See also: IRC log
changhai, on attend un peu que Zakim redemarre...
ok, on peut appeler, alors
<apaschke> I cannot attend since I have a lecture on Wednesday
<apaschke> afternoon
PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-63 with the understanding that the Group construct is sufficient
Paul, is there a HALT action in Blaze, that terminates an execution?
And in your engine?
<apaschke> this issue also relates to finiteness as we discussed it today
<apaschke> we said that it might be handeled by the conformance clause
<PaulVincent> Sorry I'm not on the call yet - Blaze has a "return" which terminates ruleset execution
<PaulVincent> In TIBCO: we never halt :)
<PaulVincent> ... instead we'd have to set a "terminate flag" or somesuch for that particular ruleset
PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-65 with the
understanding that there is only one halting test in PRD, and
no syntax to specify other ones at this stage.
... Close ISSUE-65 with the understanding that there is only
one halting test in PRD.
... Close ISSUE-65 with the understanding that PRD does not add
specific syntax to specify halting tests.
<PaulVincent> +1 to #3 :)
<Gary> Retract(obj[slot->*]) Assert(obj[slot->value])
<apaschke> i.e. modify = retract all old frames + assert new frame
<PaulVincent> Does this have issues with the collection / array semantics? ie retract * = empty an array if multivalued slots?
<cke> Agree with Adrian.
<cke> modify(obj[slot1->value1 slot2->value2, ...])
<apaschke> our semantics is defined in terms of snapshots
<apaschke> which are herbrand models
<apaschke> assert / retract actions lead to a new snapshot (state)
<PaulVincent> Modify is normally a.b = <value>
<Gary> Modify(obj[slot->v1 slot->v2])
<cke> Also: modify(obj[slot->v1 slot->v2 slot2->v3 slot2->v4 slot3->v5]
<cke> The point here is to remove everything, and re-state all the slots again.
<Gary> if Modify(obj[slot->value]) means the same as Do(Retract(obj[slot->*]) Assert(obj[slot->value])) then I am in favor of Modify
<cke> Gary, we agree here.
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