Please note: The Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group is closed as of 1 July 2010.
The UWA Working Group focuses on extending the Web to enable distributed applications of many kinds of devices including sensors and effectors. Application areas include home monitoring and control, home entertainment, office equipment, mobile and automotive. (more details).
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Ubiquitous Web Applications WG Closed — 1 July 2010
As of 1 June 2010, the Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group is closed. The work of the UWA and it's predecessor, the Device Independence Working Group, represents nearly ten years of activity within W3C! I would like to thank all of the participants, editors, chairs and team contacts for all of their effort over the years. The Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity will remain open as it is home to the Geolocation and Device APIs and Policy working groups. Thanks again, -MattTPAC Lightning Talk — 4 November 2009
Rotan Hanrahan will be giving a lightning talk on behalf of Sailesh Sathish at the Technical Plenary about Delivery Context interfaces during the first Lightning Talks panel. He'll be talking about DCCI Use Cases and Requirements.