23 Apr 2010

See also: IRC log


+1.202.441.aaaa, Sandro, +1.703.880.aabb, +1.518.276.aacc, mhausenblas, George, Cory, Li_Ding, edsu, +1.202.236.aadd



OData and Linked Data

<mhausenblas> http://webofdata.wordpress.com/2010/04/14/oh-it-is-data-on-the-web/

<mhausenblas> http://www.odata.org/blog/2010/4/22/queryable-odata-metadata

mhausenblas: odate = atompub, + some data structure stuff, no links, no schema discovery
... very recently, Alex James posted about how to do some kinds of schema / link discovery
... So maybe they are now thinking in that direction; we'll see where the community goes
... Maybe try to convert linked data into odata, not the other way around.
... odata has of course some impact in industry.
... embrace, and look for things to share for mutual benefit.

<mhausenblas> http://webofdata.wordpress.com/2010/04/14/oh-it-is-data-on-the-web/#comment-459

sandro: So, LD payload in OData as distribution mechanism?

mhausenblas: not exactly. is it a competition?
... Just make sure http uris, etc, core things there, can go from one to the other.

sandro: So you're saying: extend odata as much as possible so that it's just another RDF syntax?

mhausenblas: Yes.
... Being atom, it can do that.
... But that's not how it's used.

Cory: So it's just data? It's not linked? How is it not just XML?

mhausenblas: If you talk about a person in two places, they are not linked together.

george: I wish Ed were here. He had a deep look at odata.

mhausenblas: Yeah, you can type the links in atom, but people don't.

<mhausenblas> http://inkdroid.org/journal/2009/11/04/skos-as-atom/

<mhausenblas> edsu's RDF-Atom mapping discussion

mhausenblas: Maybe invite Alex to join us.
... People are certainly paying some attention to MS in this space, and it would be good for us to be clear about the story, and promote interop if possible.


<mhausenblas> PROPOSAL: mhausenb to invite Alex James to talk about OData in the eGov IG


<mhausenblas> ACTION: mhausenb to invite Alex James to talk about OData in the eGov IG [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/23-egov-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Could not create new action (unparseable data in server response: No child element named 'id') - please contact sysreq with the details of what happened.

<mhausenblas> http://esw.w3.org/DatasetDynamics

<mhausenblas> http://groups.google.com/group/dataset-dynamics

<edsu> mhausenblas: thanks

<mhausenblas> yw, edsu ;)

<edsu> just found Towards Dataset Dynamics: Change Frequency of Linked Open Data Sources: http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2010/papers/ldow2010_paper12.pdf

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/wiki/TWC_Data-gov_Vocabulary_Proposal#Change_of_dataset

<edsu> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/raw/92/today-raw-ping.rss RSS for data.gov from RPI

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/wiki/Demo:_Tracking_Changes_of_data.gov_Catalog_via_RSS

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/raw/92/today-raw-ping.rss

<edsu> mhausenblas++

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/raw/92/diff-data-92.rss

<dingl> https://twitter.com/datagovwiki

<Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to ask re vocab (see also http://vocab.deri.ie/dady)

<mhausenblas> http://vocab.deri.ie/dady

<dingl> thanks

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/wiki/TWC_Data-gov_Vocabulary_Proposal#Overview

<edsu> dingl: not sure if you picked this up from richard's presentation of a few weeks ago, but they have a demo for dcat http://lab.linkeddata.deri.ie/govcat/

<dingl> yes

<dingl> I saw that

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/vocab/Dataset_34

thanks, George, for driving this....

<dingl> we have some similar demos

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/wiki/Demo:_Faceted_browsing_on_data.gov_dataset_catalog

<dingl> http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/wiki/Demo:_Semantic_Search_of_the_Data-gov_Catalog

<dingl> the above two links are related to dcat usage

<dingl> we use a slightly different vocabulary

<dingl> the raw data is at http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/raw/92/data-92.rdf

<dingl> I guess that will be two parts

<dingl> 1. listing of vocabularies

<dingl> 2. demos that use the vocabulary

<dingl> w3c has a lot of credibility

geroge: dataset-92 should not be taken as constrainting; we can expand it, if there's a reason.

li; Let's make dcat smaller.

<dingl> right,

<dingl> In general, dublin core terms are sufficient enough

<edsu> thanks george :-)

<mhausenblas> thanks all - very productive meeting

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: mhausenb to invite Alex James to talk about OData in the eGov IG [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/23-egov-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/04/23 13:15:50 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: sandro
Inferring Scribes: sandro
Default Present: +1.202.441.aaaa, Sandro, +1.703.880.aabb, +1.518.276.aacc, mhausenblas, George, Cory, Li_Ding, edsu, +1.202.236.aadd
Present: +1.202.441.aaaa Sandro +1.703.880.aabb +1.518.276.aacc mhausenblas George Cory Li_Ding edsu +1.202.236.aadd

WARNING: No meeting title found!
You should specify the meeting title like this:
<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Got date from IRC log name: 23 Apr 2010
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2010/04/23-egov-minutes.html
People with action items: mhausenb

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You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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