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<trackbot> Date: 13 May 2009
<scribe> Scribe: Steven
Steven: Google has announced support for RDFa
<Tina2> I'm having a hard time getting through on the phone :(
Steven: I have created a tutorial, I'd be happy for input
Roland: We need some more examples of Vocabularies
Steven: I agree, though at the end you'll see links to example vocabularies
Roland: What about geo?
Steven: It's a subpart of a couple of them; I could point that out
Roland: I think it's a good use case
Steven: I agree on the need for more examples, and I will be adding them
Gregory: What I need to do is to
proselytize the use of RDFa for accessibility
... maybe this should be an appendix
Roland: The best way is to use it in an exemplary manner, and point to the pages
Steven: The W3C teeam has a big discussion on this tomorrow, plus a blog entry
Gregory: I would like to a DTD
for XHTML 1.1+RDFa+Aria
... +role
Shane: We do have that
... if you set your doctype to use it though, some UAs don't
recognise it properly as XHTML
... in particular entities don't work
... However, we do have it
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to send pointer to DTD of 1.1+RDFa+Aria+role [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-82 - Send pointer to DTD of 1.1+RDFa+Aria+role [on Shane McCarron - due 2009-05-20].
<ShaneM> (and it is called XHTML 1.2)
Gregory: Accessibility UAs at the
moment only key off of @lang, but I'm hoping we can deprecate
that in the long run.
... in favour of xml:lang
Steven: The newest DTDs support both, so the freedom is there to allow that to happen
Gregory: I note that the current
validator supports RDFa, and I have been using it
... nice that it has its own icon for RDFa
... good for raising awareness
Shane: I am already adding the
Google stuff to our website
... RDFa in HTML is the next step
Steven: Not in our charter, so we have to negotiate that
Gregory: Sam Ruby has an action
item to get together with Steven and Roland to talk about
... WHATWG HTML5 people seem to be allergic to "invisible"
... I have been trying to defend @summary for instance
... it is not evil, or championing a particular group of
... WAI PF will need a new co-chair soon
... we need @role in HTML5
... though we are still battling to keep the things in HTML5
that were added to HTML4 for accessibility
... I am personally not being taken seriously by all the of the
Shane: We need to take access to
last call again now
... and CURIES need to progress.
... Those are our top two tasks
Gregory: We said that May 29th was the deadline for end of last call of access
Steven: I'm afraid I didn't get it out in time
Gregory: I am maintaining a wiki for each module
Gregory: You'll see links to resolutions and Issues
Steven: Great stuff
Shane: It is good to have areas
around role and access in the XHTML2 area
... but we don't want to conflate them, they are independent of
Steven: I've been thinking about
unbinding more of the modules, such as the hypertext module,
maybe embedding too.
... I saw a blog declaiming href everywhere, and he had even
implemented it in javascript
Shane: There is substantial overhead to creating new documents
Steven: True
Gregory: I think the Backplane XG
would be interested in the hypertext module
... The object module would be great too
... HTML5 is replacing object with individual media elements,
Shane: I think Modularization 2 does much of this
Roland: Depends on how self-contained the modules are
Shane: I think we have that now. Each module is a free-standing thing
Roland: If that is the case, then good.
Shane: There are side-effects
when modules are used together
... but each module is still independent
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/goe/geo/ Succeeded: s/nedd/need/ Succeeded: s/support/proselytize/ Succeeded: s/seems/seem/ Succeeded: s/know/think/ Succeeded: s/Roal/Rola/ Found Scribe: Steven Inferring ScribeNick: Steven Default Present: Roland, Steven, ShaneM, Gregory_Rosmaita Present: Roland Steven ShaneM Gregory_Rosmaita Regrets: Alessio Markus Agenda: Found Date: 13 May 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: shane[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]