See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 27 June 2012
<yvesr> ah!
<manu1> scribenick: manu1
Guus: Propose to accept minutes from last week.
No objections.
<pfps> Minutes look fine.
RESOLUTION: Accept minutes from June 20th 2012 telecon.
Guus: One pending review from Andy - predicate-object list
Ericp: I thought we were going to allow an arbitrary number of semicolons... Andy's contribution only allows up to one semicolon.
Guus: The action has been
... Any other actions that should be closed that are currently
open? 10 actions open.
... Let's continue.
Guus: Next telecon is July 11th
2012... the rest of the telecons are in the Agenda
... From 5 september on, we continue w/ weekly schedule.
... The next face-to-face - proposal is to do it at TPAC -
October 29th - November 3rd 2012 in Lyon, France. The link to
TPAC is in the Agenda.
... The face-to-face will be used to coordinate on the
documents and other groups, like the Linked Data Group...
... There are only rooms available on the Thursday or Friday -
limited options for us. Proposal is to meet on the
Thursday/Friday. ISWC is 11th-15th of November, that may be a
DavidWood: That's in Boston, Cambridge - ISWC is, that is.
<AZ> +1 to TPAC
Guus: Sounds like folks are okay w/ meeting at TPAC.
<sandro> +1 TPAC
<cygri> +0.5 TPAC
<gavinc> -0 TPAC
<pchampin> +1 TPAC
<ericP> +1
s/Sounds like folks are okay w/ meeting at TPAC/Let's see if people are okay with TPAC/
<gkellogg> +0 TPAC
<davidwood> +1
<zwu2> -0 TPAC
<LeeF> 0
<MacTed> +0 (won't be there, won't block)
<LeeF> (I won't make it to TPAC)
<Souri> Are we planning to have a video conference for folks near Boston?
<pfps> I won't be there - conflict with Dagstuhl ontology seminar.
<yvesr> +1
<Souri> +0
Guus: Preliminary decision could be made - see who says they will be there based on that.
<sandro> we can probably webcam but no fancy vid conf, and probably no room at MIT.
Sandro: Don't know if TPAC has the bandwidth to do video
<gavinc> -1 if TPAC does not have video
Guus: It may be voice-only
<LeeF> In the past, TPAC has not been able to do video conf
Gavin: Would prefer video.
<zwu2> Gavin, I am happy to join you in your home office
<zwu2> :)
Guus: We need to do a preliminary reservation at TPAC...
Sandro: Want other options on the table?
Guus: Boston ISWC might work, but don't know how many folks from here would attend.
<pchampin> I will try to see what is possible in Lyon in terms if video conference
Sandro: We could do a split meeting - Boston, ISWC and somewhere else with good video conferencing.
EricP: HP could do it - but they don't play that game anymore.
<LeeF> Oxford, yes
<yvesr> we do have proper video conferencing facilities at the BBC, but the rooms are way too small
cygri: We used to have a polycom system... but it broke and we decided not to replace it because it was used very rarely (ed: like all Polycom systems!)
sandro: Weird to have no semantic web representation at TPAC - this has been dead-quiet since ISWC conflicted with it... a general issue - not taking advantage of a good opportunity. Linked Data group is planning to meet at ISWC?
EricP: Yes, they are.
Guus: Provenance at ISWC too?
Sandro: Yes, almost entirely an academic group.
Guus: Let's setup a poll for the two options.
EricP: Odds are pretty good that we'll end up meeting at TPAC.
Guus: I'll setup a poll - we'll decide on July 11th based on the information we have.
<pfps> Go for it!
Guus: Two options - TPAC vs. ISWC Cage Match.
<scribe> ACTION: Guus to setup a poll for the next RDF WG F2F. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-176 - Setup a poll for the next RDF WG F2F. [on Guus Schreiber - due 2012-07-04].
Guus: There was a message from Gavin - there is a new ED
Guus: Is this ready to go?
Gavin: Yes, ready to go - minor editorial issues including parenthesis.
EricP: If we want a moment to
publish i- s- k- f- ha-
... We should list the changes that we intend to make before
Guus: In the Agenda, there is a proposal to publish.
<gavinc> 1. Fix remaining undetected broken links 2. Fix one missing set of ()s
MacTed: Small thing - based on Ivan's feedback - a plea for Oxford commas.
<pfps> +1, for, Oxford, commas!
<sandro> +1 oxford commas. (eats, shoots, and leaves)
gavinc: Totally agreed, I'll make the change.
<Zakim> cygri, you wanted to say would like to have the "Spïdermann"@de example changed
<cygri> "Человек-паук"@ru
cygri: To show multi-lingual
features, the German rendition of the word is wrong - the
letters don't exist in German...
... Maybe we should use something different like Spiderman in
Guus: Any more comments?
PROPOSAL: Publish the current
version of the TURTLE Editors Draft as a Last Call Editor's
... Publish the current version of the TURTLE Editors Draft as
a Last Call Working Draft:
<davidwood> +1
<MacTed> +1
<yvesr> +1
<LeeF> +1
<cygri> +1
<gkellogg> +1
<pfps> +1
<AlexHall> +1
<davidwood> AndyS voted +1 via email
<gavinc> +1
<zwu2> +1
<ericP> +1
<Souri> +1
RESOLUTION: Publish the current version of the TURTLE Editors Draft as a Last Call Working Draft:
<gavinc> Now with Russian!
Round of applause and woos! for the editors.
Guus: The editor's should prepare a version which we can request publication for - last editorial issues, etc.
Gavin: I'll make those changes
... Language but no change to the grammar on @prefix. Admissing
parenthesis with one of the string productions.
<ericP> "A"@base and "A"@prefix undefined behavior
EricP: Yes, one of the string productions has an issue with an OR...
Gavin: We need some more explanatory text.
EricP: IRI ref term constructor is wonky, will need to fix...
Gavin: I think I fixed that.
EricP: TURTLE literals ...
Gavin: Slightly larger change - not happy with the language you wrote?
EricP: It mis-leads a little bit, it may be fine.
Gavin: It goes through how Literals work w/ quotation marks... and then states that you can replace it with single quotes, double quotes, triple quotes.
EricP: Well, I have some other text that may be more clear.
Gavin: That sounds fine...
Guus: David will write a blog item on this... we need to notify relevant mailing lists on this publication.
<gavinc> +q to ask about LC comment window
David: MInutes need to be published and final version needs to be published.
<gavinc> I made up The Last Call period ends 15 September 2012
Guus: I propose we have the
regular period of 6 weeks for the Last Call period.
... That's 2.5 months...
EricP: Are we in a rush?
Discussion about "maximizing the quality of incoming comments".
Guus: 15th of september, any objections from the WG?
<MacTed> +1 Sept 15
+1 for September 15th, 2012.
<gavinc> +1 to 2012
Guus: Every comment during LC should raise an issue in the issue tracker - editorial issues can be responded to quickly, anything that is non-editorial should be discussed by the group before the response.
manu: May be easier to create a new TURTLE LC product in the issue tracker.
Guus: Let's keep it simple for
... One feature at-risk in the document - David would it be
appropriate to point out a particular feature at risk?
David: Who should we send this to? What other communities would be interested in this document.
Sandro: We need to mention any other WG in our charter - chairs should negotiate w/ external groups
Sandro: SPARQL, I18N, RDFa WG, Web Apps WG, XML Query WG
Guus: Linked Data and Provenance
WGs should also do a review.
... IETF IRI WG may also be interested.
... I think that's it - we'll have to come back if one of these
groups can't do their review.
Sandro: I think EricP can handle publication steps...
Guus: That's it for TURTLE LC
<ericP> scribenick: ericP
Guus: there have been WG comments on the proposed draft
manu: since the last meeting,
we've had comments from pierre antoine, ericP, andyS
... we've applied as many as possible without risking large
... the commentors have recieved replies for their comments
<gavinc> "JSON-LD has no equivalent for the Turtle @base declaration. Instead, authors may use a prefix definition to resolve relative IRIs:" That is NOT true. ... note to self, review JSON-LD
manu: we got more this week, but
put them off for post-FPWD
... CG is a last stage
... the W3C tool for gathering IPR commitments was broken
untill 8am
... we probably won't have the commitments for another
... the CG work is frozen, as is the (proposed) FPWD
... we could publish both by 12 July if we get the anticipated
IPR commitments
<Zakim> gavinc, you wanted to ask about LC comment window
<manu1> Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date.
gkellogg: all core contributors have signed commitments
manu: there's a diff between announcing a commitment in the mailing list and the w3c commitment machine
<zwu2> sorry my phone keeps cutting me off once every 15 minutes
<Souri> (if I may suggest) minor editorial change => replace "manu" with "john" AND "sporny" with "dow" and replace any other reference to a real person name with a hypothetical one
<manu1> PROPOSAL: Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date.
<gkellogg> +1
<yvesr> +1
<pchampin> +1
<manu1> PROPOSAL: Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date. c.f.:
<gkellogg> +1
<manu1> +1
<davidwood> +1
<yvesr> +1
<MacTed> +1
<gavinc> +0.9
<AlexHall> +1
<zwu2> +1
<Souri> +1
<sandro> +0 (just haven't reviewed it)
<manu1> RESOLVED: Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date. c.f.:
Guus: thanks to the community group for bringing this to the RDF-WG and making it available as a FPWD
manu: after i get IPR
commitments, i'll send them to RDF-WG and document any issues i
... then i'll sheperd them through pubrules
Souri: as with RDB2RDF, should you avoid names of real people in specs?
<gavinc> -0 to changing the Turtle parsing example
sandro: it's not written, but it tends not to translate across cultures
<Souri> "John Dow"
<sandro> only reference I can find is which doesn't say anything about this.
manu: almost any name will be
somebody's name
... also is less personal
<MacTed> remember, kids -- always ask for Spider-Man™ brand RDF by name!
<Guus> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Sandro/DavidWood/ WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/Sounds like folks are okay w/ meeting at TPAC/Let's see if people are okay with TPAC/ Succeeded: s/Everyone is welcome to meet in my living room/Would prefer video/ Succeeded: s/entirely/almost entirely/ Succeeded: s/commas/comments/ Succeeded: s/are UDF/undefined behavior/ Found ScribeNick: manu1 Found ScribeNick: ericP Inferring Scribes: manu1, ericP Scribes: manu1, ericP ScribeNicks: manu1, ericP Default Present: +31.20.598.aaaa, [IBM], AlexHall, MacTed, AZ, sandro, Guus, yvesr, gkellogg, cygri, davidwood, manu1, gavinc, zwu2, ericP, Souri, LeeF, pchampin Present: +31.20.598.aaaa [IBM] AlexHall MacTed AZ sandro Guus yvesr gkellogg cygri davidwood manu1 gavinc zwu2 ericP Souri LeeF pchampin Agenda: WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 27 Jun 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: guus[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]