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Provenance Task Forces
The activities of the Provenance Working Group are structured along Task Forces, focusing on separate, complementary issues. An initial description appears below, will be discussed by the WG, and will evolve over time as activities progress.
Note that not all work takes places in the context of Task Forces. Deliverables D5 and D7 will be managed separately, drawing on outputs generated by all task forces.
Dependencies between Task Forces will be managed. For instance, the Connection Task Force and the Implementation and Test Cases Task Force provide requirements to the Model Task Force, which in turn provide models that are exploited by them.
Task Force Formation:
- Interest for participating in each task force was surveyed during the 2011 Apr 28 telecon.
- Request to sign up for task forces 2011 May 27 email from Luc.
- Task force coordinators are listed in italics*.
1. Model Task Force
- Objective:
- The aim of the model task force is to tackle issues related to the provenance model
- Members:
- Satya Sahoo, Daniel Garijo, Stephan Zednik, Simon Miles, James Cheney, Jun Zhao, Khalid Belhajjame, David Corsar, Edoardo Pignotti, Tim Lebo, Jim Myers, Stian Soiland-Reyes
- Definition contributors: Satya, Paolo, Jun and Khalid, Ralph Hodgson
- Tasks:
- Identify terminology and provide intuitive definition for non experts
- Define provenance model and formalize it using Semantic Web technologies
- Provide a formal semantics that resolves ambiguities in the model
- Outputs: Deliverables D1, D2 and D3
2. Provenance Access and Query Task Force
- Objective:
- The aim of this task force is to investigate how provenance fits in the Web architecture, and will explore how provenance-related information can be embedded in messages, documents, how provenance can be retrieved and queried.
- Members:
- Helena Deus, Satya Sahoo, Olaf Hartig, James Frew, Daniel Garijo, Stephan Zednik, Simon Miles*, Yogesh Simmhan*, Jun Zhao, Khalid Belhajjame, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Graham Klyne, Iker Huerga
- Tasks:
- Specify how provenance fits in the Web architecture
- Specify how provenance-related information can be embedded in messages or documents
- Specify how provenance can be retrieved and queried
- Outputs: Deliverable D4
3. Connection Task Force
- Members:
- Eric Stephan*, Kai Eckert*, Ilkay Altintas, , Stephen Cresswell, Yolanda Gil, Christine Runnegar, Carl Reed, Ed Summers
- Tasks:
- Identify a set of standards and initiatives that are relevant to the Provenance WG
- Provide the means to "link" the provenance model to the identified standards/initiatives
- Outputs:
- Catalog for F2F1
- Informal Report
- Deliverable D6
4. Implementation and Test Cases Task Force
Implementation and Test Cases Task Force
- Members:
- Helena Deus*, Daniel Garijo, Stephan Zednik*, James Cheney, David Corsar, Edoardo Pignotti, Tim Lebo, Graham Klyne, Iker Huerga, Curt Tilmes
- Tasks:
- Identify specific "demonstrator applications"
- List test cases
- Coordinate work related to reference implementations
- Output: test cases; stakeholder identification; primer document