ISSUE-157: Charter is running out and we need to agree on whether to extend or recharter and what a revised charter would look like

Charter is running out and we need to agree on whether to extend or recharter and what a revised charter would look like

Raised by:
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Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. reminder: issue cleanup and closing issues (from on 2013-05-28)
  2. Agenda for May 22 call (from on 2013-05-21)
  3. issue and action cleanup proposals (from on 2013-05-15)
  4. Re: charter extension announced; PAG launched (from on 2012-08-03)
  5. Re: ISSUE-157: Charter is running out and we need to agree on whether to extend or recharter and what a revised charter would look like (from on 2012-07-18)
  6. RE: ISSUE-157: Charter is running out and we need to agree on whether to extend or recharter and what a revised charter would look like (from on 2012-07-18)
  7. RE: ISSUE-157: Charter is running out and we need to agree on whether to extend or recharter and what a revised charter would look like (from on 2012-07-18)
  8. ISSUE-157: Charter is running out and we need to agree on whether to extend or recharter and what a revised charter would look like (from on 2012-07-18)

Related notes:

Closed during issue cleanup.

Nick Doty, 15 Jun 2013, 22:26:07

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Chair, Staff Contact
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