See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 27 January 2010
Conrad, are you reading IRC only?
<scribe> Scribe: Raphael
<scribe> scribenick: raphael
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 20 January 2009 telecon:
<davy> +1
<trackbot> ACTION-127 -- Yves Lafon to look for the charter extension -- due 2010-01-20 -- OPEN
Minutes of 24/01 are accepted
<trackbot> ACTION-127 -- Yves Lafon to look for the charter extension -- due 2010-01-20 -- OPEN
Thierry is taking care of that
Thierry: we discuss yesterday the
charter, and Philippe agree to one year extension for working
on Media Fragment 1.0 only
... I made the request today to W3M
... I expect a positive answer since the domain leader
... I and Philippe emphasize we need to go to last call
Goal: important f2f next month, try to solve all issues in order to be prepared to be last call in March
Draft agenda:
Erik: I will update the venue details on the wiki
Thierry: I will book zakim for
these 2 days
... 08 and 09 March, 08:00 AM till 18:00 PM European time
Raphael: please, enter topic of
discussion of things you would like to have sorted out during
the f2f meeting
... ALL, complete
Silvia: I pointed out a weird character in the document
Raphael: might be an encoding problem ... UTF-8 displays solves it
<scribe> ACTION: troncy to fix the weird character in the spec document [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - troncy
trackbot, status
Silvia: feedback from FOMS
... discussion about Focus Attention behavior
... see
... discussion between Conrad, I and Mozilla firefox developers
and Philip
... we need to look at the # as a focus in the player
... comes back at the in-context / out-of-context previous
... we should recommend what a UA should do in the UI when it
is displaying a media fragment
Davy: for the spatial fragment, you will recommend that a UA will draw a rectangle on the region ?
Silvia: A browser can always
overrule what we say
... we haven't really dicussed spatial fragments
... spatial is anyways very spatial, is it really a fragment
... we have discussed the temporal fragment, 99% of our use
cases :-)
Raphael: I agree, let's focus on
the temporal fragment rendering in UI
... I'm looking at
... the Section 5 of the current draft
<foolip> oh noes, I missed it didn't I?
nope philip, not yet
we are half of the telecon :-)
<foolip> oh, we started 30 minutes ago, righht?
<scribe> ACTION: Silvia to draft a new subsection in the Section 5 regarding the rendering in the UI of media fragments, at least for the temporal dimension [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-130 - Draft a new subsection in the Section 5 regarding the rendering in the UI of media fragments, at least for the temporal dimension [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2010-02-03].
Silvia: I haven't thought about other dimensions
Davy: I will think about rendering for other dimensions (spatial and tracks)
Raphael: another thread of discussion on the mailing list has been triggered by Werner: temporal fragments of media with time stamps
My summary:
Raphael: how should we handle
... SMPTE was motivated by frame-based access to media
Silvia: let's restrict to time
continuous type of media
... timestamps are just markers
<silvia> contiguously marked SMPTE time codes
ACYTION: Davy to write down a new ISSUE in the tracker regarding the problem raised by werner (see also raphael's summary)
<scribe> ACTION: Davy to write down a new ISSUE in the tracker regarding the problem raised by werner (see also raphael's summary) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-131 - Write down a new ISSUE in the tracker regarding the problem raised by werner (see also raphael's summary) [on Davy Van Deursen - due 2010-02-03].
Last thing we need to discuss are the proposed changes of Philip
<foolip> lucky I got here in time then :)
Philip, are you joining us on the phone ?
We would like to discuss your proposed changes
<foolip> I'll see if I can phone in
Raphael: Why did we choose ABNF syntax in a first place ?
Silvia: can't remember why we choosed that
Raphael: let's ask Yves if he
agrees to this change
... and more generally, to the group for the new
<scribe> ACTION: Raphael will ask on the mailing list if anybody has any problem with these changes proposed by Philip [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Raphael
Silvia: we should clearly mark
the stable sections in the document
... for the mozilla developpers
<foolip> and Opera developers :)
of course :-)
Philip: one more issue ... dealing with decimal point ?
trackbot, status
<scribe> ACTION: Philip to send to the mailing list a description of a new issue to be discussed (dealing with decimal for specifying time?) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-132 - Send to the mailing list a description of a new issue to be discussed (dealing with decimal for specifying time?) [on Philip Jägenstedt - due 2010-02-03].
Silvia: I think we mainly now need to discuss the section 5.2.1.x
<scribe> ACTION: Erik will try to generate some time diagram for the protocol description in the section 5.2.1.x [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-133 - Will try to generate some time diagram for the protocol description in the section 5.2.1.x [on Erik Mannens - due 2010-02-03].
Raphael: ALL to not forget to add items for the agenda for the upcoming F2F meeting
[meeting adjourned]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/paragrphs/paragraphs/ Found Scribe: Raphael Inferring ScribeNick: raphael Found ScribeNick: raphael Present: Erik Davy Raphael Conrad_(IRC) Silvia Philip Regrets: Jack Yves Michael Agenda: Found Date: 27 Jan 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: davy erik philip raphael silvia troncy try will[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]