Andrew: Web managers are people involved in a higher capacity at managing the Website but not necessarily the day to day running of the Website
Michael: The right participants are targeted but not sure if Web Manager is a common term.
Darren: not sure what term to use other than Web Manager. Know's what the role is but can't think of a definitive title.
Andrew: Will ask EO at next meeting
<Andrew> maybe .... and anyone else involved in the web within the organisation
Michael: Content for this group is OK. Questions the use of "Older People" as it's the only user group mentioned here
Andrew: Used to relate and link back to the topics listed.
Michael: Maybe we should extend
the topic title
... My understanding of topics is a short overview of content
for this part but the terms look more like picking out some
... Move the outline to the left and say that we will cover
these topics
Andrew: At one stage we did have
more coverage rather than a short title for the topic in that
... idea of swapping columns might be sensible. Instead of
calling the column topics, call it background
Darren: agrees
Michael: in Outline column, move
the third bullet to second place as it relates more to the
... Focus more on people at the start and what it's like to use
the Web in every day life.
Andrew: Move WAI Guidelines to second last?
Michael: move WCAG to last bullet
Darren: agrees with Michael's suggestion
Helle: agrees with Michael
<Andrew> day 1 - part 2 ...
Michael: generally fine. Second
bullet is usually not very interesting, but depends on the
target group.
... Need to add something about not making a separate version
of the page
... specifically wrt Ajax and Scripting, e.g. with forms
Andrew: Might change "Discuss" to "Mention"
Michael: More a problem with Web applications that use AJAX and some times people provide a classic form for accessibility reasons.
<Andrew> ... rather than progressive enhancement
<Andrew> Day 1 - Part 3
Darren: Should add links to some material.
Andrew: Maybe add a paragraph saying that material should be used at presenters discretion. Was trying to write it from the perspective of what the audience might need to know about.
Michael: SOE -> SEO
<Andrew> ACTION: andrew to spell out or add acronym tags to SEO, BAD, CMS etc [recorded in]
Michael: Can we skip the nesting of lists and find some introduction for the second list
Andrew: Will move the nesting
back. Short paragraph and then a bullet
... add links to "conduct a hands-on experiential session" so
that presenters don't have to look it up
Michael: Might mention
synchronised media e.g. video and audio.
... and mention
caption, audio description, transcripts for content
Andrew: It is in the next session but we could mention it here
Michael: maybe write multimedia in brackets so people understand
Andrew: Day 2 & 3
Michael: Need some topic designing for accessibility e.g. where to put labels etc but not sure where to put it.
Andrew: Maybe change attendees to Designers and Developers.
Michael: usually designers are not in house but if you are contracting a designer you have to ensure that they design for accessibility
Andrew: Maybe we need a point that falls under the heading of accessible design e.g. colour, white space, linearisation
Michael: maybe break up the content into parts
Andrew: We could have a day 2 and
day 3 table.
... WCAG use should be changed to WCAG 2
Michael: Expand the WAI-ARIA
... also include PDF
Andrew: have a bi-line saying that additional sessions maybe required for other technologies such as PDF, Flash etc
Andrew: Should we keep the topics in brackets e.g. Movement (scrolling text, animations, flashing/flickering (seizures), etc)
Darren: Acts as a useful reminder so could stay
Michael: agrees.
Andrew: Have we missed any useful reminders
Michael: "meaningful sequence"
should be a bullet by itself
... including
ability to get to the important content
... and semantic structure
Michael: Orientation in complex pages is also important in meaningful sequence. As long as we don't have landmark roles we need to guide people. (e.g. guiding people through with other means such as hidden headings)
michael: consider moving conformance bullet to Evaluation section
Andrew: Should we have a test at the end of training
Michael: Can use a kind of
brainstorm to se if people have picked up what they should have
learnt then discuss it in a group.
... Don't do exams and no written test. Just brainstorming and
... WAI-ARIA and scripting. Important that you also tell people
about concepts such as progressive enhancement and guiding
people through interactions
Andrew: Four other examples. Look through these and send in any comments.