HNTF/Home Network TF Discussions/DiscoveredContentHost
Discovered content host
Submitter: Jean-Claude Dufourd, Telecom ParisTech
Tracker Issue ID: ISSUE-5
Description: A document as host for discovered content: e.g. the document displays content provided by a local, discovered device or service.
Implementation: Possible implementation on top of UPnP:
- the document discovers a DLNA Media Server and binds to it
- the document provides a UI for choosing a media on the Media Server
- the DLNA Media Server provides a URL to the content to the document
- the document renders the content within itself
Justification: I believe if we cannot do something this simple, the standard is not going to be very useful. Rendering a media on another device than the one hosting it crops up in many high-level use cases.
Dependencies: Depends on the Service UI user case.
Comments: This UC1 asks the question: do we need a way to point to discovered content ?