ISSUE-159: How do we allow sites that mash-in ad-supported content to maintain their own 'trusted third parties'?


How do we allow sites that mash-in ad-supported content to maintain their own 'trusted third parties'?

Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)
Raised by:
David Singer
Opened on:
Imagine a site A that is (a) ad-supported and (b) mashes in content from site X that is, in turn, ad-supported. Say in turn that the user has granted a site-specific exception for X, but not A. When visiting A, X's third parties will not, under today's model, get their DNT:0.

The problem is that it looks, on the face of it, impossible to distinguish iFrames that represent mashed content and that should start a new context, from iFrames that are being used to embed and maybe 'sandbox' ads, and that should not.

Proposal: we punt on this corner case for the first version of the spec.
Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. Re: TPWG agenda for Wednesday, January 16 (from on 2013-01-30)
  2. Re: TPWG agenda for Wednesday, January 16 (from on 2013-01-29)
  3. Re: Towards closing the remaining issues in the TPE specification (from on 2012-10-03)
  4. Re: Towards closing the remaining issues in the TPE specification (from on 2012-10-02)
  5. Towards closing the remaining issues in the TPE specification (from on 2012-10-01)
  6. Agenda for August 15, 2012 call (from on 2012-08-13)
  7. tracking-ISSUE-159 (mashing): How do we allow sites that mash-in add-supported content to maintain their own 'trusted third parties'? [Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)] (from on 2012-08-09)

Related notes:

fix typo in title

Roy Fielding, 29 Sep 2012, 06:35:05

We suggest to tackle this complex issue not in our first version. In future releases, we may revisit this issue.

Matthias Schunter, 12 Feb 2013, 17:40:52

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