See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 04 March 2009
<jackjansen> Is there a teleconf today? I haven't seen an agenda....
<raphael> Yes Jack, agenda is at:
<raphael> Scribe: Guillaume
<raphael> Scribenick: Gui
<raphael> Propose to accept the minutes:
<davy> +1
Accept last meeting minutes?
<conrad> +1
Silvia to participate in the morning
Yves to book the Zakim session for the F2F
Next TPAC meeting is in Santa Clara, raphael proposes alternative to meet at MIT in Boston. What does the group think?
2-6 November
<erik> Davy & I will be able to attend at whatever premises
Yves says we should have it with the Media Annotation WG
We might want to have input from the other working group and to discuss with them
jack mentionss that since most people in Europe, a European meeting might be preferred but it's about having TAPC with other groups
<tmichel> Daylight Savings Time -- aka Summer Time -- coming next week to the US.
<tmichel> Most of the US will be moving its clocks forward this year on March 8.
<tmichel> This is 3 weeks earlier than Europe.
<tmichel> Most folk outside the US will need to join teleconferences 1 hour
<tmichel> earlier between 8 March and 29 March at 12:00-13:00Z.
<tmichel> After 29 March most teleconferences will be back on the same relative
<tmichel> local time for Europe.
Zakim bridge is on US time
The next meeting agenda will have the teleconference time message in bold
<tmichel> We could request to have our telecon scheduled in UTC, but I would not recommend this as it may colapse with other conference which are schedulled in US time
Michael would like a @tmichel in the draft
tmichel offers to do some editions : starts with the requirement section
<raphael> s/tmichiel/mhausenblas
<conrad> i'd like to help with section 7
Raphael encourages everybody to have there section ready for next week teleconference
jackjansen needs a replacement for preparing section 6 Naming Fragments
mhausenblas offered to work on section 6
jackjansen worries with the current syntax using colons it's difficult to parse the different types of digits
Existing libraries do not provide clues on how to recognize a typical timecode s
Yves: Issue would be if there is an ambiguity, which makes it difficult to parse
Ask the community to comment on the issue
<jackjansen> +1 for vote
Let's have a questionnaire for this
<scribe> ACTION: Erik and Raphael to set up a questionnaire to find a name for the top level Media Fragment predicate [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-45 - And Raphael to set up a questionnaire to find a name for the top level Media Fragment predicate [on Erik Mannens - due 2009-03-11].
Topic 2.23. Time units, optional?
<scribe> ACTION: Yves Check on later version of the grammar - 25/03/2009 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-46 - Check on later version of the grammar - 25/03/2009 [on Yves Lafon - due 2009-03-11].
Send email to mailing list to get feedback, otherwise we put the content into main document
<raphael> ISSUE-3
Does our MF URI syntax imply that we need to update MIME Type
We should do it the generic way (to ensure the adoption of the media types)
<scribe> ACTION: Michael Write the options and the procedure on Wiki [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-47 - Write the options and the procedure on Wiki [on Michael Hausenblas - due 2009-03-11].
Priority is to have the draft ready
Remember the 1 hour earlier next week
<conrad> thanks
<raphael> meetings adjourned