October 29 - October 30 2012
As usual, #webrtc at irc.w3.org
Remote participation
UW_Web RTC Monday, 29 Oct - Tuesday, 30 Oct 07:00-18:00 UTC (3:00am-2:00pm Boston local) Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9782 ("WRTC") 10 participants
Monday morning 0830--1200
- welcome and stuff (15 min)
- API functionality (PeerConnection related) that has been discussed but is not currently supported, what of this should we support in v1? - Stefan (0845-1030 - 1h 45 min)
- Sender side (all per track)
- Priority
- bandwidth
- width/height
- agc toggle switch
- bw/cong. feedback
- What can we do with constraints, what needs explicit API surface?
- Receiver side
- reject certain or all tracks in offer
- should app be able to?
- inform the sender of used / useful width/height
- tell the sender that a stream/track is not played (paused/unattached/ended)
- reject certain or all tracks in offer
- Not certain what side
- Control of AEC (echo cancellation)
- Agree on what of the above we need
- What in v1; what we can move to v2 but “make room for” in v1; what we can’t see need for
- One time, or possible to change?
- Discussion leads to requirements to IETF on SDP and RTCP capabilities
- Sender side (all per track)
- Coffee break 1030-1045
- SDP handling - Cullen (1045-1200 1h 15 min)
- How long is an SDP created with createOffer/Answer valid?
- Rollback funtionality
- at setLocal(offer) at offerer
- at setRemote(offer) at answerer
- at setLocal(answer) at answerer
- at setRemote(answer) at offerer
- What does an application do to recover when the UA rejects the set* call?
- What does an application tell the UA when a call is rejected?
- Lunch 1200-1300
Monday afternoon 1300-1800
- Implementation/testing status (1300-1330)
- General error handling principles - Anant (1330-1400)
- Presentation of principles
- Application to specific points in the API
- Call flows - Cullen’s sample flows - Cullen (1400-1500 - 1 hour)
- Walk through a flow or two, verify that we understand what the transitions mean
- Coffee break (1500-1530)
- States - Cullen, Justin (1530-1630)
- PeerConnection
- ICE agent
- What is exposed to application?
- Stats - Harald (1630-1730 - 1 hour)
- Conclude stats model
- Naming of stats
- Grouping of stats objects
- Specific stats for
- Transports
- ICE addresses / address pairs
- ???
- Conclude stats model
- Finish for the day (1800)
Tuesday morning 0830-1200
- Identity handling - EKR (0830-0930 - 1 hour)
- API functionality for remove stream - Harald (0930-0945 - 15 min)
- Empty indices in local/remoteStreams or not?
- Conclude DTMF (we hope) - Harald, Justin (0945-1000 - 15 min)
- Any Other Business (1000-1200)
- Items can be raised here from other slots at need
- End of WebRTC WG meeting (afternoon is Media Capture)
Media Capture TF meeting
See [1]
- media:MoreAPIs.pdf Stefan's slides - very first, very rough draft (and there are trailing slides after 15 that should have been removed)
- media:TPAC_2012_WEBRTC_hta.pdf - HTA's slides on various points
- media:TPAC_2012_WebRTC_error.pdf - Anant's slides on error handling
- media:RTCWeb-SDP-API_v6.pdf - Cullen/Martin slides on SDP
- media:WebRTC_CallFlow_v2.pdf - Cullen slides on Call Flows
- media:WebRTC_States_v2.pdf - Cullen/Justin slides on States
- media:idp-issues.pdf - EKR slides on Identity
- media:TPAC 2012 - DTMF.pptx - Justin's slides on DTMF
(anything below this is added after the meeting)