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trackbot, prepare teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 18 July 2012
<scribe> Scribe: Addison Phillips
<scribe> ScribeNick: aphillip
Ping Adil about status of bidi IRI examples/tests and any documentation or efforts in that direction
from adil: I have worked on some tests. I have some urgent things to fiinish this week but I should be able to get these to you Monday.
close ACTION-136
<trackbot> ACTION-136 Add CSS3 Flexbox comments to tracker and forward to CSS WG closed
Follow up on Web Notifications in three separate emails to separate threads, closing off localized fragments and direction and asking for resolution on language
close ACTION-138
<trackbot> ACTION-138 Follow up on Web Notifications in three separate emails to separate threads, closing off localized fragments and direction and asking for resolution on language closed
andrew: finially have sign off on
a 2-year project on translations on-line with a view to
creating guidelines
... will be able to make translations available under our own
... focus on less-used languages, languages difficult to deploy
on web currently
richard: put up a new build
<r12a> UnicodeData checker tool
richard: UnicodeDataChecker
... link is :
richard: parses the UCD
UnicodeData.txt file and lets you find the data easily
... can also edit the file, can use for making proposals for
new scripts for example
... Geek Week. Working on updating our test results pages
richard: wrestled with this
myself and started writing a new version
... there are circumstances where it can still cause
... but thinking along these lines
<scribe> ACTION: richard: update qa-byte-order-mark document targetting end-of-August for review [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-139 - Update qa-byte-order-mark document targetting end-of-August for review [on Richard Ishida - due 2012-07-25].
richard: shouldn't mandate, but not tell people not to use it either
andrewc: doesn't matter if used or not in terms of browsers, just so long as developers are aware that libraries or tools may "chuck a fit" over the BOM
norbert: want to say "don't use it", but some tools do it behind your back
fantasai: UTR#50 timing doesn't
match our document timeline, but CSS Wg doesn't want to publish
a separate table
... stuck on some controversial characters
... if I18N thought an interim table were a good idea (dot dot
norbert: why is it called "writing mode" instead of "writing direction"?
fantasai: historical
... need utr50 stabilization
... need quote marks and tate-chu-yoko to be addressed (perhaps
separate TCY?)
<matial> I did.
<David> I did
norbert: is this the thing we'd put on the side of the proverbial bus?
addison: don't see how this solves the problem?
<David> I don't see that it solves any problems
<matial> I don't like it either.
addison: propose we say (1) we think this is a bad idea, (2) don't know what this solves, and (3) we continue to support IRI and wish it were done
<scribe> ACTION: addison: write to public-iri expressing support for IRI and a lack of support for SRI [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-140 - Write to public-iri expressing support for IRI and a lack of support for SRI [on Addison Phillips - due 2012-07-25].
Norbert: spec for extension to ES
language specification
... had poor I18N for a long time
... didn't do much useful, so this introduces a few core
... string compare (collation), number formatting, date/time
... most of spec is negotiating locales, how to handle Unicode
locale extension to BCP 47
... and so on
... doesn't specify how, for example, how to do collation or
how to localize number formats
... implementations define these
... timeline is next week a TC39 review
... final review by TC39 in September (approve it)
... and then to general assembly in December for approval
... when passing in empty string as locale argument, it will be
interpreted as empty array, so you get default locales and
supported locales is an empty list
<matial> Bye
RRSAgent: make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/scirpts/scripts/ Succeeded: s/final review/final review by TC39/ Found Scribe: Addison Phillips Found ScribeNick: aphillip Default Present: Addison_Phillips, Richard, andrewc, matial, fantasai, Norbert, dclarke Present: Addison_Phillips Richard andrewc matial fantasai Norbert dclarke Regrets: Felix Agenda: Found Date: 18 Jul 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: addison richard write[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]