See also: IRC log
<trackbot-ng> Date: 14 February 2008
<scribe> scribe: edm
<scribe> scribenick: edm
<scribe> agenda: f2f update
jo: questionnaire is now open to confirm/unconfirm attendance of the Seoul f2f
<jo> Seoul Questionnaire
jo: completing the questionnaire would be mandatory
... please complete within a week....
... DanA working on the agenda for the Mobile Wednesday event in Seoul
jo: need to confirm the Zaragoza location today - f2f during the week of June 9
<jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: JUne F2F to be held week of 9th June in Zaragoza
<Bryan> -1
<jo> +1
<matt> -1
<matt> This F2F, as with the one in March is in conflict with Voice Browser WG
jo: would like to request posting a questionnaire for the June f2f
... moving the date would require moving to a different location
<MartinJ> +1
jo: let's defer making a decision until it is clear if the meeting could be rescheduled yet remain in Zaragoza
<scribe> ACTION: matt to post a questionnaire re June f2f by Feb.21 [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-657 - Post a questionnaire re June f2f by Feb.21 [on Matt Womer - due 2008-02-21].
jo: nothing new to report re Content TF - no call this week
srowen: beta release of reference checker is now complete
... should be a near final version, but May release expected after remaining bugs are weeded out
<yeliz> mute yeliz
Kai: had a f2f last week in London - produced a revised charter and created first draft of MobileOk Pro tests
... draft MobileOk Pro test document to be available within a couple of weeks
<jo> ACTION-639?
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-639 -- Kai Scheppe to create a more elaborate charter with times, deliverables -- due 2008-02-12 -- OPEN
<jo> Proposed mobileOK Pro Charter
<srowen> (sorry, construction going on outside the window)
<jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Accept mobileOK Pro Charter as suggested by Kai under ACTION-639 modified to make clear ref black box testing
<inserted> Scribe: Jo
RESOLUTION: Accept mobileOK Pro Charter as suggested by Kai under ACTION-639 modified to make clear ref black box testing
<inserted> Scribe: edm
<Kai> ACTION: Kai to amend charter with black box part [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-658 - Amend charter with black box part [on Kai Scheppe - due 2008-02-21].
jo: suggests creation of a dedicated page for MobileOk Pro TF
<jo> ACTION: Scheppe to sort out administrative aspects of TF like a Web page [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-659 - Sort out administrative aspects of TF like a Web page [on Kai Scheppe - due 2008-02-21].
<jo> close ACTION-639
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-639 Create a more elaborate charter with times, deliverables closed
<jo> close ACTION-612
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-612 Write a charter for mobileOK Pro TF by January closed
Kai: most of the MobileOk Pro related admin issues have been dealt with
<jo> close ACTION-636
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-636 Put together a reasonble time table for completion of mobileOK Pro by the end of BPWG closed
<jo> close ACTION-648
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-648 Update the charter document based on output of F2F closed
<jo> ACTION-647?
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-647 -- Kai Scheppe to create a response to the concerns of the WG -- due 2008-02-13 -- OPEN
<jo> cloase ACTION-647
<jo> close ACTION-647
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-647 Create a response to the concerns of the WG closed
<jo> ACTION-643?
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-643 -- Kai Scheppe to post the test format to the list -- due 2008-02-12 -- OPEN
<jo> close ACTION-643
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-643 Post the test format to the list closed
Kai: Issue-236 requires a tool that emulates the DDC for testing
achuter: not much progress over the last week or two - same draft still in place
<jo> Resume from MEASURES
Yeliz: working now on V1 comparison document ...
... not clear when this will be completed - should have an idea next week
Achuter: there are WCAG2.0 provisions for using relative units of measure
... Mininimal Keystrokes and NAVbar BP points are not mentioned in WCAG2.0 as they are difficult to test...
... content w/o frames is usually easier to use by anybody ...
jo: break from WCAG for now - over to Bryan re BP2
Bryan: still collecting comments on the existing BP-2 draft...
... perhaps bringing up specific BP-2 topics on the public list may help ...
srowen: just sent a message to the list on that
<jo> ACTION: Bryan to raise specific points of discussion on Public List [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-660 - Raise specific points of discussion on Public List [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2008-02-21].
Sean message is at
srowen: we should clarify ADC ...
Bryan: ADC is a broader scope question - need to be resolved by the group...
srowen: concerned that not addressing the ADC assumptions could make specifcying BPs quite difficult
jo: perhaps we should raise the ADC issue and have another discussion on the public list
Kai: technical discussion should be on a public list ...
Bryan: but should the discussion of scope be on the public list?
<srowen> + 1 to discussing on the public list
Jo: yes - unless there are objections...
... back to review Alan's doc ...
<jo> Resuming from
achuter: there are non-text elements other than images...
jo: do not rely on the longdesc attribute of the img element which is often not supported
achuter: should clarify that plug-ins may interfere with assistive technology - or be unavailable in a mobile environment
... page titles are quite important in a disability context - using short titles (as per BP) may not be helpful
Yeliz: it is important to have descriptive titles - size matters less...
jo: ... albeit having short titles makes sense in a mobile context
kai: spelling out the issues does not necessarily help to resolve conflicting requirements (WCAG vs. mobile BP)
<achuter> yes
achuter: but there are also some WCAG - mobile BP synergies - e.g., having the most differentating info first does help...
<jo> [resume doc review at POP_UPs next time]
<jo> Pending Review
<jo> close ACTION-408
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-408 Propose a rewording of the relevant section re: Accept header closed
<jo> close ACTION-488
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-488 Think about making scribing less onerous to those who are new to it and those whose first language is not English closed
<jo> leave ACTION-529 open pending further efforts by Ed
<srowen> (this sounds defunct -- close it and let's move along)
jo: seems to be about mobileOk usage guidelines ...
<jo> close ACTION-545
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-545 Add about-me in moki closed
<jo> close ACTION-548
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-548 Set up simple web interface on top of Java library for Alpha release closed
<jo> close ACTION-588
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-588 With Dan to raise this document at next HCG meeting informing them of our intentions and soliciting input closed
jo: still working on
<jo> close ACTION-615
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-615 produce new draft closed
<jo> close ACTION-620
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-620 Raise issue of co-editorship vacancy closed
<srowen_> yes, prefer to take the time to finish off old actions
<srowen_> anything < 2008
edm promises to complete ACTION-530... soon...
<srowen_> 593 is defunct, it seems
<jo> close ACTION-593
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-593 Write a summary of preliminary work to be done for this working group to focus on Best Practices for Web applications closed
<jo> close ACTION-609
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-609 Get the work on the mobileOK test suite started closed
<jo> close ACTION-616
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-616 Circulate his thoughts on BP2 so that we set up an agenda closed
jo: still open ..
<jo> close ACTION-617
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-617 Plan for a call to review document and coordinate with OEWG on it. closed
edm: needs to work on
<jo> close ACTION-622
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-622 Add a section summarising the proposed values and proposed names to next draft of Guidelines closed
<jo> close ACTION-623
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-623 Recast the Requirements section as a Summary and make it accurate as compared with the details in section 4 closed
<jo> close ACTION-627
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-627 Make clear in the scope that we are talking browsing here closed
<jo> close ACTION-635
<trackbot-ng> ACTION-635 Summarize all the points that needs answers from mobileOK Pro TF closed
srowen: issues-210 and 214 recorded in bugzilla
jo: Checker Approval Criteria - - how do we know when the checker is done?
srowen: I guess all it should take is asking the WG memebers the do-you-approve question ?
... would remind the WG that this question wil be asked in ~2 months...
<abel_> bye
<yeliz> bye
<jo> s/must/muse/