HNTF/Home Network TF Discussions/ServiceUI

From Web and TV IG

Service User Interface

Submitter: Jean-Claude Dufourd, Telecom ParisTech

Tracker Issue ID: ISSUE-4

Description: An application as an interface to a service: the application provides a remote user interface for a device (light switch, hifi volume control, radio station chooser, etc) or a service on a device (remote control on the media player software on a computer).

Possible implementation:

  • the application discovers services with a discovery protocol, selects one service of a certain expected type, e.g. a media renderer service.
  • the application binds to it and provides a UI for it.
  • on user interaction, the application sends the messages to set the content url to play then play, pause, ... to the media renderer service, with appropriate parameters.



There is no standard interface to discovery protocols in existing standards implemented in connected devices, as far as I know. There is no standard interface to service communication protocols in existing standards implemented in connected devices, again AFAIK. What should be standardized is:

  • an interface to get a list of discovered services;
  • an interface to get the list of messages exposed by a discovered service;
  • an interface to send a message to a discovered service;
  • an interface to set a listener for messages from a discovered service.

Dependencies: In order to interface with a service, the application first needs to discover the service (or the device, then the service on the device).
