HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

07 Jul 2011


See also: IRC log


Cynthia_Shelly, Eric_Carlson, Janina_Sajka, John_Foliot, Lynn_Holdsworth, Marco_Ranon, Martin_Kliehm, Michael_Cooper, Mike, Paul_Cotton, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, [Microsoft]
Laura_Carlson, Joshue_O'Connor


<trackbot> Date: 07 July 2011

<scribe> scribe: Martin_kliehm

scribenic: kliehm

<MichaelC> scribeNick: kliehm


MS: Josh did some work on that topic, he added sections on the Wiki.

<MikeSmith> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Spec_Review

MC: There are two sections with new content, at least 25 sections to go.

MS: Please take a look at the wiki page now, if you are able to provide feedback on your review assignments, please raise your hand.
... The section "Editing APIs" could be worth to prioritize, also "Focus" and "Activation". They are are rather small, but there are possibly issues on specific platforms.

CS: I believe I'm sign-up for some of those.

MS: Gez hat looked at drag and drop. Hixie has made considerable changes. Gez has looked at that and said his concerns were met, unless there were changes again.

MS(JS: Deadline for filing bugs against LC is August 1. Alerting the mailing list would make sense. A multi-hour teleconference by the end of July would be necessary.


MC: I'll set up a survey to find a date.

Subteam Reports

JS: We make good progress in the media sub-team, except in regard of alternative text for the poster image. We are considering different approaches.
... Made very good progress nesting chapters in a hierarchical navigation, getting inspiration from DAISY.

GR: The chairs closed an issue, is that acceptable from the sub-team's perspective?

<JF> +Q

JS: We could file a bug adding some informative text.

JF: The solution we're looking at has some impact on the time-stamp format. There are no changes required on HTML, but rather on the time-stamp format. We'd rather have an implementation first to test with.

PC: When Sylvia responded on ISSUE-163 saying she was unable to write a change proposal, she posted questions to the mailing list.


<trackbot> ISSUE-163 does not exist


JF: Text alternatives sub-team: no meeting due to holiday.

PC: Any news on the meta-generator issue Maciej asked about?

JF: Me and Steve Faulkner are working on it.

PC: I'd suggest to put it on the agenda for the text-alternatives sub-team on next Monday.

<Joshue> SH: The more topics that we find on the wiki, we can use that as a point of reference for future work etc.

<Joshue> SH: Anything you want to look at further please do add.

<JF> Forwarded Maciej's email to the TF mailing list re: Meta-Generator response.

RS: Canvas sub-team: about to file a bug for tabbing through canvas. Charles Pritchard put together a prototype for hit testing.
... Canvas is farther along in accessibility than SVG is. Saying "use SVG" is not an alternative.

JS: Also accessibility is a top priority for all W3C specs, so just referring to another spec is not an option.

RS: Quite a few people have asked browser vendors about hit testing, so apart from accessibility other people would benefit from such a technique.
... Another use-case for hit testing: on touch-screens being able to identify the section that has been touched is necessary. So mobile devices, screen-magnifiers, braille devices and many more need to identify the bounds of characters and elements.
... Providing the location of these objects in the canvas subtree is necessary. Also key events do not target the subtree objects yet while the mouse events would.
... I'm writing bugs for these issues today.

PC: Suggesting separate entries setting high priorities so that they could be escalated earlier.

RS: Posted on text baseline, didn't get feedback yet.

PC: The chairs haven't met yet due to the holiday and vacations.

RS: Writing a proposal about the focus ring (ISSUE-131) is still on my todo-list.


MS: Problem I see is getting implementor support.

RS: I'd object to canvas being in the spec with that major hole in it.

CS: There's still controversy how bad that bug (rectangular bounds in the sub-tree) is. Is that a blocking bug?
... There's a proposal about hit testing in JavaScript.

RS: So you're suggesting to but the responsibility on the author?

CS: It wouldn't be my preference.

RS: Usually there's consensus that the burden should be removed from the web developer.

MS: Agreed.

<cyns> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Jun/0269.html

MS: Paul Bakaus provided an excellent use-case on hit-testing of isometric pixel-graphics, so rectangular bounds wouldn't be able to provide this. Then again this would be extremely hard to implement because it would require checking which PNG pixels are transparent.
... I'd focus on identifying what's impossible / very impractical to do, so we could concentrate on what's possible.
... There are several people who really care about this, including Frank Olivier.
... We shouldn't alienate the implementors further, rather concentrate how to buy them in.

CS:It may be infeasible to implement the whole solution right now, not that it may be infeasible to do it at all.

MS: Canvas accessibility should be top of the agenda next week.

RS: I try to be on the call although I'm traveling; filing the bugs today.

<MikeSmith> adjourned

<cyns> I said that it may be infeasible to implement the whole solution right now, not that it may be infeasible to do it at all. how do I change the minutes?

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/07/07 16:28:45 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136  of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43  
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WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/MS(JS/MS\/JS/
Succeeded: s/the boundaries/the bounds/
Succeeded: s/Paul Cotton/Paul Bakaus/
Found Scribe: Martin_kliehm
Found ScribeNick: kliehm
Default Present: Cynthia_Shelly, Eric_Carlson, John_Foliot, Michael_Cooper, Janina_Sajka, Lynn_Holdsworth, +49.179.103.aaaa, Mike, kliehm, Marco_Ranon, Paul_Cotton, [Microsoft], Rich_Schwerdtfeger
Present: +49.179.103.aaaa Cynthia_Shelly Eric_Carlson Janina_Sajka John_Foliot Lynn_Holdsworth Marco_Ranon Martin_Kliehm Michael_Cooper Mike Paul_Cotton Rich_Schwerdtfeger [Microsoft]
Regrets: Laura_Carlson Joshue_O'Connor
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2011Jul/0042.html
Found Date: 07 Jul 2011
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/07/07-html-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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