See also: IRC log
<kiwanja> OK
Stephane to schedule a presentation by adesina about a m-health project
Stephane: done for today, but Adesina missing, so will reschedule it for next call
raphael to send a summary of the project review in liberia
Lauri to send info about unesco project
Lauri: will do this week
stephane to investigate how to get profile of people
from the group
stephane: looked at that, not possible for now, but things might change in a near future
Lauri: interesting info from ericsson. will send a link to nokia magazine with related links
Nicolas: info about GSM Association
nicolas: multi-tracks, one on network, one on m4d
lots of people from africa
keynote from gsma dev funds lots of interesting numbers
keynote from microsoft focus on available spectrum from tv analogic
nicolas: also interesting panel with ericsson
nice gathering of people, with different angle, policy, business, technologies good mix of people
betty: uri ?
thanks !
Lauri: in nokia, we are also active in hte frequence recup from tv
working with ITU on this topic
<betty> Thank you very much Nicolas :-)
lauri: very good document on ITU site aboutthis issue
ITU proposes rules, and governments have to implement the rules, but sometimes there are discrepancy between the 2
ken: i will put my name in some area
Nicolas: overlapping sections
than also some other aspects like energy, should we go that deep ?
steph: i believe we are focusing on mobile phones as ict platform
supposing that using mobile phones is already acknowledged
Renjish: we should recongnize in the challenges section that there are other challenges that are not related to the use of mobile phones to access the internet
nicolas: makes sense
steph: regulation and policy ?
nicolas: not part of this category, like energy
Ken: i believe Jeffs send info about regulation issues, we will have to decide to include or not
stephane: maybe we will decide later, depending on the contribution
surely we should recongize that's a challenge that might impact hte overall ecosystem
stephane: other factors ?
nicolas: about 20 issues i listed
<scribe> ACTION: Nicolas to send a link to the list of issues he already identified, some related to mobile internet some not [recorded in]
stephane: how did you build this list ?
nicolas: part of an eu project with the space agency. at the beginning of the project, we did a risk analysis including these factors
will sen dlinks to the project and to the deliverables
Stephane: deadline for W3C workshop
12 january, next monday, let me kno wif you plan to submit somthing or need more time, members of the group are invtied to join
Stephane: next Call: January 19
<kiwanja> steph - will email later
[Pending] ACTION: Lauri to send info about unesco project [recorded in]
[Pending] ACTION: Lauri to report on Nokia work in education cursus in Africa
[NEW] ACTION: Lauri to send link to Nokia Magazine
[Pending] ACTION: raphael to send a summary of the project review in liberia [recorded in]
[Pending] ACTION: Stephane to schedule a presentation by adesina about a m-health project