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<trackbot> Date: 19 January 2012
<janina> Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference
<scribe> scribe: LeonieW
<paulc> Zakin, [Microsoft] has paulc
<scribe> scribenick: LeonieW
JS: Two things to do. Figure out
if we got everything we wanted, and to figure out our next
steps before Feb 11th.
... Thank you to Paul for forwarding escalations and other
information through to the TF list.
... Does anyone have a direct concern about any issues?
JB: Thank you also to Paul for the update on the longdesc issue.
PC: Judy is referring to a thread
open on the chair's list.
... If the TF has a preferred order that issues are processed
in, information on how or why an issue should be prioritised
would be helpful.
SF: Only re-opened requests have to be provided by 11th Feb. Most change proposals are due by 18th Feb.
PC: Most are due on the 15th or
16th. The chairs were being conservative, and considerate to
the TF at the same time.
... We did decide to stick to the 11th for re-opned
PC: We sent a personal reminder
to people who have re-opned requests without change
... Job 1 is to figure out who, and when.
JS: We need our wiki updated with these new issues. Could someone take that on?
LW: If someone can let me know what and where, I don't mind.
RS: Paul, were the chairs able to review the proposal for the baseline?
PC: I'll be frank, no. It rings a bell though. Let me check a moment.
JS: Lets walk through the issues one by one and identify a primary stakeholder.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-193
<paulc> Re ISSUE-131 - see my email to the TF in
SF: There is an example in the spec that advocates a CSS technique that causes problems for keyboard only users in relation to visible focus.
<paulc> ISSUE-131 is open and there is a pending call for change proposals.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-194
JF: There is no way to link a
transcript with an audio or video element.
... I can write the change proposal for this. I'll ping Silvia,
as she filed the bug originally.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-199
MC: This is the omnibus
escalation that encompasses all ARIA bugs.
... We took a representative bug and escalated it, then tied
similar smaller bugs into it.
<paulc> See which lists the other bugs
RS: How does one write a change
proposal for this? Was the plan for multiple proposals?
... What's the time frame for proposals?
PC: Until 16th Feb.
JS: Do we need to reconstitute the ARIA mapping sub team?
<paulc> I don't understand the statement "the Editor is not responding".
SF: Is it worth us providing the information needed for these bugs, and asking him to write something?
MC: No, it's probably better for us to write something.
<MikeSmith> for the record, I believe it was a mistake to escalate those issues at this point
SF: We hadn't responded to the needs info request. They're important for HTML5 now, not just down the track.
<MikeSmith> in general, I think it's a mistake to prematurely escalate any issues until we have clearly reached a point of disagreement with an editor
<Stevef> ak stevef
<janina> ack st ack pau
<MikeSmith> the escalation path was intended for not being used until we had reached an impasse -- that is, when it was clear the we could not get agreement between the editor and a commenter
PC: The bugs here are linked because I recommended to the TF that they should be. If they need to be split at any point for whatever reason, you should let me know.
SF: What happens if we de-escalate them? Does that move them out of LC bugs?
<MikeSmith> what we are doing by escalating them is cutting off the normal process of attempting to reach agreement in a reasonable way and instead imposing months of additional change-proposal-writing and process overhead on ourselves and the group and the chairs
PC: The chairs are always willing to see bugs closed based on consensus. The editor has told us he's not working on LC bugs at the moment.
<MikeSmith> despite him having said that, he has been resolving LC bugs
<MikeSmith> we are now down to 35 LC bugs
<MikeSmith> and Hixie is continuing to work on them
PC: If you don't escalate them and don't get agreement with the editor, they will be moved into the next LC or to a later draft of the spec.
SF: We can still provide further information to the editor, or we can go further and provide the change proposal.
JS: Suggest a meeting is the sensible next step.
SF: Mike, what do you suggest?
MS: Suggest we continue to get these bugs resolved. In particular the bug about lexical processing rules in ARIA. Hixie couldn't do anythig further, he was waiting for information.
SF: If we de-escalate them, can we later re-escalate them?
PC: No, that date has passed.
JS: Isn't this substantively the same thing?
CS: If there's information to be provided, let's provide it.
RS: Paul, what is the response time after a change proposal has been submitted?
PC: As soon as the change
proposal deadline passes, there will be a counter proposal
... After 15th and 16th Feb, there will be a month for counter
proposals to be submitted.
RS: That timetable might be difficult.
PC: The timetable has been published for some while now.
JF: Is it reasonable to presume that we could request an extension to the timeline?
PC: No idea how the chairs would respond.
JF: So would it be unreasonable to request?
PC: If you want to do that, you should go ahead. I can't offer an opinion.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-200
MC: Not sure this is a11y related.
JS: Not for us to worry about.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-201
RS: Frank was looking into this one.
CS: He is aware of it, but it's not his first priority right now.
RS: We can help him write it
... I'm trying to get Ian some use cases to address
deficiencies relating to carat and fallback etc.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-202
JS: One for the text sub team.
JB: We can discuss on the text call.
<MichaelC> HTML-ISSUE-203
JF: This is dependent on the
outcome of issue 30 (longdesc).
... Therefore not sure how to proceed on this one.
PC: You should raise up that issue 30 needs to be processed in a timely way before issue 203 can be addressed.
<paulc> ISSUE-131 email:
PC: Earlier we spoke about issue 131. I've pasted the response in channel.
<paulc> quit
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: LeonieW Inferring ScribeNick: LeonieW Found ScribeNick: LeonieW Present: Janina_Sajka Mike_Smith Judy_Brewer Michael_Cooper Paul_Cotton Rich_Schwerdtfeger John_Foliot Cynthia_Shelley Léonie_Watson Steve_Faulkner Found Date: 19 Jan 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]