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Model Task Force
From Provenance WG Wiki
- Model Task Force
- Access and Query Task Force
- Connection Task Force
- Implementation and Test Cases Task Force
Materials listed in order that they were created and/or modified (newest at top).
Materials discussing Concepts
- FormalSemantics started by James Aug 2011
- http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/ProvenanceModel.html Aug 2011
- F2F1ConceptDefinitions created at F2F1.
- ConsolidatedConcepts created for and presented at F2F1.
- AgreementOnConcepts created around F2F1.
- ProvenanceConcepts (listed in order addressed by the group; newest at top)
- F2F1 Model Proposal completed for F2F1 - Draft proposal of limited scope
- TerminologyProposals was an initial page.
- ProvenanceRDFNamedGraph for provenance specific requirements with respect to RDF named graph construct
Relevant Pages
Related Work
Provenance Incubator Group Final Report (4. Provenance Concepts)