See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 27 October 2010
jfkthame, i just checked in an update of woff with the ids and classes
<jfkthame> ChrisL: great, thanks
it has ugly formatting so i can see what I am doing
<jfkthame> :)
normative/informative references and markup prettifying not done yet
<jfkthame> ok
<scribe> scribe: ChrisL
ChrisL: anyone in WG can add
... checked in a modified spec with all conformance statements
fitted with class and id
<trackbot> ACTION-15 -- Jonathan Kew to split intro to remove these requirements and insert them into a new section, "normative references" -- due 2010-08-24 -- OPEN
jfkthame: pending, talked with chris
<trackbot> ACTION-23 -- Jonathan Kew to verify whether, with zlib, it's possible to have a stream that allows an EOF midstream, so extra data can be padded on mid-stream. -- due 2010-08-24 -- OPEN
jfkthame: still open
<trackbot> ACTION-24 -- Jonathan Kew to work with Chris L on reformatting footnotes section into normative and non normative references -- due 2010-08-24 -- OPEN
ChrisL: discussed on phone, in progress
<trackbot> ACTION-27 -- Chris Lilley to write up a test suite plan -- due 2010-08-25 -- OPEN
ChrisL: in progress
<trackbot> ACTION-29 -- John Hudson to review woff faq with chris and vlad -- due 2010-10-06 -- OPEN
John: was it ok?
ChrisL: yes, great
John: will sent to wg. need to list benefits of test suite
Vlad: also split benefits of webfonts in general and woff in particular
<trackbot> ACTION-33 -- Chris Lilley to write up the proposed text for WOFF processing model -- due 2010-10-27 -- OPEN
ChrisL: not yet
<trackbot> ACTION-35 -- Jonathan Kew to add the language expalining that attributes with 'id' as a name should not be treated as element ids. -- due 2010-10-27 -- OPEN
Vlad: editorial
... ok so that is all the open actions
Review WOFF spec text before Last Call
Minuted decision to go to Last Call
Review test plan, allocate actions for test creation
Meet with I18N, CSS WGs
Check with other WGs on length of review period for last call.
Demo of WOFF validator?
Vlad: no link to the wiki from the wb page
ChrisL: will add
sylvaing: conflict between svg
and webfonts
... thursday pm is FX TF also
ChrisL: yes I will be hopping
from one meeting to another
... will probably do mornings in webfonts and afternoons with
Vlad: need to check with I18N and
CSS WGs, also length of LC review
... is Tal at TPAC?
cslye: about joint meetings - is that in our timeslot or another time
Vlad: in our slot
... tal is not registered, maybe he can call in
<cslye> Follow-up: Do those WGs come in with their own agenda, or do we settle something ahead of time?
cslye: can be either way, depends
ChrisL (explains bad standing)
Vlad: so far its not needed
... anything else to add?
John: clear what room to go to?
ChrisL; ask at the info desk, they will direct you
cslye: got a travel advisory on Lyon
ChrisL (explains about train strikes and demos/rioting)
Vlad: planned strike on nov 6,
... (reviews list of attendees for tpac)
John: adam will probably be there
Vlad: need to pay more for late
... ok, that sit for today, see you next week
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: ChrisL Inferring ScribeNick: ChrisL Default Present: +44.184.426.aaaa, jfkthame, +1.781.970.aabb, +1.250.247.aacc, ChrisL, +1.408.536.aadd, cslye, John, sylvaing, Vlad, [Microsoft] Present: +44.184.426.aaaa jfkthame +1.781.970.aabb +1.250.247.aacc ChrisL +1.408.536.aadd cslye John sylvaing Vlad [Microsoft] Regrets: tal dave WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 27 Oct 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]