See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 14 July 2009
trackbot, start telcon
<trackbot> Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 14 July 2009
<alewis> we have a problem.
<alewis> zakim doesn't have us scheduled on the bridge.
does that mean we won't get access ?
<alewis> it means we can't dial in.
<Phil> right... it doesn't recognize the usual passcode
<alewis> i'm trying to find out if there's a way to schedule on the fly.
<alewis> unfortunately, yves is on holiday, so he prolly can't help us.
looks like a manual process
<eric> That also indicates two days notice.
yes :-(
<alewis> umm. eric, do you have a teleconference number that we could resort to?
<alewis> or ... anyone else have a bridge?
<alewis> ah, yves!
<alewis> happy bastille day!
<Yves> thanks ;)
<Phil> I have a call-in # that we could use if we need to
<Yves> I'll check what happenned tomorrow wrt phone number
<Yves> well conf code
<eric> That number worked for me.
thanks Yves!
<eric> Indeed!
<alewis> viva la revolution!
<scribe> scribe: mark
all: No problems
Eric: No progress on 32
Derek: No progress on 68
Eric: Action 89 is done
email to be discussed in agenda item 6
Peter: Made contact with CXF team re: action 90
Peter: Some SOAP/JMS changes
checked into CXF - no work done on WSDL
... Will add details into email
close action-89
<trackbot> ACTION-89 Review the test assertion IDs to see which ones we _really_ need to test closed
close action-90
<trackbot> ACTION-90 Follow up contacts with CXF to find out timeframes etc. closed
Eric: No feedback / objections to updated submission
Eric: Need to assess what we need
to do to get this to RFC
... Have contacted all contributors to check contact details
and get signoff for 200902trust IP Language - waiting for IBM,
Progress, and Oracle
a) Updates to the FAQ...
Eric: Seems like we should
address some additional questions
... e.g. How does this compare with SOAP/HTTP
... Could do with links to definitions
Mark: Maybe something about reliable messaging
Eric: Should we reserve some time next call to brainstorm questions
b) Specification inconsistency:
Eric: Bug in spec identified:
<scribe> ACTION: Eric to propose a change to Spec. wording to remedy inconsistency in MIME example vs. Protocol-2029 assertion [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-91 - Propose a change to Spec. wording to remedy inconsistency in MIME example vs. Protocol-2029 assertion [on Eric Johnson - due 2009-07-21].
c) Unnecessary normative statements:
Eric Proposal to merge Protocol-2012 and 2013
Mark: Makes sense
Eric: Similarly propose to drop
Protocol-2020 and include fault subcode in Protocol-2019
... and collapse Protocol-2023 and 2022 into a single
... Propose reworking the table for 2024
... Have the table specifiy the behaviour without assertions,
and the repeat the assertions about which properties must be
included "As-is", "SHOULD exclude", and "MUST exclude" in three
bullets following the table
... Each bullet would describe a set of properties with common
behaviour, and would be a separate normative statement
Mark: Agree, it would be easier to test with 3 separate assertions
<scribe> ACTION: Mark to propose the wording for the change to split 2024 into three testable assertions [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - Mark
<trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. mhapner, mphillip)
<scribe> ACTION: mphillip to propose the wording for the change to split 2024 into three testable assertions [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-92 - Propose the wording for the change to split 2024 into three testable assertions [on Mark Phillips - due 2009-07-21].
Eric: Protocol-2035 is redundant - all assertions in the table are made elsewhere
Phil: Agreed - we can remove this
Eric: Propose removing Protocol-2039 - must normative statements are covered elsewhere apart from the statement on the request URI.
Mark: We had early use cases which were based on the request_URI being used for routing. Having this value in the reply would help correlate requests and replies but I don't have a strong opinion that ths should be kept in
Eric: When removing
Protocol-2035, we should also remove the requirement to copy
the SOAPJMS_requestURI from the request
... i.e. remove the requestURI line from the table
ACTION Eric to propose the revised table to the list
<trackbot> Created ACTION-93 - Propose the revised table to the list [on Eric Johnson - due 2009-07-21].
Eric Protocol-2041 is also a collection of redundant assertions. Could change the table title to 'Examples of values set by Conforming Client'
Phil: Would be sufficient to just remove the assertion
<scribe> No progress
Eric: Some progress on CXF, we
know IBM has an implementation in WAS, so we are working
towards the two implementations we need
... Next question is what is the timeline for having these
implementations done?
Derek: Still working with product management
Phil: May be possible for IBM and CXF to collaborate on test cases
Pete: Will check into that
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/HPP/HTTP/ Succeeded: s/be/we/ Succeeded: s/2024/2022/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: mphillip Found Scribe: mark WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: Derek F2F Mark Pete Peter Peter_Easton Phil Styl_XSLWG XML_ET-TF Yves aaaa aabb aacc aaee active alewis all eric https joined peaston soap-jms trackbot You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Agenda: Found Date: 14 Jul 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: eric mark mphillip WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]