IRC log of rdf-wg on 2012-06-27

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:01:58 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdf-wg
15:01:58 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:02:00 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
15:02:00 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rdf-wg
15:02:02 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 73394
15:02:02 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago
15:02:03 [trackbot]
Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference
15:02:03 [trackbot]
Date: 27 June 2012
15:02:09 [MacTed]
Zakim, this is 73394
15:02:09 [Zakim]
ok, MacTed; that matches SW_RDFWG()11:00AM
15:02:14 [MacTed]
Zakim, who's here?
15:02:16 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +31.20.598.aaaa, [IBM], OpenLink_Software, AlexHall, ??P18
15:02:23 [MacTed]
Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
15:02:24 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, AlexHall, AZ, pfps, swh, gavinc, Guus, MacTed, davidwood, LeeF, cygri, danbri, yvesr, manu1, manu, NickH, gkellogg, sandro, trackbot, ericP
15:02:26 [MacTed]
Zakim, mute me
15:02:27 [AZ]
zakim, ??P18 is me
15:02:27 [Zakim]
15:02:27 [yvesr]
Zakim, ??P18 is me
15:02:28 [Guus]
zakim, 31.20 is me
15:02:30 [yvesr]
15:02:31 [Zakim]
+MacTed; got it
15:02:35 [Zakim]
MacTed should now be muted
15:02:37 [Zakim]
+AZ; got it
15:02:42 [Zakim]
I already had ??P18 as AZ, yvesr
15:02:42 [yvesr]
Zakim, who is on the phone?
15:02:43 [Zakim]
sorry, Guus, I do not recognize a party named '31.20'
15:02:52 [MacTed]
Zakim, aaaa is Guus
15:02:53 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +31.20.598.aaaa, [IBM], MacTed (muted), AlexHall, AZ, ??P17
15:02:56 [Guus]
zakim, +31.20 is me
15:02:57 [Zakim]
15:02:58 [yvesr]
Zakim, ??P17 is me
15:02:59 [Zakim]
15:03:04 [Zakim]
+Guus; got it
15:03:07 [Zakim]
sorry, Guus, I do not recognize a party named '+31.20'
15:03:09 [Zakim]
+yvesr; got it
15:03:12 [gkellogg]
zakim, ??P12 is me
15:03:17 [Zakim]
+gkellogg; got it
15:03:21 [Zakim]
15:03:22 [cygri]
zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me
15:03:25 [Zakim]
+cygri; got it
15:03:27 [Zakim]
15:03:32 [MacTed]
Zakim, who's here?
15:03:32 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Guus, [IBM], MacTed (muted), AlexHall, AZ, yvesr, sandro, gkellogg, cygri, bhyland
15:03:34 [davidwood]
Zakim, bhyland is me
15:03:35 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, AlexHall, AZ, pfps, swh, gavinc, Guus, MacTed, davidwood, LeeF, cygri, danbri, yvesr, manu1, manu, NickH, gkellogg, sandro, trackbot, ericP
15:03:38 [Zakim]
+davidwood; got it
15:03:58 [Zakim]
15:04:01 [manu1]
zakim, I am ??P28
15:04:01 [Zakim]
+manu1; got it
15:05:54 [zwu2]
zwu2 has joined #rdf-wg
15:05:59 [zwu2]
zakim, code?
15:05:59 [Zakim]
the conference code is 73394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, zwu2
15:06:11 [Zakim]
15:06:47 [Zakim]
15:06:56 [zwu2]
zakim, mute me
15:06:56 [Zakim]
zwu2 should now be muted
15:07:42 [MacTed]
Zakim, unmute me
15:07:42 [Zakim]
MacTed should no longer be muted
15:07:53 [manu1]
scribenick: manu1
15:07:57 [Zakim]
15:08:09 [ericP]
Zakim, ??P33 is me
15:08:09 [Zakim]
+ericP; got it
15:08:25 [manu1]
Topic: Minutes from Last week
15:08:35 [manu1]
Guus: Propose to accept minutes from last week.
15:08:40 [manu1]
No objections.
15:08:49 [pfps]
Minutes look fine.
15:09:42 [manu1]
RESOLVED: Accept minutes from June 20th 2012 telecon.
15:09:52 [manu1]
Topic: Action Items
15:10:02 [manu1]
Guus: One pending review from Andy - predicate-object list
15:10:07 [Zakim]
15:10:17 [Souri]
Souri has joined #rdf-wg
15:10:33 [manu1]
Ericp: I thought we were going to allow an arbitrary number of semicolons... Andy's contribution only allows up to one semicolon.
15:10:37 [manu1]
Guus: The action has been done.
15:11:02 [manu1]
Guus: Any other actions that should be closed that are currently open? 10 actions open.
15:11:12 [manu1]
Guus: Let's continue.
15:11:16 [manu1]
Topic: Next Meeting
15:11:31 [manu1]
Guus: Next telecon is July 11th 2012... the rest of the telecons are in the Agenda
15:11:43 [manu1]
Guus: From 5 september on, we continue w/ weekly schedule.
15:12:11 [manu1]
Guus: The next face-to-face - proposal is to do it at TPAC - October 29th - November 3rd 2012 in Lyon, France. The link to TPAC is in the Agenda.
15:12:18 [manu1]
15:12:54 [manu1]
Guus: The face-to-face will be used to coordinate on the documents and other groups, like the Linked Data Group...
15:12:56 [Zakim]
15:13:26 [pchampin]
pchampin has joined #rdf-wg
15:13:49 [manu1]
Guus: There are only rooms available on the Thursday or Friday - limited options for us. Proposal is to meet on the Thursday/Friday. ISWC is 11th-15th of November, that may be a possibility?
15:14:13 [manu1]
Sandro: That's in Boston, Cambridge - ISWC is, that is.
15:14:18 [AZ]
+1 to TPAC
15:14:20 [manu1]
Guus: Sounds like folks are okay w/ meeting at TPAC.
15:14:24 [Zakim]
15:14:34 [pchampin]
zakim, ??P2 is me
15:14:34 [Zakim]
+pchampin; got it
15:14:36 [sandro]
15:14:39 [cygri]
+0.5 TPAC
15:14:43 [gavinc]
15:14:44 [sandro]
15:14:49 [pchampin]
15:14:50 [ericP]
15:14:51 [manu1]
s/Sounds like folks are okay w/ meeting at TPAC/Let's see if people are okay with TPAC/
15:14:53 [gkellogg]
15:14:54 [davidwood]
15:14:55 [zwu2]
15:14:58 [LeeF]
15:15:05 [MacTed]
+0 (won't be there, won't block)
15:15:06 [LeeF]
(I won't make it to TPAC)
15:15:10 [Souri]
Are we planning to have a video conference for folks near Boston?
15:15:15 [pfps]
I won't be there - conflict with Dagstuhl ontology seminar.
15:15:20 [yvesr]
15:15:29 [Souri]
15:15:45 [manu1]
Guus: Preliminary decision could be made - see who says they will be there based on that.
15:15:47 [sandro]
we can probably webcam but no fancy vid conf, and probably no room at MIT.
15:16:12 [manu1]
Sandro: Don't know if TPAC has the bandwidth to do video
15:16:15 [gavinc]
-1 if TPAC does not have video
15:16:18 [manu1]
Guus: It may be voice-only
15:16:26 [LeeF]
In the past, TPAC has not been able to do video conf
15:16:45 [manu1]
Gavin: Everyone is welcome to meet in my living room.
15:17:02 [manu1]
s/Everyone is welcome to meet in my living room/Would prefer video/
15:17:12 [zwu2]
Gavin, I am happy to join you in your home office
15:17:15 [zwu2]
15:17:29 [manu1]
Guus: We need to do a preliminary reservation at TPAC...
15:17:36 [manu1]
Sandro: Want other options on the table?
15:17:44 [Zakim]
15:17:51 [manu1]
Guus: Boston ISWC might work, but don't know how many folks from here would attend.
15:17:52 [pchampin]
I will try to see what is possible in Lyon in terms if video conference
15:18:05 [manu1]
Sandro: We could do a split meeting - Boston, ISWC and somewhere else with good video conferencing.
15:18:32 [manu1]
EricP: HP could do it - but they don't play that game anymore.
15:18:34 [LeeF]
Oxford, yes
15:18:50 [yvesr]
we do have proper video conferencing facilities at the BBC, but the rooms are way too small
15:19:21 [manu1]
cygri: We used to have a polycom system... but it broke and we decided not to replace it because it was used very rarely (ed: like all Polycom systems!)
15:20:56 [manu1]
sandro: Weird to have no semantic web representation at TPAC - this has been dead-quiet since ISWC conflicted with it... a general issue - not taking advantage of a good opportunity. Linked Data group is planning to meet at ISWC?
15:21:01 [manu1]
EricP: Yes, they are.
15:21:14 [manu1]
Guus: Provenance at ISWC too?
15:21:21 [manu1]
Sandro: Yes, entirely an academic group.
15:21:26 [Zakim]
15:21:36 [sandro]
s/entirely/almost entirely/
15:21:43 [manu1]
Guus: Let's setup a poll for the two options.
15:22:16 [manu1]
EricP: Odds are pretty good that we'll end up meeting at TPAC.
15:22:37 [Zakim]
15:24:11 [manu1]
Guus: I'll setup a poll - we'll decide on July 11th based on the information we have.
15:24:30 [pfps]
Go for it!
15:24:31 [manu1]
Guus: Two options - TPAC vs. ISWC Cage Match.
15:24:49 [manu1]
ACTION: Guus to setup a poll for the next RDF WG F2F.
15:24:49 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-176 - Setup a poll for the next RDF WG F2F. [on Guus Schreiber - due 2012-07-04].
15:25:11 [manu1]
Topic: TURTLE Last Call
15:25:28 [manu1]
Guus: There was a message from Gavin - there is a new ED
15:25:31 [MacTed]
15:25:34 [Zakim]
15:25:44 [manu1]
15:25:48 [manu1]
Guus: Is this ready to go?
15:25:56 [Zakim]
15:26:02 [manu1]
Gavin: Yes, ready to go - minor editorial issues including parenthesis.
15:26:18 [manu1]
EricP: If we want a moment to publish i- s- k- f- ha-
15:26:38 [manu1]
EricP: We should list the changes that we intend to make before publishing.
15:26:47 [manu1]
Guus: In the Agenda, there is a proposal to publish.
15:26:51 [cygri]
q+ to say would like to have the "Spïdermann"@de example changed
15:26:57 [gavinc]
1. Fix remaining undetected broken links 2. Fix one missing set of ()s
15:27:34 [manu1]
ack MacTed
15:27:48 [manu1]
MacTed: Small thing - based on Ivan's feedback - a plea for Oxford commas.
15:27:58 [pfps]
+1, for, Oxford, commas!
15:28:03 [sandro]
+1 oxford commas. (eats, shoots, and leaves)
15:28:56 [manu1]
gavinc: Totally agreed, I'll make the change.
15:29:10 [Guus]
ack cygri
15:29:10 [Zakim]
cygri, you wanted to say would like to have the "Spïdermann"@de example changed
15:29:43 [cygri]
15:29:47 [manu1]
cygri: To show multi-lingual features, the German rendition of the word is wrong - the letters don't exist in German...
15:30:19 [manu1]
cygri: Maybe we should use something different like Spiderman in Cyrillic?
15:30:34 [manu1]
Guus: Any more commas?
15:30:38 [manu1]
15:31:12 [manu1]
PROPOSAL: Publish the current version of the TURTLE Editors Draft as a Last Call Editor's Draft:
15:31:26 [manu1]
PROPOSAL: Publish the current version of the TURTLE Editors Draft as a Last Call Working Draft:
15:31:31 [davidwood]
15:31:33 [MacTed]
15:31:33 [yvesr]
15:31:33 [manu1]
15:31:34 [LeeF]
15:31:35 [cygri]
15:31:36 [gkellogg]
15:31:37 [pfps]
15:31:39 [AlexHall]
15:31:40 [davidwood]
AndyS voted +1 via email
15:31:41 [gavinc]
15:31:46 [zwu2]
15:31:49 [ericP]
15:31:49 [Souri]
15:32:17 [manu1]
RESOLVED: Publish the current version of the TURTLE Editors Draft as a Last Call Working Draft:
15:32:35 [gavinc]
Now with Russian!
15:32:43 [manu1]
Round of applause and woos! for the editors.
15:32:54 [Zakim]
15:33:13 [Zakim]
15:33:18 [cygri]
zakim, ??P32 is me
15:33:18 [Zakim]
+cygri; got it
15:33:18 [manu1]
Guus: The editor's should prepare a version which we can request publication for - last editorial issues, etc.
15:33:39 [manu1]
Gavin: I'll make those changes now.
15:34:22 [manu1]
Gavin: Language but no change to the grammar on @prefix. Admissing parenthesis with one of the string productions.
15:34:37 [ericP]
"A"@base and "A"@prefix are UDF
15:34:39 [manu1]
EricP: Yes, one of the string productions has an issue with an OR...
15:34:46 [manu1]
Gavin: We need some more explanatory text.
15:34:58 [manu1]
EricP: IRI ref term constructor is wonky, will need to fix...
15:35:02 [manu1]
Gavin: I think I fixed that.
15:35:05 [ericP]
15:35:15 [manu1]
EricP: TURTLE literals ...
15:35:30 [manu1]
Gavin: Slightly larger change - not happy with the language you wrote?
15:35:39 [manu1]
EricP: It mis-leads a little bit, it may be fine.
15:36:04 [manu1]
Gavin: It goes through how Literals work w/ quotation marks... and then states that you can replace it with single quotes, double quotes, triple quotes.
15:36:14 [manu1]
EricP: Well, I have some other text that may be more clear.
15:36:19 [manu1]
Gavin: That sounds fine...
15:37:02 [ericP]
s/are UDF/undefined behavior/
15:37:03 [manu1]
Guus: David will write a blog item on this... we need to notify relevant mailing lists on this publication.
15:37:22 [Zakim]
15:37:38 [gavinc]
+q to ask about LC comment window
15:37:40 [Zakim]
15:37:46 [Zakim]
15:37:51 [manu1]
David: MInutes need to be published and final version needs to be published.
15:37:56 [cygri]
zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me
15:37:57 [Zakim]
+cygri; got it
15:38:04 [gavinc]
I made up The Last Call period ends 15 September 2012
15:38:09 [Zakim]
15:38:11 [manu1]
Guus: I propose we have the regular period of 6 weeks for the Last Call period.
15:38:25 [manu1]
Guus: That's 2.5 months...
15:38:43 [manu1]
EricP: Are we in a rush?
15:39:34 [manu1]
Discussion about "maximizing the quality of incoming comments".
15:40:01 [manu1]
Guus: 15th of september, any objections from the WG?
15:40:05 [MacTed]
+1 Sept 15
15:40:16 [manu1]
+1 for September 15th, 2012.
15:40:23 [gavinc]
+1 to 2012
15:41:50 [manu1]
Guus: Every comment during LC should raise an issue in the issue tracker - editorial issues can be responded to quickly, anything that is non-editorial should be discussed by the group before the response.
15:43:18 [manu1]
manu: May be easier to create a new TURTLE LC product in the issue tracker.
15:43:24 [manu1]
Guus: Let's keep it simple for now.
15:43:57 [manu1]
Guus: One feature at-risk in the document - David would it be appropriate to point out a particular feature at risk?
15:44:12 [manu1]
David: Who should we send this to? What other communities would be interested in this document.
15:44:32 [manu1]
Sandro: We need to mention any other WG in our charter - chairs should negotiate w/ external groups
15:44:48 [sandro]
15:45:26 [manu1]
Sandro: SPARQL, I18N, RDFa WG, Web Apps WG, XML Query WG
15:45:42 [manu1]
Guus: Linked Data and Provenance WGs should also do a review.
15:46:21 [manu1]
Guus: IETF IRI WG may also be interested.
15:46:56 [manu1]
Guus: I think that's it - we'll have to come back if one of these groups can't do their review.
15:46:59 [pfps]
pfps has joined #rdf-wg
15:47:30 [manu1]
Sandro: I think EricP can handle publication steps...
15:47:51 [manu1]
Guus: That's it for TURTLE LC
15:48:10 [ericP]
scribenick: ericP
15:48:11 [manu1]
Topic: JSON-LD First Public Working Draft
15:48:31 [ericP]
Guus: there have been WG comments on the proposed draft
15:48:34 [manu1]
15:49:00 [ericP]
manu: since the last meeting, we've had comments from pierre antoine, ericP, andyS
15:49:16 [ericP]
... we've applied as many as possible without risking large discussion
15:49:34 [ericP]
... the commentors have recieved replies for their comments
15:49:43 [gavinc]
"JSON-LD has no equivalent for the Turtle @base declaration. Instead, authors may use a prefix definition to resolve relative IRIs:" That is NOT true. ... note to self, review JSON-LD
15:49:49 [ericP]
... we got more this week, but put them off for post-FPWD
15:50:01 [ericP]
... CG is a last stage
15:50:24 [ericP]
... the W3C tool for gathering IPR commitments was broken untill 8am
15:50:36 [ericP]
... we probably won't have the commitments for another week
15:51:16 [ericP]
... the CG work is frozen, as is the (proposed) FPWD
15:51:51 [Guus]
15:51:51 [ericP]
... we could publish both by 12 July if we get the anticipated IPR commitments
15:51:55 [gavinc]
ack me
15:51:55 [Zakim]
gavinc, you wanted to ask about LC comment window
15:51:58 [gkellogg]
15:51:59 [manu1]
Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date.
15:52:31 [ericP]
gkellogg: all core contributors have signed commitments
15:52:35 [gkellogg]
15:52:53 [Zakim]
15:53:08 [ericP]
manu: there's a diff between announcing a commitment in the mailing list and the w3c commitment machine
15:53:34 [Zakim]
15:53:48 [zwu2]
sorry my phone keeps cutting me off once every 15 minutes
15:55:22 [Zakim]
15:56:10 [Souri]
(if I may suggest) minor editorial change => replace "manu" with "john" AND "sporny" with "dow" and replace any other reference to a real person name with a hypothetical one
15:56:24 [manu1]
PROPOSAL: Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date.
15:56:28 [gkellogg]
15:56:32 [ericP]
15:56:38 [yvesr]
15:57:01 [pchampin]
15:57:10 [manu1]
PROPOSAL: Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date. c.f.:
15:57:13 [ericP]
15:57:14 [gkellogg]
15:57:18 [manu1]
15:57:21 [davidwood]
15:57:23 [yvesr]
15:57:29 [MacTed]
15:57:35 [gavinc]
15:57:50 [AlexHall]
15:57:52 [zwu2]
15:57:54 [Souri]
15:57:58 [sandro]
+0 (just haven't reviewed it)
15:58:13 [manu1]
RESOLVED: Publish the JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-syntax) and JSON-LD API 1.0 (shortname: json-ld-api) as First Public Working Drafts on July 12th, 2012 with the caveat that publication will not occur if the proper Community Group IPR commitments are not made before that date. c.f.:
15:58:50 [ericP]
Guus: thanks to the community group for bringing this to the RDF-WG and making it available as a FPWD
15:58:55 [Souri]
15:59:00 [gkellogg]
15:59:25 [ericP]
manu: after i get IPR commitments, i'll send them to RDF-WG and document any issues i see
15:59:59 [ericP]
... then i'll sheperd them through pubrules
16:00:33 [ericP]
Souri: as with RDB2RDF, should you avoid names of real people in specs?
16:00:47 [gavinc]
-0 to changing the Turtle parsing example
16:01:14 [ericP]
sandro: it's not written, but it tends not to translate across cultures
16:02:42 [Souri]
"John Dow"
16:02:57 [sandro]
only reference I can find is which doesn't say anything about this.
16:03:00 [ericP]
manu: almost any name will be somebody's name
16:03:18 [ericP]
... also is less personal
16:05:09 [ericP]
16:05:12 [Zakim]
16:05:12 [Zakim]
16:05:14 [Zakim]
16:05:16 [Zakim]
16:05:17 [Zakim]
16:05:21 [Zakim]
16:05:29 [Zakim]
16:05:32 [Zakim]
16:05:39 [Zakim]
16:05:45 [Zakim]
16:05:47 [Zakim]
16:05:58 [Zakim]
16:06:02 [MacTed]
remember, kids -- always ask for Spider-Man™ brand RDF by name!
16:06:04 [Guus]
trackbot, end meeting
16:06:04 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
16:06:05 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been +31.20.598.aaaa, [IBM], AlexHall, MacTed, AZ, sandro, Guus, yvesr, gkellogg, cygri, davidwood, manu1, gavinc, zwu2, ericP, Souri, LeeF,
16:06:08 [Zakim]
... pchampin
16:06:10 [Zakim]
16:06:12 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
16:06:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
16:06:13 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
16:06:13 [RRSAgent]
I see 1 open action item saved in :
16:06:13 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Guus to setup a poll for the next RDF WG F2F. [1]
16:06:13 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:10:49 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdf-wg
16:10:49 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:10:51 [manu1]
rrsagent, make logs public
16:10:58 [manu1]
rrsagent, bye
16:10:58 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items
16:17:57 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdf-wg
16:17:57 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:18:04 [manu1]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
16:18:04 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu1
16:18:17 [manu1]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:19:43 [ericP]
manu1, tx kindly!
16:19:56 [pfps]
pfps has joined #rdf-wg
16:20:07 [manu1]
well... CommonScribe isn't cooperating.
16:22:13 [manu1]
sandro: I don't know what's wrong, but CommonScribe is refusing to write today's minutes when I publish them... not showing up here:
16:22:48 [manu1]
Going from here: to here: results in Insufficient Privileges...
16:22:59 [manu1]
but it looks more like the issue is that the file isn't being written to the RDF WG meetings directory.
16:23:15 [manu1]
(and could be a result of some kind of file system issue at W3C)... I've noticed being super slow today as well.
16:26:41 [sandro]
16:26:42 [sandro]
16:28:22 [sandro]
manu, it's there now, right? And it seems to be the 5th version.
16:29:02 [sandro]
Maybe you visited the destination too soon and then were caching a 404? (not that 404's are allowed to be cached, but I think the proxies do it any way.)
16:30:38 [sandro]
Yeah, I see in the first version: > <p>This revision (#1) generated 2012-06-27 16:15:39 UTC by 'msporny', comments: 'Minor corrections to minutes before publication.'</p>
16:31:02 [sandro]
I'm looking at the v1 file on to get that text
16:54:48 [manu1]
sandro: I see it now ... thanks. I guess the lesson is: Be Patient.
16:55:03 [manu1]
and I guess W3C does very aggressive caching on documents.
16:55:27 [manu1]
I've seen that happen several times now... sometimes it seems like it's because I didn't do rrsagent, make logs public
16:55:49 [manu1]
other times it must be the aggressive caching issue and me hitting a 404.
16:55:55 [manu1]
Thanks for taking a look at it
17:46:03 [ericP]
gavinc, want to geek about the RDF Literals section?
17:46:22 [ericP]
or shall i just attack it and run it by you
17:46:23 [ericP]
17:50:57 [ericP]
i guess that structre made sense in the integrated N-Triples/Turtle document
17:53:20 [ericP]
the form previous to the N-Turtle doc was
17:53:47 [ericP]
(a couple sections down; scan for "Literals are written")
18:58:44 [swh]
swh has joined #rdf-wg
22:04:52 [cygri]
cygri has joined #rdf-wg