighted but remainder left as text only?

Ian: Not so keen on it.

Suzette: Looks uncomfortable, cognitively more difficult to process

Ian: What is this bit of text hanging out at the end of a link?
... would prefer it all to be a link if it is needed as a title. Wonder at the length of the title at all.

Shawn: We did the three word intro so we could have a short title.
... titles were getting too long and the purpose was to shorten the links.
... so if we review all these links, are we OK with the short version for all of these?
... and we can alswys you the explanatory text into the paragraph as a sentence rather than part of the title.

Andrew: Some of them have good text in the surrounding text, but not all.

Shawn: Is it of enough significance to rework or minor enough to leave as is?

<AndrewA> agrees to use the short titles

Shawn: proposal for discussion. For the links, we will use only the first part before the colon and delete the phrase that follows from the link.

<Wayne> truncate, yes

<IanPouncey> agree

<Suzette2> +1

Jennifer: Yes that's fine with me.

Sylvie: Yes it's good


Shawn: Change #5 is in Financial factors page. Increases potential use in more situations.
... proposed adding the phrase as follows:

Andrew: Reads suggested change

Shawn: Suggested phrase is to change mobile phones to mobile devices everywhere except where people all over the world use mobile phones.

<Suzette2> To reduce link overload it Firefox went to tools/options/fonts and colours/colours - box to change colours and tick box to remove underline - so much better!

Shawn: Next in that section is the suggestion to add people with mobile devices there as well.

Andrew: reads change


Wayne: +1

Shawn: Those are all the specific changes. On a higher level, when I considered where to put the changes, I had originally expected to be in Financial pages but it turned out that the strongest points are made in the Social Factors section. Are we OK with that or do we need to go back and strengthen comments in Financial Factors pages as well?

Wayne: Do we have enough information to make the Financial factors stronger?

Shawn: We don't have hard data

Jennifer: Then let's skip it.

Wayne: Agreed

<IanPouncey> publish

<AndrewA> publish

<scribe> ACTION: Shawn to make changes as suggested to these pages [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action05]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-209 - Make changes as suggested to these pages [on Shawn Henry - due 2012-09-14].

<Wayne> publish +100

<Sylvie> publish

RESOLUTION: Publish these pages, EO does not need to see it again.

Andrew: Looking at Financial there is section called Direct Cost Savings. In there, we could introduce the idea of the efficiency of doing both at once.
... the overlap.

<shawn> andrew: propose add to http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/bcase/2012/fin#direct text like "Designing to the guidelines together, instead of separately, can make the process more efficient - especially when considered early in the project." from http://www.w3.org/WAI/mobile/overlap

<shawn> +1


<Wayne> +1

Jennifer: +1

<AndrewA> at http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/bcase/2012/fin#direct introduce the efficiencies from doing both together as per http://www.w3.org/WAI/mobile/overlap.html#both

Shawn: Any objections?

All: None

Shawn: And if anyone sees anything else please send to EO list so we can comment and revisit if needed.

Andrew: Good work!

Sharron: Yes, really good stuff.

Training Pages

Shawn: Andrew sent updates today

Andrew: Have highlighted those that are "Done"

Jennifer: When you sent files, there were zipped file set, are they the same as the HTML?

Andrew: Yes

Jennifer: There was a mention to contacting organization about inaccessible websites that was meant to be a link but was not actually linked.
... If you don't find it, I'll look again.

Shawn: Did you put the wording for ATAG and UAAG in?

Andrew: Yes, in the section of What This Topic Covers. OK?

Shawn: You have primary reosurces and additional resources. What about putting those together?
... what if you have overview fist, then 2.0 info and the 1.0 at the bottom?

Andrew: OK so put the 2 ahead of the 1. Yeh I can do that.

Shawn: When did you last work on this actively?

Andrew: September 2010

<AndrewA> add WCAG-EM to http://www.w3.org/WAI/training/topics#conform

Shawn: In evaluation section, can you add link to WCAG EM
... and BAD is linked?

<scribe> ...new mobile pages?

Andrew: Yes they are included

Shawn: Anyone have others?

Jennifer: Yay!

Promoting Training

Shawn: Once final version is posted, we will send around the survey and give a week plus for review and then approve for finalization.
... will be ready to announce and then promote.
... Wayne, Sharron, Jennifer, any updates on the plan for promotion?

Jennifer: We have the wiki page, please update with any promotion we want to do.

Wayne: I have a list of thousands of Universities, so we need to prioritize who to contact.

Shawn: Would be great for it to go viral.

Sharron: Could go to associations

Wayne: But they don't go to Computer Science Departments

Shawn: So need a strategy to get to those who are not yet accessibility aware.

Wayne: Good contact in Human Factors Society. Need to think about how to cut the list down.

<shawn> CHI or HCI

Shawn: Have contacts in UPA and CHI

Wayne: Yes we want to get it into their first web classes, integrated into intro materials.
... will see if I can work with various campus contacts that I know.

Shawn: Maybe try rather than personal contacts, get to newsletters and other ways to get wider distribution

<AndrewA> are our targets members of ACM & IEEE? get a note in their mags/newsletters?

Wayne: I see this happening as a note in a newsletter that a chair walks down the hall and says to the instructor, Hey you should know about this...

Shawn: Let's think about what would an instructor looking for material type into a search?

Jennifer: I would search for "teaching web accessibility"

Suzette: Would they know to use the word accessibility.

<AndrewA> "accessibility training" gave our page as #8 in google search

Wayne: disability and web would be two words to be in there

<AndrewA> "teaching web accessibility" didn't have our page on the first page of results

Shawn: If we can find an easy phrase we can target that in the SEO

Jennifer: If I were a professor, I might go to the disability services office to see if they have information for me.

Wayne: Good idea, instructors do call the disability services office for information exactly like that.

Shawn: Anything else on Training Suite or promotion of it?


Shawn: Complete Action Items, note your availability, actions for all of EOWG, TPAC attendence

<Wayne> Bye all, I'm going back to bed.

<AndrewA> for anyone interested in MS office document accessibility, we just published material from a session MS presented for us recently - http://agimo.govspace.gov.au/2012/09/06/video-and-transcripts-of-microsoft-accessibility-training-sessions/

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Contact Peter after the first announcement, encouraging him to reply "Share Resources Supporting the Web Accessibility Business Case" http://www.w3.org/QA/2009/12/share_resources_supporting_the.html [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Jennifer to Contact Peter after the first announcement, encouraging him to reply "Share Resources Supporting the Web Accessibility Business Case" http://www.w3.org/QA/2009/12/share_resources_supporting_the.html [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Jennifer to work with Henny to blog about this article and outcomes. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Sharron to add navigation links to Peter's case study in the WAI-Engage wiki. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Shawn to make changes as suggested to these pages [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/07-eo-minutes.html#action05]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/09/10 15:50:51 $