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<trackbot> Date: 02 March 2011
<scribe> scribe: silvia
<scribe> Meeting: HTML-A11Y telecon
<scribe> Chair: John_Foliot
<scribe> agenda: this
nothing open other than Janina's item, which continues
silvia requested breakout for media
JF: ongoing discussions on list
will help get towards a resolution on media multitrack
... we may still need to have final discussions there
... I'll follow up with Mike and Michael
Judy: I was not planning to attend, but since we will do intensive media work, I have changed my flights
JF: we now have 8 possible options in the wiki
silvia: discussions are ongoing
… Eric posted the 8th option today, which we are now discussing in detail
scribe: Philip was strongly
advocating separate elements mostly because or rendering
... I think we have to look at the different options as to
their different approaches/requirements on rendering next
JF: has the CSS working group looked at this
Eric: no, but there are probably not many concerns for the CSS WG
silvia: I don't think it's a CSS side issue - it's more about how we expose the elements to CSS from the HTML side
JF: we'll just keep working on it on list, since we seem to be making progress
JF: is there any overlap with Issue-152?
silvia: yes, since we do need
tracks first before we can specify the navigation between
... I am mostly concerned about the book chapter / article /
word kind of navigation
(discussion about different technical ways of achieving this)
silvia proposes to have the navigation between explicit tracks of the video element
sean proposes that the markup could be within the loaded resource within a track
JF thinks it would be easier on authors if the different hierarchical navigation levels would be within a single chapter track file
plainly we need more on-list discussion
JF proposes this issue has to be addressed and solved by CR
<SeanH> I suggested that a DAISY NCX file is an existence proof
JF: we need to set up a wiki
... am hoping we can progress this to an issue before May
... it is a post-LC bug
Judy: it might be worth getting
additional input on what is happening after the 22nd May and
whether issues will still be addressed after this
... I am interested in how we would progress towards an
implementation of this
Eric: it is likely to have a
fairly large impact on implementation
... we are very far away from being available, since there is a
non-trivial amount of implementation necessary
JF: so the first non-trivial
amount of implementation will be the solution to multitrack
... I see the navigation as equally important
... I just want to make sure it doesn't slip
... is it realistic that we can work on this once we have
finalized the multitrack API
Eric: to large amount the issues are orthogonal, but we only have this much bandwidth to deal with spec changes
silvia: yes, I would think it makes sense to attack this bug after issue-152
JF: this is an acknowledge issue and we need to get it into the spec - probably before CR
Judy: should we bring it other people that can have the time to deal with this issue?
Eric: it is important to understand how this issue interacts with all the other issues and we've tried to get other interested to help in this field - I think it's unrealistic to try and bring in new blood and expect them to be faster in solving this than taking the sequential approach
JF: there is Mark from Netflix
now included also in the multitrack discussion, which is
... is it realistic to say that this is the next issue we
Judy: we also need to talk with Janina about this
JF: let's not discuss this now
silvia: as a related issue, I am
concerned about non-time-aligned text replacements for video,
e.g. short text that is being announced as you tab onto the
... is this something we need to analyse in a focused
JF: if you can't see it, you need the fallback
Eric: it is the same issue
whether the poster is an element or not
... this probably needs a bug in the tracker
<scribe> ACTION: John register a bug on "all media elements should have short and long text replacements associated with them" [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-107 - Register a bug on "all media elements should have short and long text replacements associated with them" [on John Foliot - due 2011-03-09].
silvia: note that there is also
issue-9 open
... and will be closed today if we don't speak up
Sean: are there open change proposals to this issue that would be closed with it?
JF: as long as the derivative
bugs and issues are not closed, it's probably ok to close
... it's probably not the intention of the chairs to close
other open issues just because this issue is closed
silvia: since we now have derivative bugs, it's probably ok to close it
eric: we got more concrete now and are dealing with the individual issues, it would be good to close issue-9
sean: the original multitrack change proposal was against issue-9, but that's mostly accepted now
JF: I also think we can take the scaffolding down now
Sean: I've been doing some
implementation work on the event model around track API
... the way that cues get added to the cue list, it's
impossible to get the handlers in place in time for them to be
... it would be good it people looked at this before the
silvia: is onchange not sufficient
sean: probably not - we need
information on the incoming and outgoing cue list
... it it was on the event rather than a list in the element,
that would be easier to deal with
... I've created a list around this and would appreciate it
being discussed at the F2F
JF: is this worthwhile filing it as a bug
Sean: I'd like to have a discussion before filing a specific bug
JF: let's keep discussing and note that it's something we want to talk about at the F2F
No more other business
We won't have a meeting on the 16th March
Given the F2F for the 19th and there is CSUN
But next week will be an active meeting
Meeting finished
rssagent, make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: silvia Inferring ScribeNick: silvia WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: A11Y JF Judy Sean SeanH Team_ WAI_PFWG active cgbg eric frankolivier html-a11y joined silvia svg timeline trackbot You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Found Date: 02 Mar 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: john[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]