See also: IRC log
<John_Boyer> Scribe: Leigh
<John_Boyer> scribenick: klotz
<nick> I'm on vacation the 21st
<nick> I'll make the action item list tomorrow
<scribe> ACTION: John Boyer to review/publish EMC implementation report [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - John
<trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. jkugelma, jboyer)
<scribe> ACTION: Steven Pemberton to invite EMC to join Forms WG. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-503 - Pemberton to invite EMC to join Forms WG. [on Steven Pemberton - due 2009-01-14].
<scribe> ACTION: Keith Wells to examine Firefox XPI, and EMC implementation reports and find out which test cases are not covered by both tests. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-504 - Wells to examine Firefox XPI, and EMC implementation reports and find out which test cases are not covered by both tests. [on Keith Wells - due 2009-01-14].
<scribe> ACTION: Keith Wells to confirm power() function in Firefox and request its implementation if necessary. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-505 - Wells to confirm power() function in Firefox and request its implementation if necessary. [on Keith Wells - due 2009-01-14].
<Steven> nick?
<nick> zakkim, unmute me
<nick> <bind nodeset="//total"> <mip name="readonly" value="true()" type="xs:boolean" cascade="true" combine-cascade="$local-value or $cascaded-value"/> </ bind>
<unl> wouldn't it be easier to just have a cascade attribute, which specifies an 'and' or an 'or' combinator?
<wiecha> i don't recall whether we decided to bite off custom mips for this iteration of the bind module?
<wiecha> i would prefer to keep this module at the level of current, 1.1, function
<wiecha> do we need to talk about cascade at all then?
<wiecha> separating def and use would be great
Minutes so far at
<John_Boyer> scribe: Charlie
<wiecha> Scribe: wiecha
<nick> <mip name="my:readonly" value="true()" type="xs:boolean" cascade="true" combine-cascade="$local-value or $cascaded-value"/>
<John_Boyer> scribenick: wiecha
<scribe> scribe: Charlie
<nick> <bind nodeset="//total" my:readonly="true()">
John: second issue is child
elements representing MIPs was desired to get around context
"hack", cleaner syntax
... not convinced we need this for 1.2
<John_Boyer> <bind nodeset="sum">
<John_Boyer> <bind context=".." calculate="a+b" />
<John_Boyer> </bind>
<John_Boyer> initial inscope eval context is "sum" node
John: intent is for the sum to be attached to the initial evaluation context, e.g. sum
<John_Boyer> inscope eval context is parent of sum due to context="..
<John_Boyer> "
<John_Boyer> calculate evaluates in inscope eval context (parent of sum), but result goes to initial inscope eval context (sum)
Nick: that's how it's now specified in the bind module
<John_Boyer> <bind nodeset="sum">
<John_Boyer> <calculate context=".." value="a+b" />
<John_Boyer> </bind>
<John_Boyer> cleaner syntax because calculate child elem not expected to have a nodeset attr
<John_Boyer> <bind nodeset="sum">
<John_Boyer> <mip name="calculate" context=".." value="a+b"/>
<John_Boyer> </bind>
John: so we already in essence can do this using nested binds rather than introducing the mip element
<unl> +1
to holding off
on custom mips
<prb> +1 to waiting
<Steven> +1
<unl> custom mips is for later ;-)
<Steven> Less is more :-p
sooner is more
John: would need new events to
signal custom MIP changes too
... all is good stuff but feels like future features
Nick: downside is that the bind module doesn't add much function then, just says the MIPs are pre-existing
John: oh, so the other problem is
that we have a bind module that creates a nodeset but bind
module itself can't talk about particular MIPs since they're
elsewhere in other modules
... that just makes a smaller module, which should be ok
Nick: if ok, then I'll remove it again
John: then we should adjust the
wiki to conform to doing custom MIPs later
... we originally did this to have cleaner syntax for context
... so in each of the relevant, readonly, etc modules, they
need to add particular attributes to the bind element
... and say in prose how that MIP behaves
Nick: then when we do the custom MIPs formally, the existing ones could be recast in that formalism
he;'s talking about the future version
John: bind module will talk about
MIPs but not define how they are created...but can point to the
other modules
... and bind can talk generically about how those other modules
will add attributes to bind itself
... bind module sets up bind site referenced from controls
Nick: I'll adjust the wiki too
John: don't have a way to control
the caption of the action bar
... suggestion is to allow label element as child of
... behaving a bit more like a group element
... have internal content, but if first child element is
<label> then user agent could make use of this
does in fact sound nice
<Steven> looks ok
are there any potential gotchas???
John: if message is ephemeral there would be no caption perhaps label would also be displayed in the msg itself
Paul: also not required that ephemeral be a small msg, so it could also have a caption
John: however the user agent
chooses to show the msg, the label would be available
... e.g. for inline display as well as popup
... any objection to adding label as child of msg for xforms
... who has msg module :}
Paul: think that's me
... though likely not immediately
... think Mark has done some of this already
Resolution: add <label> as child of <message> in XForms 1.2
<scribe> ACTION: paul to add <label> as child of <message> in XForms 1.2 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - paul
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/and/in/ Found Scribe: Leigh Found ScribeNick: klotz Found Scribe: Charlie Found Scribe: wiecha Found ScribeNick: wiecha Found Scribe: Charlie Scribes: Leigh, Charlie, wiecha ScribeNicks: klotz, wiecha Default Present: +1.919.254.aaaa, wellsk, John_Boyer, wiecha, prb, Leigh_Klotz, Nick_van_den_Bleeken, Steven, unl Present: +1.919.254.aaaa wellsk John_Boyer wiecha prb Leigh_Klotz Nick_van_den_Bleeken Steven unl Regrets: Erik Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 07 Jan 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: boyer john keith paul pemberton steven wells WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]