XML Processing Model WG

09 Apr 2009


See also: IRC log


Norm, Richard, Paul, Vojtech
Henry, Mohamed



Date: 9 Apr 2009

<scribe> Meeting: 139

<scribe> Scribe: Norm

<scribe> ScribeNick: Norm

Accept this agenda?

-> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2009/04/09-agenda


Accept minutes from the previous meeting?

-> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2009/03/19-minutes


Next meeting: telcon 16 Apr 2009?

No regrets heard.

CR126 Request from TAG: Status of work on default processing model

Paul: Are we still planning to try to address that?

Norm: I think I'd like us to take a look at it

Richard: Is the TAG responsible for overlapping things?

Norm: I think the TAG is looking at some related issues, but they probably hope we'll provide some guidance.

Richard: The description in the charter is pretty vague, perhaps we could get more specifics?

Norm: Yes. Indeed.

<scribe> ACTION: Norm/Henry to attempt to provide a more crisp description of what's needed as a first step towards getting to this work. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html#action01]

Richard: Use cases would be a good place to start. I've long imagined that one such use case is to answer the question "what does a web browser do with an XML document"

Norm: I'll work this into the agenda more regularly so that we can track our progress.

CR 100/101 Section 5.11, the inherited environment, and input/output ports.

Norm attempts to summarize.

Norm: I think the answer, whether the prose is clear or not, is that steps can't see their own inputs and outputs. The question of 5.11 is an attempt, I think to address the special case of p:output on a compound step.

Richard: The outputs of a compound step are surely in the same state as the other step children of a subpipeline?

Vojtech: I thought that in 5.11 the phrase "In all cases except the p:output of a compound step" was redundant.
... When I read it, I went looking to see what was so special, but in fact I think it's covered by the other definitions. It isn't special.

Norm: Fair enough, I'm happy to remove the phrase if it causes more confusion than clarity.

Vojtech: Unless I missed something, I wasn't sure.

Further discussion of 2.5

Norm: In 100, the magic phrase from 2.5 is "the container's contained steps". Compound steps see their siblings, but not themselves.

Vojtech: I have a compound step. It sees the output ports of its contained steps. Suppose one of the contained steps is a compound step.
... Now inside that compound step, this step inherites the visibility of the output ports from its parent, which means that it sees it's output port.

Richard: No, it sees the output ports of its siblings, not its parent.

Norm: I think that second bullet in 2.5 needs to clarify that it doesn't apply to the contained step itself.
... To fix issue 100, we need to say "The union of all the declared outputs of all of the containers's contained steps *except this step* are added to the readable ports." But in better English.


Norm: Coming back to 101, I now think that prose is correct. It wouldn't be allowed according to the rules and rather than rewrite the rules to allow it, we're simply stating an exception.


<scribe> ACTION: Norm to fix the rules in 2.5 to satisfy CR #100. CR #101 can be closed without action. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html#action02]

#104 validate-with-xml-schema - multiple schemas provided

Vojtech: If you have the validate with XML Schema step and you pass multiple schemas, what does that mean.

Norm attempts to describe the schema validation rules of XSD.

Vojtech: And what about xs:include and xs:import.

Norm: I propose we wait for Henry's input.

105 p:xquery and c:data

Vojtech explains.

Norm: It boils down to whether the 3rd or 4th bullet in 7.2.9 applies. I don't think it much matters.

Vojtech: I think we should say that it's c:data without a content-type or with a content-type that specifies a text content type...something like that.

Norm: That works for me.
... Proposed: make the change that Vojtech outlines.


#106 p:exec - path separators

Norm: My proposal is that "you lose" if you get mixtures of slashes and you turn on fix-slashes.

Vojtech: So you lose if you need a mixture fo forward and backward slashes in the filename

Norm: Only if you turn on the fix-slashes option.
... It seems like we have two choices, leave it as is or invent a new escaping mechanism.

Richard: We could use a private use character or allow the fix-slashes option to specify which character to replace with the platform-specific slash.

Norm: We've made pretty significant changes to p:exec already.

Richard: I think I'd say that no-translation is applied unless you specify the fixup and then that fixup is applied everywhere.

Vojtech: It sounds good to me.

Norm: How about I write up a proposal that does this and we see if we like it.

<scribe> ACTION: Norm to write this up as a proposal. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html#action03]

#107 p:exec - multiple source documents

Vojtech: What do multiple source documents mean? Is it only to allow no documents?

Norm: Yes, I think it probably was.

Vojtech: So what happens if you pass two, is it an error?

Norm: I think we should either say that its an error or say that its implementation-defined.
... Do you have any command-line tools that accept a sequence of documents on stdin?

Richard: No, I don't think so.

Norm: I propose we make it an error in V1 to pass a sequence of more than one document.


Any other business?

None heard.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Norm to fix the rules in 2.5 to satisfy CR #100. CR #101 can be closed without action. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Norm to write this up as a proposal. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Norm/Henry to attempt to provide a more crisp description of what's needed as a first step towards getting to this work. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/04/09 15:57:45 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
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Found Scribe: Norm
Inferring ScribeNick: Norm
Found ScribeNick: Norm
Default Present: Norm, PGrosso, richard, Vojtech
Present: Norm Richard Paul Vojtech
Regrets: Henry Mohamed
Agenda: http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2009/04/09-agenda
Found Date: 09 Apr 2009
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2009/04/09-xproc-minutes.html
People with action items: henry norm

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]