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From Provenance WG Wiki
Terminology Proposals
On this page, the Model Task Force lists terms that we are proposing for provenance concepts.
Thing concerning which provenance may be expressed
Added by GK:20110610
(Possibly dynamic, without regard for invariability)
- resource GK:20110610
Invariant view or perspective on a thing (IVPT)
- snapshot, proposed by Paul:20110607
- +1 Jun Zhao and Olaf Hartig
- -1 Simon Miles
- invariant
- +1 GK:20110610
- thing vs IVP of
- thing (as a concept http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ConceptInvariantViewOnThing#Definition_by_Jim_and_Luc_v2_.28in_progress.29)
- IVP of: a relation between things
Process Execution
- Process execution - I know it's a bit of a mouthful, but it seems to be fairly well understood GK:20110610
- Process (used with Unix meaning, therefore, something that runs/ran) Luc:20110616
Process Specification/Definition
- Recipe Charter
- Procedure GK:20110610
- Workflow Luc:20110616