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<trackbot-ng> Date: 20 November 2007
<jo> Scribe: magnus
jo: main topics are draft of action 581
<jo> Draft in Text Form
andrew: Hycho Gerlach (sp?) from Vodafone Group will be joining the team
jo: Rhys has announced that he is unable to continue chairing this group due to work duties. Jo is interim chair. Contact Jo to propose others.
sean: looks like a good start
jo: will put into pretty format
after this meeting
... waiting for feedback during this meeting
bryan: buried preparing for OMA meeting. Will get comments to you by the end of the week.
andrew: haven't had a chance to review. Will do so over the next few days.
magnus: haven't had a chance to review yet
<jo> Draft in Text Form
jo: let's do a quick runthrough
now and then review it again after it has been formatted
... am I capturing the various contriobutions in a fair and
accurate way?
... starting with Magnus' document. Significant contribution
from Sean and others.
... make sure that they feel that their contributinos are
fairly represented
<jo> wanted to make sure that the statements of advantages from Aaron and Sean both were reflected in the landscape doc
jo: haven't followed the original
doc headers. Using a more natural flow based on who does
... in reflection of comments, especially from Brian, about
behavior of prxies, I hope that that point is fairly
... it's reasonable that administrative arrangemnts can be part
of the behavior of the transforming proxy
... user interaction can affect the transforming proxy or the
server itself. That is not a very big part of what this
document says now.
... If anybody feels differently we need to elaborate that.
Brian: there are 2 basic
approaches: one inside and one outside the technology
... focus is on what the user agent can know and not what the
user knows
jo: document focuses on
interaction with user-agent
... there is not much there on the subject of direct
interaction with the user
... The discussion focuses primarily on interaction with a
server that is assumed to be adapting or with multiple
... says nothing about redirection to specific mobile content.
Looking for contributions here.
Sean: is that such a big
... are we talking about CT unaware sites?
jo: my concern is that if we land
on a universal home page
... and are redirected, a varying header may not be
... how should a mobile experience signal that it is a mobile
Sean: you are looking for direction
Jo: yes, for instance google.m
may not have a varying header
... the algorithm may not work because the proxy doesn't know
what it is reaching
We need a use-case analysis anyway
scribe: Jo: there are specific
sections in the HTTP spec stating how to extend the
... are we at liberty to introduce new headers?
... looking for comments
Bryan: be careful about addition
of new headers
... content providers may want to becomae transformatino
... is "preserve headers" an example of something new?
Jo: yes
... another is "no-transform, allow-reencode..."
Bryan: whenever we introduce a
new header there are going to be conditions that we need to
... it should not break things that depend on header
... within bounds the stuff we add may influence the bahavior
of proxies
... if we do go down the path of adding headers it is going to
be complex to assess the consequneces
Jo: valid point. There are
differences in the type of transformations you undertake.
... you may simply compress files - that's a
... as is removing white space, transcoding images, etc
... we need something richer than "no-transform".
... We need a richer vocabulary. We need to invent something
Sean: It will be difficult to add new non-x-headers
<Andrew> Is this what the use of Vary tag could do?
Sean: are we talking x-headers ?
Jo: there are 2 different
... 1) inventing new headers
... 2) adding new value for existing headers
... extending cache-control headers seems less extreme
... otherwise we have rather blunt stuff
Sean: you think it's more about adding stuff to cache-control?
Jo: yes, that's right
... HTTP spec provides an example of how to extend
cache-control header
... however, it's an interpretation question
Sean: other headers that are extensible?
Jo: It's thje obvious
... It's backward compatible.
Bryan: I think we might need to
do is provide some introductory remarks
... transfer encoding is not in scope
Jo: I wish I could agree
<jo> A proxy MUST NOT modify or add any of the following fields in a message that contains the no-transform cache-control directive, or in any request: - Content-Encoding - Content-Range - Content-Type
Bryan: there's a difference
between content- and transfer-encoding
... we need to explain this
... be careful that we don't disable all optimization of
Jo: that is what we are tryiong
to do
... we need to be careful. Point taken.
... The thing we need to revisit is see what people think
... Can we add value without re-inventing things.
<jo> ACTION: JO to raise an issue on how useful this spec will be without HTTP extensions of some form [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-602 - Raise an issue on how useful this spec will be without HTTP extensions of some form [on Jo Rabin - due 2007-11-27].
Jo: please rview the text with
this in mind.
... RFC 2295
... Has anybody read this? It's experimental but implemented in
Apache as a module.
... We might consider borrowing from this.
... We can use some of the ideas.
... They are trying to do similar things.
... There are possibilities here. Keep this in mind while
reading the text.
... There is an extensive list of contributions to this
<Andrew> Zarkim, unmute me
Andrew: I wonder whether you can give us a quick synopsis of RFC 2295?
Jo: The now legendary RFC 2295
discusses a number of things. Content negotiation, variants,
... We are interested in the fact of that the descriptions can
include intended media types
... i.e. "this is intended for media type handheld"
... Our guess is that it has some degree of accpetance in the
... Feature negotiations are not implemented but worth
... Shows what people have thought in this area. Features are
things like "what language?", etc
... The introduction is moderately readable.
... It explains the conmtext.
... At this point, what remains is the text as proposed.
... Is there any point in running through it now?
... Does anybody want to go through the document?
... people seem to want to read it first.
... What is open on the problem statement?
<jo> Issues and Actions on Problem Statement
<jo> Close ISSUE-221
Close ACTION-563
Close ACTION-564
Close ACTION-565
Jo: on the guidelines we have an extensive list of actions and issues
<jo> Open Issues and Actions on Guidelines
<jo> ISSUE-187 Leave open
<jo> ISSUE-220 Leave Open
<jo> ISSUE-222 Leave Open, people should study the TAG finding
<jo> ISSUE-223, ISSUE-224 LEave Open
Close ACTION-540
Close ACTION-551
Close ACTION-552
Close ACTION-558
Close ACTION-566
Close ACTION-575
ACTION-581 Leave Open
Jo: this call continues to be
... On Tuesdays.
... Rhys has announced his departure from the task force on the
email list.
... Who is a good candidate to take over the chair?
<jo> [thanks to Magnus for scribing]
<jo> s/I am capturing/I am trying to capture/
<jo> s/handheld" in the URI/handheld"
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: i/jo:/Topic: Guidelines Draft Succeeded: s/sean/bryan/ Succeeded: s/new transform/no-transform, allow-reencode/ Succeeded: s/I agree/I wish I could agree/ Succeeded: s/probloem/problem/ Succeeded: s/Let's do that/people seem to want to read it first/ Succeeded: s/opne/open/ Succeeded: s/:e/Le/ FAILED: s/I am capturing/I am trying to capture/ Succeeded: s/accurate way/accurate way?/ Succeeded: s/there are specific/Jo: there are specific/ FAILED: s/handheld" in the URI/handheld"/ Succeeded: s/in the URI// Found Scribe: magnus Inferring ScribeNick: Magnus Default Present: Matt, Magnus, jo, AndrewSwainston, SeanPatterson, Bryan Present: Matt Magnus jo AndrewSwainston SeanPatterson Bryan Regrets: Rhys Agenda: Found Date: 20 Nov 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jo[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]