W3C XML 10 Years
There is essentially no computer in the world, desktop, handheld, or backroom, that doesn't process XML sometimes...
On 10 February 1998, W3C published Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation. W3C would like to thank the dedicated communities -- including people who have participated in W3C's XML groups and mailing lists, the SGML community, and xml-dev -- whose efforts have created a successful family of technologies based on the solid XML 1.0 foundation.
XML Community Greetings
The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 419 to 401 (of 419 total) displayed below.
Congratulations and keep up the good work...
The computing community is proud of all you fine XML guys. Congratulations and keep up the good work...
Rahul Roy, sent on 2009-01-02Merry Xmas & happy new year, 2009
ferhat riad riadfr34@yahoo.fr, sent on 2008-12-31Happy 10 XML
Best wishes & continue working for the community IT.
Rolando Alvarez ralvare@upt.edu.pe, sent on 2008-12-30thanks
xml men
I thanks for xml but, yet,
I can't compeletly understand it
I hope to next ten years I can.
morteza moradi.c85@gmail.com, sent on 2008-12-29hi,XML1.0
I am cheering for you
robseabgreen robgreen@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-12-27love
γειασας !!!!
annoulakaki zizi1213@mail.ru, sent on 2008-12-24Happy New Year
It's New Year.........
I wish Upon the Stars
that your year is beautiful
with .....
A Spring Filled with JOY
A Summer Filled with Peace
A Autumn Filled with Love
A Winter Filled with Warmth
rajul rajul@bglindia.com, sent on 2008-12-25Merry Christmas!
Sending our wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season and New Year full of
promises and hope!
> From LuAnn, Steve, Tess and Charles
sent on 2008-12-25Grtzzz
Enhorabuena xml =)feliz navidad y prz a�o nuevo.
Felicidades desde Espa�a, La Rioja.
Antonio del Mazo cuentapri@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-12-25merry xmes
merry xmes
paul olivia111421@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-12-24Greetings
Happy XML and get your dream house on beautiful code...
riki dhamparan rikidhamparan@ymail.com, sent on 2008-12-24Felicidades!
Gustavo info@gprecambios.com, sent on 2008-12-23Thanks
With those tutorials even the biggest moron would be able to construct the
most sofisticated webpage.
BIIIG help!
Happy 2009 and continue helping!
STELLA poincare@terra.com.br, sent on 2008-12-22Happy Development through years
My best Wishes to the developers of XML for their laborious effort which has brought XML to a world recognition status and an easy as well as standard way of interaction in Computer.
Vidit Kothari vidit.trexaurus.pro@gmail.com, sent on 2008-12-22[zh-hans] 恭贺XML10年
Jankey Farry jankey_farry@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-12-21Thank You All!
A huge thanks to ev'ryone involved for giving us a shining example through the years.
Al Griffy alan@io.com, sent on 2008-12-20me too!
SGML was also my first intro to the markup language world ... we've come a long way ... in some ways... :)
Al Griffy alan@io.com, sent on 2008-12-20XCase
Hi there!
Have you discovered this?
Its XCase. It makes conceptual modeling of XML schemas possible!
Thanks for XML :)
sent on 2008-12-20My way
Thanks a lot for XML!
I started with SGML in 1990 - it was my way into the IT. Originally I studied philosophy of aesthetics but then I met Dr. Franz Hack and he became a very real friend. He tought me SGML in a high sophisticated
manner. I lost my way in arts but the new way is fascinating too.
Today I spent my time as project manager for projects in ...
... yes, XML and XSL.
Thank you again!
Jörn-Carsten Kamp j-c-k@j-c-k.net, sent on 2008-12-19