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Implementation and Test Cases Task Force

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Provenance Task Forces:


To identify and connect with implementation stakeholders and coordinate test case development and implementation activities. Our overall task force objectives (responsibilities and deliverables) will be clarified in discussions during and after the meeting.

These will be based on feedback collected from the survey at Survey


(listed in order addressed by the group; newest at top)

Complete draft proposal for the F2F1

Proposed Objectives of Task Force

Proposal: Test Case Development

  • Formalize Test Case Methodology
  • Continuous work on Use Cases to drive Test Case scenarios
  • Review Model specification to drive low-level Test Cases
  • Identify Test Cases

Proposal: Reference Implementations

  • Define implementation interoperability requirements
  • Coordinate work on reference implementations of toolkits that support the prov-wg formal specifications
    • software/applications that utilize the toolkits that support the prov-wg formal specifications
    • Comment by GK 20110610: I would distinguish between reference implementations (which I would expect to be toolkits that implement the WG specifications) and applications that use the specifications in a wider context. It would be good to identify instances of both.
  • Coordinate development of documentation on reference implementations
    • How to use it
    • How to query it

Proposal: Identifying and Contacting Stakeholders

Test cases will rely on input and requirements analysis gathered from stakeholders. For each test case a stakeholder or group of stakeholders will be identified, contacted and requirements will be gathered.

Comment by GK: 20110610: I think we also need test cases that clarify and exemplify what is stated in the WG specification. IMO, there are two main purposes for test cases: (1) to provide WG members with a concrete context in which to evaluate and select specification proposals, and (2) to provide somewhat formalized and preferably executable statements and examples of what the specification says in informal (i.e. English) language.

The following questionnaire was devised as a primary approach for identifying requirements of stakeholders producing/consuming provenance data and models:

W3C Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire

W3C Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire

The submittable questionnaire form is available here

Contact Name: _________________________________________

Contact Email: __________________________________________

Contact Phone: _________________________________________

Contact Organizational Role: _______________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________

Organization Field: _______________________________________

[ ] My organization is interested in generating provenance according to the W3C formal specification

My organization is interested in using provenance encoded in the following formats: [ ] Plain HTML [ ] Plain XML [ ] RDF [ ] OWL/RDF [ ] RDFa [ ] HTML5 Microdata [ ] RDBMS [ ] Other (please list: __________________ )

My organization is interested in using a provenance toolkit in the following programming languages: [ ] Java [ ] C# [ ] C/C++ [ ] Python [ ] Javascript [ ] PHP [ ] Ruby [ ] Other (please list: ______________ )

[ ] My organization is interested in implementing a software toolkit to support one or more W3C formal specifications for provenance

My organization is interested in developing a provenance toolkit in the following programming languages: [ ] Java [ ] C# [ ] C/C++ [ ] Python [ ] Javascript [ ] PHP [ ] Ruby [ ] Other (please list: ______________ )

[ ] I am producing a document for publication on the Web; I want to know how to sign this dataset using W3C formal specification

[ ] I want to learn about the source of an assertion

[ ] I want to see how a piece of data was transformed and what was the input for the transformation

[ ] I want to rank information according to a list of trusted sources

[ ] I want to know what is the latest stable version of a web resource or document

Why are you or your organization interested in provenance?

How do you use provenance in your organization?

What tools/technologies do you use to make use of provenance information?

Do you already produce provenance within your organization? If so, do you use any provenance models/ontologies?

Groups the questionnaire has been advertised to

Report on Questionnaire Responses

The Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire response report available here


First comments extracted from the responses

W3C Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire 2nd Iteration

W3C Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire 2nd Iteration

Relevant Pages

Test Cases

  • Examples of test cases from W3C process - http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/
  • test cases need to be implementation-specific
  • split use cases into generating and storing use cases?
  • validator
  • using test cases to capture/record design decisions (OWL WG did this)