See also: IRC log
[Pending] ACTION: Arun to make a summary of voikiosk [recorded in]: done
[Pending] ACTION: Lauri to report on Nokia work in education cursus in Africa
ongoing, Lauri not able to chat with the responsible yet
[Pending] ACTION: stephane to investigate how to get profile of people from the group
not done
<Adesina> ok, thanks
<kiwanja> betty doing introductions - background in web science
<kiwanja> at university of southampton
<Adesina> Hi betty, I am at the university of Portsmouth
Betty: working on measurement of impact of mobile web l
like improved GDP
<Adesina> Mira Slovona?
<Raphael> Slavova
<Adesina> Really, that is great Betty
<Adesina> ok, thanks for the correction
<betty> Hi Adesina, Portsmouth is very closed to Soton. Wish we could meet & discuss later.
<Raphael> 10 minute presentation on the ITC Mobile solution project for Liberian Market Women
<Raphael> By Mira Slavova and Rapha�l Dard
<Raphael> Slide 2 - The request
<Raphael> * Market Women are a backbone of Liberian economy and social life
<Raphael> * Giving a hand to Market Women is consolidating this country's economy
<Raphael> * Before export can take place, national economy needs strengthening
<Raphael> * Up-coming Colloquium (ITC on the economic empowerment section of the event)
<Adesina> very close, we are neigbours
<Adesina> ok later on
<Raphael> A business matching system (using their main communication device as a channel, anywhere they are)
<Raphael> * Overcoming distances
<Raphael> * Bringing more business opportunities with less travel time
<Raphael> * Roads being rare and in bad conditions, communication is crucial for producers who need markets/buyers
<Raphael> * Linking agri-food brokers in main cities/markets with agri-food producers in countryside/villages (
<Raphael> * Multiplying buyer/seller interactions/choices
<Adesina> Raphael, nice concept. lack of economic growth factor in mobile projects was disacussed at trhe M4D 2008
<Adesina> Great Raphael, kindly send to me the concept paper for the project
<Raphael> General Constraints
<Raphael> * Access to transport
<Raphael> * Literacy (45% (of the surveyed marketers) do not read or write, nor have been to any formal school
<Raphael> * Access to credit
<Raphael> * Market women as small scale brokers
<Raphael> Constraints for the information system
<Raphael> * Critical mass of system use (value is proportionate to the number of members)
<Raphael> * Incentives to report information
<Raphael> * Incentives to use the information provided
<Raphael> * Incentives to add one behaviour among established market behaviours
<Raphael> * Data-plans, when available, are still not affordable for most
<Adesina> Data service is still at the infancy in Africa
<Raphael> * Very dynamic for making business (even small scale and informal)
<Raphael> * Keen to use innovative IT applications (mobile phone-based in particular)
<Raphael> * Huge number of small transactions (a business for telcos will mean system sustainability)
<Raphael> * Phone's capacities increase
<Raphael> * Offering the possibility to browse (through offers and requests)
<Raphael> * Combining "online (connected time)" and "offline" strengths (to be studied with SMS and other protocols)
<Raphael> * Requiring registration is a must (although also a disadvantage)
<Raphael> o Basic info (name (user ID), location, business profil)
<Raphael> o Offers a certain level of confidence into the system to users
<Adesina> Is this Nicolas Chervollier?
<NicolasC> yes
<Raphael> GOAL: find the right protocols according to people and systems/devices capabilities
<Raphael> * From User to phone
<Raphael> o Verbal to data
<Raphael> * From phone to telco (& telco to phone)
<Raphael> o SMS
<Raphael> o GPRS
<Raphael> o Depending on what is available (with one telco/ with all 4 telcos)
<Raphael> * From phone to user
<Raphael> o Data to verbal (speaking phones)
<Raphael> * Is it phone-based?
<Raphael> * Is it downloadable?
<Raphael> * How much does it cost to download?
<Raphael> * Is it telco independent?
<Raphael> * Is it device independent
<Adesina> Raphael, nice concepts, I am enjoying it
<Raphael> Thanks for your attention. Your questions, advices and comments are welcome
<Zakim> steph, you wanted to ask if this is part of a more global project, and how liberia has been selected and to ask if the data service coverage is lower than gsm
steph: how did you select the country
rapahel: ITC already there
steph: goal to replicability ?
<Adesina> Discussion on the chat please
raphael: not really, useful for others, but situation may differ
i hope it will not be for liberia only, and we could give to companies
no limitation for now but it is a pilot
<Zakim> Arun, you wanted to ask how are the cost of calls compared to data service ? and to ask Raphael, we got a view of the inputs from user to system, what are the kinds of outputs to
arun: doing a similar in india, very
interesting for us
... cost of data services vs voice communication
<Adesina> situation or context matters, but having a successful model is good
rapahel: cannot answer, will come back to you, interesting question
Arun: what are you expecting from the system. who is giving input ?
Rapahel: automatique input (location/phone number), and then user generated type of goods, quantity, and prices
enough for an eventual buyers
enabling people to contact each other
if needed
(also the date is important and will be there)
arun: match making system
<Zakim> NicolasC, you wanted to ask how far are u on the discussion over the business model?
nicolas: sustainable on hte long term
what is the business model ?
<Adesina> sustainbale business model?
and also very limited coverage
are producers covered ?
raphael: we have ideas on how to proceed, and also discussing with local operators
no business model yet with figures and numbers, working on it
<Adesina> ok
still flexible, depending on the system we will design
raphael: i've other maps more positive
anyway lots of people covered
and following the roads
way enough for the pilot
even if limited to monrovia, it will be enough
<Adesina> when is the pilot going to be concluded?
stephane: percentage of population covered ? but enough
raphael: not an issue for now
not sure if the subscription will be free
aim: 100 subcribers
not problem on this side
access to phones and litteracy are the biggest issues
stephane: data service coverage ?
raphael: no info, some gprs coverage but no information
still working on it
<Adesina> Access to phone is due high costs and taxation
raphael: for adesina, initial pilot in march 2009
<Adesina> Try GSMA website for GPRS coverage
<Adesina> ok raph
adesina it is your turn
question ?
<Adesina> ok,
GSMA does not have gprs coverage info
<Adesina> just a brief on M4D 2008 conference
<Adesina> Conference went well and was interesting
sorry we should come back to that later
let's finish on raphael
<kiwanja> wondering how much research has been done on other solutions and systems being used around the world - this type of project has been (and is being) tried in many places. sometimes things get replicated and lessons are not always learnt/shared
<Adesina> Different m projects ranging from health, agriculuture, insurance were presented
<Adesina> ok steph
Raphael: i got lots of information from ????? about similar agriculture system
we are not really on market prices, but on business matchings
quite different
ken: i've some examples i will send it to
... public info you received ?
raphael: will share it when finished
<Adesina> ok
Lauri: if you need to have access to phones characteristics .mobi have a free database
<kiwanja> there's also a database of mobile devices and specs at WURFL
<kiwanja> (not sure if this is the same thing as what Lauri is talking about)
<Adesina> FARA, backed by Gates Foundation?
Lauri: the last nobel prize from finland worked a lot in Africa
he visited liberia 2 months ago
<Adesina> Attasari?
<Adesina> ok
Lauri: other area like cloths makers are potential
<kiwanja> (Nice to see you here, Mira! Welcome)
<Adesina> Hello Mira
Raphael: the one i found was C119
<Adesina> what is C119?
Nicolas: at m4d, Mr Denton from GSMA has plenty of data about Africa.
we should ask them
<Adesina> Yes, GSMA has lots of information
Lauri: on .mobi there are such info
<kiwanja> c119 (or c188) was the phone which 'won' the Emerging Market Handset (EMH) competition run by the GSMA three years ago (?)
<Adesina> Even on thier website.
<kiwanja> sorry - c118
<Adesina> ok, the one form Motorola?
<kiwanja> yes
betty: user interface ? what is the current tech you are using between voice and data to cope with illiteracy
<Adesina> ok,
raphael: i cannot comment, very early phase on that point the choice of tehcnology is not done yet
<Adesina> Any information on this 3G phone for all by LG?
<kiwanja> Adesina: It's a bit like this -
betty: are you planning to use camera phone ?
raphael: cannot answer
<Adesina> GSMA is also in support of this project
<Zakim> steph, you wanted to say that the characteristic is not enough
Lauri: one year ago we did a demo at unesco
using lowest end phones
very successfull
very low-cost phones includes enough to have advanced apps for video, graphic,...
Betty: interesting unesco project, could-you send info ?
<Adesina> Tapan Parikh work in India using mobile phone camera for document processing in rural areas could be useful
<scribe> ACTION: Lauri to send info about unesco project [recorded in]
Lauri: Library of congress was part of the project
<Arun> Tapan Parikh's work uses printed bar code to integrate paper forms with online systems
<betty> Thank you very much Lauri & Adesina.
<NicolasC> all, I have to run another meeting. Look forward to reading the minutes
<Adesina> Nicolas, your e-mail pls
Raphael: in liberia, some people told us that we have to come with some phones, but the system has to work on all phones
we didn't see people using camera
and the screen were vbery bad quality
<Adesina> I met the chap at Easyfone focussed on recyling high end phones into Africa, he couls be useful here
for the moment, we are looking only at text and voice
<betty> Thanks Arun. I'm stydying Tapan Parikh's project & HSTP as well.
<Adesina> what is HSTP
<Arun> Welcome. We are working with Tapan on a project.
<Adesina> Nic: thanks
<Arun> HSTP stands for Hyperspeech Transfer Protocol.
<betty> HSTP is cool. I'd like to discuss it more with Arun.
<Adesina> ok thanks
<Raphael> thanks a lot for all comments!
<scribe> ACTION: raphael to send a summary of the project review in liberia [recorded in]
<Arun> Bye all. Hv a Happy New Year !
<Raphael> bonnes f�tes
<kiwanja> Thanks!
<Adesina> Happy new
bonne fetes too !
Next meeting January 5th 2009
<Adesina> will like tompresent on mHealth in the new year, sTEPH
<betty> Bye everybody. Thanks for the nice discussion.
[NEW] ACTION: Stephane to schedule a presentation by adesina about a m-health project
[Pending] ACTION: Lauri to report on Nokia work in education cursus in Africa
[Pending] ACTION: stephane to investigate how to get profile of people from the group
[End of minutes]