HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

19 May 2010


See also: IRC log


John_Foliot, allanj, Michael_Cooper, Judy, Janina_Sajka, Sean_Hayes, Silvia, Frank_Olivier, Geoff_Freed, Eric_Carlson
allanj, janina


<trackbot> Date: 19 May 2010

<MichaelC> meeting: Media sub-group - HTML A11Y TF

<JF> == Agenda ==

<JF> 1. Action Review

<JF> www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/products/2 <http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/products/2>

<JF> 2. Requirements Gathering (Review); determine critical must haves for short term / identify longer term requirements

<JF> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/Accessibility_Requirements_of_Media

<JF> 3. Mapping requirements against existing proposals

<JF> 4. Other business?

<AllanJ> scribe: allanj

Action Items

<MichaelC> close action-30

<trackbot> ACTION-30 Look into structural navigation requirements closed

wiki update

All Judy's action items in progress, waiting on replies

<MichaelC> action-32 due 26 May

<trackbot> ACTION-32 Follow up w/ Gunnar Hellstrom on comprehensiveness of secondary signed channel requirements due date now 26 May

<MichaelC> action-42 due 26 May

<trackbot> ACTION-42 Organize a cross-check on requirements with JTC-1 user needs repository due date now 26 May

<MichaelC> action-43 due 26 May

<trackbot> ACTION-43 Seek deaf-blind representation in requirements gathering process due date now 26 May

JF and JB also checking on other deaf users for input

<MikeSmith> action-34?

<trackbot> ACTION-34 -- Sean Hayes to write transcript requirements -- due 2010-05-19 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/34

<MichaelC> close action-34

<trackbot> ACTION-34 Write transcript requirements closed

JF: GFreed will be a bit late, review his action when he arrives
... otherwise defer to next week.

Requirements Review

JB: are we close to a survey, or still to rough

JF: thinks need a first walk through.
... email has been sent to full task force, but little response

JS: most who care are already engaged

JB: perhaps take 15 min on a full task force call to gauge reaction

JS: +1

JF: discoverablity is critical. is there that much question about this. do we need to bring it to the whole task force

<janina> scribe: janina

ja: the ability to find out what's there, and make selections.

<AllanJ> Eric: need explanation for implementation

judy: some of these may need more explanation in terms of impact on users

eric: exactly!
... that would be majorly helpful in the wider html-wg

<AllanJ> scribe: allanj

<silvia> +q

JF: need examples. there needs to be a button in the UI to notify the user that captions are available

sylvia: from user point of view, the requirements are obvious for accessibility folks.
... for engineers, need a different set of language, so they know what we want. need example for how they can be realized.
... discoverability: a button to expose a list of caption language files available to the user

JB: the narrative description is getting longer. the bullets don't seem to be as comprehensive.
... section heading seem confusing. references 'requirements' heading and narrative that follows
... there may be a continuum for what the user needs vs what engineers need
... keep requirements to user needs and basic technical functions. and leave the examples to later

js: confusion results from ad hoc creation from multiple authors
... take note that engineers need more explanation because they are not accessibility folks.

need to do it now

JF: good point from sylvia and eric, need more explanation

<silvia> +q

JF: how much detail to engineers want, images, text etc.

eric: depends on reqirement. discoverability - a sentance or two, similar to what sylvia said is sufficient.
... need something to help then understand

jb: graphics would be tough and time consuming

sylvia: structure of wiki doc is inaccessible cognitively
... want numbered statements with examples
... it is really free form. needs more structure. going to walk trhough and extra requirements and view it from engineers perspective
... this would show the need for examples
... needs to be more concrete.

jb: regard to sylvia. review of requirements documents - there are a few that have terse useful formats
... rather than starting another page, perhaps restructure the current document
... convert one section, or add a restructure section
... current doc seems upside down. narrative on top followed by list

sylvia: didn't want to overload the document. need numbers and a bit more meat.
... will write email to restructure current doc and send to list

jf: trying to do 2 things
... educational document, to understand the need in narrative
... engineering doc pick list of requirements
... tension/conflict between the purposes.
... perhaps reverse the document list then narrative

jb: have had this discussion before. more concerned about the heading labels.
... other requirements documents have narrative and lists. not a problem. need both. need a structure to help it 'sing'

jf: discussion of word smithing options.

jb: first section should be called 'use cases' and requirement should be above the list at the bottom

gf: added the narrative. opening could be edited down. leave prose at beginning with list at the end. need the context

jf: change headings, then add bullets.

sh: make prose one document and numbered requirements in a separate doc

jb: want one document

js: that is cross referenced.

sh: wants a nice list, not interspersed with prose

<Zakim> Sean, you wanted to say the intention was originally to do exactly what Silivia is proposing

jb: sylvia said she would restructure the requirements

js: are we done with gathering

jb: not yet, we are awaiting LD and deafblind and dyslexic feed back

sh: need to add in some cognitive stuff
... there is more to come.
... should move on the numbered list creation

sylvia: its a wiki, so can be a live document. need numbered requirements

<scribe> ACTION: sylvia to structure requirements into a numbered system [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/05/19-html-a11y-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - silvia

<scribe> ACTION: silvia to structure requirements into a numbered system [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/05/19-html-a11y-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-45 - Structure requirements into a numbered system [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2010-05-26].

silvia: will post sample to the list

jf: should we go through all requirements, or wait for restructure

jb: wait

jf: need to map requirements to prose

js: pleased with document. BUT, it is living in the wrong place.
... it should live in the task force wiki, not the html wiki

jf: tend to agree. finding content is hard. having it all in 1 wiki makes logical sense. moving it would be easy

silvia: could do this as part of action

jf: great, put a link in old page to new home.

<silvia> TF wiki: http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Main_Page

jb: task force has a wiki. concerned that the WBS survey may have difficulty linking to dynamic doc

mc: will create a static snap shot for each survey
... will make it work (admin details)

other business

jf: question - google announcement of WEBM media wrapper. must be vp8 video, theora for audio. is it possible to add captions

eric: should be possible. would be a good question for html working list

jf: will post question

gf: +1 to jf. project page explicitly states video and audio tracks, what about other tracks or multiple tracks

silvia: SRT works in matroska, other tracks should be possible

<silvia> matroska

eric: they are specifically using a subset.

js: gf close action item?
... eric please give a list of what needs expansion - engineering examples

eric: will be done by next weeks call

jf: action-41 on gf

<MichaelC> close action-41

<trackbot> ACTION-41 Review use cases section of media requirements document closed

rrsaent, set logs public

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: silvia to structure requirements into a numbered system [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/05/19-html-a11y-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: sylvia to structure requirements into a numbered system [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/05/19-html-a11y-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/05/19 23:07:59 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

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Found Scribe: allanj
Inferring ScribeNick: AllanJ
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina
Found Scribe: allanj
Inferring ScribeNick: AllanJ
Scribes: allanj, janina
ScribeNicks: AllanJ, janina
Present: John_Foliot allanj Michael_Cooper Judy Janina_Sajka Sean_Hayes Silvia Frank_Olivier Geoff_Freed Eric_Carlson
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2010May/0137.html
Found Date: 19 May 2010
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2010/05/19-html-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: silvia sylvia

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]