See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 02 February 2010
<Manfred_DERI> i may have to leave early today (and possibly abrupt) - 2 sick kids ...
<Manfred_DERI> sorry
<Holger> not a problem
<laurent_oz> [IPcaller] is laurent_oz
<Holger> ScribeNick: kelsey
<kelsey2> Holger, lost my irc connection under kelsey (currently scribe) and am reconnected under kelsey2
<Holger> ScribeNick: kelsey2
<krp> 2. How mappings can be constructed both from these ontolgies to existing standards and from suitably annotated documents complying with existing standards to the ontologies.
<krp> +q
<laurent_oz> See also
<kelsey3> Holger, back again as kelsey3
<Holger> ScribeNick: kelsey3
<michael> +q
<krzysztof_j> ack
<Holger> vote on option 'do not change wording of del 2'
<Payam> -1
<krp> -1
<Holger> -1
<michael> -1
<Manfred_DERI> -1
<cory> -1
<kerry> -1
<Danh_DERI> -1
<laurent_oz> 0
<krzysztof_j> 0
<Holger> vote on option 'delete del 2'
<krp> What is the deliverable (specifically) in "demonstrate"?
<krp> So in the latter demonstrate = document (ok)
<Holger> vote on option 'delete del 2'
<krzysztof_j> -1
<Payam> -1
<krp> -1
<michael> -1
<laurent_oz> -1
<cory> -1
<Arthur> -1
<kerry> -1
<Holger> -1
<Danh_DERI> -1
<Manfred_DERI> -1
<Payam> I can do this
<Manfred_DERI> thanks!
<Holger> ScribeNick: Payam
we decided to change the wording for deliverable 2
and we decided not to delet it
option3: demonstrate its relationships to OGC sensor web enablement standards
Kerry: this very close to what we are currently doing
<krzysztof_j> (maybe "investigate" instead of "demonstrate" as demonstrate sound like having many examples, demos,....)
<krp> Demonstrating the relationship to OGC SWE doesn't preclude demonstrating the relationship to anything else or more specific... just sets our minimum... so good to keep it open like this
Kerry: to use the word demonstrate
<krzysztof_j> +q
<krp> (and yes, krzysztof, demonstrate comes across the same to me)
Holger: demostrating the relationships with examples?
<Manfred_DERI> investigate sounds very weak to me without us expecting a clear outcome
Kerry: no, using examples plus using referencing to other standards and documenting where the terms and concepts come from
<Manfred_DERI> i.e., no commitment
<krp> Also think it's good to keep this distinct from the annotation in the 3rd deliverable.
krzysztof_j: Demonstrate may be an application oriented context, e.g a prototype
<krp> Document? (though of course, that comes from the context of being in a document!)
<Manfred_DERI> +q
<krzysztof_j> and how do you show?
<krp> with a mapping? ;)
<krzysztof_j> ;-)
Manfred: Demonstrate is showing
the approach showing that it works not nessaccerily providing
an implmentation
... we don not need to do a formal evaluation
<Manfred_DERI> -q
Manfred: evaluate will be too formal
<Manfred_DERI> also weak, IMHO
<Manfred_DERI> +q
descibe would be a weak terminology
What about illustrate?
<krzysztof_j> ack
<Manfred_DERI> +1
<krp> +1
now we have suggestions to use words "demonstrate" or "illustrate"
voting on "illustrate", "describe", "demonstrate", "document", "investigate",
we have a vonte on illustrate and demonstrate:
the proposal is illusatrate
<krzysztof_j> +1 (illustrate)
<krp> +1
<Manfred_DERI> +1
<cory> +1
<michael> 0
<Arthur> +1
<Danh_DERI> +1(illustrate)
<Holger> 0
<laurent_oz> 0
the word will be "illustrate"
The phrase is "illustrates it relationships to OGC Sensor Web Enablement standards
<michael> +1
"illustrates itsw relationships to OGC Sensor Web Enablement standards
<michael> sorry 'its'
<Manfred_DERI> +1
we are voting on " illustrates its relationships to OGC Sensor Web Enablement standards
<Manfred_DERI> +1
<krzysztof_j> +1
<Arthur> +1
<krp> +1
<Danh_DERI> +1
<cory> +1
<michael> +1
<laurent_oz> 0
<Holger> +1
<kerry> +1
we agreed on the phrase: " illustrates its relationships to OGC Sensor Web Enablement standards
we now discuss how long to extend
we are voting on:
we request WC3 to extend the term of the Incubator group
<Holger> +1
let's vote:
<kerry> +1
<krp> +1
<Arthur> +1
<krzysztof_j> +1
<Manfred_DERI> +1`
<cory> +1
<Danh_DERI> 0
<laurent_oz> +1
We agreed to request for an extention
the 2nd issue: how long to extend to
Kerry: 6 month?
<laurent_oz> +q
<Manfred_DERI> I am not sure if we will get 6 months
<Manfred_DERI> did other XGs get 6 months?
<Manfred_DERI> if we want 6 months we have to provide a clear time plan IMHO
Kerry: we can apply for a 4 to 6 months extention
<Manfred_DERI> +q
<Manfred_DERI> -q
<Manfred_DERI> ok, that sounds ok then
sounds ok
voting on 6 months extention
<Danh_DERI> +1
<Manfred_DERI> +1
<Arthur> +1
<krp> +1
<cory> +1
<Holger> +1
<kerry> +1
<krzysztof_j> +1
<michael> +1
<laurent_oz> +1
We agreed to request for a 6 months extention
<scribe> ACTION: Kerry will bring it forward to W3C [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-5 - Will bring it forward to W3C [on Kerry Taylor - due 2010-02-09].
<laurent_oz> +q
<scribe> ACTION: Kerry will bring the 6 months extention request forward to W3C [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-6 - Will bring the 6 months extention request forward to W3C [on Kerry Taylor - due 2010-02-09].
<krzysztof_j> bye
<cory> bye
<kerry> -kerry
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: kelsey WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <kelsey> ... Found ScribeNick: kelsey2 Found ScribeNick: kelsey3 Found ScribeNick: Payam Inferring Scribes: kelsey, kelsey2, kelsey3, Payam Scribes: kelsey, kelsey2, kelsey3, Payam ScribeNicks: kelsey, kelsey2, kelsey3, Payam Default Present: Holger, Payam, AdrianP, Arthur, krzysztof_j, Manfred_DERI, krp, kelsey, michael, kerry, cory, [IPcaller] Present: Holger Payam AdrianP Arthur krzysztof_j Manfred_DERI krp kelsey michael kerry cory [IPcaller] Regrets: Luis Found Date: 02 Feb 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: kerry WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]