IRC log of xproc on 2009-04-09
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:01:00 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #xproc
- 15:01:00 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:01:02 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #xproc
- 15:01:04 [Norm]
- Regrets: Henry, Mohamed
- 15:01:06 [Norm]
- Meeting: XML Processing Model WG
- 15:01:08 [Norm]
- Date: 9 Apr 2009
- 15:01:11 [PGrosso]
- PGrosso has joined #xproc
- 15:01:12 [Norm]
- Agenda:
- 15:01:14 [Norm]
- Meeting: 139
- 15:01:16 [Norm]
- Chair: Norm
- 15:01:18 [Norm]
- Scribe: Norm
- 15:01:20 [Norm]
- ScribeNick: Norm
- 15:01:22 [Norm]
- Regrets: Henry, Mohamed
- 15:01:24 [Norm]
- Zakim, this will be xproc
- 15:01:24 [Zakim]
- ok, Norm; I see XML_PMWG()11:00AM scheduled to start now
- 15:01:45 [Zakim]
- XML_PMWG()11:00AM has now started
- 15:01:51 [Zakim]
- +Norm
- 15:01:52 [Zakim]
- +[ArborText]
- 15:01:57 [Zakim]
- +??P20
- 15:02:01 [richard]
- zakim, ? is me
- 15:02:01 [Zakim]
- +richard; got it
- 15:02:37 [Zakim]
- +Jeroen
- 15:02:48 [Norm]
- Zakim, Jeroen is Vojtech
- 15:02:49 [Zakim]
- +Vojtech; got it
- 15:04:05 [Norm]
- Present: Norm, Richard, Paul, Vojtech
- 15:04:23 [Norm]
- Topic: Accept this agenda?
- 15:04:23 [Norm]
- ->
- 15:04:32 [Norm]
- Accepted.
- 15:04:38 [Norm]
- Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting?
- 15:04:38 [Norm]
- ->
- 15:04:53 [Norm]
- Accepted.
- 15:05:08 [Norm]
- Topic: Next meeting: telcon 16 Apr 2009?
- 15:05:12 [Norm]
- No regrets heard.
- 15:06:04 [Norm]
- Topic: CR126 Request from TAG: Status of work on default processing model
- 15:06:31 [Norm]
- Paul: Are we still planning to try to address that?
- 15:06:48 [Norm]
- Norm: I think I'd like us to take a look at it
- 15:06:59 [Norm]
- Richard: Is the TAG responsible for overlapping things?
- 15:07:26 [Norm]
- Norm: I think the TAG is looking at some related issues, but they probably hope we'll provide some guidance.
- 15:07:36 [Norm]
- Richard: The description in the charter is pretty vague, perhaps we could get more specifics?
- 15:07:56 [Norm]
- Norm: Yes. Indeed.
- 15:08:49 [Norm]
- ACTION: Norm/Henry to attempt to provide a more crisp description of what's needed as a first step towards getting to this work.
- 15:09:12 [Norm]
- Richard: Use cases would be a good place to start. I've long imagined that one such use case is to answer the question "what does a web browser do with an XML document"
- 15:10:01 [Norm]
- Norm: I'll work this into the agenda more regularly so that we can track our progress.
- 15:10:51 [Norm]
- Topic: CR 100/101 Section 5.11, the inherited environment, and input/output ports.
- 15:10:59 [Norm]
- Norm attempts to summarize.
- 15:11:50 [Norm]
- Norm: I think the answer, whether the prose is clear or not, is that steps can't see their own inputs and outputs. The question of 5.11 is an attempt, I think to address the special case of p:output on a compound step.
- 15:14:33 [Norm]
- Richard: The outputs of a compound step are surely in the same state as the other step children of a subpipeline?
- 15:15:13 [Norm]
- Vojtech: I thought that in 5.11 the phrase "In all cases except the p:output of a compound step" was redundant.
- 15:16:00 [Norm]
- ...When I read it, I went looking to see what was so special, but in fact I think it's covered by the other definitions. It isn't special.
- 15:16:20 [Norm]
- Norm: Fair enough, I'm happy to remove the phrase if it causes more confusion than clarity.
- 15:16:26 [Norm]
- Vojtech: Unless I missed something, I wasn't sure.
- 15:17:45 [Norm]
- Further discussion of 2.5
- 15:24:13 [Norm]
- Norm: In 100, the magic phrase from 2.5 is "the container's contained steps". Compound steps see their siblings, but not themselves.
- 15:24:44 [Norm]
- Vojtech: I have a compound step. It sees the output ports of its contained steps. Suppose one of the contained steps is a compound step.
- 15:25:03 [Norm]
- ...Now inside that compound step, this step inherites the visibility of the output ports from its parent, which means that it sees it's output port.
- 15:25:29 [Norm]
- Richard: No, it sees the output ports of its siblings, not its parent.
- 15:27:31 [Norm]
- Norm: I think that second bullet in 2.5 needs to clarify that it doesn't apply to the contained step itself.
- 15:29:19 [Norm]
- Norm: To fix issue 100, we need to say "The union of all the declared outputs of all of the containers's contained steps *except this step* are added to the readable ports." But in better English.
- 15:31:35 [Norm]
- Agreed.
- 15:31:55 [Norm]
- Norm: Coming back to 101, I now think that prose is correct. It wouldn't be allowed according to the rules and rather than rewrite the rules to allow it, we're simply stating an exception.
- 15:32:03 [Norm]
- Agreed.
- 15:32:19 [Norm]
- ACTION: Norm to fix the rules in 2.5 to satisfy CR #100. CR #101 can be closed without action.
- 15:32:52 [Norm]
- Topic: #104 validate-with-xml-schema - multiple schemas provided
- 15:33:19 [Norm]
- Vojtech: If you have the validate with XML Schema step and you pass multiple schemas, what does that mean.
- 15:35:47 [Norm]
- Norm attempts to describe the schema validation rules of XSD.
- 15:36:02 [Norm]
- Vojtech: And what about xs:include and xs:import.
- 15:36:29 [Norm]
- Norm: I propose we wait for Henry's input.
- 15:36:49 [Norm]
- Topic: 105 p:xquery and c:data
- 15:38:45 [Norm]
- Vojtech explains.
- 15:39:01 [Norm]
- Norm: It boils down to whether the 3rd or 4th bullet in 7.2.9 applies. I don't think it much matters.
- 15:39:52 [Norm]
- Vojtech: I think we should say that it's c:data without a content-type or with a content-type that specifies a text content type...something like that.
- 15:40:09 [Norm]
- Norm: That works for me.
- 15:40:20 [Norm]
- Norm: Proposed: make the change that Vojtech outlines.
- 15:40:36 [Norm]
- Accepted.
- 15:40:58 [Norm]
- Topic: #106 p:exec - path separators
- 15:42:24 [Norm]
- Norm: My proposal is that "you lose" if you get mixtures of slashes and you turn on fix-slashes.
- 15:43:36 [Norm]
- Vojtech: So you lose if you need a mixture fo forward and backward slashes in the filename
- 15:44:05 [Norm]
- Norm: Only if you turn on the fix-slashes option.
- 15:45:41 [Norm]
- Norm: It seems like we have two choices, leave it as is or invent a new escaping mechanism.
- 15:46:02 [Norm]
- Richard: We could use a private use character or allow the fix-slashes option to specify which character to replace with the platform-specific slash.
- 15:47:37 [Norm]
- Norm: We've made pretty significant changes to p:exec already.
- 15:48:13 [Norm]
- Richard: I think I'd say that no-translation is applied unless you specify the fixup and then that fixup is applied everywhere.
- 15:49:28 [Norm]
- Vojtech: It sounds good to me.
- 15:49:44 [Norm]
- Norm: How about I write up a proposal that does this and we see if we like it.
- 15:50:05 [Norm]
- ACTION: Norm to write this up as a proposal.
- 15:52:38 [Norm]
- Topic: #107 p:exec - multiple source documents
- 15:52:51 [Norm]
- Vojtech: What do multiple source documents mean? Is it only to allow no documents?
- 15:53:00 [Norm]
- Norm: Yes, I think it probably was.
- 15:53:07 [Norm]
- Vojtech: So what happens if you pass two, is it an error?
- 15:53:35 [Norm]
- Norm: I think we should either say that its an error or say that its implementation-defined.
- 15:54:54 [Norm]
- Norm: Do you have any command-line tools that accept a sequence of documents on stdin?
- 15:55:00 [Norm]
- Richard: No, I don't think so.
- 15:55:42 [Norm]
- Norm: I propose we make it an error in V1 to pass a sequence of more than one document.
- 15:56:39 [Norm]
- Accepted.
- 15:56:45 [Norm]
- Topic: Any other business?
- 15:56:54 [Norm]
- None heard.
- 15:56:57 [Zakim]
- -PGrosso
- 15:56:58 [Zakim]
- -Norm
- 15:56:59 [Zakim]
- -richard
- 15:56:59 [Zakim]
- -Vojtech
- 15:57:00 [Zakim]
- XML_PMWG()11:00AM has ended
- 15:57:01 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Norm, PGrosso, richard, Vojtech
- 15:57:04 [Norm]
- RRSAgent, set logs world-visible
- 15:57:08 [Norm]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:57:08 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Norm
- 15:57:48 [PGrosso]
- PGrosso has left #xproc
- 17:32:20 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #xproc
- 17:36:22 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #xproc