IRC log of webfonts on 2010-10-27
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 19:51:05 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #webfonts
- 19:51:05 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 19:51:07 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 19:51:07 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #webfonts
- 19:51:09 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 3668
- 19:51:09 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()4:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes
- 19:51:10 [trackbot]
- Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference
- 19:51:10 [trackbot]
- Date: 27 October 2010
- 19:57:06 [jfkthame_afk]
- jfkthame_afk has joined #webfonts
- 19:58:22 [Zakim]
- IA_Fonts()4:00PM has now started
- 19:58:30 [Zakim]
- + +44.184.426.aaaa
- 19:58:58 [jfkthame]
- zakim, aaaa is jfkthame
- 19:58:59 [Zakim]
- +jfkthame; got it
- 19:59:04 [Vlad]
- Vlad has joined #webfonts
- 19:59:22 [John]
- John has joined #webfonts
- 19:59:24 [ChrisL]
- jfkthame, i just checked in an update of woff with the ids and classes
- 19:59:37 [jfkthame]
- ChrisL: great, thanks
- 19:59:40 [Zakim]
- + +1.781.970.aabb
- 19:59:41 [ChrisL]
- it has ugly formatting so i can see what I am doing
- 19:59:45 [jfkthame]
- :)
- 20:00:05 [ChrisL]
- normative/informative references and markup prettifying not done yet
- 20:00:13 [Zakim]
- + +1.250.247.aacc
- 20:00:13 [jfkthame]
- ok
- 20:00:20 [ChrisL]
- zakim, code?
- 20:00:20 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 3668 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), ChrisL
- 20:01:14 [Zakim]
- +ChrisL
- 20:01:30 [sylvaing]
- sylvaing has joined #webfonts
- 20:01:32 [Zakim]
- + +1.408.536.aadd
- 20:01:45 [ChrisL]
- zakim, aadd is cslye
- 20:01:45 [Zakim]
- +cslye; got it
- 20:01:47 [John]
- zakim, aacc is John
- 20:01:47 [Zakim]
- +John; got it
- 20:01:51 [cslye]
- cslye has joined #webfonts
- 20:01:57 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 20:02:11 [sylvaing]
- Zakim, [Microsoft] has sylvaing
- 20:02:11 [Zakim]
- +sylvaing; got it
- 20:03:03 [ChrisL]
- zakim, who is here?
- 20:03:03 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see jfkthame, +1.781.970.aabb, John, ChrisL, cslye, [Microsoft]
- 20:03:05 [Zakim]
- [Microsoft] has sylvaing
- 20:03:06 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see cslye, sylvaing, John, Vlad, jfkthame, Zakim, RRSAgent, ChrisL, trackbot
- 20:03:33 [ChrisL]
- zakim, aabb is Vlad
- 20:03:33 [Zakim]
- +Vlad; got it
- 20:03:42 [ChrisL]
- scribe: ChrisL
- 20:03:49 [ChrisL]
- topic: finalize agenda
- 20:03:59 [ChrisL]
- 20:04:26 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: anyone in WG can add items
- 20:05:30 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: checked in a modified spec with all conformance statements fitted with class and id
- 20:05:49 [ChrisL]
- topic: open actions
- 20:05:51 [ChrisL]
- 20:06:09 [ChrisL]
- action-15?
- 20:06:09 [trackbot]
- ACTION-15 -- Jonathan Kew to split intro to remove these requirements and insert them into a new section, "normative references" -- due 2010-08-24 -- OPEN
- 20:06:09 [trackbot]
- 20:06:43 [ChrisL]
- jfkthame: pending, talked with chris
- 20:06:55 [ChrisL]
- action-23?
- 20:06:55 [trackbot]
- ACTION-23 -- Jonathan Kew to verify whether, with zlib, it's possible to have a stream that allows an EOF midstream, so extra data can be padded on mid-stream. -- due 2010-08-24 -- OPEN
- 20:06:55 [trackbot]
- 20:07:00 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft.a]
- 20:07:10 [ChrisL]
- jfkthame: still open
- 20:07:11 [sergeym]
- sergeym has joined #webfonts
- 20:07:18 [ChrisL]
- action-24?
- 20:07:18 [trackbot]
- ACTION-24 -- Jonathan Kew to work with Chris L on reformatting footnotes section into normative and non normative references -- due 2010-08-24 -- OPEN
- 20:07:18 [trackbot]
- 20:08:00 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: discussed on phone, in progress
- 20:08:16 [ChrisL]
- action-27?
- 20:08:16 [trackbot]
- ACTION-27 -- Chris Lilley to write up a test suite plan -- due 2010-08-25 -- OPEN
- 20:08:16 [trackbot]
- 20:08:23 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: in progress
- 20:08:32 [ChrisL]
- action-29?
- 20:08:32 [trackbot]
- ACTION-29 -- John Hudson to review woff faq with chris and vlad -- due 2010-10-06 -- OPEN
- 20:08:32 [trackbot]
- 20:08:56 [ChrisL]
- John: was it ok?
- 20:09:02 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: yes, great
- 20:09:26 [ChrisL]
- John: will sent to wg. need to list benefits of test suite
- 20:09:43 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: also split benefits of webfonts in general and woff in particular
- 20:10:01 [ChrisL]
- action-33?
- 20:10:01 [trackbot]
- ACTION-33 -- Chris Lilley to write up the proposed text for WOFF processing model -- due 2010-10-27 -- OPEN
- 20:10:01 [trackbot]
- 20:10:14 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: not yet
- 20:10:31 [ChrisL]
- action-35?
- 20:10:31 [trackbot]
- ACTION-35 -- Jonathan Kew to add the language expalining that attributes with 'id' as a name should not be treated as element ids. -- due 2010-10-27 -- OPEN
- 20:10:31 [trackbot]
- 20:10:37 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: editorial
- 20:10:55 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: ok so that is all the open actions
- 20:11:09 [ChrisL]
- 20:11:26 [ChrisL]
- Review WOFF spec text before Last Call
- 20:11:26 [ChrisL]
- Minuted decision to go to Last Call
- 20:11:26 [ChrisL]
- Review test plan, allocate actions for test creation
- 20:11:26 [ChrisL]
- Meet with I18N, CSS WGs
- 20:11:26 [ChrisL]
- Check with other WGs on length of review period for last call.
- 20:11:27 [ChrisL]
- Demo of WOFF validator?
- 20:12:16 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: no link to the wiki from the wb page
- 20:12:20 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: will add
- 20:13:26 [ChrisL]
- sylvaing: conflict between svg and webfonts
- 20:13:38 [ChrisL]
- sylvaing: thursday pm is FX TF also
- 20:13:59 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: yes I will be hopping from one meeting to another
- 20:14:56 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL: will probably do mornings in webfonts and afternoons with svg
- 20:15:26 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: need to check with I18N and CSS WGs, also length of LC review
- 20:15:37 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: is Tal at TPAC?
- 20:15:56 [ChrisL]
- cslye: about joint meetings - is that in our timeslot or another time
- 20:16:03 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: in our slot
- 20:16:36 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: tal is not registered, maybe he can call in
- 20:16:47 [ChrisL]
- regrets: tal, dave
- 20:16:55 [cslye]
- Follow-up: Do those WGs come in with their own agenda, or do we settle something ahead of time?
- 20:17:13 [ChrisL]
- cslye: can be either way, depends
- 20:18:09 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL (explains bad standing)
- 20:18:46 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: so far its not needed
- 20:19:12 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: anything else to add?
- 20:19:28 [ChrisL]
- John: clear what room to go to?
- 20:19:40 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL; ask at the info desk, they will direct you
- 20:21:30 [ChrisL]
- cslye: got a travel advisory on Lyon
- 20:21:46 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL (explains about train strikes and demos/rioting)
- 20:22:02 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: planned strike on nov 6, rumour
- 20:23:03 [ChrisL]
- vlad: (reviews list of attendees for tpac)
- 20:23:12 [ChrisL]
- John: adam will probably be there
- 20:23:37 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: need to pay more for late registration
- 20:23:50 [ChrisL]
- Vlad: ok, that sit for today, see you next week
- 20:23:53 [ChrisL]
- adjourned
- 20:23:56 [Zakim]
- -cslye
- 20:23:59 [Zakim]
- -Vlad
- 20:24:00 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 20:24:01 [Zakim]
- -ChrisL
- 20:24:02 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft.a]
- 20:24:02 [cslye]
- cslye has left #webfonts
- 20:24:03 [Zakim]
- -John
- 20:24:03 [Zakim]
- IA_Fonts()4:00PM has ended
- 20:24:05 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +44.184.426.aaaa, jfkthame, +1.781.970.aabb, +1.250.247.aacc, ChrisL, +1.408.536.aadd, cslye, John, sylvaing, Vlad, [Microsoft]
- 20:24:06 [ChrisL]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 20:24:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ChrisL
- 20:31:19 [jfkthame]
- jfkthame has left #webfonts
- 22:28:40 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #webfonts