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From Government Linked Data (GLD) Working Group Wiki
(Redirected from David Smith)
David G. Smith, PE PLS
US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information
Manager of USEPA's Facility Registry System
Linked Data Activities
Be advised that these are largely prototype/sandbox efforts...
- FRS Linked Data hosted at Talis: http://epa.gov.clients.talis.com/.html
- Initial vocabulary via Talis: http://epa.gov.clients.talis.com/schema.html
- The Talis EPA vocabulary in Knoodl: http://knoodl.com/ui/groups/USEPA-TEST/vocab/EPAOntology%280.1%29
- USEPA's EA Group Enterprise Data Model 3.0 http://knoodl.com/ui/groups/USEPA-FRS-TEST/vocab/EDM30Test
More robust, long term efforts:
- pursuing infrastructure and hosting of triple store and SPARQL endpoint with EPA.gov domain, ideally in cloud environment
- looking to clean up current FRS RDF data model and add additional linkages
- looking to develop corporate entity model
- looking to develop regulatory linkages
- looking to collaborate with other government entities on proofs-of-concept
- email smith.davidg@epa.gov
- twitter @druidsmith
- tel +1.202.566.0797