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Use Cases
Proposed Use Case Dimensions
The group identified a set of key issues in provenance. These dimensions will be used to guide the group in terms of assessing coverage of use cases.
Template for Use Cases
Use cases follow the Use Case Template and guidelines for curation of use cases. Note that this is not a MediaWiki template, just a structure to be copied. For those interested, the rationale for template used can be found here.
Original Use Cases Proposed
Below are the initial use cases gathered by this incubator group. The cases were reviewed by a selected team of curators. This list is included here for the record. An organization and merging of use cases was developed based on this original list and is shown in the next section.
- Result Differences - Curated
- Anonymous Information
- Information Quality Assessment for Linked Data - Curated
- Timeliness - Curated
- Simple Trustworthiness Assessment - Curated
- Ignoring Unreliable Data - Curated
- Answering user queries that require semantically annotated provenance - Curated
- Provenance in Biomedicine - Curated
- Closure of Experimental Metadata
- Locating Biospecimens With Sufficient Quality
- Using process provenance for assessing the quality of Information products - Curated
- Provenance Tracking in the Blogosphere - Curated
- Provenance of a Tweet - Curated
- Provenance and Private Data Use - Curated
- Provenance of Decision Making in Emergency Response - Curated
- Provenance of Collections vs Objects in Cultural Heritage - Curated
- Provenance at different levels in Cultural Heritage - Curated
- Identifying attribution and associations - Curated
- Determining Compliance with a License - Curated
- Documenting axiom formulation - Curated
- Evidence for public policy - Curated
- Evidence for engineering design - Curated
- Fulfilling Contractual Obligations - Curated
- Attribution for a versioned document - Curated
- Provenance for Environmental Marine Data - Curated
- Crosswalk Maintenance
- Metadata Merging
- Mapping Digital Rights
- Computer Assisted Research
- Handling Scientific Measurement Anomaly
- Human-Executed Processes
- Semantic disambiguation of data provider identity
- Hidden Bug - Curated
Use cases pending:
- Ian Oliver: expressing provenance
- Bertram Ludaescher: scientific workflow
- Michael Panzer: digital library
- Raphael Troncy: multimedia metadata
- Deborah McGuinness: text analytics
- Deborah McGuinness: combining proofs
- Deborah McGuinness: improving decision processes
- Jim McCuskey: closures for multiple provenance graphs
- Lalana Kagal: private data
- Satya Sahoo: multiple hypotheses
Other provenance-related use cases captured elsewhere include:
- W3C eGoverment interest group, particularly regarding control over data transformations once released
- W3C Social Web Incubator Group use cases, particularly Tracking Sources, Anonymous Information, and Shills Posting False Information to Dilute the Truth
- A set of use cases from the PASOA project and a journal article published as part of this project
- The application scenarios explored by the Provenance project
- W3C Semantic Web Health Care and Life Science Interest Group use cases, Provenance Use for Microarray Experiments, Provenance for Data Interlinking.
- Use Cases for Provenance workshop (UK eScience Institute)
- IBM workshop on Reputation and Provenance (Some talks discuss use cases)
Actions Taken on Use Cases
The table below explains the rationale for how the original use cases proposed by the group were used and which ones were merged or further edited.
Identifier | Description | Curated? | Action |
differences | Result Differences | Yes | Used as exemplar for Comparison dimension |
anonymous | Anonymous Information | Merge with "privacy" use case to illustrate Dissemination dimension | |
quality | Information Quality Assessment for Linked Data | Yes | Merge relevant pieces into "timeliness", "assessment", and "unreliability" use cases, since this one is not really a use case in itself |
timeliness | Timeliness | Yes | Use as exemplar for the Publication dimension |
assessment | Simple Trustworthiness Assessment | Yes | Use as exemplar for the Trust dimension |
unreliablility | Ignoring Unreliable Data | Yes | Merge with "assessment" use case to illustrate the Trust dimension |
domain | Answering user queries that require semantically annotated provenance | Yes | Use as exemplar for the Understanding dimension |
biomedicine | Provenance in Biomedicine | Yes | Merge into "domain" use case to illustrate Understanding dimension |
experiments | Closure of Experimental Metadata | Use as exemplar for Access dimensions | |
reproducibility | Experimental Reproducibility Analysis | Merge with "differences" use case to illustrate Commonality dimension | |
biospecimens | Locating Biospecimens With Sufficient Quality | Needs to be generalized as it is too application specific as currently written, then use as exemplar for Process dimension | |
products | Using process provenance for assessing the quality of Information products | Merge into assessment use case to illustrate Trust dimension | |
blogs | Provenance Tracking in the Blogosphere | Yes | Use as exemplar for the Scale dimension |
tweets | Provenance of a Tweet | Use as exemplar for Versioning dimension | |
privacy | Provenance and Private Data Use | Yes | Use as exemplar for Dissemination dimension |
emergency | Provenance of Decision Making in Emergency Response | Use as exemplar for Imperfections dimension | |
collections | Provenance of Collections vs Objects in Cultural Heritage | Use as exemplar for Attribution dimension | |
granularity | Provenance at different levels in Cultural Heritage | Use as exemplar for Understanding dimension | |
associations | Identifying attribution and associations | Use as exemplar for Trust dimension | |
compliance | Determining Compliance with a License | Yes | Use as exemplar for Accountability dimension |
axioms | Documenting axiom formulation | Use as exemplar for Entailment dimension | |
policy | Evidence for public policy | Yes | Use as exemplar for Justification dimension |
engineering | Evidence for engineering design | Yes | Use as exemplar for Dissemination dimension |
contracts | Fulfilling Contractual Obligations | Yes | Use as exemplar for Accountability dimension |
versions | Attribution for a versioned document | Yes | Use as exemplar for the Attribution dimension |
environment | Provenance for Environmental Marine Data | Yes | Use as exemplar for Entailment dimension, needs to be modified to emphasize that aspect |
crosswalk | Crosswalk Maintenance | Use as exemplar for the Debugging dimension | |
merging | Metadata Merging | Use as exemplar for the Interoperability dimension | |
bug | Hidden Bug | Yes | Use as exemplar for the Debugging dimension |
Exemplifying Provenance Dimensions with Use Cases
The table below shows two major exemplar use cases to illustrate each of the provenance dimensions. Each use case is relevant to several dimensions, which is indicated in the description of the use case.
Dimensions | Exemplar Use Case 1 | Exemplar Use Case 2 | |
Content | |||
Attribution | collections | versions | |
Process | biospecimens | ||
Versioning | tweets | ||
Justification | policy | ||
Entailment | environment | axioms | |
Management | |||
Publication | timeliness | ||
Access | experiments | ||
Dissemination | privacy | engineering | |
Scale | blogs | ||
Use | |||
Understanding | domain | granularity | |
Interoperability | merging | ||
Comparison | differences | ||
Accountability | contracts | compliance | |
Trust | associations | assessment | |
Imperfections | emergency | ||
Debugging | crosswalk | bug |