15:00:16 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/12/08-gld-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/12/08-gld-irc ←
15:00:18 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
15:00:20 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be EGOV_GLD
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be EGOV_GLD ←
15:00:20 <Zakim> I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot ←
15:00:21 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
15:00:21 <trackbot> Date: 08 December 2011
15:00:26 <sandro> zakim, this is gld
Sandro Hawke: zakim, this is gld ←
15:00:26 <Zakim> ok, sandro; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, sandro; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM ←
15:00:51 <Zakim> +raphael
Zakim IRC Bot: +raphael ←
15:01:09 <Zakim> +??P21
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P21 ←
15:01:11 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking? ←
15:01:22 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: raphael (94%)
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: raphael (94%) ←
15:01:30 <Zakim> -??P21
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P21 ←
15:01:32 <Zakim> +George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: +George_Thomas ←
15:01:47 <sandro> zakim, drop raphael
Sandro Hawke: zakim, drop raphael ←
15:01:47 <sandro> scribe: fadmaa
(Scribe set to Fadi Maali)
15:01:47 <Zakim> raphael is being disconnected
Zakim IRC Bot: raphael is being disconnected ←
15:01:49 <Zakim> -raphael
Zakim IRC Bot: -raphael ←
15:01:53 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call? ←
15:01:53 <Zakim> On the phone I see +030014aaaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +030014aaaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas ←
15:01:57 <sandro> zakim, this is gld
Sandro Hawke: zakim, this is gld ←
15:01:57 <Zakim> sandro, this was already T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, this was already T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM ←
15:01:58 <Zakim> ok, sandro; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, sandro; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM ←
15:01:58 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
15:02:05 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking? ←
15:02:15 <Yigal> zakim, IPcaller is me
Yigal Arens: zakim, IPcaller is me ←
15:02:15 <Zakim> +Yigal; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Yigal; got it ←
15:02:16 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +030014aaaa (18%), BernHyland (31%), [IPcaller] (10%), George_Thomas (77%)
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +030014aaaa (18%), BernHyland (31%), [IPcaller] (10%), George_Thomas (77%) ←
15:02:42 <bhyland> zakim, aaaa is fadmaa
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aaaa is fadmaa ←
15:02:42 <Zakim> +fadmaa; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +fadmaa; got it ←
15:02:45 <Zakim> +??P22
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P22 ←
15:03:06 <Zakim> +[LC]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[LC] ←
15:03:11 <BartvanLeeuwen> Zakim, ??P22 is me
Bart van Leeuwen: Zakim, ??P22 is me ←
15:03:11 <Zakim> +BartvanLeeuwen; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +BartvanLeeuwen; got it ←
15:03:17 <fadmaa> agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2011.12.08
15:05:11 <fadmaa> Topic: DCAT/ADMS breakout session
15:05:32 <fadmaa> George: there is a link to the ADMS/dcat discussion
George Thomas: there is a link to the ADMS/dcat discussion ←
15:05:41 <fadmaa> ...http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-28
...http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-28 ←
15:05:57 <George> https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/group/WD-DCAT-20111218.html
George Thomas: https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/group/WD-DCAT-20111218.html ←
15:06:26 <Zakim> + +1.703.362.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.703.362.aabb ←
15:06:45 <Zakim> +raphael
Zakim IRC Bot: +raphael ←
15:06:57 <fadmaa> ...Martin suggested a new property to indicate direct access
...Martin suggested a new property to indicate direct access ←
15:07:21 <fadmaa> ...of dcat:Distribution
...of dcat:Distribution ←
15:08:44 <George> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-17
George Thomas: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-17 ←
15:08:52 <fadmaa> ...minutes of the last telcon http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-17
...minutes of the last telcon http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-17 ←
15:09:07 <fadmaa> PROPOSED: accept minutes
PROPOSED: accept minutes ←
15:09:22 <BartvanLeeuwen> +1 for minutes
Bart van Leeuwen: +1 for minutes ←
15:09:24 <Yigal> +1 accept minutes
Yigal Arens: +1 accept minutes ←
15:09:28 <fadmaa> bhyland: F2F2 will be in two locations
Bernadette Hyland: F2F2 will be in two locations ←
15:09:36 <fadmaa> ...Ireland and Washington DC
...Ireland and Washington DC ←
15:09:39 <bhyland> +1
Bernadette Hyland: +1 ←
15:09:49 <gatemezi> +1
Ghislain Atemezing: +1 ←
15:09:59 <bhyland> s/bernaddet/bhylabd
Bernadette Hyland: s/bernaddet/bhylabd (warning: replacement failed) ←
15:10:10 <bhyland> s/bhylabd/bhyland
Bernadette Hyland: s/bhylabd/bhyland (warning: replacement failed) ←
15:10:11 <fadmaa> s/bernaddet/bhyland/
s/bernaddet/bhyland/ (warning: replacement failed) ←
15:10:59 <fadmaa> RESOLVED: minutes accepted
RESOLVED: minutes accepted ←
15:11:23 <fadmaa> Topic: vocab.data.gov
15:11:51 <fadmaa> George: data.gov plans to deploy DERI neologism
George Thomas: data.gov plans to deploy DERI neologism ←
15:12:01 <Zakim> +cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri ←
15:12:02 <George> http://neologism.deri.ie/
George Thomas: http://neologism.deri.ie/ ←
15:12:03 <fadmaa> ...for vocabulary management
...for vocabulary management ←
15:12:37 <fadmaa> ...Neologism is open source platform for vocabulary management http://neologism.deri.ie/
...Neologism is open source platform for vocabulary management http://neologism.deri.ie/ ←
15:12:41 <George> http://vocab.deri.ie/
George Thomas: http://vocab.deri.ie/ ←
15:13:03 <fadmaa> ...Richard raised a couple of questions and provided some guidance
...Richard raised a couple of questions and provided some guidance ←
15:14:05 <fadmaa> ...the intention is to have internal and external vocabularies
...the intention is to have internal and external vocabularies ←
15:14:27 <fadmaa> ...some issues were raised regarding authors for example
...some issues were raised regarding authors for example ←
15:14:45 <George> vocab.deri.org/void
George Thomas: vocab.deri.org/void ←
15:14:55 <fadmaa> ...neologism assume its users as authors. not true for external vocabularies like void
...neologism assume its users as authors. not true for external vocabularies like void ←
15:15:00 <George> vocab.data.gov/void
George Thomas: vocab.data.gov/void ←
15:15:54 <fadmaa> ...generally, there is no problem from data.gov perspective
...generally, there is no problem from data.gov perspective ←
15:16:18 <fadmaa> ...some work around can be utilized
...some work around can be utilized ←
15:16:42 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
15:16:43 <fadmaa> ...the main goal of vocab.data.gov is cataloging vocabularies rather than managing them and supporting the full life cycle
...the main goal of vocab.data.gov is cataloging vocabularies rather than managing them and supporting the full life cycle ←
15:17:14 <fadmaa> bhyland: who will be the maintainer? how will the logistics be?
Bernadette Hyland: who will be the maintainer? how will the logistics be? ←
15:17:23 <Zakim> + +1.202.566.aacc
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.566.aacc ←
15:17:34 <DruidSmith_> zakim, aacc is me
David Smith: zakim, aacc is me ←
15:17:34 <Zakim> +DruidSmith_; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +DruidSmith_; got it ←
15:17:48 <BartvanLeeuwen> +q
Bart van Leeuwen: +q ←
15:18:25 <fadmaa> George: a couple of people will be managing it in a lightweight manner.. they will be the point of contact
George Thomas: a couple of people will be managing it in a lightweight manner.. they will be the point of contact ←
15:18:32 <cygri> q+
Richard Cyganiak: q+ ←
15:18:51 <fadmaa> ...users will request support and adding vocabularies through the contact people
...users will request support and adding vocabularies through the contact people ←
15:18:51 <George> ack bhyland
George Thomas: ack bhyland ←
15:18:57 <Zakim> -cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: -cygri ←
15:19:06 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
15:19:22 <fadmaa> BartvanLeeuwen: I like neologism... my problem with it is that it is very slow
Bart van Leeuwen: I like neologism... my problem with it is that it is very slow ←
15:19:31 <Zakim> +cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri ←
15:19:46 <fadmaa> ...responsiveness is very slow. wondering if there is enhancements
...responsiveness is very slow. wondering if there is enhancements ←
15:20:24 <fadmaa> cygri: we experienced slow responsiveness on vocab.deri.ie
Richard Cyganiak: we experienced slow responsiveness on vocab.deri.ie ←
15:20:41 <BartvanLeeuwen> q-
Bart van Leeuwen: q- ←
15:20:45 <fadmaa> ...most of it was solved and the situation had been improved to an accceptable degree
...most of it was solved and the situation had been improved to an accceptable degree ←
15:20:48 <bhyland> George: the points on contact for adding vocabs to vocab.data.gov will be George Thomas and Chris Musialek.
George Thomas: the points on contact for adding vocabs to vocab.data.gov will be George Thomas and Chris Musialek. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:21:25 <BartvanLeeuwen> q+
Bart van Leeuwen: q+ ←
15:21:35 <bhyland> cygri: Neologism is a fairly light application, performance is "good enough", it isn't meant to be mission critical (?)
Richard Cyganiak: Neologism is a fairly light application, performance is "good enough", it isn't meant to be mission critical (?) [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:22:06 <fadmaa> cygri: any plans to support editing vocabularies on vocab.data.gov?
Richard Cyganiak: any plans to support editing vocabularies on vocab.data.gov? ←
15:22:20 <fadmaa> George: initially it will mainly be used as a catalogue
George Thomas: initially it will mainly be used as a catalogue ←
15:22:39 <fadmaa> ...to have a place where people can make their vocabularies visible
...to have a place where people can make their vocabularies visible ←
15:22:50 <bhyland> George: vocab.data.gov is intended to provide a place to make vocabs more visible. It isn't intended to be a place for maintenance of vocabs. It is a directory listing.
George Thomas: vocab.data.gov is intended to provide a place to make vocabs more visible. It isn't intended to be a place for maintenance of vocabs. It is a directory listing. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:23:00 <fadmaa> ...do not expect people to be using it for actual creation and editing
...do not expect people to be using it for actual creation and editing ←
15:24:00 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
15:24:04 <cygri> ack me
Richard Cyganiak: ack me ←
15:24:22 <George> ack bhyland
George Thomas: ack bhyland ←
15:25:08 <fadmaa> bhyland: do we want to recommend on incorporating tools
Bernadette Hyland: do we want to recommend on incorporating tools ←
15:25:47 <Zakim> +??P37
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P37 ←
15:25:48 <fadmaa> ...especially with tools that might not be commercially supported
...especially with tools that might not be commercially supported ←
15:26:12 <fadmaa> ...maintinance might be an issue.
...maintinance might be an issue. ←
15:26:18 <annew> annew is on SIP
Anne Washington: annew is on SIP ←
15:27:03 <fadmaa> cygri: I have experience with working on tools in the course of research academic projects
Richard Cyganiak: I have experience with working on tools in the course of research academic projects ←
15:27:24 <bhyland> cygri: I feel that it's important to make a statement of usability, maintenance, support for a given tool.
Richard Cyganiak: I feel that it's important to make a statement of usability, maintenance, support for a given tool. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:27:28 <Yigal> But how do we know what the current and future plans for such a tool are?
Yigal Arens: But how do we know what the current and future plans for such a tool are? ←
15:27:31 <fadmaa> ...it is important to make the status of the project and its level of support very clear
...it is important to make the status of the project and its level of support very clear ←
15:28:09 <bhyland> cygri: There are various ways to characterize this in objective ways, e.g., when was it release, how often is it updated, how many posts to the mailing list, etc that all give an indication of whether a healthy community exists.
Richard Cyganiak: There are various ways to characterize this in objective ways, e.g., when was it release, how often is it updated, how many posts to the mailing list, etc that all give an indication of whether a healthy community exists. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:28:11 <fadmaa> ...some simple measures can help. looking at the number of releases, its mailing list, etc.
...some simple measures can help. looking at the number of releases, its mailing list, etc. ←
15:28:18 <Zakim> + +
Zakim IRC Bot: + + ←
15:28:34 <bhyland> cygri: If external funding went into the project, that is also a good sign.
Richard Cyganiak: If external funding went into the project, that is also a good sign. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:29:14 <bhyland> +1 agree with cygri and think the GLD WG should provide guidance on this topic.
Bernadette Hyland: +1 agree with cygri and think the GLD WG should provide guidance on this topic. ←
15:29:19 <fadmaa> ...to summarize, if you make recommendation on a tool it is worth spending time on documenting the status of the project
...to summarize, if you make recommendation on a tool it is worth spending time on documenting the status of the project ←
15:30:25 <George> q?
George Thomas: q? ←
15:30:43 <fadmaa> bhyland: shall we add this to other places like the cook book, the vocabulary...?
Bernadette Hyland: shall we add this to other places like the cook book, the vocabulary...? ←
15:31:01 <BartvanLeeuwen> q-
Bart van Leeuwen: q- ←
15:31:12 <Yigal> I think a pre-defined checklist would be a good idea, because it would help ensure a standard for evaluation.
Yigal Arens: I think a pre-defined checklist would be a good idea, because it would help ensure a standard for evaluation. ←
15:31:47 <fadmaa> cygri: I will send an email with a list of bullet points outlining the main points to look at
Richard Cyganiak: I will send an email with a list of bullet points outlining the main points to look at ←
15:31:49 <BartvanLeeuwen> cygri, could you share a link where I can find some information on the performance tuning you described earlier ?
Bart van Leeuwen: cygri, could you share a link where I can find some information on the performance tuning you described earlier ? ←
15:32:05 <fadmaa> sandro: this sounds relevant to procurement
Sandro Hawke: this sounds relevant to procurement ←
15:32:24 <annew> q+
Anne Washington: q+ ←
15:32:47 <bhyland> George: Suggested that the "tools viability" checklist should go in the Procurement section of the Best Practices Deliverable.
George Thomas: Suggested that the "tools viability" checklist should go in the Procurement section of the Best Practices Deliverable. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:32:54 <fadmaa> BartvanLeeuwen: is there a pointer to how to tune neologism performance?
Bart van Leeuwen: is there a pointer to how to tune neologism performance? ←
15:33:11 <fadmaa> cygri: I suggest sending an email to neologism mailing list
Richard Cyganiak: I suggest sending an email to neologism mailing list ←
15:33:16 <annew> on no mic failure
Anne Washington: on no mic failure ←
15:33:21 <annew> I'll ask by chat
Anne Washington: I'll ask by chat ←
15:33:34 <annew> The issues seem to be about stability!!
Anne Washington: The issues seem to be about stability!! ←
15:33:38 <bhyland> zakim, mute annew
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, mute annew ←
15:33:38 <Zakim> sorry, bhyland, I do not know which phone connection belongs to annew
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bhyland, I do not know which phone connection belongs to annew ←
15:33:50 <annew> Welcome the comments about signs of stability for projects
Anne Washington: Welcome the comments about signs of stability for projects ←
15:34:08 <annew> I am muted
Anne Washington: I am muted ←
15:34:09 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call? ←
15:34:09 <Zakim> On the phone I see fadmaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, [LC], +1.703.362.aabb, raphael, DruidSmith_, cygri, ??P37, +
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see fadmaa, BernHyland, george, George_Thomas, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, [LC], +1.703.362.aabb, raphael, DruidSmith_, cygri, ??P37, + ←
15:34:13 <cygri> ACTION: cygri to write some bullet points re viability of open source/academic tools/services for procurement section of best practices deliverable
ACTION: cygri to write some bullet points re viability of open source/academic tools/services for procurement section of best practices deliverable ←
15:34:14 <Biplav> Biplav here. I joined on the call after resolving my logistics issue. Also had an update on my action item. I have added my inputs for Action item 19 and updated the tracker to "Pending Review".
Biplav Srivastava: Biplav here. I joined on the call after resolving my logistics issue. Also had an update on my action item. I have added my inputs for Action item 19 and updated the tracker to "Pending Review". ←
15:34:14 <trackbot> Created ACTION-25 - Write some bullet points re viability of open source/academic tools/services for procurement section of best practices deliverable [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-12-15].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-25 - Write some bullet points re viability of open source/academic tools/services for procurement section of best practices deliverable [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-12-15]. ←
15:34:23 <Biplav> And I am on mute
Biplav Srivastava: And I am on mute ←
15:34:36 <tgheen> Zakim, [LC] is me
Tina Gheen: Zakim, [LC] is me ←
15:34:36 <Zakim> +tgheen; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +tgheen; got it ←
15:34:57 <annew> I am on voip
Anne Washington: I am on voip ←
15:35:15 <bhyland> zakim, aadd is biplav
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aadd is biplav ←
15:35:15 <Zakim> +biplav; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +biplav; got it ←
15:35:54 <fadmaa> Topic: Procurement
15:36:10 <fadmaa> bhyland: people who are working on that are not here
Bernadette Hyland: people who are working on that are not here ←
15:36:35 <fadmaa> ...suggest defering details till next week
...suggest defering details till next week ←
15:37:52 <fadmaa> George: we might have some discussion about defining objective criteria to assess stability of projects
George Thomas: we might have some discussion about defining objective criteria to assess stability of projects ←
15:38:42 <fadmaa> bhyland: some people are working on what kind of guidance W3C can provide to people working on procurment
Bernadette Hyland: some people are working on what kind of guidance W3C can provide to people working on procurment ←
15:38:51 <fadmaa> ...we took licence out of the scope
...we took licence out of the scope ←
15:39:31 <sandro> s/sandro/george/
15:39:55 <annew> is there someone in an airport or train station?
Anne Washington: is there someone in an airport or train station? ←
15:40:03 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking? ←
15:40:14 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds ←
15:40:19 <gatemezi> Here, they provide a list of tools for data publication and consumption http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/latc/toollibrary/
Ghislain Atemezing: Here, they provide a list of tools for data publication and consumption http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/latc/toollibrary/ ←
15:40:24 <sandro> zakim, who is on the call?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the call? ←
15:40:24 <Zakim> On the phone I see fadmaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, tgheen, +1.703.362.aabb, raphael, DruidSmith_, cygri, ??P37, biplav
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see fadmaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, tgheen, +1.703.362.aabb, raphael, DruidSmith_, cygri, ??P37, biplav ←
15:40:31 <sandro> zakim, who is on the call?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the call? ←
15:40:31 <Zakim> On the phone I see fadmaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, tgheen, +1.703.362.aabb, raphael, DruidSmith_, cygri, ??P37, biplav
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see fadmaa, BernHyland, sandro, George_Thomas, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, tgheen, +1.703.362.aabb, raphael, DruidSmith_, cygri, ??P37, biplav ←
15:40:33 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking? ←
15:40:44 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: raphael (4%)
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: raphael (4%) ←
15:40:51 <bhyland> q+
Bernadette Hyland: q+ ←
15:40:53 <fadmaa> @George sorry couldn't hear you
@George sorry couldn't hear you ←
15:40:56 <fadmaa> it was noisy
it was noisy ←
15:41:09 <Zakim> + +1.202.208.aaee
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.208.aaee ←
15:41:25 <fadmaa> bhyland: I'd rather avoid listing tools
Bernadette Hyland: I'd rather avoid listing tools ←
15:41:31 <annew> zakim ??P37 is annew
Anne Washington: zakim ??P37 is annew ←
15:41:38 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
15:41:44 <fadmaa> ...but suggest focus on list of features and a checklist
...but suggest focus on list of features and a checklist ←
15:42:05 <annew> q-
Anne Washington: q- ←
15:42:05 <fadmaa> ...the commercially supported product are more in the scope of the community directory
...the commercially supported product are more in the scope of the community directory ←
15:42:52 <fadmaa> ...procurment people working on Linked Data need more help with aspects like security
...procurment people working on Linked Data need more help with aspects like security ←
15:43:05 <fadmaa> ...and other list of features
...and other list of features ←
15:43:14 <bhyland> ack bhyland
Bernadette Hyland: ack bhyland ←
15:43:43 <fadmaa> sandro: I do not support listing products
Sandro Hawke: I do not support listing products ←
15:44:08 <cygri> q+
Richard Cyganiak: q+ ←
15:44:17 <cygri> q+ to ask about how technical this should get
Richard Cyganiak: q+ to ask about how technical this should get ←
15:44:23 <bhyland> Sandro: Recommend we list product "categories", defined by TimBL's 4 data principles.
Sandro Hawke: Recommend we list product "categories", defined by TimBL's 4 data principles. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:44:23 <fadmaa> ...but generally we list functionality that the product should support
...but generally we list functionality that the product should support ←
15:44:34 <annew> +1 to sandro
Anne Washington: +1 to sandro ←
15:44:35 <bhyland> Sandro: Avoid listing specific products by name.
Sandro Hawke: Avoid listing specific products by name. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:44:36 <fadmaa> ...e.g. support SPARQL, resolvable URIs
...e.g. support SPARQL, resolvable URIs ←
15:45:29 <cygri> q?
Richard Cyganiak: q? ←
15:46:16 <sandro> q-
Sandro Hawke: q- ←
15:46:38 <fadmaa> cygri: how technical should the procurement document be?
Richard Cyganiak: how technical should the procurement document be? ←
15:47:03 <Zakim> - +1.703.362.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.703.362.aabb ←
15:47:07 <fadmaa> ...what level of details need to be in it?
...what level of details need to be in it? ←
15:47:35 <bhyland> cygri: Who is the audience? A technical evaluator or business manager?
Richard Cyganiak: Who is the audience? A technical evaluator or business manager? [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:47:45 <fadmaa> George: procurement report is mainly for project manager
George Thomas: procurement report is mainly for project manager ←
15:48:06 <fadmaa> ...help them when deciding to buy a product
...help them when deciding to buy a product ←
15:48:48 <fadmaa> bhyland: two group of people are involved. technical people and manager
Bernadette Hyland: two group of people are involved. technical people and manager ←
15:48:51 <annew> q+
Anne Washington: q+ ←
15:49:05 <cygri> ack me
Richard Cyganiak: ack me ←
15:49:05 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to ask about how technical this should get
Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to ask about how technical this should get ←
15:49:14 <fadmaa> ...we need both general guidelines and technical details
...we need both general guidelines and technical details ←
15:49:54 <gatemezi> @bhyland: bhadley organization is linkedgov.org
Ghislain Atemezing: @bhyland: bhadley organization is linkedgov.org ←
15:50:06 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
15:50:18 <Zakim> + +1.703.362.aaff
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.703.362.aaff ←
15:50:20 <Yigal> If anyone is still wondering about Hadley's project, it's linkedgov.org
Yigal Arens: If anyone is still wondering about Hadley's project, it's linkedgov.org ←
15:50:28 <fadmaa> ...I think there should be a list of checklist for business people
...I think there should be a list of checklist for business people ←
15:51:35 <fadmaa> ChrisMusialek: I have experience with the procurement process. typically it does not go to the technical details
Chris Musialek: I have experience with the procurement process. typically it does not go to the technical details ←
15:51:52 <cygri> zakim, who is speaking?
Richard Cyganiak: zakim, who is speaking? ←
15:52:03 <Zakim> cygri, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.202.208.aaee (91%), raphael (26%)
Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.202.208.aaee (91%), raphael (26%) ←
15:52:05 <bhyland> ChrisMusialek: I've seen very general guidance. It doesn't get into the very technical details, it doesn't make sense to prescribe to that level of granularity. Typically, the people writing those RFI/RFPs, they aren't very technical.
Chris Musialek: I've seen very general guidance. It doesn't get into the very technical details, it doesn't make sense to prescribe to that level of granularity. Typically, the people writing those RFI/RFPs, they aren't very technical. [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ] ←
15:52:10 <fadmaa> ...in the procurement document technical details are not mentioned as they are usually not written by developers
...in the procurement document technical details are not mentioned as they are usually not written by developers ←
15:52:19 <bhyland> zakim aaee is Chris
Bernadette Hyland: zakim aaee is Chris ←
15:52:43 <cygri> zakim, aaee is Chris
Richard Cyganiak: zakim, aaee is Chris ←
15:52:43 <Zakim> +Chris; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Chris; got it ←
15:52:55 <bhyland> @Fadmaa, that was Chris Musialek from US GSA speaking
Bernadette Hyland: @Fadmaa, that was Chris Musialek from US GSA speaking ←
15:53:14 <fadmaa> @bhyland thanks wil lcorrect that
@bhyland thanks wil lcorrect that ←
15:53:30 <sandro> sandro: So, I'm imagining that for each item on the checklist (eg 4-principles, sparql, etc), there's reference to the spec, some additional detail where the spec has too much wiggle room, maybe a reference to test suite, and some justification/explanation for this check list item.
Sandro Hawke: So, I'm imagining that for each item on the checklist (eg 4-principles, sparql, etc), there's reference to the spec, some additional detail where the spec has too much wiggle room, maybe a reference to test suite, and some justification/explanation for this check list item. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
15:54:08 <fadmaa> sandro: having a list with links to standards containing more details
Sandro Hawke: having a checklist with links to standards containing more details ←
15:54:22 <fadmaa> s/list/checklist/
15:54:58 <annew> I've got to go. Can't tell if you could actually hear me or not on this call.
Anne Washington: I've got to go. Can't tell if you could actually hear me or not on this call. ←
15:55:10 <annew> Will send an email about stability that I have been working on
Anne Washington: Will send an email about stability that I have been working on ←
15:55:13 <annew> Ron 's been helpful too
Anne Washington: Ron 's been helpful too ←
15:55:14 <annew> bye
Anne Washington: bye ←
15:55:15 <sandro> annew, I never heard your voice....
Sandro Hawke: annew, I never heard your voice.... ←
15:55:18 <Zakim> -??P37
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P37 ←
15:55:32 <fadmaa> ACTION: bhyland to pull the list of things to check and notify the group
ACTION: bhyland to pull the list of things to check and notify the group ←
15:55:32 <trackbot> Created ACTION-26 - Pull the list of things to check and notify the group [on Bernadette Hyland - due 2011-12-15].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-26 - Pull the list of things to check and notify the group [on Bernadette Hyland - due 2011-12-15]. ←
15:55:44 <fadmaa> TOPIC: F2F2
15:55:49 <George> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F2
George Thomas: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F2 ←
15:56:15 <fadmaa> George: wiki page about F2F2 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F2
George Thomas: wiki page about F2F2 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F2 ←
15:56:32 <Biplav> @bhyland please review update on action item 19 and close. Thanks.
Biplav Srivastava: @bhyland please review update on action item 19 and close. Thanks. ←
15:57:16 <fadmaa> bhyland: we do have to work on agenda
Bernadette Hyland: we do have to work on agenda ←
15:57:48 <fadmaa> cygri: Michael will be the point of contact
Richard Cyganiak: Michael will be the point of contact ←
15:58:00 <fadmaa> ...for the F2F meeting in Ireland
...for the F2F meeting in Ireland ←
15:58:16 <fadmaa> ...no capability of video conferencing
...no capability of video conferencing ←
15:58:49 <fadmaa> bhyland: chairs will be working on logistics... input is welcome on agenda
Bernadette Hyland: chairs will be working on logistics... input is welcome on agenda ←
15:59:07 <Zakim> - +1.703.362.aaff
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.703.362.aaff ←
15:59:20 <fadmaa> George: procurement discussion will be continued next week
George Thomas: procurement discussion will be continued next week ←
16:00:06 <fadmaa> bhyland: next week might be our last meeting this year or shall we have another one?
Bernadette Hyland: next week might be our last meeting this year or shall we have another one? ←
16:00:13 <sandro> no for 22nd, okay for 29th
Sandro Hawke: no for 22nd, okay for 29th ←
16:00:13 <Biplav> +1
Biplav Srivastava: +1 ←
16:00:38 <gatemezi> ok for 22nd
Ghislain Atemezing: ok for 22nd ←
16:00:45 <Biplav> ok for 22nd
Biplav Srivastava: ok for 22nd ←
16:00:46 <cygri> i'm ok with 22nd
Richard Cyganiak: i'm ok with 22nd ←
16:00:49 <Yigal> OK for 22nd
Yigal Arens: OK for 22nd ←
16:00:52 <BartvanLeeuwen> okay bye
Bart van Leeuwen: okay bye ←
16:00:57 <bhyland> Thanks all!
Bernadette Hyland: Thanks all! ←
16:01:01 <Zakim> -biplav
Zakim IRC Bot: -biplav ←
16:01:02 <fadmaa> rrsagent, generate minutes
rrsagent, generate minutes ←
16:01:02 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/08-gld-minutes.html fadmaa
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/08-gld-minutes.html fadmaa ←
16:01:05 <Zakim> -cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: -cygri ←
16:01:07 <Zakim> -sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro ←
16:01:15 <Zakim> -George_Thomas
Zakim IRC Bot: -George_Thomas ←
16:01:17 <Zakim> -BernHyland
Zakim IRC Bot: -BernHyland ←
16:01:19 <Zakim> -Yigal
Zakim IRC Bot: -Yigal ←
16:01:21 <Zakim> -BartvanLeeuwen
Zakim IRC Bot: -BartvanLeeuwen ←
16:01:23 <Zakim> -ChrisMusialek
Zakim IRC Bot: -ChrisMusialek ←
16:01:25 <Zakim> -tgheen
Zakim IRC Bot: -tgheen ←
16:01:28 <gatemezi> -gatemezi
Ghislain Atemezing: -gatemezi ←
16:01:31 <Zakim> -raphael
Zakim IRC Bot: -raphael ←
16:01:35 <Zakim> -DruidSmith_
Zakim IRC Bot: -DruidSmith_ ←
16:01:53 <Zakim> -fadmaa
Zakim IRC Bot: -fadmaa ←
16:01:55 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended
Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended ←
16:01:57 <Zakim> Attendees were +030014aaaa, BernHyland, sandro, raphael, George_Thomas, Yigal, fadmaa, BartvanLeeuwen, +1.703.362.aabb, cygri, +1.202.566.aacc, DruidSmith_, +,
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were +030014aaaa, BernHyland, sandro, raphael, George_Thomas, Yigal, fadmaa, BartvanLeeuwen, +1.703.362.aabb, cygri, +1.202.566.aacc, DruidSmith_, +, ←
16:02:00 <Zakim> ... tgheen, biplav, +1.202.208.aaee, +1.703.362.aaff, ChrisMusialek
Zakim IRC Bot: ... tgheen, biplav, +1.202.208.aaee, +1.703.362.aaff, ChrisMusialek ←
16:04:53 <bhyland> zakim, aadd is Biplav
Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aadd is Biplav ←
16:05:47 <Zakim> sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'aadd'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'aadd' ←
16:09:22 <fadmaa> rrsagent, generate minutes
rrsagent, generate minutes ←
16:09:22 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/08-gld-minutes.html fadmaa
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/08-gld-minutes.html fadmaa ←
Formatted by CommonScribe
This revision (#2) generated 2011-12-08 16:28:57 UTC by 'fmaali', comments: None