Timed Text Task Force
TTWG_Consensus_Input has been forwarded to the Timed Text WG charter revision process.
Timed Text Efforts has been offered to the Timed Text WG
Next Meeting
The Task Force has completed its work. Thanks to all participants.
TTML and WebVTT are two specifications being developed within the W3C for the representation of timed text (captions, subtitles, commentary, karaoke...).
This Task Force (TF) of the Web & TV Interest Group (IG) was created at the request of the IG membership at TPAC 2012 to fulfill the objectives below.
Develop recommendations to facilitate the use of TTML and WebVTT content on the Web, including interoperability with other timed text formats.
Engaging with external groups (#External Organizations) as needed,
- Document scope and variations of TTML and WebVTT, including external specifications and efforts based on TTML and WebVTT (see tt/Timed Text Efforts)
- Gather Web-based timed text use cases from the TV and Media industry
- Study interoperability between TTML and WebVTT
- Develop requirements and recommendations in the form of a report
- Suggest improvements to W3C specifications in the form of bug reports
Please add your name to the list below if you wish to participate in the TF.
- Pierre Lemieux (supported by MovieLabs)
- Mark Vickers (Comcast)
- Giuseppe Pascale (Opera)
- Michael Dolan (Liaison to SMPTE & DECE)
- John Kemp (ESPN)
- Bob Lund (CableLabs)
- Yosuke Funahashi (Tomo-Digi)
- Kaz Ashimura (W3C)
- Raphael Troncy (EURECOM)
- Glenn Adams (Cox Communications)
- Daniel Davis (W3C)
Mailing Lists, Wiki and Teleconferences
This TF expects to conduct business primarily through this wiki and the IG reflector at Please use the [tt] subject line tag when posting to the IG reflector.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- Timed Text Kick-Off Meeting Agenda
- Timed Text Second Meeting Agenda
- Timed Text Meeting 3
- Timed Text Meeting 4
- Timed Text Meeting 5
- Timed Text Meeting 6
External Organizations
- EBU (
- DECE (
- Web&TV Interest Group (