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W3C Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire 2nd Iteration
This page is to compile ideas on new or restructured questions for the 2nd iteration of the Implementation Stakeholder Questionnaire
Questionnaire 1st Iteration
Contact Name: _________________________________________
Contact Email: __________________________________________
Contact Phone: _________________________________________
Contact Organizational Role: _______________________________
Organization: ___________________________________________
Organization Field: _______________________________________
[ ] My organization is interested in generating provenance according to the W3C formal specification
My organization is interested in using provenance encoded in the following formats: [ ] Plain HTML [ ] Plain XML [ ] RDF [ ] OWL/RDF [ ] RDFa [ ] HTML5 Microdata [ ] RDBMS [ ] Other (please list: __________________ )
My organization is interested in using a provenance toolkit in the following programming languages: [ ] Java [ ] C# [ ] C/C++ [ ] Python [ ] Javascript [ ] PHP [ ] Ruby [ ] Other (please list: ______________ )
[ ] My organization is interested in implementing a software toolkit to support one or more W3C formal specifications for provenance
My organization is interested in developing a provenance toolkit in the following programming languages: [ ] Java [ ] C# [ ] C/C++ [ ] Python [ ] Javascript [ ] PHP [ ] Ruby [ ] Other (please list: ______________ )
[ ] I am producing a document for publication on the Web; I want to know how to sign this dataset using W3C formal specification
[ ] I want to learn about the source of an assertion
[ ] I want to see how a piece of data was transformed and what was the input for the transformation
[ ] I want to rank information according to a list of trusted sources
[ ] I want to know what is the latest stable version of a web resource or document
Why are you or your organization interested in provenance?
How do you use provenance in your organization?
What tools/technologies do you use to make use of provenance information?
Do you already produce provenance within your organization? If so, do you use any provenance models/ontologies?
Email to contact stakeholders regarding privacy of questionnaire responses
Dear XX
You have recently filled out a form, made available by the W3C Provenance Work Group, expressing your opinion about provenance and how the problem of data provenance on the semantic web should be addressed. We have compiled some of that information and made it available to the W3C Provenance work group.
You have also added some of the comments as free text, which we would like to make available to a wider audience. We are contacting you to ask permission for making your comments publicly available.
___ Yes, my free-text comments may be shared with attribution.
___ Yes, my free-text commands may be shared if anonymized.
___ No, please do not share my free-text comments.
Best regards, Helena Deus and Stephan Zednik
New / Restructured Question Ideas
- stakeholder test case suite requirements
- machine-processable tests on:
- parsing provenance
- serializing provenance
- translating between different encoding formats (say RDF/XML to Plain XML and vice versa)
- reading and modifying a serialization of provenance
- inference (if any inferences are defined for the model)
- query and access?
- example at http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/
- performance requirements
- what form?
- any other types of tests?
- machine-processable tests on:
- ask for stakeholder implementation requirements
- encoding format requirements? (storage, access, query, etc?)
- toolkit integration requirements (in workflow engines?, API?)
- Ask the stakeholder what kind of provenance is he/she willing to represent: (Daniel G)
- 1 BASIC: The stakeholder wants to add a couple of descriptions to the objects he/she generates: the author, license and the date of creation, but not the whole process of its creation.
- 2 INTERMEDIATE: The stakeholder wants to add the basic descriptions plus the process of how the resources where generated. However he/she doesn't mind to have a loss of some of this information (e.g., not knowing some of the roles, having simple process executionsfor which they just want to assert when do they start and end, etc.). It would be like a lightweight core specification.
- 3 COMPLETE: Like the level before but aiming to not lose any information in the recorded processes, generation and use. We could include here the recording of the metadata provenance: who, when and how where this provenance descriptions recorded.
- Other Questions:
- Can we make your data public
- What do you produce/collect provenance?
Questionnaire 2nd Iteration
Contact Name: _________________________________________
Contact Email: __________________________________________
Contact Phone: _________________________________________
Contact Organizational Role: _______________________________
Organization: ___________________________________________
Organization Field: _______________________________________
- (required) I give my consent to the W3C Provenance WG to allow my following responses on this questionnaire to be shared:*
- [ ] with attribution
- [ ] if anonymized
- [ ] no, please do not share my responses
- [ ] special instructions ( please explain: __________________ )
- [ ] with attribution
- [ ] Please have the W3C Provenance WG add me to its list of toolkit implementation contacts.
- Please provide a definition of what provenance means to you:
- Why are you or your organization interested in provenance?
- How do you use provenance in your organization?
- What tools/technologies do you currently use to make use of provenance information?
- Do you already produce provenance within your organization? If so, do you use any common provenance languages/models/ontologies?
- Please provide one or more use case scenarios that describe your organizations’ intended use for provenance (for an example see http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvenanceExample#Outline):
- In what environments, e.g., workflows, web services, human-controlled activities, are you interested in collecting provenance?
- What degrees of provenance information is your organization interested in collecting?
- [ ] BASIC: You want to add a couple of descriptions to the objects generated: the author, license and the date of creation, but not the whole process of its creation.
- [ ] INTERMEDIATE: You want to add the basic descriptions plus the process of how the resources where generated. However you don’t mind to have a loss of some of this information (e.g., you don't know the role of some of your inputs, not sure about when do certain processes take place, etc.).
- [ ] COMPLETE: Like the previous but aiming to not lose any information in the recorded processes, generation and use. I would like to keep track of the metadata provenance: who, when and how where this provenance descriptions recorded.
- [ ] other (please describe: __________________ )
- [ ] BASIC: You want to add a couple of descriptions to the objects generated: the author, license and the date of creation, but not the whole process of its creation.
- My organization is interested in using provenance encoded in the following formats:
- [ ] XML
- [ ] RDF
- [ ] OWL/RDF
- [ ] RDFa
- [ ] HTML5 Microdata
- [ ] RDBMS
- [ ] Other (please list: __________________ )
- [ ] XML
- Please list any requirements your organization has for an encoding of provenance:
- Encoding provenance in Plain HTML was a popular selection in the last questionnaire. If you are interested in using using Plain HTML to encode, please elaborate on what a Plain HTML encoding of provenance means to you and how you intend to use it:
- My organization is interested in using a provenance toolkit in the following programming languages:
- [ ] Java
- [ ] C#
- [ ] C/C++
- [ ] Python
- [ ] Javascript
- [ ] PHP
- [ ] Ruby
- [ ] Other (please list: ______________ )
- [ ] Java
- [ ] My organization is interested in implementing a software toolkit to support one or more W3C formal specifications for provenance
- My organization is interested in developing a provenance toolkit in the following programming languages:
- [ ] Java
- [ ] C#
- [ ] C/C++
- [ ] Python
- [ ] Javascript
- [ ] PHP
- [ ] Ruby
- [ ] Other (please list: ______________ )
- [ ] Java
- Please list any requirements your organization has for provenance toolkit:
Target communities
Who should we advertise the 2nd iteration of the questionnaire too?
- ...
Point of Contact, Organization, Field:
- ...