HTML-A11Y Text Alternatives Sub-Group

29 May 2012

See also: IRC log


Judy, JF
JF, janina


<Judy> rragent, drop item 6

<JF> scribe: JF

status check on 194 (video transcript), 199 (aria processing), 203 (media descriptors), 204 (aria hidden)

JB: just want to review each 1 at a time, and cross off as required

194- transcript

<janina> scribe: janina

<JF> JF: Silivia made more modifications to the CP

jf: A modified proposal presented by Silvia overnight

<JF> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ISSUE-194/TranscriptElement

jf: Believe it addresses our requirements.
... Silvia has additional reqs also covered
... Includes support for "interactive" transcripts -- timed to sync better with video
... I'm comfortable with the approach in Silvia's CP

<JF> JS: will finishing reading it, and then issue a CfC to the larger TF later today

<JF> JB: don't need to go to friday, closing it on Thursday would work

<JF> JS: have 1 concern - hearing caption being used interchanged with transcript

<JF> not a substitute for caption

<JF> JF: suspect that silvia is being somewhat loose when she uses the 2 interchangably

<JF> JB: want to make sure that she is very clear - correct any confusion

<JF> JS: agreed, need to be clear there is a distinction

<Judy> 199: ARIA processing

<JF> JB: 199 Aria processing?

<JF> JS: was talking with m. cooper, but unsure of the status there

<JF> Michael and Ted need to coordinate and get it done

<JF> JB: pinging Michael for more details

<JF> JB: Issue 203 media descriptors

<JF> Chairs have issued a Call for Counter Proposals - on them

<JF> JB Issue 204?

<JF> JS: will discuss on PF agenda tomorrow

<Judy> 204: ARIA Hidden

<JF> JS: appears that some want RFC 2119 recs on user agents in the spec

<JF> +Q

<JF> JS: seems they want SHOULD language on user agents that they must expose rich semantics to @hidden content

<JF> specifically aria-describedby

<JF> believes this is an overloading of aria-describedby

<JF> Michael, Rich, Janina believe so

<scribe> scribe: janina

jf: Feel they're trying to conclude 204 without going to survey
... H5 isn't supposed to be telling ua's what to do
... even an rfc2119 should would be wrong here
... I think we say "no." Let them prove why this language needs to be in the spec.

<JF> JB: there is a coordination call with Chairs

<JF> JS: want to ask them to rule this out of scope

<JF> be prepared to explain the concern. See if we require a formal request about this

<JF> JS: previously there was a strong request against or earlier CP that used RFC language against user-agents earlier

<JF> [searching for minutes of the Friday may 5th F2F for this]


<JF> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2012May/att-0021/minutes-2012-05-03.txt

<JF> [discussion of the use of RFC 2119 language]

<Judy> Summary: 204/ARIA Hidden/current discussion is out of scope; 203/Media Descriptors/in CRC from H5CCs; 199:ARIA Processing/pending Michael & Ted; 194:transcript/Janina do TF CfC, (still expecting counterproposal from Ted)

Issue 31c: "Generator Exception" feedback on additional info requested

<JF> JB: Status - met with Mike Smith to review CP, with all points that Sam replied to

<JF> Mike Smith had some new evidence on this

<JF> the fact that the transition from 4 to 5, especially with authoring tools, will be significant and during that time the new exception will have a negative impact on current and legacy content

<JF> considering this as new evidence

<JF> Mike and Judy have divided the other issues/requirements for responses - will require a few more days to finalize

<JF> JS: suspect that some think that it is too late to do anything here: we need to continue to note how serious this is.

Issue 31b, Buggy Alts & Guidance: next steps

<JF> JS: are we still waiting on David mcDonald here?

<JF> will send him an email - believe next actions were on him

<JF> JB: help him focus on what exactly we need

<JF> suspect not much left to do, but it needs to be clearly outlined

<JF> next step on JS to work with David here

confirm next meeting; identify next scribe; adjourn

<Judy> jb: adjourning

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/05/29 17:57:36 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136  of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/longdesc/204/
Found Scribe: JF
Inferring ScribeNick: JF
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina
Scribes: JF, janina
ScribeNicks: JF, janina
Default Present: Judy, JF
Present: Judy JF

WARNING: Fewer than 3 people found for Present list!

Got date from IRC log name: 29 May 2012
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2012/05/29-text-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]