See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 02 September 2009
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 26 August 2009 telecon
<silvia> +1
<davy> +1
Minutes accepted
<Yves> +1
Quick poll:
We are still missing answers from Jack and Conrad
scribe: we are likely to meet during these 2 time slots on Thu 17 and Fri 18/09
Anyone has a proposal for a virtual blackboard tool we could use ?
<tmichel> I can book Zakim
<scribe> ACTION: Thierry to book Zakim on Th 17 and Fri 18/09, from 10:00 till 12:00 CET [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-102 - Book Zakim on Th 17 and Fri 18/09, from 10:00 till 12:00 CET [on Thierry Michel - due 2009-09-09].
<tmichel> Ok will convert To prper Time
Yves and I will most likely share an office during the call
<trackbot> ACTION-101 -- Yves Lafon to write a UC describing the use of aspect ratio feature and thus motivating its usage -- due 2009-09-02 -- OPEN
<scribe> ... pending
Raphael: reviews of our documents
will come from the Media Annotations WG (Felix), and TimedText
... Chris from SVG said that they were interested to review it,
but I don't know whether they have done something
Yves: I will relaunch TAG early next week
3.1: Terminology
Silvia: proposal to replace all occurence of URI by URI Ref, see
Michael gave a +1 on the mailing list to this proposal
<davy> +1
<tmichel> +1
Silvia: Yves, what is your take on that?
<tmichel> we could also say that when we say URI we mean URI reference
<silvia> <- title
Yves: if we use the term URI ref, will the people understand what we mean?
Silvia: alternative (also suggested by Thierry) to add a paragraph clarifying our statement
<tmichel> +1 for a preliminary paragraph
Silvia: I'm ok with that, just wanted to point out the issue
<scribe> ACTION: silvia to write such a paragraph in our 2 documents, most likely within the Terminology sections [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-103 - Write such a paragraph in our 2 documents, most likely within the Terminology sections [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2009-09-09].
3.2 Syntax
Proposal for RESOLUTION: we will *NOT* allow editUnits
for specifying the temporal dimension
<silvia> +1
<davy> +1
<Yves> +1
Yves: also to not fall in the trap of the MPEG-21 complexity
RESOLUTION: we will *NOT* allow editUnits for specifying the temporal dimension
Discussion 2: have absolute time specification that contains day and year
Silvia: all done, using the clock scheme, added in the document and wiki
Silvia: based on the HTML5/SMIL EBNF syntax
<trackbot> ACTION-49 -- Yves Lafon to draft the HTTP-Range syntax for different units (completing all the syntax for the two way handshake) -- due 2009-09-02 -- OPEN
<silvia> am hoping we can get a reference implementation using flumotion for the clock time spec
Yves: ongoing, but will have things done at the end of this week ... At least for seconds, so people can implement
3.3 UA Server HTTP Communication
The respective role of ? and #: see Silvia's blog post at
Yves: what are the issues ?
... we could mandate the use of ? when there is transcoding
... since a new resource is created
... while # will be used in other cases
Yves: the URI template might be usable now
Silvia: what the URI template will be used for?
Yves: it will be useful in the case of ? ... to say that the server is aware of how to process media sub-resources
Silvia: I wouldn't prescribe
... I would rather say that URI template is useful in the case
of ? but not make it dependent
Yves: it is mostly used in
definition, no need for implementation
... I'm not sure this is the right solution, but worth to
Silvia: yes, we might do a URI
template for the ?
... actually, I would look into it
<scribe> ACTION: Yves to start a thread on the mailing list to summarize the state of the discussion regarding ? and # (? when transcoding happening, #for other cases) + use of URI template for ? [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-104 - Start a thread on the mailing list to summarize the state of the discussion regarding ? and # (? when transcoding happening, #for other cases) + use of URI template for ? [on Yves Lafon - due 2009-09-09].
<trackbot> ACTION-69 -- Conrad Parker to draw a representation of the general structure of a media resource, for streamable formats (H/H' + K + D1 + D2 + D3) -- due 2009-04-24 -- OPEN
I will ping Conrad what's the status
<trackbot> ACTION-93 -- Michael Hausenblas to revisit the TC and see which are effected by the temporal-optional-comma-decision -- due 2009-07-29 -- OPEN
still pending while I have closed ACTION-99
Michael tool:
Should we use this tool that Michael hacks ?
Yves: I'm happy if Michael wants to further develop it
Raphael: do we have already feedback to provide to Michael ?
Raphael: I'm happy with the tool
<silvia> I think this table needs row numbers
Raphael: I interpret your silence as you would not mind to add new TC and interact with them
Feature proposal: add row numbers in the table
thanks Silvia
<silvia> also, somebody needs to add the other discussed test cases :)
Raphael: yes, we will ask Michael :-)
Silvia: nice demo, play it at
Blog post:
Silvia: what I have done is to
showcase for the HTML5 WG what the media frag spec could
... I don't cover all the spec, temporal dimension only and
simple way of specifying time
... no error handling
... basic goal is to replicate YouTube functionalities ... but
cooler ;-)
... everything implemented in Javascript
... it will become much more complicated if we implement all
the schemes we foresee in the spec
... but the proof of concept is more important at this
Raphael: would you mind to cc the Media Fragments WG if you advertise this demo to the WHAT/HTML5 mailing lists ?
Silvia: no problem
Raphael: perhaps warn the
audience that this does not cover the protocol part of the
spec, how the bits will be send between the server and the
... but on client side, it shows nicely what the media
fragments URI spec will enable
Silvia: I have to use a hack for
caching / optimizing the media duration and not perform look up
all the time
... Mozilla guys are happy to make this feature standard
... this is particular to the ogg format
... can I get approval from the group for advertizing this work
to WHAT?
Raphael: absolutely !
<davy> +1
<conrad> +1
Conrad, you're not on the phone, I need to chase you for some actions ... pending and overdue
is there any strong constraint with this hour for you?
<trackbot> ACTION-90 -- Davy Van Deursen to provide a pointer to Yves to a lib he can use to slice media files -- due 2009-10-14 -- OPEN
Davy: still pending, it is more
complicated than what I thought ...
... there is service, but these are not libraries we can
<conrad> raphael, sorry, no strong constraint, i was delayed coming home from work
Davy: we will use our platform,
but we need to provide the interface
... for Yves's hacking
... I will write more information on the wiki page when this is
... should be done by 17/09/2009
Wiki page:
<silvia> ok
Silvia, could you add your demo on this page?
Is there any other business you would like to discuss?
Conrad, could you please fill asap ?
Raphael: we should think about the structure for the virtual meeting
<Yves> yep
Discussion: ? vs # / implementations / protocol stuff / test cases
Conrad: we need the status of
your actions
... and we need to have a telecon on the protocol
when can we have that?
<silvia> how is Action-69? Is it too hard to draw? would it be better to describe?
<conrad> action 69 is not yet done
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 69
<conrad> i have some diagrams close to that ;-)
<trackbot> ACTION-69 -- Conrad Parker to draw a representation of the general structure of a media resource, for streamable formats (H/H' + K + D1 + D2 + D3) -- due 2009-04-24 -- OPEN
Conrad: I have already diagrams close to that
it would be great if you could make one of the two time slots