Tracker summary for Adam Bergkvist

Web Real-Time Communications Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 7 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-50 (edit) open Look at replacing mediaconstraints in createAnswer with a settings dictionary Adam Bergkvist 2012-06-18
ACTION-70 (edit) open Document SDP offer and answer validity lifetime ("until stable state") Adam Bergkvist 2012-11-22
ACTION-87 (edit) open Move ice candidate count from constraint to rtcconfiguratoin. Adam Bergkvist 2013-11-18
ACTION-88 (edit) open Remove '?' characters from all dictionaries. Adam Bergkvist 2013-11-18
ACTION-95 (edit) open go through all usage of constraints in webrtc and figure out how to deal with them (or find someone else to do that) Adam Bergkvist 2013-11-18
ACTION-98 (edit) open Modify the maxretransmittime and maxretransmits text to say that the max values do not require the implementation to go over its internal builtins Adam Bergkvist 2013-11-19
ACTION-100 (edit) open Clarify whether rtcdatachannel close and error events are mutually exclusive or whether error + close is possible Adam Bergkvist 2013-11-19

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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