XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 80 to 61 (of 419 total) displayed below.


Happy 10th Aniversary

Happy 10th aniversary to XML. The W3C folks had done a great job!

Marcelino Deseo marcelino.deseo@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-02-29


Also see XML processing in hardware products like DataPower!

Team njunnark_org_ww@oracle.com, sent on 2008-02-28


felicidades por crear un lenguaje tan difundido en el mundo como lo es el xml

pablo jose cruz salazar pcrusal@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-02-28

We congratulate on an anniversary!

We wish further development of XML and long innings. Cool universal format of record of any structured data.

Tatyana nundesign@gmail.com, sent on 2008-02-28

Felicitaciones (Congratulations)

<!-- Hi everybody, -->



Why XML is a revolution?



Because XML is a simple and open standard tecnology.



<!-- Thanks XML. -->

<!-- Best regards and congratulations, -->

<!-- Damian Desia -->

Damian Desia contacto@elbudismo.com.ar, sent on 2008-02-28

The Red Pamphlet


I recall receiving (I think) a red pamphlet at the W3C meeting in San Jose, California. I was covering the event for Webmonkey, and I remember grabbing the XML executive summary to share with my technologist folks my

the folks back at the office.

Obviously (because they could understand it) they thought it was awesomely cool. Unfortunately, it took a tiny bit longer -- like a decade -- to see

XML become an integrated part of Web building.




Matthew Margolin matt@mattmargolin.com, sent on 2008-02-27


Hats-off to W3c in reaching this height of glory. Its the W3C which made the technical world to turn towards XML. Thank you. As Im working on XML, this change had helped me and many peolpe in many ways. Sure this success will continue.

Indumathy indhufin@sify.com, sent on 2008-02-27


Wallah.......Keep goin on......

Rajesh rajeshdharwal@gmail.com, sent on 2008-02-27


Is excellent for working MS VS.

Lenin Tapia lenintapia@yahoo.com.mx, sent on 2008-02-27

Congratulations! XML!

Congratulations! XML!

Wu Li, sent on 2008-02-26

&ltfeliz evento="onomastico" /&gt



&ltmotivo&gtDecimo aniversario del XML&lt/motivo&gt


Pedro Cabrera Zuniga online@cazucito.com, sent on 2008-02-26

Happy Birthday

Hej XML,

10 years has passed very soon. In 1998, for the first time I went to the university in Iran and heard about XML at that time. Now I am studying Master in Sweden after 10 years and now I am writing a paper about Web

Services in JavaME and using XML.

wish your creators tons of years of success and happiness


Azadeh Abdolrazaghi aa_azadeh81@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-02-25


In retrospect the XML success story is just incredible, and the 10th February 1998 was a remarkable milestone for the IT-evolution in general:


Indeed I hope the evolution keeps going within the next 10 years: Inherent capabilities for handling overlapping/crossover-markup structures is my major wishful thinking for XML2018.

Denis Pondorf pondorf@email.com, sent on 2008-02-25

Greeting from Dusan

"Never in the field of information technology was so much owed by so many to so few. All hearts go out to the XML technology stack, whose brilliant

actions we see with our own eyes day after day…"

What do I have to say beyond this little Churchill paraphrase?

Happy birthday XML, and thanks for preparing the way for the whole new SOA-enabled world!

Dusan, sent on 2008-02-24


hi everybody

savitha raj rushtosavi@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-02-23

Happy 10th XML

The beauty of simplicity is that it allows so many other complicated things

to happen.

Thanks for the opportunities you've provided me, and the knowledge I have

gained from working with you.


Abraham Becker abrahambeck@verizon.net, sent on 2008-02-22

Anonymous greeting

int XmlAge = 10;

Do While (XmlAge==10)

{ printf("Happy Birthday XML!");


sent on 2008-02-22

10 years of Dream: XML in 10 years

I wish xml a (very)^(infinity) Happy Birth day. It looks like purely teen. I love it so much as it changed the way we are viewing the internet now.

It so easy sweet and make us to dream big as a web designer.

I love the logo of its 10th B'day. Its like a sweet teen with its dream. Thanks xml for being with us. Wishing a big success ahead. We love you....

Sanmaya kumar Dhal skd_astro@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-02-22

Wish XML All the Best!!!

It's a marvelous technology! Wish XML all the best!!!!

Tharaka Dhananjaya manawardhana@bcs.org, sent on 2008-02-22


Feliz cumpleaños XML, deceo que domines el cachito de mundo que nos



Eduardo goldman_coby@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-02-22


Happy Birthday to XML 10

Let's development

Vu Thanh TOAN vttoan@gmail.com, sent on 2008-02-27