See also: IRC log
[going around the table]
<scribe> ACTION: Philippe to contact Adobe regarding their participation in Timed Text [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1 - Contact Adobe regarding their participation in Timed Text [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2008-09-17].
Next scribe will be Geoff
David: next week, same day, same time
Glen: I'm in GMT+8
... 7AM or 8AM in Boston would be better for me
Goeff: I could do 7AM, but 7:30AM
Philippe: can't do 8AM on Wednesdays
... but could on Fridays, 9AM
Resolution: Friday, 9AM US/Eastern
<scribe> ACTION: Philippe to book the Zakim bridge [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2 - Book the Zakim bridge [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2008-09-17].
Philippe: WGBH, Microsoft, BBC need to rejoin the Group
Geoff: screen subtitling: might want to have John Birch as invited expert
Philippe: what about IP?
Glenn: they had no knowledge in the past, and they can provide a letter
Philippe: sounds ok to me then
David: EBU (Franz De Jong) was also involved in the past
Sean: also been active in SMPTE as well
<scribe> ACTION: Philippe to follow up with EBU/Franz De Jong [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3 - Follow up with EBU/Franz De Jong [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2008-09-17].
<scribe> ACTION: Philippe to follow up with Screen Subtitling [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-4 - Follow up with Screen Subtitling [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2008-09-17].
Philippe and Glen should sync up
Glen will remain as editor
David: tight schedule!
Sean: unless we have a huge influx of new people, we don't really need one. Maybe after Last Call.
David: Goeff, any thoughts about the dynamic flow processing?
Geoff: I do, but need to post on the list
<scribe> ACTION: Geoff to send a proposal for the dynamic flow processing [recorded in]
Glenn: we spent time defining set of features. If
we can agree on those sets, we can document that for a presentation
... we can include an other profile that includes all of the features
... we can also list the requirements for processors
... don't try to remove features from the spec but instead keep them and
classify them into compliance mode
Philippe: we ought to remove features that are not implemented
Glenn: some features were adopted from CSS and
XSL, like bidi
... not of the existing processors support those
... but there are many other types of processors that implement those
... in the general case, there are implementations of those features
... what is the goal?
Philippe: implementation status of DFXP
David: there is also a role as an interchange
... we need to be clear on what it mean to be an implementation
Glenn: we can easily transform all the features
in a target format
... but it may be difficult to produce a presentation processor for all of
Philippe: agreed, we'll need to match our implementation requirements with our compliance mode(s).
David: indeed, the presentation role will include a subset of the features
Glenn: there are many specifications that do not
have presentation processors.
... conformance requirements for Unicode, but not requirements for Unicode to
have all characters being displayed.
... for features that we identify as information interchange, we define them
in semantic terms and we transform those into alternative representations
David: I wonder if we can use the CSS test suite...
Geoff: is the requirement is "to be transformed" or "to be transformed and displayed"?
Glenn: HTML if you recall does not define the
... it would be a disservice to remove features just because we couldn't
implement a presentator processor
... we need a good definition for features and implementations, make a
compelling case for that, and act along those lines
... as long as the feature can be transformed semantically should be
David: we need to check that the feature has been correctly transformed
Sean: as homework, let's all take a look at the features and classify them "presentation" or "transformation" role
Glenn: I did this in the past
... will dig this out
... the only feature I'm uncomfortable with is the dynamic flow text
... if we modify it, I could be more comfortable with it
David: what implementations of DFXP do we have
out there?
... Goeff Magpy, Microsoft work, BBC work, World Airline entertainment
association?, ...
Geoff: I'll put a list together for next week
David: also one open source software seems to support DFXP
Philippe: tests/test suite?
Glenn: My previous company did put together a test suite in the past
<scribe> ACTION: Glen to dig out the test suite/tests [recorded in]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Remain/Remind/ Found ScribeNick: plh Inferring Scribes: plh Default Present: +0154558aaaa, +1.978.852.aabb, +0154558aacc, +1.617.300.aadd, Plh, Sean, David, Glen Present: +0154558aaaa +1.978.852.aabb +0154558aacc +1.617.300.aadd Plh Sean David Glen Regrets: Dick Found Date: 10 Sep 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: glen goeff philippe[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]