ACTION-92: Write text for issue-113
Write text for issue-113
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Alan Chapell
- Due on:
- February 7, 2012
- Created on:
- January 25, 2012
- Associated Issue:
- ISSUE-113
- Related emails:
- Re: Housekeeping from today's call (from on 2012-02-08)
- Re: Housekeeping from today's call (from on 2012-02-08)
- Housekeeping from today's call (from on 2012-02-08)
Related notes:
Alan asked for 1 week extension to 2012-02-07, which I granted.
Matthias Schunter, 31 Jan 2012, 15:56:45Alan is no longer interested in working on this issue. There was still interest in the underlying issue-113, which remains open.
Aleecia McDonald, 8 Feb 2012, 19:22:02Display change log.